My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 213: drought

Tang Xiaoqian reacted very quickly, eagerly recruiting Feizhou, he knew that those casual cultivators had already joined Qiuhong, so naturally he didn't want to give up.

"Come up!"

Those casual cultivators jumped on his and Qiuhong's flying boat one after another, and fled to the road.

There was a thundering sound, the sky full of flames burst out of the sand, and the extreme flames struck. Everyone only felt that their backs were scorched by fire. When they looked back boldly, they were so scared that their souls were scattered. The demon dove under the seat of Master Demon Dove actually Being lifted high by the woman in her hand, the devil's neck has been broken, blood gushing down, and it is falling in the woman's mouth. The splash of blood fell on the woman as if it were on red iron. On the board, there was a scoffing sound.

Master Demon Dove was injured by the woman just now. At this moment, the body of the demon beast was killed, and another big mouthful of blood spurted out. He almost fell from the flying carpet he had recruited. His eyes were panic and he looked back. , Roared:

"She is not a human! She is a drought! She is a drought!"

Drought is neither life nor death. It is not governed by the three realms of heaven, earth and man, nor is it belonging to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the corpse. There are three types of bones, bones, and droughts. It is said that they all have earth-shaking power. Even if the Lord Crossing the Tribulation Dao takes the droughts, there is no effective way to kill them, at most it is just suppression.

However, this drought seems to have shrunk a lot. If it can compete with Lord Crossing Tribulation, these little monks will explode if they are blown by the opponent's breath, right?



There was a scream full of resentment, and everyone felt dizzy.

"She ate blood food and became stronger! She became stronger!" Liang Ziqian received a blow from her, and shouted wildly at this time. Everyone realized that this drought has been in this secret house for many years, all the way. After the trip, a large number of densely packed killings, presumably to seal her in this desert, no blood to eat, this drought slowly weakened, but these people just happened to be sent to her who was hungry and unbearable. Mouth!

"God Tianhuan deliberately let us come to die! Get out! Seal this secret mansion, you must not let her go to Haogang Star!" Yun Qianchen said in surprise.

"If you want to escape, you have to rely on the treasure in Master's hand! Who will keep her away?" Master Demon Dove was full of fresh mouth, dyed a mouthful of white teeth blood red, and said with a grinning smile.

Everyone in the flight is silent now, who can live and die? But the token of the past is in the hands of Master Demon Dove, and his cultivation base is far superior to everyone! At this moment when he said this, everyone pulled his magic weapon and creation away from him.

"Master is now a bad life, the path is over, you choose someone to go down by yourself, don't force the Master to turn your faces!" Master Demon Dove said sharply, then coughed again and again, and vomited a large mouthful of blood.

He saw that everyone looked at him with a strange look, knowing that he was injured. These people started thinking, laughed strangely, and suddenly accelerated, passing by Tang Xiaoqian Feizhou, a casual repairer was knocked down by him.

"Don't think you are thinking about something, the master doesn't know, come on! Come and try? Drop that kid, if you lead away the drought demon, your companion will take care of your family!" Master Demon Dove grinned and said to his chest. A pain, another spurt of blood, his face became more and more decayed.

The Drought Man seemed to be unable to fly. It only relied on its foot power to chase, and smoke and dust billowed all the way, like an earth dragon attacking. Qiu Hong and others knew they were not the opponents of Master Demon Dove, so they had to endure the anger in their hearts and speed up to escape.

"She was not led away! She is still chasing here!" Suddenly a freelancer exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the Landed San Xiu really ran away in different directions, thinking that he had accepted his fate. At this time, he just wanted to draw the drought away. Who knew that the sand and dust dragon aroused by the drought completely ignored the person. , Just coming in the direction of everyone.

"Disperse! We are together, the blood is too strong!" Seeing that the drought is getting closer and closer, Qing Xueyin shouted.

"Qi and blood?" Everyone's eyes focused on Master Demon Dove and Liang Ziqian. Can't it be said that the smell of blood after these two injured attracted Drought?

"Senior Sister!" Tang Xiaoqian shook his hand and threw a white light, driving the flying boat to another direction. Qiu Hong raised his hand to catch the white light. It turned out to be a sound transmission talisman. He immediately understood Tang Xiaoqian's meaning, separated from the crowd, and chose a direction to escape. .

These two took the lead, and the other sect disciples immediately dispersed. Liang Ziqian said anxiously: "Sage Xueyin!"

Qing Yinxue ignored him, just speeded up and left.

"The tokens for going out are here with Master, don't you plan to go out?" Master Demon Dove shouted with a sullen face.

No one answered him, only he and Liang Ziqian were still desperately speeding up and fleeing out of the desert.

Liang Ziqian gritted his teeth: "Master, I'm sorry, I'm afraid this drought is not chasing you, or chasing me. She is too fast, I'm afraid we can't escape like this, so let's cherish it!"

He also turned a big bend and obliquely got out of the straight track and fled to the other side.

"Sure enough, it was chasing him! Junior brother, why is this?" Qiu Hong asked with a sound transmission talisman looking at the sand-dust dragon that had no intention of turning.

"Golden core! He is the golden core!" Tang Xiaoqian's voice came from the sound transmission note.

Qiu Hong suddenly realized that there are monks in the Golden Core Realm here, with strong blood and long vitality, where can be compared to monks in foundation building? There are obviously swallow-winged abalones there. Would you choose pickled cabbage?

"When she killed Master Demon Dove, we went to the corpse and fetched the token and escaped!" Qiu Hong said loudly.

"I'm afraid that she killed Master Demon Dove, sucked his blood, and recovered more... I'm afraid this time it was doomed!" Tang Xiaoqian's tone was full of despair.

"It's not the end! Don't give up!" Qiu Hong drove Feizhou past the downed cultivator, and then San Xiu grabbed the jumped cultivator by the hand and drew him up.

"Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!" The monk had already embraced a mortal heart, but at this time he escaped from birth, his lips trembled, his mood fluctuated, and he was really inhumane.

"Junior Brother, what shall we do now?" Qiu Hong shook his hand, saying that it would be OK to continue talking with Tang Xiaoqian.

"Find a place to hide for two days, and then turn around to see if you can find the token." Tang Xiaoqian hesitated. He also knew that there was little hope. It is probably the idea that people who escaped now make this idea. One step at night, the token will be obtained by others. , By then, will anyone wait in the same place stupidly?

"Should we get together?" Qiu Hong asked.

"Never, the drought can sense qi and blood. There are too many of us, and it will definitely become her goal!"


Three days later.

"Qu Jingxian, do you know where this is?" Qiuhong and the others scurried around in the desert like frightened birds. After flying for two days, they turned back and found that they seemed to be lost!

"Lord, there are no stars in the sky to determine the position, we can't find the ground." Qu Jingxian said in dejection.

"How much water do you have?" Qiu Hong asked.

"Not much. We don't have storage space. How can we enter this desert?"

"I still have some here, please save it!" Qiuhong frowned, took out the water sac from the space, and handed it to Qu Jingxian. In fact, there is not too little water in her space, but at this time, I don't know if I am in this desert. How long it will take to go, naturally dare not waste water.

"Junior Brother! Junior Brother!" Qiu Hong took out the sound transmission talisman and shouted a few times, but there was no response, thinking that the distance was too far, the formation between the two talisman had been disconnected, and it could no longer be contacted.

After another two days, Qiuhong stopped urging Zhenyuan to speed up and flee, so he let the flying boat float slowly in the air, but kept looking around in his eyes, hoping to find a familiar scenery, but he looked very hard. They were all about the same rolling sand dunes, and her heart slowly became desperate.

The rations that the casual practitioners were carrying were almost exhausted, and they were even relying on her to share some water with them. At this time, everyone's eyes were red with blood.

Qu Jingxian approached Qiuhong and whispered: "Lord, yesterday my subordinates heard that they were disrespectful to the Lord. It's a critical moment of life and death, I'm afraid they are no longer reliable."

"Got it."

"Everyone." Qiu Hong clapped his hands.

Seven or eight loose repairers on the flying boat raised their heads.

"It's no way for us to fly like this. It's better to divide the soldiers into two ways." Qiu Hong said.

"Master, we don't have a magic weapon for flying, how do we divide our troops into two?" There was a sullen path for a casual repairman.

"I have, I have a flying boat, who wants to share it over there?" Qiuhong asked.

"Master, but we don't have water or food. If we separate the two sides, wouldn't we have to live with hunger and thirst?" San Xiu raised his head and asked.

"The water and food are divided into half. Everyone is headless at this time, and there is more hope after separating the two sides." Qiu Hong said.

"The Lord is easy to calculate. I wait to follow the Lord to find a way to survive on this path. Is the Lord to abandon me? How do we know that the Lord is really divided into half and We? It's better to take a look at the space of all things with us." Said San Xiu Kang.

"You all think so?" Qiuhong sneered, and Qiu Shui's pupils swept across these monks with chills.

"I would like to die for the Lord, and I will not fail." Qu Jingxian stood up and walked to stand beside Qiuhong.

Another monk's face blushed and white, and finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "Since I started practicing, I never thought that I could cultivate a famous temple. I was humiliated a lot, but the Lord never despised me. , Although I haven’t pledged yet, I don’t want to do anything to betray the Lord! I also want to live up to it! You are discussing and grabbing the Lord’s resources, and I’m furious, I really don’t bother to be with you anymore. Leng Xing is willing to be the Lord. Effectively die!"

Leng Xing also stood beside Qiu Hong.

The faces of the five cultivators on the opposite side suddenly became ugly. Such things are exposed in public, and they are not glorious. It is even shameful to betray the master.

"You share half of the food and water, and Feizhou will have one with you. If you like, you will go on either side. If you don't want to, let's change your life. Let's see if the three of us can deal with the five of you." Qiuhong nodded to the two of them. Nodding, with frost on his face, said to the five people.

"Thank you Fairy." The man didn't want to fight to death, his face changed and he finally made a decision.

With a cold face, Qiu Hong took out a small flying boat, activated it to become bigger, and divided some water and food on it.

"Everyone, do it yourself!"

The flying boat drew an arc in the sky and drove in another direction. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 213 Drought) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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