My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 227: Uksu

Wu Kesu felt that he was not suitable for living in a big city, especially if he was a half-baked fan.

Through communication with Lu Qiu Hanyan, he supplemented some common sense of living in a big city. He took some gold in a small town near the private area and switched to a eagle knife, and then moved to the casino, because he heard about these world martial arts fighting competitions. It was initiated by Yum Lottery, so he came to the casino, but before he had time to sign up, he had trouble finding a place to live.

The cheapest accommodation is often in the most chaotic place.

A few black half-and-a-half people on the opposite side came around maliciously. He didn't know if it was because the falcon knife he paid for shopping nearby attracted their attention... Time went back to half an hour ago:

The innkeeper was a chubby old Jewish man. When he was negotiating with the boss, a few black half-size boys broke in.

"Old Heim, business is good!"

"What are you doing again?"

"Don't be so blunt, Old Heim, business is not done like this, hey, are you from India?"

"Yes it is."

"I haven't seen you, do you know the rules here?"

"What's the rule?"

"I said, Altaïr, this is my shop, don't mess with my guests." The old Jew put his hand under the bar with a calm face.

"Hi, hey, don't get excited, Old Heim, the white bear guy is a bit uneasy recently. We want to ensure the safety of the neighborhood. Every stranger needs to ask his origins." The black boy quickly raised his hand.

"He entered my hotel and he is my guest. You better stay away from trouble."

"Okay, won't affect your business, hey! Indian Emperor, you'd better be honest, don't make trouble nearby, understand? Go!"

Watching these half-and-half boys leave, the old Jew spat fiercely, and a beautiful young girl walked downstairs. Wu Kesu saw the girl’s lipstick soaking into the skin next to her lips, but she didn’t seem to remove her makeup. I applied it in a circle again, causing the makeup to look not so clean.

"Heim, the bed sheet was burned a big hole by the guest, remember to deduct the money, the Indian Emperor?"

"Yes it is."

"Tsk tusk, it's rare, don't you like to hide in the reserved area? How about? Twenty eagle swords." The girl elbows on the bar and casts a wink at him.

"What twenty eagle swords?"

"Sleep with you, idiot." The girl pulled her collar down a bit, revealing a small piece of immature breasts.

Wu Kesu stepped back and flushed with embarrassment. He had never experienced anything like this before.

"I said Kelly, don't solicit customers in my store." Haim reluctantly stopped her.

"How can I earn money for you if I don't solicit customers?" Kelly robbed him and turned to Wu Kesu:

"Why? It's a chick? I can give you half price for the first time." Kelly pushed up, pressing a hand on Wu Kesu's chest.

"Huh? Very good!"

"I...I...I don't need it." Wu Kesu took a step back embarrassedly and leaned against the bar.

"It's boring, okay, if you change your mind, let Old Heim notify me, anytime, anytime." Kelly pouted at him and gestured for a kiss, then giggled out of the hotel. hall.

"I think you are a big trouble." Heim looked at Wu Kesu over the upper edge of the glasses lens.


"But it doesn't matter, maybe you will die in some stinking ditch tomorrow, so you should start living in at least one week."

"Also, if you get injured outside, don't go back to the hotel, you know? I don't want to deal with the police."

"I don't want to either."

"If it's not necessary, you'd better stay in the room and don't go anywhere, so you may live longer, understand?"


"No. But, damages are to be compensated. There is a price list in the room. Well, Kelly is very good, don't you want to **** her?"

"I... I don't want it."

"Well, Indian Emperor boy, let me see, Uksu Hano Bhadipasar... Damn it, why is the name so long?"

"Because it is the clan name plus my grandfather's name plus my father's name, mother's name..."

"That's all right, Wu Kesu, right? 105 Eagle Knife, plus deposit 155."

Wu Kesu counted 155 eagle knives to the old Jew.

"This is a room key card. Breakfast is available from 7 to 9 in the morning. It is out of date. If you want to go online, you will be charged an extra 2 yuan. Go online? Boy?"

" need."

"What a stingy kid, well, go, remember, don't make me trouble."

He put his bag in the hotel, ready to report to Yum's headquarters.

"Lvqiu, I'm in the casino!"

"Really!? Well, that's right, it's been a few days since the start of the game, you said, the one who looks a lot like me...Did you come with her?"

"Sorry, they don't allow Ya to leave the reserved area, so this time I came alone."

"It's a pity, it doesn't matter, Trish and I will find a way to see your game in White Eagle Country!"

"Okay! Thank you Luqiu... Wait, I'll talk to you later."

"Hi, Indian Emperor, we meet again, what are you doing here?"

Wu Kesu recognized the half-big black boy Altaïr.

"I'm here to participate in the World Martial Arts Fighting Competition."

Altaïr blew a whistle frivolously and looked at the fellow fellow: "Ha! Really great, you are a martial artist?"

"I don't know if I am a martial artist, but I am very powerful, really."

"Haha, he said he is great, Altaïr, don't mess with him, be careful he beats you to call you mother!"

"Altaïr, I'm so scared, we are facing a martial artist!"

The fellow black boys laughed.

"Listen to me, I don't care if you are a martial artist, but you have to listen to us if you want to live in the Seventh Block. We have the final say, understand?" Altaïr raised his hand, the voices of the black boys Weak down.

"I won't cause trouble." Wu Kesu answered honestly.

"Very well, this is a good start. We communicate very quickly. I think we will become friends, won't we?"

"I think you are right."

"Then...As a friend, do you always lend a helping hand when your friend is in trouble?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Have you heard? This kind of celebrity who hasn't read a lot of books really makes me sick, well, another way of saying it, robbery! How much money do you have? Take it out!" Artel said viciously.

"You want to rob me?" Wu Kesu said in surprise.

What the **** is surprised? Shouldn't it show a look of fear and pleading?

Half a minute later, Wu Kesu counted the change in his hand. The six people totaled 15 eagle knives. He kindly gave up the idea of ​​searching every one of their coins.

"Tsk, finally... saved a day's room?"

When he arrived at Yum's headquarters, the beautiful receptionist registered his name, asked him to keep the phone open, and filled out some more forms. He walked back, thinking about what to eat later on the road.

As he passed the front hall, Heim looked at him with a strange and pitying expression.

The small front hall was crowded with people. On the rest sofa sat a shady-looking man who looked like a guy from Brother Heixi. The things on the coffee table were very familiar. Wu Kesu recognized that it was in his own bag. The contents inside were all turned over and filled with coffee tables.

"Ha! Our kid is back." The yin-bird man looked at Wu Kesu, looked around his subordinates, and laughed.

Wu Kesu looked at the man guardedly:

"Who are you, why do you want to move my things?"

The shady man shook his head, raised his right hand, hooked his hand forward, and a strong mulatto man standing behind came up.

"I heard that you are going to participate in the World Martial Arts Fighting Competition?"

"So what?" Wu Kesu's eyes were angry.

"Not very good, just want to see, are you bragging or really capable and dare to move our **** swords."

Wu Kesu originally wanted to clean up the things on the coffee table, but stopped when he heard the words, and said seriously: "You want to challenge me?"

"Challenge him?" The brawny man smiled and asked the gang member next to him.

"He said I want to challenge him?"

The gang members nearby also burst into laughter.

"What happened to the one who fought with Albert?"

"Which one are you talking about? The limbs were interrupted, the fingers were chopped off one by one, and the poor worm stuck in his mouth? Wasn't it sent to a mental hospital long ago?"

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard in the past few days, how can anyone dare to fight with Albert?"

The strong man Eber raised his hand, and the gang members slowly calmed down.

"You ask me if I want to challenge you... Okay, even if so, do you dare to fight with me?" Aber smiled, showing white teeth, and the tattoo on his face was distorted. Wu Kesu recognized that. It is a vulture, with its body occupying half of its face, its head and neck passing through its eye sockets, and its sharp beak bending down and falling on its eyebrows.

"It will die, you will die." Wu Kesu said seriously.

"I..." Albert was furious.

"So... you agreed? You agreed to Albert's challenge?" As soon as the voice of the yin-bird man came out, everyone immediately stopped.

"But I don't want to fight him, it will really kill you." Wu Kesu's expression was still serious.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff, suppressed laughter came from all around.

"It's okay, dead people, how many will not die someday? Don't worry, Old Heim, this is the shop, we won't trouble you here."

"Little guy, come with us and find a place where you and Aber can let go and fight." The shady man stood up.

"But I don't want to fight now." Wu Kesu shook his head. He bent down and began to pack his things on the coffee table.

When he raised his head, there was a sound of gun bolts, and seven or eight guns pointed at him.

"It seems that you have to fight. Don't worry. If you can fight Eber, I can give you a lot of money. How about? Do you agree or refuse? Think about it. Refusing the request of the Scarlet Sword will have very serious consequences. "

Wu Kesu sighed. He doesn't ask for trouble, but trouble always comes to him. It is quite dangerous to point so many guns at him. After all, there is no ancestral spirit to protect himself, and he can't fight bullets with his body. A flat mouth:

"Well, I'll go with you." My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https://www. dream can come true Full text reading address: https://www.mtlnovel .com/read/162987/My dream can come true txt download link: /down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: /162987/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (227 Zhang Wukesu) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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