My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 265: Killing time

The entire ship's alarm system rang, Bai Yu was unmoved, he caught a tongue.

It was a squad that was counter-killed by him, and he left one person behind.

"Where is the engine room?" Bai Yu knelt down, patted the soldier's face and asked.

"Don't kill me!" The soldier was a young man.

"Where is the computer room, don't waste time." Bai Yu grabbed his collar and lifted him halfway.

"Five floors down." The young soldier's face was full of horror.

Bai Yu nodded and slapped him on the chest.

"We are the enemy." Bai Yu stood up, was silent for a few seconds, and the long sword cut a circle on the floor.

"Team Shark, the target has gone from the second floor to the third floor, it's over." In the monitoring room, the signal soldier kept looking at the monitor and discovered Bai Yu's new actions. He quickly notified the various squads encircled in Area F through the radio to speak.

"What do you mean? Did he go through the emergency channel? It's over." asked the team of communications soldiers who were about to rush to the laboratory.

"He... cut a hole in the ground, it's over." The reception desk replied.

"Fa...! What are you kidding!?" The signal soldier was shocked and exploded.

"The cutting hole is 20 meters away from the right door of the F area, and it's over." The main station.

"Received! Check it out immediately, it's over."

Thirty seconds later, the Shark team arrived at the hole that was not cut so round.

"Reception, where is he, over!" the correspondent asked.

"He is right below you, please be careful, it's over." The reception desk replied.

Everyone reflexively pointed their guns at the entrance of the hole.

Bai Yu sneered, raised his hand, and a grenade flew towards the entrance of the cave.

The lights flickered, and the shark team vaguely saw a small thing flying below, and suddenly reacted.

"Be careful..."


The grenade exploded in the air, and more than a thousand steel **** splashed in all directions. The soldiers guarding around the entrance of the cave were all spared, all of them were sieved by the dense steel balls.

Bai Yu listened intently, without hearing the sound of breathing or footsteps anymore, smiled brilliantly, compared a **** to the monitor head not far away, cut the floor under his feet, and went to the next floor.

"Fighting a street fight with a practitioner? You think too much." Bai Yu sneered.

The monitoring room is also a temporary command center, and the observer trembled: "Captain, he knows we can see him."

"Where is he now?" the security chief of the rank of captain asked with a sullen face.

"He is now at the negative fourth floor." The observer replied.

"What's his purpose there?" the security supervisor murmured, but he thought quickly.

"His weapon should have been sent to the metal analysis team. Of course, he may also have gone to the main engine room." The observer replied smoothly.

"Fa...!Fa...! Shit! These walls and floors are paper to him! He can change direction and position at will! But our people can only move along the passage! Damn!" The security chief was a little desperate.

"Pack up all the video data and send it back!" The security supervisor gritted his teeth.

"But, Captain, we can't see what he looks like. We don't know why. His face, we photographed, is always blurred." The observer said boldly.

With that said, the observer dragged the timeline casually and found a white feather facing the monitor head. Logically speaking, at such a distance, he should be able to capture the picture of his appearance very clearly, zoomed in, and his face seemed to be covered with matte. Water polo, the details on the face are unrecognizable.

"Shit! What is the reason for this?" The security chief was desperate. What kind of enemy is this? Not only couldn't find the right tactics to fight him, but also couldn't confirm his identity. How should the most critical report be written? An enemy defeated more than two hundred professional White Eagle Marines trained in special warfare on the entire ship? The premise is that everyone can return to China alive this time, but it is difficult to see that the kid is so poisonous and difficult.

"Sir, he met our people again, but he seems to be able to predict the route of our people. He... threw the grenade ahead of time, our people..." the observer stopped.

"He threw thunder again, let me see, the H area on the negative 4th floor... Captain, he can really perceive our people! He is a monster!" The observer trembled.

The captain closed his eyes and looked very painful. For the first time, he hated his grenade for being too powerful.

"Sir, he has entered the computer room, and Mingguang is on! He is destroying the server! He has cut off the power to the computer room!" the observer exclaimed.

"He broke all the lines, and he was demolishing the server, he, he took all the hard drives away, hell, where did he put it? What is the principle? Why is it... missing?" The observer made a beeping expression on his face, and he couldn't think of the heaven-defying equipment with storage space even if he was killed.

"Understood, you can't deal with him in a complicated environment. They are the monsters called martial arts. Whether it is hearing, eyesight, and reaction ability, they far exceed ordinary people. We caught this, even martial arts are The monsters inside! The only way to deal with them is to kill them in an open area, with the advantage of numbers and firepower..., prepare to evacuate, and arrange for the scientists to evacuate first." The captain made a painful decision.

"Sir, maybe... it's too late. He got the weapon and killed all the members of the metal analysis team. He was going to the bottom of the ship. He... punched a hole." Observer.

"What is he going to do? Is he going to..." The captain's eyes were full of horror. Originally, he thought that there was only one death, to die for the country, and even the various clues on the ship would be very valuable clues.

Bai Yu had already arrived at the bottom of the boat. The reason he knew it was the bottom of the boat was because he obviously felt that the watery breath here was more lively and strong.

Bai Yu closed his eyes and concentrated. In the darkness, his five senses became more acute. The hull of the ship was shaken by people coming and going, rapid footsteps, and the shaking of the sea water on the hull.

He suddenly opened his eyes. If anyone sees him, he will find that there seems to be light flashing in his eyes, illuminating the entire bottom passage of the ship.


Bai Yu burst out a word of "Zhu", and he swung out the long sword in his hand, followed by a very bright sword energy. With another sword, the sword became weaker. It fell on the ground and formed an X shape with the previous sword. The inside gushed in, Bai Yu sneered, the long sword retracted, replaced with an imitation gold steel pestle, and hit the X with a heavy blow. Suddenly, with the intersection as the center, the hull burst outward and turned into a big hole.

Bai Yu took a deep breath and jumped into the sea from the big hole holding the imitation gold steel pestle.

After leaving the range of attraction, he retracted the imitation gold steel pestle, approached the bottom of the ship again, and opened several large holes in it.

He emerged from the sea and saw a few lifeboats with people descending the ladder into the sea. Two minutes later, he was already standing on the lifeboats, and all the people were thrown into the sea by him.

"Maybe I am a demon in your eyes, but anyway, I will not let you bring danger to my family and friends."

Bai Yu looked at the sinking and floating corpses, feeling into a state of wavelessness in the Pinghu Lake. Seventy or eighty meters away, the 120-meter-long hull of the Oxenwitz scientific research ship was slowly sinking. , The people above are running back and forth and crying, the escape boat has been completely destroyed by Bai Yu, the vortex when the boat sinks will **** everyone to the bottom, even if you put on a life jacket, in the vast sea, dehydration and loss of temperature They could hardly support the arrival of rescue, and all of this was caused by Bai Yu himself, and the lives of more than 1,200 people on the Oxenwitz ended with him.

The Oxenwitz finally disappeared from the sea, leaving behind a huge whirlpool. After a while, even the whirlpool gradually disappeared, and the sea returned to calm. Under the moonlight, many corpses could be seen floating on the water, and some were still struggling. Looking for floating objects, or seeing Bai Yu standing on the lifeboat under the moonlight, swimming hard, calling for help, Bai Yu was silent for a while, activated the lifeboat engine, and drove towards the coast, crying and begging behind him. , The curse is getting farther and farther.

According to the position of the constellations, Bai Yu arrived at the coastline of the Three Indians in the Ara Sea two hours later. After landing in a remote place, he ran towards the inland for more than 20 minutes, and finally came to a populated place. He took out his hand from the storage ring. After connecting to the phone network, the screen was instantly blown up by various text messages. Bai Yu sent an audio connection request to Hua Wu.

"I'm rushing back, trying to arrive before the game tomorrow. You guys have a good rest. It is not convenient to talk in detail on the phone."

Hua Wu, who was about to collapse in the hotel, finally calmed down, and then waited quietly for Bai Yu's return.


"It has been ten hours since the Oxenwitz scientific research ship has lost contact." The spokesperson of the White Eagle National Palace of Health announced the news that the Oxenwitz scientific research ship under the name of the White Eagle National Academy of Sciences has lost contact.

A lot of guessing words are used. "Maybe" and "may" are related to climate and ship obstacles. It does not rule out that hostile forces or terrorist organizations hijacked the Oxenwitz scientific research ship. If it is hijacked, The whole ship is silent, and the positioning system is turned off, so it is very difficult to search and rescue the scientific research ship in the vast sea.

All countries expressed sympathy for the White Eagle Country’s scientific research ship and hoped to participate in the search and rescue work.

"The loss of the scientists on board will not only be the loss of the White Eagle Nation, but the loss of the entire mankind, and the regression of science." Xia Guo's spokesperson said.

"At this moment, pray for more than 1,000 people on the entire scientific research ship. At this moment, we have only one common name, humanity." The spokesperson of Sakura Country said.

"When we received such news, we were shocked. Our country is willing to dispatch the most professional maritime search and rescue team to support it." The spokesperson of the White Bear Country said.

"Alah Sea is wide, and during the golden time of search and rescue, we will do our best to hijack any demand!" said the spokesperson of the Three Indians.


Bai Yu turned on the positioning system to select a direction and traveled through the city all the way through the province, and finally reached the city of Delhi at 13:17 noon.

Twenty minutes later, he returned to the hotel room.

When Qiu Xiushuang, Qin Lie and others saw him, they shuddered, but Hua Wu didn't know anything, so he rushed forward and hugged him.

Bai Yu patted her on the back and smiled bitterly: "It's okay, everything is fine with me, is there anything unusual?"

Gong Baisheng said, "Master Bai, everything is normal. At 18:00 in the afternoon, Brother Qiang told the letter Suphan...whatever."

"Anyone come to check our whereabouts?"

Gong Baisheng said: "Not currently."

Bai Yu nodded: "Okay, I came back and avoided all the cities. No one should have noticed when I returned to the house, so I just pretended not to know anything."

Du Ziqiang looked at Bai Yu up and down: "Brother Yu, you are..."

Bai Yu said: "Go in and say."

People consciously close to Bai Yu followed: Hua Wu, Qiu Xiushuang, Mu Xiaolei, Du Ziqiang.

"We were targeted by the White Eagle Country, and I was put on the Oxenwitz yesterday." Bai Yu whispered.

"Oxenwitz!?" Hua Wu asked in surprise.

"Did you?" Qiu Xiushuang was also taken aback.

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "No way, I sank the whole ship."

"I said you are so angry, will this cause and effect be too heavy?" Qiu Xiushuang worried.

"I can't help it, can you let me catch it? It's okay. I can't find me here for a while. Even if they find me here, they don't dare to do it clearly. After this game, they will avoid them at most in the future. , In Xia, they still dare to send someone to trouble me?" Bai Yu sneered.

In order to maintain its position in the world, the White Eagle country has done everything it can.

To put it bluntly, it is just an interest. As long as it can maintain its international status, the Eagle Knife's international settlement status will not be shaken. If there is no money, additional issuance will do. The inflation of an entire country will be spread to all countries around the world to pay for the bill. , For the White Eagle Nation, it's a bargain, otherwise, why would the White Eagle Nation mess up the whole world without problems? Only a chaotic world is in the interests of the White Eagle Nation, hello and me, hello everyone, are you still selling arms? Will it unite to boycott the White Eagle Country? Therefore, the metaphysical slogan of world peace, just roar, don't take it seriously.


The Six-pointed Star Building of Baiying Country.

"Any clue?"

"Not for the time being. After the Secret Service team departed, there was no news. After getting on the ship, we got in touch with us. The mission has failed, but the capture of the No. 2 target...there will be no news until now."

"What did the scientific research boat do for food? Aren't there more than two hundred people on it? Don't tell me that the people in the green turban did it!"

"Sir, it should not be. No organization has declared responsibility for this matter."

"Continue to mobilize our strength, we must find out this matter. There are very important research results on the scientific research ship. If it is destroyed, it is okay to lose it, and we will not end well."

There was a knock on the door.

"Sir, there is a new news."


"The hunting plan, the first and second targets are still in the hotel."

"What!? When was the news?"

"It's just what I heard. Target No. 2 and Target No. 1 went to the gym again."

"What did they do?"

"Still some fighting practice, as usual."

"Impossible! The Secret Service team clearly stated that they had captured the second target! Are they ghosts? Why is the second target still in the hotel?"

"Could it...could it be the Secret Service team... the wrong person was caught?"

"Are you an idiot or am I an idiot? How many trials have the people of the Secret Service team go through, do I need to tell you? Admitted the wrong person? Do you think it is possible?"

"But it's about 1,000 kilometers from Delhi to the coast and more than 400 kilometers to the sea. Did he fly back to the hotel?"

"Something we don't know must have happened in the middle...Okay, stop talking nonsense, first find a way to find the scientific research ship."

But they never knew that the scientific research ship they wanted to find had already sunk to the bottom of the Ara Sea at an average depth of more than 2,700 meters with more than a thousand unjust souls. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 265 Moments of Killing) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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