My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 269: Quack

Tan Guo, Bazhou, Qingliucheng.

Light Willow City is facing the fog and rain in the east, and the Nightmare Forest that stretches for thousands of miles to the left. Because these two places produce many medicinal materials and strange animals, they have become gathering places for practitioners. There are always lucky people who fight their lives from here. The two places brought out hugely valuable treasures, and these legends circulating in the market inspire more people to pluck up the courage to enter these two dangerous places to realize their dreams of making a fortune, but how can there be so many lucky people? Some people came out empty-handed, and most were swallowed by the bottomless swamp and forest.

Qingliucheng emphasizes martial arts and texts, because this is a chaotic place. People who don’t have two brushes will probably not end well here. But because of the mixture of dragons and snakes, no one knows whether the beggar on the street is an expert, at least, There used to be an old beggar who had been dying for more than 30 years in Qingliucheng, but he did not die. After all the younger generation was killed, he enlightened the young man of the Mo family, Mo Baiyi into the Dao. This seven or eighty thousand talents in Qingliucheng suddenly realized. , It turns out that this is an expert!

Mo Baiyi was turned away by an old beggar at the age of one, and he did not return to Qingliu City until he became an adult at the age of eighteen. After returning, he entered the Nightmare Forest to slay the evil ape, the fog and rain Daze killed the dragon, and secretly killed the notoriety in Qingliu City. The notorious Golden Willow Gang has gained a great fame, but after doing all these things, the Young Master Mo did not form cliques and build power. He sleeps in the willows all day long. Now, the fame is in Qingliu City again. Turned into a romantic blessing, the sisters everywhere talked about him, love and hate, and gave him the nickname of a quack blessed person.

There was chaos in Qingyue Tower, and a young man jumped out of the window in embarrassment.

"I didn't bring enough money next time, you get away from my old lady!" A pretty face protruded from the window and cursed fiercely.

"Miss Yuhe, why are you so mean!" The young man raised his head and saw that his face was not full and white, his lips were dark, his sword eyebrows were slender, his eyes were star-like, and his nose was straight, just like a circle of cyan stubble. It seems that the young man is a little shabby, his white clothes are covered with wine stains, and there are some lipstick marks on the neckline.

"Thin your grandmother's legs, you should pay the overnight fee first! Dare to come to the prostitute, be careful that the old lady cut your guy!" The Yuhe girl sneered and closed the window with a sigh.

in the room.

Miss Yuhe sat back in front of the mirror, and the maid behind came up to tidy up her bun.

The maid Qingping said: "The girl always speaks so unfeelingly, every time she hears Master Mo coming, she is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot."

Yu He said depressed: "Huh, who told him not to touch me every time he touched him."

Qingping sighed: "If Young Master Mo is like those stinky men, would the girl still take him to heart?"

Yuhe said leisurely: "Qing Ping, do you think I am old and yellow? Why is he not interested in me?"

Qing Ping smiled and said: "If the girl is old, then the four princes will not come to join me in a hurry some time ago."

Yuhe's eyes flashed suddenly: "You said, how about I redeem myself?"

Qing Ping moved her hand for a while: "Not so good, girl, where else can we two weak girls go? In this city, after redemption, those people don't have to look at us in the same way. Where to go..., let's not talk about the sinister road, is the girl willing?"

Yuhe said: "Hey, reluctant, reluctant, as long as he is willing to take me in, I am willing to be a maid for him to wash his feet."

Qing Ping smiled and said: "You're a step late, Shi Xiaoniang has already gone, you go again, I'm afraid it's not going to burn the old house of the Mo family."

Yuhe suddenly sang:

"Mo Baiyi, Mu Junyan, white ink sword with wine sleep;

Sleeping with the wine, the wine is exhausted, and the sword smiles to the sky.

Fortunately empty, sighing infatuation, feelings and ruthless not in love

Mo Qingxin, resentful Qingcheng, Young Master Pina is a sweet soul. "

Qing Ping continued her hand movement, but she heard Yuhe said:

"You said, how can you be so unfeeling like a lover like Master Mo?"

Qing Ping said: "I've heard a poem called that passion is always hurt by mercilessness. Perhaps Master Mo... has been hurt by love."


Mo Baiyi tidyed up his clothes, not caring about the large pool of oil stains on his chest, as if the oil stains were the five-claw dragon on the prince's robes, arched his hands towards the surroundings triumphantly, and headed towards Yixiangju.

At this time, the number of people in the center of Yixiang was neither too many nor too few. As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Er came up.

"Yo! Young Master Mo, is it so early today?"

Mo Baiyi said, "Hey, Miss Yuhe thought I didn't bring enough money, so she drove me out."

Xiao Er said vigilantly: "President Mo, if you don't bring enough money, then there is no way to credit the wine!"

Mo Baiyi waved his hand: "What on credit? Lord, pay in cash today."

There was a clear voice in the corner, "Little Er, that Lord Mo's wine is on my account."

Mo Baiyi looked up, but it was a teenager in a gray shirt and a young girl in a red shirt. The two were estimated to be eighteen or nine years old, and they looked like handsome women. Other than that, they couldn't see any way out.

"Thanks!" He arched his hands, with some doubts in his heart, but his face didn't show the slightest.

He walked over and sat down and said, "This Xiongtai, you and I have never known each other. Please invite me to have a drink, but is there Momo who can contribute?"

The young man smiled and said, "Brother Mo is worrying too much, but seeing that Brother Mo is predestined with me, I can't bear a few blocks and it breaks Brother Mo."

Mo Baiyi said, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say, I don't have to ask for a drink. Is it possible that Xiongtai pays money, and I can't just open a table? If Xiongtai doesn't like Momou's sloppyness, I will buy some leftovers from Xiongtai. Wine will do!"

The young man shook his head and said: "How can you be so negligent? Xiao Er, come with two signature dishes, and another two catties of braised green lamb with wine. You need front thigh meat, and the rest just pick up a few dishes to go with the wine, the best Yuqing roast. Two bottles."

Shao Shaocong took out a spiritual stone and put it on the table.

Suddenly, the whole wine shop became quiet. Although the spirit stone can be used as hard currency in the cultivation world, who would use it to settle the bill in such a small wine shop? It was the rhythm of buying a piece of chewing gum in Zimbabwe with a hundred eagle knives, and suddenly some of the drinkers had different thoughts.

Mo Baiyi coughed lightly: "I'm sorry, everyone, this little brother, I'll save it."

He feels a deep headache, is this the son of the sect who came out to walk in the dust? Don't you know if Cai is undisclosed? Even if you have great abilities, can you kill batch after batch? If it is really capable, it is fishing law enforcement, if it is not capable, it is idiot and arrogance!

Xiao Er came over, picked up the spirit stone in fear, and said with a dry smile: "Master, I can't make this much."

The boy said: "Send the excess to your home. Brother Mo will come to drink in the future and deduct it from it."

Mo Baiyi laughed loudly: "Okay! Heroic! Refreshing! Dog, now I'm paying off your wine on credit? Is there anything left?"

Xiao Er said: "There is too much left, it has to be counted."

Tan Guo’s currency unit exchange is consistent in thousands of words. It is always one or two, twelve and one gold, and one hundred gold and one spirit. That is to say, this piece of spirit stone is about one hundred gold and ten thousand silver. I really want the wine shop to turn this spirit stone into , I’m afraid it’s not worth tens of thousands of silver to sell this wine shop. In the past two or three years, Mo Baiyi has only drunk bad wine in the wine shop for more than ten dollars per tick, and owes more than ten taels, leaving nine thousand. Two more, enough for him to drink to death.

"Today I gave this little brother a sum of money, and Mo did not dare to take it all alone. All the money for wine and food will be credited to me!" Mo Baiyi laughed loudly.

"Young Master Mo is righteous!"

"Outrageous! A certain service!"

The wine shop suddenly became lively, and the boy laughed at the corner of his mouth when he saw that Mo Baiyi was so excited, he slowly shook his head.

Mo Baiyi saw that the young man's expression was different, and asked, "What is wrong with Mo? What is Xiongtai laughing at?"

The young man laughed and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. I just think that Young Master Mo has a demeanor of righteousness and wealth. If he is really greedy for money, he will not disdain the spiritual stone. If he is not greedy for money, he will not suffer from this spiritual stone. I don't care, I can only say that Young Master Mo's quick actions are really... rare."

"It's too vulgar to talk about money, but it's too expensive to live in the world, tsk, is it the same to live without money? This thing is not enough, and too much is too heavy, and it is too troublesome to die." Mo Baiyi shook his hand.

The boy said: "The world loves money, but Young Master Mo is generous and tight."

While talking, the wine had already come up, and Mo Baiyi poured a glass for the boy and himself.



The boy took a sip in his mouth, feeling a bit sour, shook his head, and put it down.

"But it doesn't suit the taste of Xiongtai? This is the case for the wine in this small country and town. It is indeed not as good as the world-famous wine. However, there is a lot of wine, and when you are drunk, there is no difference between good and bad wine." Mo Baiyi stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A few salted peanuts, while peeling and eating, said.

"No, I don't drink much less, and this kind of wine is even less." The young man shook his head and said, taking out a bottle of wine from his arms.

Mo Baiyi's eyes flashed as he watched his movements, as if he had some enlightenment. When he looked at the wine bottle, his heart stunned. The wine bottle was clearly cut from a whole piece of beautiful jade, with sculptures of flowers, birds and insects on it, with large pieces of blank space. But with a few strokes, the pictures of birds on branches and insects on stones are presented cleanly, extremely interesting and very elegant.

Mo Baiyi said solemnly: "This wine bottle..."

The boy stopped Mo Baiyi's conversation, and while pouring wine for the two of them, he said: "The wine bottle is for the wine, and the wine is for drinking. It's nothing unusual, Mr. Mo will taste it."

Mo Baiyi looked at the slightly greenish but very viscous wine and fell into the empty glass in a line. There were small bubbles like crabs on the surface of the wine, but the nose smelled soft and light. Wine aroma.

"Good wine!" Finally, he couldn't help but pat his legs, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip.

"Wait..." The boy couldn't stop it, and said with a wry smile: "This wine seems to be light, but it is quite powerful. Before drinking it, it was a bit of a crime to drink it like this."

Mo Baiyi's face was flushed, the wine in his mouth turned into a line of fire, and it penetrated into his throat, and went into his stomach bag very smoothly. More importantly, it was rich in spiritual power. Only one mouthful saved him. Homework for most of the month.

It took him a long while to recover from the hot and fragrant wine, and he took a long breath, his nose was full of wine, and his mouth was slightly sweet: "Xiongtai this wine is really wonderful. I'm afraid that Dionysus is alive, but that's all..."

"This is ashamed, but it's just a private brew, and I dare not compare it with the Dionysus' divine brew." The young man humbled.

"The name of this wine..." Mo Baiyi asked carefully.

"Green lotus stuffed!" said the boy.

"Good wine! Good wine! People are better! Dare to ask the name of Xiongtai?" Mo Baiyi couldn't help being excited after hearing this name.

"The same people who have fallen from the end of the world, why have we met before when we meet." My dream can come true The latest chapter address: https:/ / dream can come true Full text reading address: https:// dream can come true txt download address: https://www. dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m.mtlnovel. com/read/162987/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 269 Jianghu Bo Xingren) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookcase! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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