My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 266: Golden Lion King

The final round of the elimination round in the Sanyin Division.

Perney's Agni Bahadur Rana Agni VS Gao Ji's stickman Li Eun Hyuk, Li Eun Hyuk won and was promoted.

Xia Guozhong's Kuk Hoon VS Sakura Kuni Aihara Akuzu, Zhong Kuk Hoon won and was promoted.


Du Ziqiang VS Sin Suphan Bayu Naayudhya.

Odds: 1.33:1.21

Yum's official public game once again underestimated Du Ziqiang's strength. He was injured one after another. He has reached this point. It should be the limit. This is no problem in normal conditions, but what they did not expect is that Du Ziqiang defeated common sense with hormones. , The Essence of Sun Spring provided by Isis not only completely recovered Du Ziqiang's injury, but even got a bigger breakthrough.

Previously, Bai Yu's funds had exceeded 186.4 million Eagle Knives. In this match, Du Ziqiang was seriously degraded. Naturally, Bai Yu and others were secretly happy and invested all their funds to Du Ziqiang's victory again. As for Du Ziqiang's victory, Bai Yu said Impossible, before entering the general competition area, the total funds will reach 247.9 million.

Mu Xiaolei, who followed all the way to buy a downwind bet, also mixed the principal of 100,000 Eagle Knife to 170.18 million. At this time, his eyes were shining and he looked at the odds of 1.33, his eyes were shining, and his mouth was moaning. Bai Yu has a keen hearing. Hearing what he was saying about "Brother Qiang, Cheer up," he would die as Baiyu, of course he didn’t care about it. Seeing how Du Ziqiang and Isis are so good now, I guess he would really bring Du Ziqiang with him. Going out to fool around is probably not optimistic about the end.

There are two people in the top 13 of the Four-faced Buddha Kingdom this time, one is Song Muticha who specializes in the four-faced Buddha boxing, and the other is Shin Suphan Bayu Naayudhya who competed with Du Ziqiang. The name roughly means the brave golden lion king, so the official propaganda of him is commensurate with the lion king.

"Your physical strength should be in the forefront on the earth. Light is better than strength. I am not as good as you. But your method is very simple. To put it bluntly, you are a tank of blood and attack, but if you encounter a force-sensitive warrior Or a spiritual master, you will be very difficult, and it is not impossible to even lose. We have watched Xin's game video. What do you think?" Bai Yu asked Du Ziqiang before the game.

Du Ziqiang replied: "I think he walks the same way as mine. Although his physical strength cannot be seen from the outside, he has very strong defense power and strong unarmed attack ability from the perspective of his anti-attack ability. It’s just that, my winning percentage is great. Before the breakthrough, I should have a good winning percentage, let alone now."

Bai Yu shook his head: "I guess he still has a hole card, you try to be careful."

Xin put his hands together to salute Du Ziqiang, Du Ziqiang clasped his fists in return, the host hurriedly retreated, and the referee monk waited for them to finish greeting each other and waved his hands to signal the start.

It is estimated that the letter is also very jealous of Du Ziqiang’s blue dragon halberd. He chose to fight with his own hands. Of course, Du Ziqiang can choose to fight with the blue dragon halberd. However, when one party chooses to fight with his own hands, the other martial artist mostly respects his identity and will not take advantage of this kind of advantage. Not to mention that Du Ziqiang just got a breakthrough and entered the middle of the foundation building, so after repeated confirmation by the organizing committee, the two chose to confront with their bare hands.

Xin is a monk in his twenties. Everyone in the four-faced Buddha country has to go to the temple to become a monk, and then choose whether to return to the secular life. He was born as an orphan, and he naturally regarded monk as his lifelong profession, and he became a monk as a monk. The temple is in the extremely remote mountainous area of ​​the country of Erawan Buddha, but although the temple is small, it hides the true god.

Most people estimate that Buddhism is divided into Mahayana and Hinayana. Tubo is another branch of Tantric Buddhism. In short, it is a theory developed after Buddhism was introduced to various countries and merged with local culture to improve it. However, there is also Buddhism in the four-faced Buddha country. The branch, called the upper seat of Nanchuan, is a Buddhist sect established by the son of King Ashoka. The Buddhism is divided into the Xia language family, the Tubo language family, and the Pali language family. The upper seat of the Nanchuan upper seat belongs to the Pali language family. In fact, the theory and theory of the upper seat There is no difference between the Hinayana, but the upper seat never admits that Buddhism is divided into Mahayana and Hinayana...

Therefore, changing the wealthy family means that the concubine believes that although the blood in the blood of the concubine and the illegitimate child is derived from the same paternal line, you are both unorthodox and are not qualified to act under the name of the family. , It's not so good, because the old Wang next door is here, and the old Wang is the green king who wants everyone to wear a headscarf.

As a descendant of King Ashoka’s lineage, the master of the letter must be the most staunch supporter of the Dharma in the upper seat, but he has no interest in calling for the unity of the Buddhas in the world. His only interest is the study of the Dharma, in order to avoid Involved in the struggle between politics and power, he even moved the place of practice to the deep mountains and old forests. Believe it is the baby he picked in the wasteland. Because when he was a baby, this child was only blonde. It is probably possible. His parents thought the child was a monster, more likely to be born to an unmarried woman, so they abandoned him.

The believer Master Chabanna not only studied Buddhism intensively, but also had a strong combat effectiveness when he was young. Although he is now old and his energy is no better than that of the past, he is no problem with teaching and apprentices. When he was young, he traveled to study and challenged temples in various places. , Under the name “Zuda”, when he was old, he would hide in the mountains to study Buddhism, and by the way pass on the techniques of the ancestors. Although hiding in the mountains, friends from all over Chabanna would visit him every few years. The news of the game this time is also the news from Chabanna's friends.

The letter inherited is the Asoka hegemony, the Ashoka warfare, and the Ashoka crossing the sutra.

Xin rushed towards Du Ziqiang. He, who was just an ordinary human figure, unexpectedly brought a wind of iron and blood. Ashoka is proficient in the battlefield killing. Such an attack also carries the smell of a fierce pawn. Fist, there is a faint golden light on the fist.

Du Ziqiang's eyes lit up and he also slammed a fist. The two of them were shaken, and at the same time they retreated. Du Ziqiang stepped back three steps, and Xin also stepped back three steps.

With this punch, the strength of the two of them vaguely distinguished themselves. Du Ziqiang stayed on the spot, but the letter took the charge. Both were shocked by the other's strength, but the number of steps were the same. This shows that Du Ziqiang's strength is the same. Strength is stronger than faith!

Du Ziqiang didn't care about that much. He usually endures training with Baiyu, and he can't let go. The last time he fought with Naphtali, he fought heartily, but Naphtali was not completely counted in the end. He knocked down, which was a pity for him. At this time, when he encountered a well-matched opponent, he could not be happy.

Xin is also secretly shocked. Since he has achieved great success in his practice of Ashoka, he has few opponents in terms of strength. This time, his opponent is not even stronger than himself in strength!

He settled down and rushed up again. Together with Ashoka's tactics, he really returned to the situation, but both of them were similar to horizontal training. Du Ziqiang was slightly stronger in physical strength and strength, but he believed slightly in tactics. Strong, this fight meant that he had met his opponent in a fight.

Du Ziqiang hit two punches and one leg in an instant. Where he was hit, a sturdy force ran across the muscles, seeming to hurt his bones, but the letter didn’t pick up any cheapness. Du Ziqiang responded with a punch. , In the middle of his ribs, if it weren't for the strong defense of Ashoka's Overlord Body, he even suspected that he would break two ribs.

"What a hard body!" The two people secretly exclaimed, but they slowed down the attack to relieve the pain in the hit part. Du Ziqiang felt that he had hit a dry stick, but Xin felt that he had kicked it. Solid rubber tires.

Believe in whether you want to spend your power on fighting each other, to be honest, the basic physical training method is to see which side is more powerful, and it will only support attack and defense when it rises to a higher level. Because of the changes, Xin and Du Ziqiang's fight against each other is very uneconomical. According to Bai Yu's classification, Xin's current realm is no more than Du Ziqiang's. Although he has the support of tactics, he is still the one who suffers from injury for injury in this way.

Suddenly, Xin stopped attacking. He sat cross-legged on the ground with a smile, and began to recite the scriptures in his mouth. In Du Ziqiang's eyes, Xin suddenly became a Buddha sitting on a lotus seat and preaching compassion. He only felt that he believed every word. Every sentence is full of lotus blossoms on the ground, and there are celestial women dancing and chanting joyfully in the sky, and the ground is like golden honey pouring out, and the air is full of lotus fragrance.

The fighting spirit in my heart faded, and I could not help but sat down. Although I could not understand what was chanted in the letter, my heart gradually calmed down. There was no joy or worry, no shock and no fear. This is exactly Ayu. The effect of Wangdu Huajing!

In the past, all kinds of things have been floating in front of us. The campus is domineering. After meeting Bai Yu, he has entered the astray of superstitious power. In order to fight for fame and fortune, he has repeatedly made killers in the competition... At this time, regrets emerged in my heart. I can't wait to throw away the sins of my body, and then escape into the empty door.

At this moment, the jade pendant hidden in the waist uttered a clear cry and exploded with a bang.

Du Ziqiang suddenly felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured from the sky, and his head was poured down, his thinking was restored to clarity.

But the letter was ignorant, and continued to recite, trying to make Du Ziqiang a Buddhist guardian.

Bai Yu mentioned before on stage that Du Ziqiang now has limited means. It will be difficult for the agile fighters and spiritual system casters. Give him a piece of Qingxin jade charm. This jade pendant with the seal of the Qingxin mantra can protect him. Affected by mental spells.

Du Ziqiang clicked on the belt, his face was extremely ugly: "Fortunately, Brother Yu got me this jade pendant early, otherwise..." Why did you want to become a monk just now and look for freedom in the Buddhist scriptures? Isn't this golden-haired monk going to brainwash me and get me out of the house to become a monk?

"You and the dead bald donkey, I met Isis with some difficulty, and finally got out of the list, you actually want to cross me into Buddhism at this time!?"

Du Ziqiang was extremely angry and rushed forward and threw a punch.

Xin raised his head, his face was full of compassion, and the voice of chanting in his mouth became stronger.

In the audience, Jati Hengyu nodded slowly, with some smiles on his face, as if he was very satisfied with Xin's ability. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 266 Golden Lion King) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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