My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 211: The Secret of Master Devil Dove

"Wait to my house, what do you want?" asked Tianhuan God.

"I heard that the **** has a pen in the sky, and I ask the **** to give it." The magic dove went up to humanity, and his eyes were full of hope.

"The younger Taoists need to return to the ruins, so they seek a chance in the secret mansion of the gods." Qiu Hongji said.

"The younger generation asks the gods for a reading of "The Fragmented Lyra"." Qing Xueyin.

Yun Qianchen's original purpose was to return to the ruins of the ruins, but since he came in, he has been completely in a state of no effort. Naturally, he has no skin to open his mouth and share the benefits. He only has to travel now, if there is any other opportunity, let's talk about it.

Liang Ziqian originally thought it was a dead place, but he didn't know if it was a remnant soul or an obsession, but he still stayed here and never dissipated. The Bihuo Xuanjinyue is a treasure of the Heavenly King, so what did he do? Dare to ask for it? So I can only keep silent.

"Since you came here with my jade jue, you are considered to be predestined. I originally gave you some exercises and treasures, which is not a big deal, but what you ask for is not greedy except for "The Fragment of Lyra". A pen from Tianqing, returning to the ruins of the spirit world, hehe, they are all treasures of my town house. They need to open their mouths. Is this house opening a shantang? Or do you dare to speak such a wild word when you have the confidence to wait?" Tian Huan Shenjun said lazily, but the atmosphere became dignified.

Everyone smiled bitterly, who knows this situation in your secret palace? If you know that there are still thoughts or obsessions and even ghosts, even Mahayana monks should come in and think about it?

True Monarch ** even changed color on his face and was about to violently.

"If the **** thinks that I am too rude to wait for a request, I will naturally not dare to force it." Master Demon Dove, Qiuhong and Qing Xueyin said.

"San Gong." Tianhuan Shenjun said lazily.

"Master, please give orders." The old man who led the way earlier replied respectfully.

"Go to my study and see where the "Lianqin Fragment" is. This little girl wants it. Give it to her. Anyway, I can't understand the rhythm."

"This..." The old man was embarrassed.

"Isn't what I'm talking about?" God Lord Tianhuan sighed.

"The old slave follows the decree of the gods." The old man was ordered to leave.

"You are going to leave now? Tianqing's pen is the best at calming the mind, strengthening the righteousness and exorcising demons. It is known as the dead end of one-stroke painting. I think you juniors practice the Xuanmen branch. Although it is not as stable as the orthodox method, it can still return after all. Dadao, it's a pity that you seem to inject the blood of your lower bird into your body, causing the physical body to change, and you can't suppress it, isn't it?" Tianhuan Shenjun said casually.

" do you know?" Master Demon Dove was so shocked that his soul was frightened. This can be said to be his biggest secret thing. He was accidentally broken by Tianhuan God. How could he not be surprised?

"Tsk tusk, in your bloodline, filth is mixed, animal nature lurks, it is all suppressed by your heart, causing your cultivation base to stagnate, but you think it is a delusion, and you want to use a pen from Azure to resolve the demons, yes. Isn't it?"

This time Master Demon Dove simply knelt down neatly: "Please God for guidance!"

"Huh? Don't you just kneel down to heaven and earth, Taoist ancestors, parents, teachers?"

"The gods are as powerful as the sea, and the younger generations are deeply admired. They are suitable for giving advice to the younger generations on the road, just like the junior masters. It is also right to kneel down and thank you."

"You know the opportunity, little girl, what use do you use to return me to the ruins of the world?" Tianhuan God Lord ignored him, but asked Qiu Hong.

"The younger Taoists want to refine their natal creations and need the most precious earthy treasures. The younger ones heard that the secret palace of the gods is present, so they came to ask for a chance."

"This God Lord here is born from the Guixu Spiritual Land. You dragged the Guixu Spiritual Land away, where is the secret mansion of the God Lord standing?" Tianhuan God Lord asked indifferently.

"The juniors don’t know how important it is in the secret mansion of the gods. It’s the junior Meng Lang who dare not ask any more." Qiuhong sighed inwardly. Air burst.

"Guixu's spiritual soil is gone, but Kunji's thick soil has some." Tianhuan Shenjun said with a smile.

Qiuhong's eyes brightened, Kunji Thick Soil is stronger than Guixu Spiritual Land in terms of self-reliance, vitality, thickness, return to Tibet, and suppression. Guixu Spiritual Land is soil but also contains Yin. If it is for Guixiu, of course it is. It’s an incredibly good top-quality treasure of heaven, material and earth, but for a stranger, Kunji thick soil is naturally much better. If you can obtain some Kunji thick soil in the hands of the gods of heaven, the crafted creation must be stronger than Back to the ruins of the land.

"Pray for God to point out a way to live! Please God to point out a way to live!" Master Demon Dove over there listened to Tianhuan God and Qiuhong talking about speculation, it seems that Qiuhong will be given a treasure later, but the **** on his own side I didn't pay much attention to it, and my heart was very anxious. I didn't care about that much, and interrupted the conversation between the two of them.

"You are so brave! You dare to intervene when the **** speaks!" The real monarch suddenly broke out.

"Chi Zhenjun, a guest from afar, this is unreasonable, don't care about it." Tianhuan God Jundao.

"Yes." That ** Zhenjun Chi stopped speaking.

"I think your practice seems to be the "Beast God Technique", the secret book of the Palace Town School of the Divine Beast, which is far away, but it seems to be repaired. Why do you inject the blood of the beast into yourself?" Tianhuan God Lord asked.

"The first part of the Secret Code says that humans will cultivate the beasts, and the beast blood will feed back... Isn’t it the return of the blood of the beast and the beast? But we have done this for many years, and after absorbing the blood of the beast with the secret method, The connection with the natal beast is closer, it is easier to control, and the cultivation base advances extremely quickly..." Master Demon Dove said in confusion.

"You are the way to take death. The human body is the treasure of the world. As long as you are a monk, you know that when you are practicing, you must constantly remove impurities from your body for clarity. Even those natural Taoists have an advantage when they practice. The treasure body was born, and was jealous of the sky, and the sky thunder came down. This sky thunder is not a test. If there are natural Dao bodies such as the pure body, the Qibao glazed body, etc., as long as the middle way is not aborted and the inheritance is proper, then at least it is predetermined I'm in the position of God of Crossing Tribulation."

"But... I'm waiting for the inheritance of Mingming cultivation base to advance very quickly!" God Lord Tianhuan is talking about the knowledge of the bad road. Where does Master Demon Dove don't know? But the sect has been passed down for so many years, who has said that it is wrong? If it weren’t for the gods to point out in person, he would only be farting as the speaker, but his heart was teleported: "Is the Zongmen really going astray?"

"Of course fast. Originally, your sacred beast palace is the way to control the beast. It is actually using the blood of the beast to temper your physique. The demon qi and the human body are spiritually repelled. After inhaling the demon qi, let it mix with spiritual power and boil, the process It’s very painful, but it’s the pure monster energy refined by spiritual power that drives it away, and returns to the monster beast. After the monster **** back this pure monster energy, it benefits a lot, and the human body is also polished in this process, so , Your sect’s method of cultivation is an extremely stupid, yet extremely sophisticated technique for refining the body. I never thought that your junior ancestors created a method of absorbing the blood of monsters and beasts, making it different from body training. , Dharma cultivation is not like Dharma cultivation. The cultivation level seems to improve very quickly, but it destroys the treasure of the world. I guess the highest cultivation in your sect is about the fit?" Tianhuan God Lord sneered.

Master Demon Dove said in despair, "That's wrong, that's the case, it turns out that we were wrong, we were all wrong, we are obviously treasures, but we are regarded as roots, and the extremely stupid and unpleasant way before the golden core is the right way. , Jin Dan's blood contract method turned out to be a crooked way."

"God, do I still have a way to get back to the right path?" Master Demon Dove said mournfully.

"I don’t know the method of your family. It’s just that, the more you practice this method later, the stronger the animal nature will be in your mind, and eventually you will even become beasts in appearance. I guess, the elders of your family’s sect. , Once you reach the Mahayana realm, you will retreat for many years, or even leave the Zong far away? Hey, the dignified true monarch has to endure the suffering of beastization, and even has to suppress the killing instinct in the animal nature, a dignified branch of the profound door , Almost turned into an evil cultivator, you can really toss! No wonder, back then, I heard that your beast palace had moved away from Zhonglu and fled overseas. It has become a big puzzling case in the middle of the road. Ask you the beast palace. People of, you have been secretive, for a long time, it’s you juniors who don’t know the reason, you really laughed at the gods...tsk tsk, don’t cry, let the gods think about it, um...perhaps too It’s not impossible to imagine. If you can find a body-changing technique, you may be able to do it. However, if there is this kind of holy method of life-giving-for-life casting, it is estimated that your minor repairs in a beast palace are also for you. Not possible."

Master Demon Dove looked desperate. He knew that if he couldn't think of a way, he would eventually miss the Dao. Seniors in the sect would become mysterious and mysterious when they were in the conjugal stage, but Tianhuan God did not know. The former Zhonglu sect, the Beast God Palace, has now been renamed the Warcraft Palace. Deep in the secret realm of the Warcraft Palace, there are all kinds of strange and strange combination realm monsters. It is difficult to achieve those who have lost their traces. At this moment, the demon Master Dove has never felt that he hates the "Xianzu" master who created the method of absorbing the blood of monsters and spirits!

What's more hateful is that in order to speed up the practice, we must constantly absorb more and stronger monster blood, and only with stronger monster blood can suppress and neutralize the animal nature hidden in the soul. So I ran off the road and rode Juechen, but I couldn't pull it back. Every time I got the blood of a stronger monster, I would be happy. Am I stupid?

Everyone suddenly realized it, no wonder Master Demon Dove showed a violent look from time to time, and said that he wanted to find a pen in Azure, only saying that he was invaded by a heart demon, and it turned out that the animal nature could not be suppressed!

"Actually, the method of your family cannot be said to be completely wrong. Just keep hunting more powerful monsters, and naturally you can break through the realm all the way. The problem is, you have to break through the Mahayana realm to the Tribulation realm. You need to hunt the monster beasts of the Tribulation Realm to obtain the essence and blood. Where can the monsters of the Tribulation Realm come in this world? Not to mention the Tribulation and Immortality. Without the blood of a fairy-level beast, how can you transcend the Tribulation and rise to the immortal, so, This technique is not bad if it is in the immortal realm, but in the human realm, it is just empty talk. In this realm, this cultivation method is a dead end." Tianhuan God Lord’s voice has infinite compassion.

"If you dare to take a gamble, you might as well give up this skin, grind away the animal nature from the soul, and reincarnate again, but there will be trouble again. Only when you break through the Nascent Soul Realm will you have a chance to retain a little true spirit and break the fetus. Zhongzhi Mi, if you break through the Nasal Infant, the beast soul and the human soul will become one body. There is no way to eliminate the beast soul. Haha, this **** is laughing to death. I have never seen such a tightly stuck thing. It just happens to be almost nothing. "Tianhuan Shenjun laughed twice.

The cultivators are terrified. I'm afraid it's not a god's punishment, right? As Tianhuan Shenjun said, I have never seen such a thing that happens to be stuck, almost everything, I can't help but have deep pity for Master Demon Dove, but I can't help being a little farther away from him, I'm afraid that he will be emotionally agitated. , A man who couldn't control his attacks frantically, building a foundation and making minor repairs, was not enough for the Golden Core Peak monk to fist.

"Tsk tusk, you are really unlucky, I think about it, what can be done? It's too interesting... well, if it turns to ghost repair, the way to remove impurities from the soul... No way, no, the price is too high, the price is too high. It’s totally disagreeable. It can be suppressed for a while by changing the method of evil cultivation. Yes, to suppress animality, human nature can be used to suppress animality." Tianhuan Shenjun wrote lightly, but everyone heard the body chill, and using humanity to suppress animality, is it necessary to do it again? Infused with human blood?

"The god's meaning is to strengthen the humanity in the blood, and then it can dilute the beastly?" A light called hope appeared in the eyes of the master demon dove.

"It seems feasible in theory. If you get the essence and blood of a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage and inject it with animal blood, it is also possible. After all, humans and beasts are creatures under the realm of heaven. Whoever says that humans cannot be regarded as beasts. Isn’t there so many methods of ecstasy and enslavement? What is the theoretical difference between controlling beasts and controlling beasts?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the monks below were even more earthy. They had long been used to listening to the elders saying that human beings are the growth of all souls, and they can be proud of being born, but at this time, in front of Tingjixiu, the human race and the orcs have nothing to do. The difference, let them not be surprised.

"The question is here, where do you go to find a way to purify the soul?" The voice of God Lord Tianhuan sounded extremely happy. It must be the experience of Master Demon Dove that has brought some freshness to his boring life.

"God, I got the Fragmented Lyra Scroll." As he was speaking, the old man walked in with a jade plate holding a scroll of bamboo books.

"Ah, that little girl, the "Fragmented Lyra Scroll" you want is here." Tianhuan God Jundao.

"Is it really fortunate for the younger generation to read it?" Qing Xueyin asked, this thing is too weird. If it is something without an owner, it will be taken if you take it, but it is obviously a thing with a master. This **** is so generous, even It can be said that all questions are answered, and the attitude is kind..., and it is not the elders of their own teachers, is such a good thing, is it because your own teachers have a large rank? It's impossible to think about it, my own sect is also a true monarch of the body, and the true monarch of the body is just a gatekeeper here!

"Yeah, it's a small request. If you can do it, why don't you just send it to you?" God Sovereign Tianhuan waved his hand generously.

"God, please order!" Qing Xueyin is very risky. If she doesn't know the severity and thinks that there is a disadvantage, after reading it, Tianhuan God will set the conditions. Should he agree or agree? Having raised himself to five realms, I'm afraid I can't resist if I don't agree!

"What do you tell me, I'll talk later, that little girl, don't you want the earthly treasures of the earth genus? There is one thing, if you can do it, you can also send you a thumb-sized Kunji thick soil. !" Tianhuan Zhenjun Road. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 211 The Secret of Master Devil Dove) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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