My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 226: Heaven to the public?

"Bai Yu, Bai Yu, the new home you gave me is too small, so I don't want to go in." Er Yatou said with her mouth flat while looking at the square box in front of Bai Yu.

"Girl, it's small now, but it's convenient, don't you just want to stay in Xiaogufeng?" Bai Yu lured her.


"Think about it, how many delicious things are out there! If you don't go, there will be no chance to see it." Bai Yu sighed.

"Bai Yu, you lied to me again, I'm a tool, how can I eat?" Er Yato complained while swallowing her saliva.

"Even if you don’t eat it, it’s more fun outside than the little lonely mountain. A creature that is content with the status quo is not a good creation. If you want to become stronger, or even become the king of spirits and the king of creation, how can you nest in the little lonely mountain? "Bai Yu's expression looked like a goldfish guy, so he almost waved a lollipop in his hand.

"But, it's really too crowded..." The second girl replied after thinking for a long time.

"It's okay, you can upgrade slowly in the future. Besides, the host here can be used as a clone. Anyway, the data on both sides are connected. You can still use the computing power of the host, and you can also be in the small host. It’s great to follow me in the world!"

"You lied to me, you have really reached the dunya, where is the data available!"

"There will be such a day, no matter where they go, all people who use the mainframe can use the principle of common data to learn about the world!"

"I always think you said it nicely, okay, then I'll go in." Er Yato sighed.

The few close friends next to each other knew that Bai Yu was going to formally reside in the spirit of the natal creation today. They all came to watch the ceremony. Seeing that Bai Yu was coaxing a child to communicate with his own natal creation spirit, they couldn’t help but laugh, but they were also the second girl of the spirit. Spiritually surprised, because these people are all members who built Tianqi Link with Bai Yu. It can be said that without them, all of Bai Yu's ideas can only be regarded as an idea.

The host of rune calculation creation can only process certain data according to the program written in the gossip language, but after the second girl resides in the host, the data computing ability can be greatly improved. I originally thought that Bai Yu would use this powerful host As his own destiny creation, Bai Yu did not expect that Bai Yu invested a lot of energy in making this personal use minicomputer. This minicomputer named Genesis 1.0 is far lower than Kaitian in terms of computing speed and storage capacity. , But it is in the same line as Kaitian, the same structural principle, the same host software, and a large number of reduced and reduced software, as if you can carry it around, you can still perform data calculations.

So although everyone is very envious of its computing speed and storage capacity, as long as it continues to develop and upgrade, this small host will sooner or later surpass the current Kaitian. Regarding this, everyone in this department is convinced.

"I'm about to start the creation, girl, prepare to refine the blood and stay in the spirit!" Bai Yu said in a deep voice.

He took a deep breath, holding the magic formula in his hand, and a piece of true essence penetrated into the creation world, the dark host faintly flashed a layer of brilliance, and a large amount of aura was absorbed with it as the center.

"Good guy, it needs so much aura when it starts..."

"You haven't seen the movement when Kaitian starts, even the little lonely peak is shaking..."

A light curtain nearly two meters wide and one meter high was suddenly thrown out in front of the host computer, on which the words "Chuang Shi" flashed brightly and darkly like breathing.

"The first POST program started."

"The aura collection system has been activated, and the self-check has passed."

"The external aura supply is normal, and the main structure has passed the self-inspection."

"The main computing system self-checked, a total of 12,800 computing modules started normally, and the self-check passed."

"The computing storage module passed the self-inspection."

"The data storage module passed the self-inspection."

"Beep, the audio module passed the self-test."

"The input and output interface passed the self-check, and it was detected that the 300-key phantom key base was installed."

"Discover the data connection interface, which can be connected to the Kaitian system for data interaction."

The self-inspection items were swiped on the light curtain, and there was no red letter, Bai Yu let go.

The light curtain gradually dimmed, but in less than a breath, a small bright spot suddenly lit up in the center, faintly flashing, the frequency was getting faster and faster, there was a loud bang, the small dots expanded, and countless rays of light emerged from the small dots. Throwing outwards, the center of the fireball became larger and larger, and loud explosions sounded one after another, and the screen turned into an extremely bright white, but it was extremely quiet as if the mute button was pressed, and then there was the aftermath of the explosion. The sound gradually changed from weak to strong, and the white light disappeared. It was replaced by a rushing sea of ​​fire. Two huge meteorites flew out from the sea of ​​fire, and slowly melted and condensed in the high temperature, becoming two shining silver lights. Big print.


When Chuangshiliang faded away, a disc appeared on the light curtain, it was the yin and yang fish of Liangyi, surrounded by gossip lines.

The fingers of Bai Yu's right hand swept across his wrists, freshly gushing out, forming a blood cell in the air, slowly swelling with the beating of his pulse.

"Girl, go!" Bai Yu volley drew a golden sore talisman and pressed it on the wound, the wound slowly closed, stopping the blood flow.

With a cry to the ground from the main hall of the main engine, the blood cell that flew out of the body of the second girl floating in the air was dragged by her, pulled into a line, and penetrated into its body. Then, it flew to the creation main machine, as if it was melting, The creation host lived in the bag and slowly penetrated in.

The light curtain shook for a while.

"There is external data entering this machine."

"The data calculation assistance system is being rebuilt."

"The data calculation assistance system has been successfully installed and has obtained the highest authority for the creation of the world."

"Bai Yu! I'm here!"

Er Yatou's small face appeared on the light curtain.

The sky was surging with wind and clouds, Bai Yudan took a look at the sky, Ma Dan, Chuangshi is currently only an auxiliary system, where is the powerful combat power...EMM...That is not correct, if the combat system is loaded, a variety of runes will be cast instantly. Are you afraid of the new fighter? As long as the energy is sufficient, the small fireball will be twisted into a machine gun. Are you afraid? The combat system needs to be loaded after the main machine is activated, because if the creation rune structure is loaded with the combat system, the amount of aura inhaled at that moment is likely to overload the main machine and fail to start. Otherwise, how could Bai Yu go like this? A detour.

But if the catastrophe comes at this time... Bai Yu sadly touches the hair that has grown up after a few years, maybe he can only say goodbye to this beautiful hair.

Thinking of Fan Yunju’s catastrophe described by the master, Bai Yuxiang swallowed a fish and gall alive. It is a creature whose defense is the main attack. I am only a personal desktop computer that assists in calculations. It seems that I can only use myself. His body went hard.

Suddenly a ray of light in the sky pierced the dark clouds. With the light as the center, the dark clouds rolling around suddenly retreated to the distance.

There was a faint fragrance in the air, and a wave of erratic singing came, unclear what it meant, but it was full of solemnity and solemnity. The beam of light was falling on Bai Yu's head. At this moment, Bai Yu seemed to be the only protagonist in the world.

Pieces of scattered petals flipped and floated in the beam of light, some of them flew down in all directions, some melted into the surroundings to observe the same door, and some floated to the main courtyard laboratory.

A few huge petals flew and melted into Ouyang Sanjian's body, and Ouyang Sanjian blankly reached out to touch the petals in the air, the petals were broken into powder and attached to his fingertips and slowly faded.

"Gong... Merit!" Ouyang Sanjian slowly raised his head, watching the petal rain that melted into the body of the creation host and Bai Yu like a pouring.

In the sky, horses neighed, golden dragons danced, and birds and birds chanted, slowly disappearing as the light faded.

The dark clouds gathered again, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

But there was silence on the little lonely mountain. All the people who got the merit and the petals into the body sat down and thought together. Usually there are some puzzled but unsolved questions in their hearts. At this time, the answer is like a rock at the bottom of a stream, and the water flows slowly from above. , But it does not hide its half-point lines.

The other five of Tiangong Six Lao looked at Ouyang Sanjian and the others who sat down and smiled bitterly.

"I knew I would help Xiao Baiyu more, I'm afraid we can also mix some merits."

"Is there anything you didn't know earlier? You were still secretly laughing at the old five. This idiot was caught by Xiaoyu every time. Should he be a coolie?"

"This is called a silly blessing for a fool! Is this blessing coming?"

"You old man! Xiao Yuer is looking for you in front, didn't you even use your stealth escape?"

"Shut up, Heaven Tribulation!"

The five of them looked towards the sky, the clouds were low pressure, as if they were on top of their heads within reach, Situ Jinsong's expression was worrisome:

"Xiao Baiyu actually started to realize that at this moment, what can I do about this day of calamity?"

"With the five of us here, even if we fight our lives, we have to stop the heavens!" Liu Feng said solemnly.

"The five of us? The power of heavenly calamity belongs to individuals, and one more person will increase the power of one day's calamity. Let's go in... Are you ready to solve the problem?" Zou Zhifeng said with a bitter face.

"Can't just stand and do nothing, right?"

"Shut up! Coming!"

The clouds in the sky suddenly hovered over Bai Yu's head, faintly forming a sphere, but in the center of the sphere was a ball of thunderball that kept spraying current outward!

"The eye of heaven! The eye of heaven!" Kuang Lingdeng's face was pale.

Originally, the way of heaven is the most common, and it will not reward or punish for good or evil; the way of heaven only cares how much the balance is broken by those who cross the catastrophe. If the way of killing a million people is beneficial to the way of heaven, the way of heaven will not drop half of the punishment; It is unfavorable to God's way, and the five thunderstorms are just common; because God's way is just easy to do, ordinary people will pay special attention to which dust is more dirty and carry more bacteria? No, because the dust is too small to be noticed at all. At most, you can spray air freshener on the place, and you will not use a microscope to carefully study and observe. However, the Heavenly Tribulation Eye is a very unique existence in the Heavenly Tribulation. The mighty power is so big, what is the robbery? It was Tiandao who saw you. He was beyond death. Most of Bian Tiandao stared at you with a microscope, and also took a small book to write down your data. Do you think you still have hope of living?

Bai Yu's meritorious light floated outside his body at this time. The whole person and the creation host were like two groups of high-wattage incandescent lamps, exuding an astonishing light. Heavenly Tribulation Eye seemed to carefully observe Bai Yu, and then slightly closed.

Everyone looked sluggish, a cloud-like ball like eyes, because Mao would give people a satisfied smile?

Doesn’t the expression require the forty-four muscles on the face to work with the facial features to express it? This big cloud dumpling... why do I think it smiles?

Tiandao Jie's eyes blinked slightly, and a small burst of lightning flickered weakly, falling into the light of merit on the main unit, and then another burst of lightning.

The five-headed old man almost yelled at him, with such a reputation as Tiandaojieyan, a monk who had never been alive under Tiandaojie, what is this now? The legend we hear is just an unfounded Yamamura language?

Or did you let go of the water? Unexpectedly, you are such a heavenly evil eye!

As if feeling the despair of these people, Heaven's Path Tribulation Eye raised some spirits, and small flashes of lightning fell like rain, finally making those merits slower and thinner.

" is helping it absorb those merits!" Situ Jinsong gritted his teeth.

Although the merits that were originally like mist are getting thinner and thinner, it seems to have become a substance from gas, and even in the end, it is like a layer of gold foil that is tightly attached to the creation host.

"To cast a golden body, what kind of golden body is cast by a creation!"

"Eighty-one." Zeng Yumu reported a number coldly.

The last weak lightning fell, and Zeng Yumu reported a number.

"What eighty-one?" Zou Zhifeng didn't know why.

"The number of thunder catastrophes." Zeng Yumu glanced at him with pity in his eyes. As a major repairer, can he not see the eighty-one lightning bolts?

"Is Bai Yu the son of Heaven? He actually used such a weak thunder catastrophe to help his creation through the ninety-nine calamities! He also cast a golden body! The creation cast a golden body! I...I..." Situ Jinsong opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Envy? Jealous? Hate?" Zeng Yumu asked him, focusing on Bai Yu and the creation host. What he asked, was it not his own heart?

I thought it would be unlucky to be paid attention to by the Heavenly Dao. Who knew when the Heavenly Dao's Tribulation Eye still had such benefits?

Heavenly Tribulation is a punishment and test when the level of life is ascended. If Grandpa Tiandao is upset today, he will give you a Tyson punch. Even if the nineteenth Heavenly Tribulation, the nine old punches can kill you. , And now this situation? Grandpa Tiandao suddenly turned into a little sister with a big sword, eighty-one embroidered legs with fists, and massaged you to relax and have a smooth blood flow. What is it? I'm sorry, not only does the massage make you feel comfortable, but when it's over, you still have a sentence in your ear: Dear, today you won the special prize, free of the bell!

Wasn't it a free bell that day when the merits fell, and what was it?

A few old people here slandered the injustice of heaven, but the two big light bulbs over there were still shining.

After three days and three nights, even Ouyang Sanjian woke up for two days from the epiphany, and the members of Xiaogufeng who participated in the development and production of minicomputers had already woken up one by one, and Bai Yu had recovered his mind from the deep level of concentration.

The first thing I saw was a few masters sitting around him, six old faces looking at him with concern.

"Master... Masters? What's the matter?" Bai Yu said nervously.

"Not so much, let's see what our sons of heaven have realized." Liu Feng said sourly.

Fan Yunzhen next to him also gained some benefits this time, sharing a little bit of heavenly merits, and said: "Junior, this time you give us a face to heaven. Most of the top sects on Haogang star sent people to ask me. What happened to Tiangongmen."

"What happened?" Bai Yu asked.

"Bai Yu, you idiot, haven't you noticed what I have become?" Er Yatou suddenly came out.

Bai Yu only saw that the original black and square mainframe had turned into a gold tyrant, and its size had shrunk a lot.

"What's going on?" Bai Yu asked in surprise.

"It must be the merits of heaven. The merits of heaven have changed the structure of the host and made me realize it. During the time of enlightenment, the program was optimized. The creation of the world is not weaker than the opening of the sky! It will be up to you in the future. It's more convenient to walk in the dunya!" Er Yatou said with joy.

"Why is there merit?" Bai Yu couldn't tear it up. No, he was puzzled.

"After the prosperity of humanity, you can only get merits unless you have made great contributions to the human race. Presumably your destiny is good for the prosperity of humanity..." Situ Jinsong said.

Bai Yu thoughtfully: "Does it mean the miniaturization of the mainframe? After the miniaturization, it is convenient for personal popularization and use. Although this is a laboratory concept version, it has taken the first step of miniaturization after all, which is conducive to the development of wisdom, Information dissemination, knowledge popularization... Is the next step in the information industry?"

If it really seems that there is a popularization of mobile phones in the real world, the roadside farmer suddenly touched a rune personal communication terminal and asked Mr. Gouganer to be obedient in the school today... I was drunk even thinking about it. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 226 Heavenly Way to the Public?) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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