My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 217: Close

Several people no longer care about the three mushroom people, and retreated to the underground river.

Qiuhong handed some spirit fruit to Tang Xiaoqian and the female cultivator surnamed Song. The two ate them hungrily. Their spirits improved a lot. No matter how much Tang Xiaoqian had storage space and some food, he was able to support Qiu Hong. When I came to the rescue, I just kept a hand before and was reluctant to eat these foods. It was too unlucky to eat that kind of mushrooms.

Qiuhong signaled the pulse of the two of them, thinking for a long time.

"Sister, how is it?"

"It's not like poison, the body is not a major problem, but the true essence in the body is almost almost replaced with wood attributes. Because the attributes are too unbalanced, other attributes are suppressed by this wood attribute, which leads to the appearance of wood attributes. If you do some reconciliation, you can temporarily guarantee nothing, and it is also good for the cultivation base. If it is only to be eradicated, I have no such ability for the time being, but my master should be able to solve this problem of mushrooms, and the Master Kwong of Guimen should have the same. Yes," Qiu Hong finally said after thinking for a long time.

"It's not poisonous. I saw those people as if they were crazy. While persuading us to eat the mushrooms and become like them, they attacked us again, just like losing our mind!

"I guess these people have already begun to wood, and brain disorders are also normal."

"No wonder, when he hit him just now, he only said that he had practiced some body-building exercises, tough and hard!" Leng Xing suddenly realized.

"Senior Sister Qiu, how to make it up? Do you have a way?" Tang Xiaoqian asked hopefully.

"I am majoring in Taoist Pills, and I will prepare medicines for the imbalance of the five elements to balance the attributes in your body. The problem is not big, but if it is cured, you still need to go back to the door and ask your elders to take action." Qiu Hong thought for a while, and deduced it in his heart The prescription, I don't think it should be a big problem, it's definitely authentic.

"Then there will be Senior Sister Lao Qiu!" Tang Xiaoqian put aside the boulder in his heart, thinking of the terrible situation of mushrooms growing from his body, he couldn't help but shudder.

After the two of them ate the spirit fruit, they recovered a lot, and the five of them jumped over the river, marched all the way, and returned to the large underground space that leads to three places.

"I'm going to pick some mushrooms. If I go back to solve the woodiness of these mushrooms, I'm afraid it will be useful to bring a few." Tang Xiaoqian said.

"I'll get some back to the door, too." Qiu Hong nodded.

When the group of five people returned to the ruins, seeing the sky, Tang Xiaoqian seemed to be reborn.

Qiu Hong took out a pill furnace and prepared to refine the wood-suppressing medicine, turning his head and said to Leng Xing: "Then Chen Mazi probably stayed outside and waited panic. Leng Xing went to find him back."

"Yes!" Leng Xing led his way away.

Tang Xiaoqian glanced at Leng Xing and Qu Jingxian: "Owed with the senior sister?"

"Yes." Qiu Hong took out the fire symbols and punched them into the pill furnace, then took out some strange materials and put them into the pill furnace.

"Senior Sister, it's all up to you!" Tang Xiaoqian said.

"This recipe is also a temporary plan. It is somewhat toxic, but the foundation-building cultivator can withstand it, and after taking it, you should be able to quickly regain your combat power, and it will improve. At this time, can we go out alive? I don’t know yet, it’s always better to improve some combat power. As for the toxicity, go out and find a way to solve it." Qiuhong talked to him while controlling the firepower of the fire talisman by inputting the size of the true essence, and continued to put medicine into it with the other hand. .

"It's good if you live with life, the true essence keeps fading, and you almost didn't fall into the realm. Senior sister, you don't know, dare not adjust your breath and luck, and you will be weakened. This is terrible!" Tang Xiaoqian complained to Qiuhong, that kind of powerlessness, Only those who have experienced it will know how panic is.

After resting for two days in the ruins, Tang Xiaoqian, a female surnamed Song, and Chen Mazi recovered their cultivation bases, and they really improved a bit. Qiu Hong and other six talents set off again, still divided into two sides, so as to avoid bad luck. After the drought, he was wiped out.

Two days after the departure, Tang Xiaoqian excitedly said in the sound transmission note: "Senior Sister, I have joined Qingxueyin of Qinglianzong!"

"Where is her attendant?"

"She said that the drought seemed to be able to perceive the positions of the two of them, and chased them all the way, but as a last resort, the two of them separated, and then there was no news of Liang Ziqian. I was afraid that it had already encountered an accident. She said that maybe it was because Liang Ziqian was injured by the drought, so it was similar to being marked."

"Qing Xue Yin knows where we were killed?"

"Saint Xueyin said she probably remembered."

"Great! I am looking for you now!"

When I saw Qing Xueyin again, how could he still look graceful at the beginning? His face was full of wind and sand, his clothes had been changed, and he was stained with yellow sand and looked very embarrassed.

"Let my sister laugh!" Qing Xueyin didn't care about it, and the big-faced look made Qiu Hong a little more fond.

"We can live a life under that Hanyan's hand, it is already the clock of luck, a little gaffe is nothing." Qiuhong sighed, even the Jindan Peak cultivator fell under Hanyan's hand. This minor repair of the foundation can escape a life, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle.

In this endless desert, a group of seven people went around for another five or six days, and finally found the place where everyone had dispersed, and even found the body of Master Demon Dove. The temperature in the desert is extremely high. And there is no day and night, the Master Demon Dove whose blood has been sucked up has not rotted, because the water has been dispersed and lost, it has become a corpse, Qu Jingxian calmly smashed the things on Master Demon Dove, everyone is considered to have inherited Qiuhong. Isn’t it too much for Qiuhong to take any good things for Qiuhong’s love?

As soon as the owner dies, the imprint of the soul in the storage space disappears, which is equivalent to turning into an unowned object. However, Qiuhong checked the contents. As a monk of the Golden Core Peak, the person on the Demon Dove is estimated to have done nothing less to kill and plunder. Rich, but the token that everyone relies on is missing.

"Look around here, or Master Demon Dove is holding the token in his hand and wants to rush into the formation, but he is caught up by Drought. I don't know where to throw the token?" Qiu Hong analyzed.

"Or only this is possible." Helpless, everyone had to start looking for a needle in a haystack in the boundless sea of ​​sand.

As a female cultivator, Qing Xueyin naturally walked closer to Qiuhong. While chatting with Qiuhong, she and Qiuhong looked at the area where they were responsible.

"Sister, do you think it's getting hotter?" Qing Xueyin looked at the sky, and it was getting hotter when it was clear that there was no sun.

"I'm afraid that the drought is causing some monster moth again. If she comes again, what can we do!" Qiu Hong said sadly.

"Huh, what happened to the big formation?" Qing Xueyin frowned and looked at the direction of the big formation, the air transpiring like a twist.

"Are you husband sent to pick me up?" Suddenly, a light and fluttering voice sounded, and the two of them became stiff. They both turned around slowly, red hair and red clothes, and even their eyes had changed this time. The extremely beautiful woman who got blood red, who was it if it wasn't that drought?

Qing Xueyin calmly said:

"Madam, the Lord asked me to wait to meet Madam."

"The god... the god... which god..." The Hanyan seemed to think of something, and covered his head with his hands, the expression on his face was very painful.

There was a sound like glass breaking, but the second girl did not dare to move.

"Madam, it's Tianhuan God..." Qiu Hong was happy when he saw that it seemed effective.

"Tianhuan...Tianhuan! Haha, my good husband!" Who knows that when he heard the word Tianhuan, the Hanyan suddenly raised his head and let out a sharp laugh, Qiu Hong secretly screamed bad.

"Be careful, Qiuhong!" a familiar voice came.

"Liar! You are all liars!"


There was a black and red flame that was more than ten feet high from the body of the Drought Yan. Qiu Hong was so frightened that he closed his eyes.

"It's over! Karma! She has recovered enough to use Karma!"

Being burned by the fire of karma, there is no chance of reincarnation.

But miraculously, the pain of the imaginary Zhongye's burning body did not come, Qiu Hong only felt that there was a faint movement in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the pill furnace spirit suddenly rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Karma fire! Karma fire!" Her divine sense was connected to the pill furnace spirit, and at this time she actually sensed its extreme excitement.

Qiu Hong secretly opened his eyes a slit, but what he saw was the figure he was familiar with.

"Yun Dao!"

A pagoda stood three feet above his head, and a yellow light curtain fell, covering the three of them. The light curtain swayed endlessly, but it seemed extremely tough. Fan Yunju tried his best to lose the true yuan into the tower. To maintain the yellow light curtain.

Dan Lu rushed out of the light curtain and sank into the black and red sea of ​​fire.

"What!" The Droughty's voice was full of surprise.

The sea of ​​fire seemed to be drawn into the eye of the wind, but was slowly sucked away by the pill furnace, becoming weaker and weaker.

"Feng! Town!" Fan Yun stomped and shouted, spraying a mouthful of blood mist, floating towards the pagoda overhead.

The pagoda moved to Hanyan's head, became bigger and bigger, and slowly fell.

The dry man screamed again and again, but was stunned by the spirit of the pill furnace several times, and finally stretched out her hands to support the bottom of the pagoda, but where the sand under her feet could bear the weight of the pagoda, she was slowly pressed into the yellow In the sand.

"Town! Give me town!" Fan Yun jumped onto the base of the tower and ran around the tower, pressing on the tower from time to time. The last palm hit his heart, and a large mouthful of blood sprayed on the tower body. Suddenly, The runes all lit up the entire tower, and the words Xuan and Huang shone brightly up to the top.

"Come!" Fan Yun stomped to get up, squeezing the tactics in his hand, and finally couldn't support falling from the base. Qiu Hong screamed and rushed to catch him.

"How is it? Yunju! How are you?" Qiu Hong said anxiously, tears streaming from his eyes.

Fan Yunzhen tried his best to stand up: "It's okay, just take some medicine! After all, you are rushing for a chance! Master is right, this is your chance!"


With the sound of his closing, the heaven and earth Linglong Xuanhuang Pagoda suddenly became smaller, and slowly rose up. Under the base of the tower, the drought stood in the air. It seemed to be pulled into the tower by great force, and the clothes and hair were all directed by the wind. At the bottom of the tower, she was unwilling to scream, but couldn't move, and was finally sucked into the bottom of the tower. After Xuanhuangta Town harvested the drought, she flew slowly back to Fan Yunzhen and stood hanging on top of her head.

"Yun Zhen, why did you come in too? How can we get out here?" Qiu Hong said anxiously.

"It's okay. I really didn't think about the exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda in this world. After the junior brother designed it for me, it was so powerful after refining it. If it wasn't for my cultivation base to be lower, even if I stood there and let the monster hit it, I can't break my defense!" Fan Yun took out some pills and took it, his expression lightened a lot.

"Just now, just now, it was this fellow Daoist. I received it. I received the drought?" Qing Xueyin stammered next to him. What did I see? What happened? A foundation-building monk, the town received drought? Well, although this drought seems to have not had blood for a long time, so the combat power has declined severely. It did not reach the Mahayana period at its peak, but this is not important. Even if she is not in the Mahayana period, she is at least a meta-infant realm. Realm, otherwise it would be impossible to kill Master Demon Dove.

But such a drought of Nascent Soul's combat power was collected by a foundation-building monk with a magic weapon or a creation?

"Yes, tower-like creations, the strongest thing is that they can suppress demons and ghosts. The stronger the demons and ghosts, the stronger the tower. This drought has Mahayana potential. Slowly refine it, and the benefits are endless!" Fan Yunzhen not only Arrived in time to save the lover, and received such a strong alien into the tower, although it is now in a severely injured state, the price is very worthwhile.

"Hey, Qiuhong, I remember, your Pill Furnace Spirit, if it hadn't been for it to contain the drought just now, I'm afraid we would be too bad this time!"

"I don't know how, there is a golden phoenix tree in this fierce land. My pill furnace was inspired by the Phoenix Nirvana Fire above to collect fire. I only absorbed a lot of Phoenix Nirvana Fire a few days ago, and I just sensed the drought. His karma fire jumped out again, so greedy, how can I survive!" Qiu Hong sighed.

Qing Xueyin next to her heard sour and angry, and said in her heart: "You are so uncomfortable, give it to me, do everything I can to feed it!"

Without the drought as a demon, the temperature in the air gradually dropped. Fan Yunju curiously said, "There are also golden phoenix trees? No wonder, the world and the earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. With this immortal drought, a golden phoenix trees bred nearby to breed life and death. The phoenix nirvana fire of reincarnation uses the fire of reincarnation of life and death to counter the fire of drought and industry. Tsk tsk, it is the most commonplace! Do you remember the position? That thing is also an incredible wonder of the world, a treasure of heaven and earth. Now, I can't say I can't toss about something good!"

"You are just eager to find something good, how can we get out?" Qiu Hong groaned.

"You girl, how did I get in, then how did I get out! Although this great formation along the way is powerful, it seems that it has been unmaintained for a long time. My world is exquisite and the yellow pagoda can be prevented as much as possible, plus, the drought, those Attacks can't stand me even more!"

It was really hot here just now. At this time, the temperature finally dropped. The scattered repair books were looking for the token, and the drought suddenly appeared. These people were so scared that their hands and feet were sore and almost unable to move. Who knows that the peaks will turn around and they will kill halfway. Yun Zhen, with Qiuhong's cooperation, took the Droughty Town, which made these people think that they were in a dream and couldn't believe it.

At this time, I was still in a trance, but I heard Qiu Hong's voice: "Everyone goes out and looks for the lost Daoist friends. Three days later, we will leave this thousand miles!"

Hearing that all the monks had a chance to get out of trouble, they all rejoiced, scattered around, and went to the depths of the sandy land. Fan Yunju was driving the pagoda and following Qiuhong's instructions, he headed towards the golden sycamore tree. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 217) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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