My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 212: Chisato Akaji

"I'm afraid I'm waiting for the low level of cultivation, and I missed the important matter of the god!" Qing Xueyin and Qiuhong looked at each other, and the two of them were at a loss. Even the gods could not handle things, what is the best thing for my own group of foundation-building cultivation bases? ?

"Just let you pick something for me. I can do it myself, but there are other important things I can't do." Tianhuan Shenjun said calmly.

Qiuhong reluctantly said: "I don't know what God wants me to wait for?"

"My God Sovereign Mansion is located in the middle of the Ziqing Mountain. The place you are going to is the extreme west of the Ziqing Mountain Range. It is the place where the sun and energy of my secret mansion is most abundant. Please bring me some gold branches with the flame pattern. "Tianhuan Shenjun sighed.

"The gods did not dare not follow the instructions, but in this secret palace, there are many crises. How can I get to the extreme west?" Master Demon Dove is bold, and the land of no owner can of course be destroyed indiscriminately. Safety is the main priority, but obviously this is a place of ownership. Even if you help the owner to do something, but the owner’s house is demolished, can the owner be happy?

"This secret mansion is secluded by the Lord of God. If you hold my token, you will naturally not touch any formations." A piece of jade talisman flew in front of God Lord Tianhuan, and Master Demon Dove caught it.

"If you do this thing well, this **** will naturally not treat you badly. In addition to these three things, other dao friends, this **** will also have a great appreciation." Tianhuan God Jundao.

Everyone was apprehensive, but listened to the Lord and said: "If you have no comments, please go now."

When everyone heard him talk about this, they couldn't. They had to leave the temple of the gods, accompanied by the old man's three sons, and walked all the way to the west before stopping.

"Sister, I always feel that this is not quite right. Even if the gods are left with only the souls and remnants, they can still be converted to ghost practice. Moreover, he is not a true king, or a real person, why do you want us? Xiaoxiu can do this for him?" Tang Xiaoqian asked.

"It's not easy? The strongest place of Yang He Qi is very harmful to Gui Xiu, presumably that is the case, he wants to borrow us living people to get him the golden branch of Yan pattern." Master Demon Dove said coldly, hitting himself. Hearing the news in his sect from the **** of Tianhuan, his mood became unhappy.

"Junior Brother Xiaoqian, I also think this is a bit weird, but I don't see a clue for a while, but this fact has nothing to do with you, so why don't you leave first." Qiu Hong said.

"Senior Sister, what are you kidding? Since they come in together, then leave together." Tang Xiaoqian shook his head and said.

"Yes, if you want to leave, don't ask the Master? The place where the golden branches of the flame pattern are produced is not known to be dangerous. If you leave, if there is a change, how can the Master be able to deal with it alone?" The master sneered. This shows that you guys don’t want to run away. There is a threat hidden in your attitude. At this moment, his wealth and life are all at the Tianhuan God, so how can you care about which sect’s disciples these people are? For people who are greedy for life, one more time can be achieved by any means.

The expressions on everyone's faces are very ugly, but how many people are at a lower level of cultivation. At this time, Master Demon Dove is already desperate, is it possible to fight him?

In the mansion of the gods.

"God, will these people escape from the middle way?"

"There is no way to escape, who told me that I only have a garish left now? Long Yuan can't last long."

"I only hope that the concubine can last longer this time."

"It's been long enough, and I'm tired too."

If the crowds are scattered and cultivators become poor dogs, how can they have the money to buy flying magic artifacts? Under impatience, Master Demon Dove's demon dove became extremely huge, and it directly photographed the masses on the back and flew towards the extreme west. Master Demon Dove got the jade talisman from Master Tianhuan from time to time. Just shining, it was obvious that they had passed through some formation when they passed, and the attack was stopped by the jade charm.

"In this secret palace, there are really many crises!" Master Demon Dove muttered, his face was very ugly, if it weren't for this jade talisman, I'm afraid that people like myself would fill up these formations!

Everyone is flying in the air, so they don’t want to walk in the mountains. They have to consider the terrain and route. The speed is much faster. But for that, it’s still nearly two days before approaching the extreme west, but the heat in the air is getting worse. As it grew stronger, the mountains gradually became mounds, dotted with a little greenery. After a while, the hotter and hotter the soil on the ground no longer cemented, and it slowly spread out and turned into a desert. The ground is full of yellow, undulating high and low, full of sand dunes.

The farther horizon was faintly red, and Master Demon Dove cursed: “It’s so hot, it’s just a land of Yang and He? How about coaxing ghosts? I’m afraid it’s just like that in the land of Red Flames, right? Yan pattern gold branches!"

Seeing this vast expanse of desert, I’m afraid it’s thousands of miles away, not to mention the golden branches of flames, and you can’t even see a small oasis. When you first enter the desert, you can still see a few scorpions, snakes, lizards, etc., waiting for them. After flying in the air for nearly a day, even these drought-tolerant creatures are no longer seen. It can be said that they are thousands of miles away, and the devil's dove holding more than ten people is more like entering an oven, becoming more and more languished.

Everyone is a monk, and their ability to tolerate drought is much stronger than that of ordinary people, because monks can control themselves to close pores to reduce water loss, but the skin is clogged. Over a certain period of time, it will still bring extremely serious consequences. Storage There will be some water stored in the space, but how can everyone think that they need to go deep into the desert to pick a gold branch with a flame pattern? Even when water was saved, everyone's mouth was covered with a shell.

"What's over there!?" Liang Ziqian suddenly exclaimed, and the people who were so dizzy by the heat in the air heard his exclamation and suddenly raised their spirits.

Liang Ziqian drew a big solitary line in the air along the shuttle under his feet, and flew towards what he saw.

Everyone followed him around, only to see that a small red dot was slowly moving in the yellow desert.

"How can there be anyone in this dead place?" Qiu Hong asked in confusion. For the convenience of coordinating, Tang Xiaoqian did not release his flying boat, and stood beside Qiu Hong. After hearing her question, Tang Xiaoqian said:

"Senior Sister, how do I feel...this thing is getting more and more wrong?"

As they flew closer and closer, a group of casual cultivators had been in the world for a long time. At this time, they all raised their vigilance. When they got closer, they finally saw the red dot. He was a man with red clothes and red hair. Looking at the curve of her figure, she seemed to be a woman, watching her strolling among the sand dunes unhurriedly, her feet extending far behind her, she didn't know how long she had walked.

After approaching the woman, everyone fell to the ground and Master Demon Dove shouted: "That fellow Taoist, I will come to collect the gold branches with the flame pattern. Do fellow Taoists know where that thing is?"

The woman walked forward slowly, but she turned a blind eye.

Master Demon Dove has an ugly face, when did you encounter such a thing?

The woman got closer and closer, and everyone could see that she was a woman with a fair complexion and an extremely beautiful face. Under the red gauze, her skin was as white as milk. The only thing that made people feel uncomfortable was that one. Long flaming hair, dragged straight down to the waist, if it is black hair, it would be perfect.

But this woman is beautiful, but there is no expression on her face, and she turns a blind eye to everyone.

Master Demon Dove sensed it secretly, but he didn't feel that this woman had a cultivation level. Although walking alone in this desert would be too weird, but relying on the cultivation level of the Golden Core Peak, he stretched out his hand to stop her. I felt a little wrong, but in order to get the Yanwen gold branches as soon as possible, I didn't care about that many.

"Are you my husband sent to pick me up?" She seemed to wake up from the wandering, and slowly looked towards Master Demon Dove, her voice was slightly hoarse, but sweet and full.

"Madam, who is your husband?" Master Demon Dove heard her reply, and his mood finally calmed down.

"When will my husband send someone to pick me up?" the woman frowned.

"Madam, do you know where is the gold branch with the Yan pattern? We have been looking for it for a long time!" Master Demon Dove asked this question after hearing her over and over, his face faded, and his heart became impatient.

"You weren't sent by your husband to pick me up. Your husband doesn't want me anymore." The woman murmured while her face was clear.

"It turned out to be a fool!" Master Demon Dove snorted coldly.

"You just wanted to kill me." The woman slowly turned her face, staring at the Demon Dove on the Human Dao.

"Pretend to be a god!" Master Devil Dove was fascinated by the look in her eyes, and stepped back.

"Anyone who wants to kill me must die." The woman followed the previous step, and everyone backed away.

She slowly rolled her eyes and glanced at everyone. Everyone she saw felt a chill from behind.

"Anyone who wants to kill me must die!" The woman's eyes gradually turned red.

"Wait, we are the people who do things for the gods!" Master Demon Dove felt wrong. This woman has no cultivation level. She is obviously a person with extremely high cultivation level. She gradually exudes aura, slowly turning away the godlessness. His eyes passed the crowd again.

"My husband won't come to pick me up!" The woman's complexion was dumb, and suddenly everyone felt that there was a flash of red light in front of her eyes, and with a bang, Master Demon Dove was struck back again and again, and she rolled down from the ridge formed by the sand.

The heat in the air is higher, and it hurts to breathe in the mouth.

"She...she..." Master Demon Dove spit out a big mouthful of blood, raised his head and said with difficulty.

When everyone saw that the person on the Golden Core Peak was not the enemy of this woman, they were shocked and backed away.

"It was actually blocked?" The woman lowered her head and looked at her hand, with a surprised expression on her face, and slowly raised her head.

A red light passed by, and the first person to spot this woman was Liang Ziqian. He followed closely behind Master Demon Dove. Master Demon Dove was knocked off the sand ridge, and he stood at the forefront. This woman was attacking. He saw a flash of brilliance on his body, it seemed that some body protector was activated, there was a crisp sound, followed by the sound of cloth tearing, his chest was caught with deep blood marks, and his chest muscles suddenly ooze out The blood comes.

The woman returned to the original place and raised her hand. Everyone saw that her hand was dripping with blood and her fingernails had grown more than three inches long. She leaned her hand to the end of her nose and smelled it. After closing her eyes, there was finally an expression on her face, but her drunken expression made everyone panic.

"Escape!" Qiu Hong shouted, throwing something into the sand in his hand, and when those things got into the sand, they exploded, raising the sky full of dust. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 212 Chidi Thousand Miles) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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