My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 720: Variables! Variables!

Stewart was pitted into a dog by Syndia, but he could only bark and bite the bare bones that couldn't be gnawed, and he had to stand up as a New Year greeting!

Haha, don't want to do it anymore? It's okay, there are too many people who want to do it.

Stewart deeply regretted that he didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. It was really profitable, and the blood rushed to his head before he really went to dig his corner.

He was full of bitter mouth, and headed towards the data room. In the past, because he was the confidant of Cindiazza, the servants who were respectful and respectful to him, most of them were flattering and flattering before and after. At this time, he was also afraid to go with him. I was near, and I was tagged on it, and at this moment, they all turned their backs, as if they hadn’t seen him, this was not obvious, and there were many discussions about what was obvious:

"I heard that who has offended someone who can't offend?"

"No, I heard that it was bullying people to the God Realm. I don't know some things..."

"There is such a thing? Can there be any energy before coming up?"

"It’s a trivial matter whether there is energy or not. For our little ruined temple, shouldn’t it be enough to do things by yourself? Who knows, who has turned the life planet discovered by humans, the people of nearly nine levels into their own believers, forcing them to become their own believers. Someone else moved the remaining layer to another planet..."

"Yo! So cruel?"

"No, this new **** who has just arrived in the God Realm originally, my lord meant to get the reception department, and the result was offended. That one went directly to the prophecy department! Then wasn't the war ahead? That one took the initiative. Going out on a mission to the occupied world and destroying Cthulhu on one planet by one person, do you think that adults can not be angry? If such a strongman is in our reception department, how good would it be?"

Stewart was trembling, shocked and angry. What was shocked was that Bai Yu was so powerful that he could flatten Cthulhu with a single person. He had to dare not give himself face at the beginning. Although he was in the realm of God, he really wanted to throw it away. To the planet full of Cthulhu, it was only a part of death. At the beginning, I had a conflict with Bai Yu, but I was really lucky that he didn't take his life; I was angry that I was in trouble this time, and I was only committed to myself on weekdays. The servants of God also dared to discuss themselves later.

He turned abruptly and stared at the **** attendant who sent melons to everyone. The **** attendant was startled and took a step back, but he remembered that it is no better now than it was today. He honestly works here, and Stewart has it again. What qualifications to show off?

He took another step, looking at Stewart defiantly.

Stewart gritted his teeth and said, "You can eat rice, but you can't talk about some things!"

The **** attendant's eyes flashed, and he suddenly summoned the courage to say: "If you want people to know, you can't do anything! I sit upright, what can't I say? I can do it, but I'm afraid that people will say it? Everyone says, right? ?"

Stewart always hugs Cindy Asa’s thighs tightly. He is usually very poor in the receptionist department, but because he is a close friend of the chief official, no one dares to offend. At this time, a phoenix with feathers is not as good as a chicken. Who will buy him? Account?

Hearing what the **** servant said, the other people who eat melon nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't name it, don't be so sensitive."

"Come on, keep talking, keep talking, don't be disturbed by irrelevant people."

Stewart was trembling with anger and chills all over, this is... the wall is down and everyone is pushing? If people don't kill themselves for their own sake, is it true that they are wrong?

A figure appeared in the hall, and a majestic voice sounded:

"Working hours, everyone should not gossip about irrelevant things, and don't let me use the regulations to honor it with everyone!"

"Ah! Your lord! Let's stop talking and do things right away!"

"Let’s talk slowly when the work is over, don’t affect work efficiency!"

It was Cindiazza who was talking, and he took a deep look at Stewart and turned away.

Stewart's eyes flushed: he let them talk after get off work! He ignored me and followed him for so many years!

Not to mention the reception department, the chief officer promptly threw the pot so as not to cause trouble to himself. Besides, the prophecy department, the people who went out from the prophecy department, have made such a big military merit, this is a rare thing with a long face.

Even the business management hall of the Prophecy Department raised a banner: Warmly celebrate our Shiba Yu's independent retreat from the enemy to save the world of Palani.

The dragon armor, the dragon...Bah, who had a name, suddenly remembered. These two are Mosien and Horu. These two are even more triumphant, and they boast:

Mosien: "I know that Lord Bai Yu is incomparable in combat, and one person will destroy Crusu! What kind of record is this!"

Holu: "When I first saw Lord Bai, I knew that Lord Bai was the dragon among the people!"

Mosien said: "Master Bai Yu is not only powerful, but also very humble! He is generous enough to treat friends!"

Holu: "Yes! Not only is he generous to his friends, he is also broad-minded, taking care of the overall situation!"

Horu: "What? You don't believe it? Do you know? There is a...then who is in the reception department? He was sent to greet Lord Bai Yu! Who knows this servant...Of course this servant is Nass, don't interrupt, At that time... Baba Baba..."

In a certain meeting room of the prophecy department, a few big bosses arrived at the prophecy department at the same time, just to discuss things about Bai Yu.

Ashuda: "This time the God Realm is preparing to establish a defense line in Palani, and stop the war at Palani. I suggest that the Prophecy Department should make more investment."

Yi Wen: "There is no doubt that this time is the general trend. If the God Realm does not show some courage, something will really happen."

Iorito: "This incident was caused by Bai Yu. His honor is the honor of the prophecy department, but his time in prophecy is too short. I am worried that other departments will pry him away at a high price. Therefore, we still have to There is enough weight. Go to Palani to take the seat, first to avoid any crooked minds in other departments, and second, Bai Yu will inevitably attract Cthulhu’s attention and prevent him from being targeted by Cthulhu."

Keno: "Who is going?"

Ashuda: "I made a prediction about Bai Yu's situation, hehe, this kid is unsure, so this time I think we have to choose one of the four of us."

Yi Wen was surprised: "Even you can't measure it?"

Ashuda sighed: "Perhaps because of the inheritance of the Yanhuang family he practiced, or for other reasons, I made more than a thousand predictions on him. Sulu succeeded in the assassination, he killed a large number of Cthulhu, and betrayed the human race. It really makes me...unbelievable."

Keno said: "Variables?"

Ashuda nodded and said: "It's a variable, but I don't know what his variable is? How could his future be so possible? It can be said that his destiny is changing almost every second. , I am not sure about such a person, so...I am not sure, only to keep him in a controllable range, no matter whether he belongs to the immortal realm or the **** realm, it is always the arrogant of our human race to protect him. It is also our old and immortal obligation. Every time there is a strong human in the human race, there is more hope."

Aiolito said: "Hope?"

Ashuda smiled bitterly and nodded: "Yes, hope, I have made countless predictions about the development of this world, but unfortunately, I don't know why, the final result is all losses. I only see a dead silence, black, The world of nothingness."

Keno sighed: "We still lost in the end? Cthulhu finally won?"

Ashuda shook his head: "Cthulhu did not win, nor did the humans. I don't know who won."

Yi Wen's eyes flickered: "This is... really surprising!"

Ashuda said, "So, in order to find the variables in him, I must go to Palani myself. One is to sit in the world of Palani, and the other is to study carefully what the variables of Baiyu are."

variable? The faces of the other three tycoons became solemn.


Bai Yu turned into an equipment manufacturing machine again. If the Terran wanted to counterattack Cthulhu, it would not be for him to take care of himself alone. At this point, he has a very overall view of the situation. According to the information from the Shangfeng Staff, the Ninth War Zone , Will include the nine planets of life in the world of Palani, forming a front line that can echo each other, radiating a large area with the nine planets originally belonging to the human race on this front line as the center. Block, this big block is not lost, Cthulhu can only use refueling tactics to continuously send more combat power here, and the human race and Cthulhu are now toughness and war potential.

Cthulhu is warlike and cruel. If the pressure is not put outside of Cthulhu, they can only digest it by themselves. The process of digestion is the large-scale cannibalism and mutual devouring between Cthulhu. Sulu was born for destruction. If you can’t destroy other species, then destroy yourself. Their lives are full of genes that swallow and destroy. Even if there are only one thousand Cthulhus left in all the world, there is no foreign war. Next, they will also initiate devouring each other.

Therefore, in addition to the nature of Cthulhu's genes to invade the human world, in order for the race to survive, they must also wage war against the human race.

They are like cancer cells produced by human beings' mismanagement of their bodies. After swallowing the lives of their hosts, they will also perish—they are destruction.

Therefore, Bai began to make a large number of weapons, and the human race fought against Cthulhu. The most disadvantaged was that even one level higher could not completely resist Cthulhu’s pollution. Therefore, a level higher can kill Cthulhu but it needs enough long-range attacks. Means, in terms of manufacturing equipment, the human race is the strongest creator and blacksmith of Yanhuang, followed by alchemists and dwarves under the command of gods.

Bai Yu spontaneously began to make weapons, and this weapon was aimed at Cthulhu. It seemed to have a very strong killing effect. Of course, the high-levels of the first line of Gods were happy to play stupid. Within half a month of his breakthrough, he actually made it. With more than a thousand handles of Zhuxie Liannu, this is of course the reason why his sea of ​​knowledge has expanded again, and even reached the limit that can be reached at present, and has risen to the realm of Taiyi True Immortal (equivalent to Congshen of the God System). My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 720 Variables! Variables!) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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