My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 270: Disciple in white

At this moment, two children, one big and one small, came in suddenly. The elder was a girl, about eleven or twelve years old. She was very thin, her face was dirty and she couldn't see clearly, her eyes were as dark as lacquer and very smart. The little ones are eight or nine years old, and they are as dirty as little mud monkeys.

The two children walked in front of Mo Baiyi and knelt down.


Mo Baiyi was startled, and almost threw the wine glass in his hand, and said in shock: "Huh? Apprenticeship to learn art? This is rare..."

The girl said: "Yunzhou has been a rare flood in a century. My family and I fled to Qingliu City. On the way, the adult in my family was killed by the strongman in Black Bear Ridge. My younger brother and I beg here all the way, and beg Master to take it in."

The little boy also followed: "Master, please take me in!"

Mo Baiyi said, "Tsk, how did you find me? There are many high-ranking people in this city, why bother to find me?"

The girl cried: "My brother and I are in the city. I only heard that Young Master Mo is the strongest in the city. If he can’t learn the fine arts, there is nowhere to complain about grievances at home. Heixiongling is hundreds of miles away, located between the three states. All kinds of excuses from the government are unwilling to send troops to annihilate..."

Mo Baiyi said with a kind face: "Small things, small things, learn art from a teacher. There is a medical divination, star Xiangshan art project, and excellent art. What do you brothers and sisters want to learn?"

The girl was overjoyed and said: "As long as the master teaches us, both of our sisters and brothers are willing to learn."

Mo Baiyi nodded and said: "It's not impossible. I have never confiscated disciples. I will take you to the beginning of cultivation. It's no matter if you don't have a restraint. The daily expenses of fighting strength, soup, medicine and spiritual food are very large! Sewing, spring sowing and autumn harvesting in the fields outside the city are all yours."

The siblings said in unison: "I would like to follow Master's arrangement."

Mo Baiyi stopped and said: "Don't be too busy to promise so quickly, I will only teach you two for three years. After three years, you two will have to stay in our house for three years before they are allowed to leave the teacher."

The siblings glanced at each other, gritted their teeth and said, "I would like to follow Master's arrangement."

Mo Baiyi added, "You need to pay extra for your monthly board and lodging. You see, if you go out to earn money, how can you still have a chance to practice? I think it's better to forget it."

The siblings were dumbfounded at once, why is it different from the rumors in the city? Didn’t it mean that this young man was a knight who was righteous, never deceived others, and was the most kind-hearted?

The girl gritted her teeth and said, "Master, can you... only accept my brother's entry, I usually do some stitching so as to subsidize the family."

The boy pulled his sister's sleeve: "Sister..."

The girl leaned over, and the boy whispered in her ear.

The young man with keen ears heard the two discussing: "Sister, how does this seem to let us do it for a long time?"

The girl hesitated for a while and said, "Should it not?"

Mo Baiyi also heard clearly, coughing: "Well, the board and lodging are counted as one person, so it's not impossible..."

The girl hesitated: "Really?"

Mo Baiyi said: "It can't be true anymore!"

"Bring it in your hand." Mo Baiyi said.

The girl's shining eyes looked at Mo Baiyi's unknown.

The boy reminded: "Your Master Mo wants to check the bones of you two, don't you stretch out your hand?"

The girl was overjoyed and quickly pushed her brother to the front: "Brother stretch out his hand!"

The younger brother happily stretched out his hand, Mo Baiyi put his finger on his meridian door, listening carefully to the meridian qualifications, the boy over there asked:

"Young Master Mo, why bother?"

Mo Baiyi sighed and said, "How can the law be passed lightly?"

The girl flushed her eyes and said, "If Master Mo accepts my sister and brother as apprentices, there will be no one to wait for food and lodging. If I also learn art from Master Mo... I will be greedy again. I will be a girl again. The blood of the family still depends on my younger brother, so it doesn’t matter whether I learn or not. Master Mo can accept my younger brother alone."

The younger brother turned around and hugged his sister, and said, "Sister, if you don't learn, I won't learn either!"

The girl broke free from her younger brother's arm and said sharply: "The blood feuds in the family are all counting on you. Master Mo is so easy to let go. Are you going to be an unfilial descendant of the Yu Family?"

Mo Baiyi said leisurely: "Yeah, yeah, only one person, are you still studying with your sister?"

The boy hesitated, his sister took him all the way to escape. He always felt that if he learned it by himself, his sister would not learn it, it would be too unrighteous.

Finally, the boy gritted his teeth and said: "Sister learn!"

The girl slapped the boy's face and said sharply: "What did you say?"

The boy said, covering his face: "My sister is smarter than me. I'm afraid that if I don't learn well, my sister will learn."

Mo Baiyi was a little moved at this time. He didn't expect the boy to regard his sister so importantly. Just listened to the pulse, whether the boy's aptitude was bad or not good, that is, he was medium, or tried harder to be able to reach the golden core. Realm, if it’s not enough, it will be a foundation at most. As for a higher realm, I'm sorry, Young Master Mo is just building a foundation, he is still a little short of Dzogchen, so he can’t say why. But on the Haogang star, everyone knows that it is difficult to enter the Tao, and it is difficult to live and die. That is to say, it is easy to want to live, but it is difficult to enter the Tao. At this time, the boy did not want his sister to be half wronged and let him calm down. There are some ripples in the heart of Taoism.

But to be honest, the aptitude of this child is not so amazing that he does not mind that it may affect the situation of breaking through the golden core. The reason why he is so playful is just an adjustment of his mood. Although all kinds of rumors outside have brought him He is said to be a romantic slutty, but in fact, even when he went to the fireworks venue, he was just listening to music, eating and drinking, never touched those girls, and because of his appearance, he could only eat and drink. , Otherwise which girl will care about him?

Having said that, if he wanted to make money, it couldn't be easier, and he was about to break through the golden core monks, afraid that he would have no money to spend?

Mo Baiyi said, "Brother, you can't be so sloppy about this apprenticeship. If you go back to my snail house and choose a good day, what do you think?"

The boy said: "Brother Mo accepts disciples, I won't blend in, but when Brother Mo accepts disciples, I will come to watch the ceremony."

The two said goodbye, while Mo Baiyi slid the green lotus stuffing, and the three slowly headed towards the south of the city.

Mo Baiyi lives in a small courtyard in the middle of South Zishan Lane in Qingliu City. He is quite popular along the way. People keep saying hello to him, and all the big girls and the little wives look at him. He doesn't think he is disgusted, but smiles. Can't help.

Pushing open the patchy wooden door, a broom suddenly stretched out and hit Mo Baiyi. Mo Baiyi grabbed the broomstick and said with a headache: "Daqing, you are not young anymore. Is it interesting to do it all the time?"

A pink face stretched out: "Ah, the son is back? I think I'm here to collect debts!"

The miscellaneous rushed to the backyard: "Little Niang, Xiao Niang, the son is back!"

The hall greeted a woman in commoner, with a cloth wrapped around her head, and no jewelry, she walked over with her face to the sky, and when she was approaching, she narrowed her eyes and said, "My son has a friend here? It's really rude, and my concubine is too. Never tidy up..."

Well, this girl turned out to be very short-sighted, but although her eyes were misty, her face was extremely beautiful, she was in her early twenties, and she had a slender figure. Even though she did not apply powder, she had eight or nine points of color.

"Shi Xiaoniang misunderstood, this is my new apprentice."

"Huh, Master Mo, the rice at home is almost gone, you still accept apprentices!" The little girl came out again and said angrily.

"Daiqing! How do you say it? In my jewelry box..." Shi Xiaoniang whispered.

"Miss, those are not..." Dai Qing said anxiously.

"I have my own opinion." Shi Xiaoniang said softly.

"After some time, there will be improvement, Xiao Niang, don't worry." Mo Baiyi said with a hesitation.

"Daqing, take my sister and brother to wash up and talk." Shi Xiaoniang ordered.

Dai Qing looked unhappy, and took her siblings to the backyard without mentioning it.

Shi Xiaoniang accused Mo Baiyi and said: "My son, Dai Qing doesn't have a door to talk, don't you mind."

Mo Baiyi sighed: "I'm an incompetent person, why did Xiao Niang suffer with me?"

Shi Xiaoniang smiled and said: "I don't like to hear what the son said. Xiaoniang goes to the kitchen to make some food and serve the son with wine."

Mo Baiyi: "..."


In the inn.

"Young Master, why do you value that drunkard so much?" the girl said.

"I just find it interesting. I rarely see such a character in casual meditation." The boy said.

"Looking for money, lustful and sloppy, how can there be a monk's demeanor?" the girl muttered.

"He is just using this to temper his mind. Of course, such interesting characters cannot be missed. He must make friends with him." The young man laughed.

"Young Master, how long shall we stay in this Qingliu City?" the girl asked while lowering her head to make the bed.

The young man didn't care: "Why do you live in the world? It's a good place to stay here, where monks and lay people are mixed, and the dark tide is raging."

The girl stopped and looked up and said, "Young Master, because of the chaos here, I'm afraid of any danger. Didn't you mean that gentlemen don't stand under the eaves of danger?"

Juvenile said: "It's okay, we just don't participate in the cooperation. Crisis and opportunities coexist."

The girl pursed her mouth and said: "The young master always makes sense..."

The young man smiled and said: "Alright, alright, let's pack up the monks' style, and find a place to live in the city tomorrow, and find a shop by the way. You can't always sit and eat in the sky, right?"

The girl wondered: "Young Master, are you planning to do any business here? If you are short of money, there are still some spirit stones here..."

These two people were Bai Yu and Huayue Slave, and it was the time when he built the foundation and took up the world.

You can only practice as a mortal. If you are not in danger of life, monks usually don’t act as monks. Otherwise, if you live high and live with good wine and meat, then where is experience, it is purely. Vacation-only to taste the ups and downs of the world, it is called experience.

"Doing business? Young master, what shall we do? How about... let's open a martial arts gym?" Hua Yuenu said with bright eyes.

Bai Yu said with no good air: "What kind of martial arts gym is open? Fighting bravely, it's easy to cause trouble."

"Then... Escort?"

Bai Yu said with a headache: "Yue Nu, don't think about it, let's open a bookstore, and the people who come are all gentlemen, so there will be no trouble."

"Bookstore? What books do you sell? Sell to scholars? Are they for scientific research? Those things that are too much for others are too boring." Huayuenu said contemptuously.

"Just sell some miscellaneous books, and I don't want to deal with those sour scholars." Bai Yu nodded.

"But where do we buy from?" Huayuenu asked.

"Of course it is our own printing. I thought of a mechanism that far exceeds the current carving technique..." Bai Yu said proudly. The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 270 Disciples in White) reading records, and you can see them next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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