My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 44: Paper Crane Looking for People

"There is no law in our country that clearly stipulates that the case should be opened after losing contact with the missing person for 24 hours. Police officers, please consider the emotions of the family members, because the missing is a little girl with autism, she is 15 years old this year , It's not a person with ability." Wu Chao's face still has a little bruise, but he can't see it if he doesn't look closely.

Bai Yu looked at the man who came forward to run for his sister, and silently nodded.

"Where are you going, Xiaoyu?" Wu Chao said anxiously when Bai Yu turned and walked outside the door.

"I'm going out to get mad for a while." Bai Yu didn't turn around.

"Well, don't go far, you are an immediate family member. You may need to fill out the form later."

Han Lin went home and found that Bai Ling was no longer there and fainted on the ground. Wu Zhiqing was in charge of taking care of him. At this time, Wu Chao, who was a regular, accompanied Bai Yu to the police station to report the case.

After learning that there was a rule to open a case 24 hours after losing contact, Bai Yu turned around and left.

The traffic is so developed now, 24 hours? Has it run through the country from south to north in 24 hours, okay?

"Help me ask for a leave from the school, my sister lost it." Bai Yu sent a micro to Mu Xiaolei.

"What are you kidding? Xiao Ling didn't go out, how could he lose it." Mu Xiaolei responded to the message in seconds, followed by a big shocked face.

"I don't know, that's it, I'll trouble you something, by the way, tell my family, I'll go to Xiao Ling." Bai Yu turned off the phone.

He returned home quickly and took out a pile of talisman paper from the deepest part of the desk drawer.

Tiangongmen Creation Institute needs to cooperate with forging and runes to make creations, so rune paper is also involved. Although it cannot be said that the most specialized rune school is strong, it also has some unique features. As for the conventional runes, For Tiangongmen, there is no big problem.

"The liver meridian of the wood genus has not been fully practiced, but for some simple runes during the refining period, I should have a certain success rate..." Bai Yu took out the brush he bought on the road.

"Unfortunately, it happened so suddenly. Last time, I finally bought amulet paper and cinnabar, but I couldn't get the chicken blood for a while."

"It's not cinnabar..." Bai Yu put her nose in front of a small bottle of red powder and sniffed, and the tips of her fingers were slightly sticky and placed on the tip of her tongue.

Tiangongmen has its own means of distinguishing whether cinnabar is good or bad. In the real world, only the cinnabar produced in Chenzhou meets the method of Tiangongmen's screening.

But how can common legal ceremonies easily buy useful things?

"There are too many impurities. It's a pity that I haven't built a foundation in the real world. Otherwise, I can refine it a little bit, but... so be it." Bai Yu sighed, poured the cinnabar into a small dish, and took out the blade. I cut a mouth on the middle finger, and blood dripped down the fingertips.

"It doesn't matter if there is no chicken blood. The **** is connected to the heart. The boy's blood is the most yang thing heavier than the yang energy of chicken blood. It can make up for the shortcomings of cinnabar not pure enough..."

The blood was mixed with the apical blood forced by Bai Yu, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

Bai Yu smoothly put a band-aid on the middle finger, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to recall the drawing and folding method of the paper crane.

"Name and birth date should be replaced with Taoism, but I don't know what kind of effect can be achieved in this real world with the rune of Tiangong World's communication between heaven and earth."

In Bai Yu's heart, she finally evolved the Taoist figure of Bai Ling's name and birth date, and stood up.

The brush has been developed, Bai Yu straightened the tip of the brush, and poured cinnabar liquid on it.

In fact, Dao Talisman can be said to be an application of the energy of heaven and earth. It is explained by scientific theory that it is a kind of formula to stimulate energy. Runes are basically composed of talisman head, talisman base, and talisman foot. The talisman head is The talisman is the content of the appeal, and the talisman is the price of the promise. The corresponding formulas are combined and drawn on talisman paper with Taoism. If it can resonate with the energy of heaven and earth, it means that this is the same as the talisman. Head—The request object of the demand has approved the transaction content, and after using this Dao symbol, it will execute according to the content agreed by the Dao symbol.

Bai Yu analyzed some of the runes in the real world based on the knowledge he learned in Tiangongmen, and the result is that the runes are true, but the level of detail is far less than the understanding of the Tiangongmen, maybe it is the gods of the real world The reason why the cultivation side was replaced by science before it reached its extreme level.

After translating Bai Ling's name, birth date, and the content of the requested event into Taoist texts, the entire composition appears very complicated.

Bai Yu concentrated on his energy and made the first stroke.


The talisman paper on the table fell on its first stroke, and it burned automatically and turned into ashes.

"Shen Dao has fallen, the immortal gods will not respond, the energy can't communicate, and the self-excitation burns."

Bai Yu shook his head. The Sanqing Dao Zun pointed to by the talisman was now only a legend, unable to show his sacredness. Naturally, Bai Yu could not link the Sanqing faith channel.

Bai Yu frowned and thought about it, but another stroke fell.

"not good!"

His face turned pale, and he felt that his whole body strength was as if being pumped away by a huge water pump.

"Boom!" The talisman burned spontaneously again, turning into ashes, and a small mushroom cloud floated up on the table.

"It seems that searching for people is just a trivial matter. To heaven and earth, this power is too great, and the talisman paper can't bear it!"

"We can only communicate with the humane force and ask for sentient beings!"

Bai Yu once again drew the next stroke: "The image of all living beings has no image, but the voice of all living beings is unbelievable..."

Bai Yu painted a round tuo that looks like a circle and not empty, but looks like a dot but is mixed. This is the meaning of sentient beings in Taoism that Bai Yu knows. The figure of the rune is based on the infinite, ruthless sentient beings, red dust and all worlds. The meaning of chaos.

"There is a door!" The futou became a white feather in one go. Without lifting a pen, he pulled down the talisman paper to draw two squares on the left and right.

"Left yang and right yin, left for visible, right for hidden, left is the name of Bai Ling, the girl of the people, and the eight characters for her birthday!"

Bai Yu Jiao is good with cinnabar liquid, and draws Bai Ling's name and birth date with very fine pen lines.

"No problem, this shows that Bai Ling is safe in the humanitarian world!"

"With the body of the paper crane, the genus of the white ling of the folk girl, the blood and the hair, as evidence, find the trace!"

Bai Yu poured cinnabar liquid again and wrote the Taoist text.

Bai Yu's hand trembled slightly. At this step, he only needs to write down the exchange terms. This rune is considered to be successful. Since it is connected with the human will, the ordinary brushes bought in the stationery store are as heavy as a thousand and a little hot. Nature is the reason why everything cannot withstand the energy perfusion.

"The good man Bai Yu gave 50 million yuan to charity, year, month and day."

The last stroke fell.


Bai Yu's face was blue, and the runes burned spontaneously, indicating that the exchange could not be reached.


"The good man Bai Yu gave 500 million yuan to charity, year, month and day."

Failed again.

Bai Yu threw the pen away and sat on the ground thinking hard.

"Why didn't it happen? All the previous passes, but exchange terms?"

"What does the wish of all beings want me to do?"

"What's the situation for the little girl? What kind of conditions are needed for the wishes of all living beings to be fulfilled?" Bai Yu pondered hard.

Once again, Bai Yu looked at the pen on the table, and on the barrel of the pen, you could see that the color was slightly scorched and there were many cracks. Using it again, it was probably broken.

"After the matter is handled this time, I have to find a writing pen that specializes in writing."

Bai Yu bought more than ten of the same brush. At this time, he took out one more hair brush.

The talisman head and talisman seat are also very smooth.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth.

"Bai Yu, a good man, is willing to spend one year of life in exchange for the chance to find someone, year, month and day.

When the last stroke fell, Bai Yu suddenly felt that his hand sank, and he was almost taken on by the brush in his hand, which stained the talisman paper. Thanks to his recent improvement in cultivation, his hands were as steady as a rock, and his hands were as steady as Mount Tai. Vaguely, a gleam of golden light flashed on the brush, and it fell along the brush to the point where the nib and the last painting were connected. The complex red lines drawn on the entire talisman paper also flashed gold, and disappeared again.

"It's done!"

"Looking for a little girl, I actually want me to exchange my Yangshou..." Bai Yu gently put down the brush, his face was uncertain, but he didn't care too much. After one year of life, after the foundation was built, his life span increased to three hundred, less. One year can't affect much. Although maybe one year of life is not the most cost-effective transaction in exchange, who knows what humanity wants? Bai Yu didn't have time to try all the time.

"Chang!" With a cracking sound, the brush on the brush mountain turned into powder and landed on the table. It turned out that it was the time of Fucheng, and a large number of people wished to show their sacred powers, but the brush eventually couldn't bear it.

Bai Yu glanced at it, ignored it, lifted the talisman paper, and gently blew the strokes that hadn't completely dried on it.

Putting down the talisman, Bai Yu walked to the bedroom of his mother and Bai Ling, and he needed one more thing...

Bai Yu looked carefully on the pillow, Han Lin had medium-length hair, and Bai Ling had short-haired mushroom head.

These two hairs with different lengths are very easy to distinguish. After a while, Bai Yu found a white feather hair.

The talisman paper was folded into a paper crane, and Bai Yu clamped Bai Ling's hair in it.

It seemed that there was a long crane murmur vaguely from a long distance, and a force of power came from the paper crane in Bai Yu's hand.

Bai Yu released his hand, the paper crane got out of control, flapped its wings and flew outside the room.

"South, ninety-eight kilometers."

A vague thought came, and Bai Yu grabbed the paper crane back.

"From the south? Is it a long-distance bus or a highway?"

"If the case is handled, it will take 24 hours, haha." Bai Yu shook his head helplessly.

Bai Yu turned on the phone.

There was a sudden ringing of incoming call notifications and information notifications.

"Uncle Wu, it's me."

"Where have you been, Xiaoyu! Are you dying of anxious death?"

"Uncle Wu, the little girl came out from the south of the city, I'll go after it." Bai Yu said calmly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Xiao Ling is gone, how can I explain to Han Lin if you run away again?" Wu Chao's frantic voice came over the phone.

"The messenger can't help us anymore. Now I can only rely on myself, Uncle Wu, if you take my mother well, I will bring my little sister back!"

"Hey! What do you want me to tell her!?"

"Don't tell my mother first, as for the excuse, you think of a way."

Bai Yu turned off the phone.

"Chengnan, right?" Bai Yu sneered.

"It's a pity that I don't have a driver's license..."


The highway toll gate.

"Old Ba, why are there so many cars today?"

"Nonsense, I'm going to town on the weekend to have fun, and the car going home is chanting."

"Is it okay to put the tail box?"

"It's okay, be normal, she can't wake up if she takes enough medicine."

"Hey, luck today, you said such a pretty little girl, why can't you speak?"

"You care about him so much. A little girl of this quality should be worth 50,000 to 80,000 yuan, with a normal expression. It is time for us to pay." The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: dream can come true. txt download address: Dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 44 Paper Crane Searching for People), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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