My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 216: Rescue success

After landing, the three people walked down from the sand slope, only to find that the sand **** extends straight to a deeper point. Some plants such as lichens and moss are gradually growing on the wall of the cave, which is slightly visible. Knowing how far he was, he was finally down to earth. It was no longer the soft sand and gravel that was sunken down, and there was gradually more moisture in the air.

The three of them looked around. Although the light provided by the luminous plants was weak, their eyesight was strong, but they also saw the surroundings clearly. This is a huge underground space, and there are two swarthy holes leading to another place. Hearing Chen Mazi said, entering the left hole is the way for them to find the mushrooms. If you walk five or six miles inside, you can see a large number of mushrooms growing on the ground, on the wall of the cave, etc. The mushrooms are very delicious, but they just want to eat it. Later, it can grow out of the human body, which is really chilling.

And the hole on the right is the place where Tang Xiaoqian and others retreated after the rest of them had a fight here. They had checked in at that time, because they walked for a long time and didn’t reach the end, because everyone was in extremely bad condition. I was afraid of any situation, so I didn't go deep.

After winking at each other, the three of them walked into the right cave.

"Master, if someone is stuck here, catch in the urn..., no, close the door and fight...Bah..." Leng Xing suddenly felt that it was wrong, and Qu Jingxian said: "Don't say it if you don't know it! Look! What words do you use? Everyone is born in casual cultivation, there is no magic weapon, no powerful magic weapon, and no magical skills. What's the use of blocking here? Throw sand at us? Can it be blocked?"

Leng Xingsan stopped talking, Qu Jingxian made up his sword and said, "Fatty Leng, you are afraid of death. The Lord is not afraid of life and death in order to save Taoist Tang, can you still cherish your life?"

"Stop it." Qiu Hong stopped and looked around.

"Look at the surroundings. This place is getting narrower and narrower. If I were here, they would definitely suffer a lot from the narrowest point. Although Junior Brother Tang is a disciple of Tiangongmen, his thoughts should be roughly the same as mine. Presumably this is where Chen Mazi said that Junior Brother used creations to make them suffer a big loss. Let's see if there are any traces."

Qu Jingxian and the other two looked around, and they saw more than a dozen rods nailed to the wall at the narrowest part of the cave, and a few scattered on the ground. He took a closer look and found that they were dozens of crossbow arrows, but most of them The arrow has been deformed, and there are faint black marks on the ground.

"The Lord is right. This is indeed what Chen Mazi said. Looking at these arrows, Fellow Taoist Tang drew the cold and gave them a bit after hiding in the narrow mouth. It's just that the location is so good, why don't they just guard here? ?"

"Lack of physical strength, cut off supplies, unpredictable feelings." Qiuhong replied, Qu Jingxian nodded, not everyone has water like them all at once, and they can also eat a spiritual fruit from time to time, nor are they all vowed to do so. Don’t worry about giving your back to someone else, the first mushroom man can tell the two guarding him, the ghost knows what method was used, after Tang Xiaoqian won the battle, he must fight and retreat, intending to find it underground. One way to escape, the other party can eat the mushrooms in the other hole, and your own resources are limited, and there is even a shortage of food and water. It is of no strategic significance to guard against danger.

After checking the surroundings, he was sure there was no danger, Qiu Hong said, "Go ahead, everyone is on guard, I don't know if Junior Brother Tang can hold on."

"Tang Daoyou friend Ji Ren Tianxiang, Chen Mazi broke out, there is no chance of encountering the Lord, presumably he is also a lucky person, not so easy to perish." Leng Xing said.

The three of them crossed the narrowest part, the inside gradually expanded, and there was a faint sound of water. When they reached the end, a wide underground river was in front of them. The wall of the cave can be seen on the opposite side of the river, and it seems to have reached the deepest channel on the right. But since it's the end, why didn't you see Tang Xiaoqian and others?

The three of them looked around and finally saw a hole at the very high point of the cave wall after crossing the river. If it weren't for Qu Jingxian's sharp eyes, they would have almost missed it.

When I came closer, I saw that the luminous plants at the entrance of the cave, the walls of the cave, etc., were stepped on to rot and dropped a lot, and there were even some blood stains that had dried out and turned black.

Qu Jingxian took the first step. Several hands were already climbing on the bottom edge of the opening of the hole. They pressed their hands and turned them up. Standing on the edge of the hole, one shot inward and said, "No one."

He walked a few steps in to make room, and Qiu Hong and Leng Xing followed.

This passage became much narrower, and the low-bottom part even had to bend over to pass, and there were no luminous plants. Qiu Hong silently took out a stone talisman and gave it to Qu Jingxian.

"Ming Guang Talisman, the real elementary excitement is enough."

The runes light up, and Qu Jingxian leads the way. The three of them stay silent. After walking for most of an hour, Qiu Hongxiu is far more advanced than the two, and his hearing is much sharper. He heard faint human voices in front of him.

Whispered: "Stop!"

Qu Jingxian Yiyan stopped and lowered his voice and asked, "Master?"

"There is a voice in front, it's estimated, ready to shoot."

Qiu Hong took out a square object from the storage space and threw it on the ground. He crouched and pressed the bracket a few times. A piece of spiritual stone was embedded in a rectangular depression. The square object suddenly heard the sound of mechanical rotation. One piece rises, and one piece sinks there. It bounces to the east and opens to the west, but after a few breaths, it turns into a hairless and skinless tetrapod-like creature. It is said that it is bigger than a dog. The liger is a little smaller.

"Xuanjing fights the mastiff, the early days of foundation building." Qiu Hong said concisely.

"No wonder the Lord is so generous, so there is such a creation to help..." Leng Xing praised.

"My Daolu Junior Brother helped me rebuild. Originally, my Kit Kat Hall was just a battle power for refining the peak of qi. After modification and transformation, the ordinary monks in the early days of the foundation were not its opponents, if not. The spirit stones cannot be recovered. If you activate a few more, there is no chance for the mushroom people to make noise."

"Senior brother of the master Taoist couple, it's really..." Qu Jingxian was speechless.

"A genius who is hard to see for thousands of years, the head of Tiangongmen, everyone knows that if the head is retired, he is the next head." Qiu Hong was a little secretive with such a junior who kept calling his sister-in-law. proud.

"……"any idea? When you meet such a friend, you can lie down and win by holding your thighs tightly. Qu Jingxian and Leng Xing said in their hearts, but they didn't expect it, but their fantasies were basically true.

"Go!" The Xuanjing war mastiff surrounded Qiuhong and rubbed it, and was very smart. If you put on a dog's skin, who would know that this is not a living dog? Qiu Hong patted Xuan Jing Zhan Mastiff's head and pointed to the depths of the passage.

Xuan Jing Zhan Mastiff turned around and opened his mouth toward the depths of the passage, seeming to roar silently, and rushed in.

"Follow up!" Qiu Hong had grabbed his figure and followed in.

The three people suddenly opened up, and there was a large underground space; one person fell to the ground without knowing his life or death, and three humanoid monsters who had been covered by mushrooms were babbling and persuading:

"Friend Taoist Tang, although the image I waited for is weird, but after all, I survived. What's the point of you holding on like this?...Who!?"

"Go!" Qiu Hongqing screamed, and Xuan Jing Zhan Mastiff rushed up to the three mushroom people.

"Boom!" The Xuanjing war mastiff is full of various metals. Naturally, it cannot be hurt by any iron sword. Qiu Hong is not afraid to accidentally injure it. He threw a jade talisman in his hand and exploded with a bang. After being hit by this jade talisman, one of the mushroom people exploded. It turned out that Qiuhong played the flame-explosive talisman, which had the function of exploding and burning. The mushrooms all over his body were exploded, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable. , Screamed.

Although the leader of the mushroom who was forced by the mysterious war mastiff was at the end of the middle of the foundation construction period, apart from the realm, there was no weapon or magic weapon that could be used. After the mushrooms grew, it seemed that the bloatedness was a lot, and even the movements changed. He had to become sluggish, and was forced by the mysterious war mastiff, and fell into a disadvantage.

Qiuhong took out a small crossbow from the storage space and said, "Tweet Tweet!" A series of noises were heard, and the arrow was sprayed toward the mushroom man entangled by the mysterious war mastiff, and the mushroom man screamed again and again. There were six or seven arrows in his body, just crossbow arrows and body, making a strange sound, Qiu Hong was too lazy to care about him when he was hit.

Seeing the mushroom man who was blown over by the Explosive Flame Talisman struggling to get up, Qiu Hong raised his hand and stopped him screaming with a series of crossbow arrows.

"Junior Brother Tang, are you okay?" Qiu Hong asked loudly. The mushroom man who was heading the roar had been bitten by the neck of the mysterious war mastiff, and he dared not move.

"Senior Sister Qiu?" Tang Xiaoqian's surprised voice came from inside.

"Exactly, come out, these monsters have been controlled by us." Qiuhong glanced at Leng Xing and Qu Jingxian, they were two-to-one, and cut the remaining mushroom man by two. He dropped a hand and a foot, and was holding a weapon on guard, the disused mushroom screamed in place, Leng Xing was impatient, and drew his back on the mushroom man's head, and immediately knocked him out.

Tang Xiaoqian and a casual cultivator supported each other and tried to get out from behind a corner. If the corner was not very narrow, these mushroom people were very afraid of Tang Xiaoqian, and they probably had already attacked.

"Master...cough did Senior Sister find here?" Tang Xiaoqian was surprised but felt incredible.

"Chen Mazi escaped, just happened to be met by us."

"No wonder, I said it was strange, no coincidence can make us sleepy here, but someone can come and rescue me, I also said that this time I have to confess here." Tang Xiaoqian smiled bitterly.

"Did you eat those mushrooms too?" Qiuhong looked at him up and down.

"Autumn Fairy, we all ate it, but luckily it hasn't happened yet." There was a woman's voice beside him.

"Friend Song Dao was very helpful this time. If I was the only one left, I would have given up too. It's a pity to urge fellow Daoists and was killed by those three monsters." Tang Xiaoqian sighed.

"Let's go first, what are you going to do with these three?" Qiu Hong asked.

"Wait for them to live and die here." Tang Xiaoqian sneered, being driven to the sky by these weird mushroom people, Tang Xiaoqian didn't even give them a good idea, and his tone was full. It is the pleasure of revenge. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 216 Rescue Success) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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