"That's it..."

Bai Yu brought the shy Wu Zhiqing out from behind, and Han Lin was relieved. It turned out that the little girl came to Bai Yu? After Bai Yu explained it, he finally understood the whole story.

Han Lin is a little shy, discussing her marriage with her son?

"Mom wants to know your opinion?" Han Lin lowered, worried about her son breaking out.

"I don't have any opinion, Mom, you have worked so hard for so long, and it's time to enjoy your luck next." Bai Yu solemnly said.

"What a blessing, you and Xiao Ling are under adulthood. Mom can't worry about it all day." Han Lin shook her head.

"Mom, what I said is true, didn't Mu Xiaolei come to me before?"

"He came to you, what's the problem?" Han Lin raised her head.

"You said it, you remember he was fat before!" Bai Yu reminded.

"Is that said, then what?" Han Lin was puzzled.

"Didn't I tell you about the diet pills? He took it!" Bai Yu said proudly.

"Oh my god! Why are you so courageous! He is a good friend of you, if he eats something, how can you bear this responsibility?" Han Lin was surprised.

"It's not that serious anymore, Mom, you also used that jade skin ointment, what's the problem? Isn't it good?" Bai Yu said proudly.

"Yufu Ointment is really good, many stall owners in the night market are asking, I didn't tell them! But...what does this have to do with Xiao Lei?" Han Lin asked.

"Mom, Xiaopang told me to go out today, just to see his father. His father said that he would spend 20 million to develop the commercial value of this weight-loss drug. Our family accounted for 60%..."

"You kid, what are you kidding about? Just those medicines that are worth so much money? You..." Han Lin trembled with a smile, but saw Bai Yu's serious face. jpg, and slowly stopped her voice. .

"What you said is true?"


"Our house...will it take up too much, after all, his house takes so much out." Han Lin hesitated.

"Mom, do you know? The black market price of the jade skin ointment you used is already 150,000 boxes. How much do you think the weight loss pills cost?"

"One hundred and fifty thousand? You said ten thousand? Not one yuan? No, fifteen yuan certainly can't buy skin care products that have such a good effect... You mean simple and complicated. I put two or three thousand on my face every day? Are you exaggerating?"

"It's not an exaggeration, Mom's face, no matter how much flowers are worth, you have worked so hard for me and my little sister. I swear to make you young and beautiful forever!"

Han Lin's eyes reddened: "You stupid son, mom will get old one day, you two brothers and sisters are good, mom will be happy, look... you are in your 70s or 80s and look like 30 or 40, that won't work. Is it a monster?"

"The White Lady is over sixty, and it looks like she is only over thirty. It's just their kind of injections on the face, and the face is rubberized! It's one hundred and eighty blocks worse than you used this one!"

"Bai...Bai Yu, what does Auntie use, can I...can I use it?" Wu Zhiqing asked, staring at the stars.

"...The collagen on your face, why do you use that stuff?" Bai Yu said with disdain.

Wu Zhiqing stared at Bai Yu fiercely, turned her head and said coquettishly: "Auntie, look! Bai Yu bullied me!"

"Auntie will help you clean him up! Why did you talk to Zhiqing? If Zhiqing wants you to give her a box."

"Well, you are my mother, you have the final say."

"I can tell you, you use this early, be careful for a lifetime, and you will have a baby's face!"

"What kind of baby face? Do you dare to speak English? Follow me and say: babyface!" Wu Zhiqing said coquettishly, holding Han Lin's arm.

"Tsk, still English! Despicable fat!"

"Ahhh! Bai Yu, did you deliberately look for something? Auntie, he bullied me!"

Seeing the two little guys arguing, Han Lin felt for the first time that this home is no longer as lifeless as before, it is full of hope and happiness!

"Twenty million...60%, son, how much is that?"

"Auntie, twelve million!"

"This is our family... tens of millions?"

"This is invested in the company, how can it be counted like that? This is a business of tens of billions of dollars. What is a thousand dollars?" Bai Yu said with disdain.

"Son, you are still in school, so you have to let others take care of such a large amount of funds? Can you trust it?" Han Lin trembled.

"I have agreed with Uncle Mu. You are in charge of personnel and finances. Keep these property, and I'm still going to school!"

"I can't, can't, can't, how can I! I haven't taken care of these!" Han Lin shook her head repeatedly.

"Mom, it's not as troublesome as you think. At most, you can learn how to read accounts. This company is not a company with hundreds of thousands of heavy assets. It just manages the sales team and customer service. Just hurry up and learn. ."

"Where do we have the money to study now!"

"Hey, Mom, that cream has actually made a lot of money, so don't set up the night market stalls in the future, and learn to charge quickly!" Bai Yu said proudly.

"Yes, Auntie, it's not that troublesome, you must do it!" Wu Zhiqing also clenched her small fist to cheer Han Lin full of vitality.

"It's so good, it's so good, our house, this will be better!" Han Lin began to wipe her tears.

"Yes, Mom, life will only get better and better! I have no problem with you and Uncle Wu. He can stand up when you are in trouble, and I can trust his character." Bai Yu solemnly said.

Hearing that her son suddenly said this, Han Lin's face was a little hot, and her mouth faltered:

"What are you talking about, the horoscopes haven't been written off yet, how can it be so fast!"

"Should we have something delicious to celebrate today?" Bai Yu smiled.

"Okay! Mom treats you today and take you to a big meal!" Han Lin waved his hand proudly, and said with a frown: "No, Xiao Ling can't go out, she's afraid of outside, let's go shopping, Mom will make it at home! "

"Then, that auntie, I'll go back..." Seeing this woman seemed to be her new mother, Wu Zhiqing felt a little uncomfortable.

"What are you going back for! Call your dad and say that you have dinner at home today, and I will take you back later, and you will go shopping with your aunt."

"Will it be... bad?" Wu Zhiqing replied with shame.

"No no! Go! Let's go!" Han Lin stood up fiercely.

Seeing Bai Yu sitting on the sofa indifferently, Han Lin taught:

"When the time comes for something so heavy, will you let me mention it or Zhiqing?"

"Well, well, it's really troublesome, I mention it, I mention it, I am a strong laborer!" Bai Yu said helplessly.

The three of them happily headed to the supermarket. Han Lin finally made it out because of so many years of hard work. Bai Yu was purely because of his mother's happiness, and Wu Zhiqing was because his father finally found a love destination.

They didn't notice that Bai Ling was hiding behind the bedroom door. She was sitting on the ground, leaning on the back of the door, her face was full of horror, and tears kept falling.

"Mom doesn't want me anymore. Mom is going to marry someone else."

Although she suffers from autism, it does not mean that she has intellectual problems. On the contrary, she is a very smart little girl. Since the death of her father, she has been very dependent and attached to her mother and brother. At this time, her mother suddenly became stranger to another People have established a romantic relationship, and may even marry that person, making her feel deeply that the world is full of malice, and she feels extreme panic and despair.

The door slammed, and there was silence outside the bedroom. Bai Ling was full of tears, buried her head in her knees, and hugged her calves tightly with her hands: "Mom, don't you want me anymore? Dad, I miss you..."

"I'm looking for mom, mom!"

Bai Linghuo opened the bedroom door, and the outside was empty.

"Mom! Where are you brother?"

She opened the door and rushed out.

"This is the stairs, I know, this is the stairs, you can get out of this building by going down the stairs."

She tremblingly supported the handrails of the stairs and finally walked downstairs. It was too long to walk alone to the outside world. She was like a frightened little beast, shocked for fear of being hurt.

She remembered the way out of the community. She shed tears along the side of the road and followed the people who left the community out of the community.

where is this place? Why don’t I remember?

She turned around and pushed the gate of the community. It was locked by the magnetic lock, and she couldn't move it.

She looked desperately at Ruzhi crowd: "Where is mother?"

While carefully avoiding the passing pedestrians, she walked in an unknown direction.

In the supermarket, Han Lin took two teenagers to choose various ingredients.

"Zhiqing, what do you want to eat?"

"Auntie, I like everything you do!"

"Little flatterer, you haven't eaten Auntie's. How do you know that you like it? What if it doesn't taste good?"

"Mom, I want to eat fish."

"What fish to eat, so many spines."

"Auntie, then eat fish!"

"Okay, your brother is too stupid to study, so he can eat fish to nourish his brain."

"Mom, am I yours?"

"Ah! Did you discover this secret? You gave it to me when I was charging for my phone in 2003!"

Wu Zhiqing chuckled.

"Mom, our family will be getting better soon, do you want to live in another place and sell this old house... You live in the same room with your little girl, it is too inconvenient, she should have her own room too? "Bai Yu said while pushing the shopping cart.

"Isn't this... you haven't made any money yet? What do you think about it later?" Han Lin hesitated. In fact, what she wanted to say was that this was the house your dad bought when he was still alive. In order to keep this suite, in order to support you two, all the hardships I have endured are written in this suite one by one...Han Lin has a very deep affection for this suite, Bai Yu suddenly talked about selling this suite , She was very resistant in her heart.

"Besides, don't you have to sell this suite?" Han Lin looked at Baiyu cautiously, and saw that he seemed to be casually posting, and she was relieved.

"I'll just say that. Mom said that if you don't sell it, you won't sell it. I am mainly worried. If I move in the future, there will be no one in this house. It is too easy to attract insects, ants and mice.

"Auntie! Lots of food, let's go back!" Wu Zhiqing looked at the full shopping cart and stuck out her tongue.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, take the fish and fix it. We are waiting for you at the cashier."

"Okay." Bai Yu carried the fish and walked to the fish killer.

Today is the weekend, and there are many people waiting in line to kill the fish.

After paying the payment, Han Lin and Wu Zhiqing walked in front hand in hand, and Bai Yu walked behind carrying a large bag and a small bag. The two beauties, one large and one small, are all exquisite faces, one energetic, the other mature and elegant, attracting A lot of returning heads.

When she walked to the door, Han Ling looked at the wide open door, her expression changed: "Xiao Yu, we...were we closed when we came out?"

Bai Yu rushed to the door in two steps: "It's closed! Little girl! Little Ling!"

"It's not stolen!" Bai Yu pushed open the bedroom door, no one!

No one opened the door of his bedroom.

"Mom! Call the police, the little girl is gone!"

"Auntie! Auntie, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me! Uuuuu..."

When Han Lin heard that her daughter was gone, she felt that the sky was spinning before her eyes, she could no longer stand steady, and fell softly to the ground. My dream can come true latest chapter address: https://www.readwn.com/book/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/162987/My dream can come true. txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/162987.htmlMy dream can come true Mobile reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/162987/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 43 is missing), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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