My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 721: stable

The realm and the improvement of Shenhai bring the bonus that he can complete the smelting of hundreds of tons of metal through the refining furnace at one time. For him, more than 100 stalks of Zhuxie Liannu a day are not a problem at all, let alone In the later stage, he simply modularized the entire refining accessories, allowing those gods who received the Zhu Xie Liannu to assemble by themselves.

And the arrows used by Liannu are tens of thousands at a time, and then they are collectively hit with runes such as the demon and evil righteous energy thunder method. Now the goal is clear. The enemy is Cthulhu. What kind of poison, gold, wood, and water? Throw away everything that can't hurt the soul and body.

Bai Yu vowed to sound the horn of counterattack.

"We already have thousands of crossbow fighters. When they are in an array, they will be the true god-level Cthulhu, and I dare to slaughter them to you." Bai Yu asked to meet the highest officer who led a large number of god-level fighters to Ditterson. .

He is a true god-level realm, and at the same time a **** with a priesthood, the staff has spent a lot of talk to transfer him from the alliance to the world of Palani.

He is the true **** in the God of Wisdom, and his priesthood is calculation.

In his opinion, everything can be statistically lawful through digitization, which is in line with Bai Yu's idea of ​​manufacturing equipment.

"I've heard of you, little guy. We are going to face Cthulhu. They are wise but lack rationality. In our words, they are all lunatics. We can't predict that they will do it on the battlefield. What, so everything must be considered in the long term." Henk said.

"Since the counter-offensive plan has been determined and we also have sufficient force, why not implement our plan now?" Bai Yu said anxiously.

"Little guy, are you questioning my slack?" Henk sank his face.

"No, sir, I didn't mean that, but war is an upright competition of strength. We are now stronger than them, so we should take the initiative in the war instead of being unable to defend it." Bai Yu lowered his voice.

"Our human race has fought with Cthulhu for more than tens of thousands of years, and the accumulated time I have fought with Cthulhu has also exceeded 10,000 years. Therefore, how to deal with Cthulhu will be guided by the general staff. I will execute it again, boy, you hope to regain the occupied planet of life as soon as possible. I understand this, but we must fight steadily.” Henk said calmly.

Bai Yu was anxious: "Even if the whole army does not attack, we should have corresponding harassment and temptation? Just build a tortoise shell, retract your head, and wait for the opponent to fight!?"

"Pay attention to your tone! You are now talking to the **** of calculation, who is commanded by the Ninth War Zone and has a formal priesthood! Who taught you to dare to speak to me in this tone!?"

The power of the mountain was released, Bai Yu only felt that Henk in front of him suddenly seemed to be much taller, and the expression on his face changed from a calm smile to unfathomable majesty.

Bai Yu also released his Taiyi True Immortal's aura against Henk, but when converted, the true **** corresponds to the Yanhuang type Tianxian, and Bai Yu resisted a little bit hard: "The consistent method of the horizon is to save stability and stabilize its own territory. The fight is almost gone, and only some soldiers temporarily conscripted from the lower realms are still sent to let their lives pay for your stability. I really don’t know why so many soldiers sacrificed from ancient times to the present are exchanged for your superiority today? Because the human race has enough worlds, it doesn't matter if there are fewer, right?"

"Presumptuous! You are so bold!" Henk roared, and the whole building shook with a buzzing roar. The doors, windows and pillars also made unbearable creaking noises, and Bai Yu was shocked by his power. , It was a huge shock, his throat was sweet, he snorted, and swallowed the blood that came up abruptly. For a while, his mouth was full of rust.

Seeing that he was injured, Henk gave a cold snort and withdrew his momentum. After a victory, this kid was defiant? Wouldn't it be glorious to let people of little value die for these gods? Should the noble gods in turn give up their lives for these mud legs?

Bai Yu took a long breath and looked disappointed: "You are decayed and depraved. I really hope you can let me leave here and return to the Yanhuang Immortal Realm; one by one, just to save his own lives, the world that mankind has will be more The less you come, the so-called stability is just to sprinkle a handful of sand before the flood comes, indicating that you have worked hard and can confess, and then leave behind other people who will be swept by the flood...Haha, flood How can you drown the entire world? You are the masters of this world, and the others are just vassals."

"Your stability is just not to let the loss involve yourself. As for the lives of other people, the world shared by the human race... When you are endangered and you need your lives to protect, you can give up, right? "

Henk's face was extremely ugly, and his hands under the table had clenched his fists: this little thing that doesn't know good or bad, if it weren't for the confession on it, don't embarrass him, I will tell him today that insulting a **** will end up what.

"Get out!" Henk shouted in a deep voice, with divine power mixed in his voice, and Bai Yu felt as if he was hit by a hammer in his heart.

He sneered, I was still too weak.

"I said I would give you five minutes, now the time is up, you failed to convince me, please leave my office!" Henk pointed out the door.

Bai Yu glanced at him deeply, then turned and left.

Seeing that he was not backing out, he dared to turn his back to him directly, Henke was so angry that his hands trembled, a reckless kid!

Bai Yu walked out of Henke's office, gave a long sigh, and walked out.

The newly built Ninth War Zone Command Office area is very magnificent. It was built after the removal of hundreds of dwellings and paved areas in the city. This is equivalent to the temporary presence of the gods, and it is also necessary to spend ten times and one hundred times more energy on construction It should be.

Kostu greeted him with a look of hope: "How is it?"

Bai Yu coughed slightly, and Kostu's face changed: "Master Bai, you...are injured?"

Bai Yu said: "Small things, but we can't go on the expedition."

Kostu was taken aback, and asked in a daze: "Why? With more strongholds, we can mobilize our combat power. If we don't take advantage of the high morale, when will we wait? We only have one planet now. In my hand, there are no friendly forces, so I’m here? What if Cthulhu all come to attack? If one or two thousand come, can this planet be defended? We have teleportation formations that can support each other at any time. Is there a problem with a few more strongholds? ?"

"Ha ha, the above requirements are stable, ha ha." Bai Yu smiled without emotion.

"Steady? Steady is to stay here and wait for the Cthulhu army to suppress the situation? Just to let everyone wait to die? But this time the alliance is still generous, so I am willing to send a true **** to die with us!" Kostu angrily said.

"Send to death? You think too much. When the war resumes, you think that a **** of true **** level and a **** of faith in the kingdom of gods, he will have no way out? Palani died so that there were no more bugs left, he You won't die, don't worry." Bai Yu sneered.

"I don't worry about you......*%#()@......%&)!" Kostu was so angry that he could not hesitate to speak, even the Palani Common Language (local dialect) came out.

"You can’t do this, Kostu, prepare to leave. You have left such a great battle exploit and have the right to request a callback. Take this battle achievement and go to some small planet near the headquarters to slowly manage your kingdom of God. Prepare to leave with the companions of the Storm Team, of course, as long as they are willing to leave." Bai Yu said disappointedly.

Kostu said nothing when he heard him.

Finally, he finally spoke: "I have stayed in Palani for more than 20,000 years. It can be said that this is my second hometown, my first hometown... The world before I was brought up, I can’t go back. Go, I don’t have that much financial resources, so it’s impossible for me to give up Ditterson and Palani."

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "You do this. When more Cthulhu arrives, you can only wait for death when the soldiers are coming down the city."

Kostu's voice was dry: "Then wait for death."

Bai Yu patted Kostu on the shoulder, sighed, and turned to leave. Kostu stared at Bai Yu's back in a daze, confused.

After walking a few steps, Bai Yu suddenly turned around and said, "Costu, those punish evil spirits, I will leave it to you and survive."

When Tika, Colin and other guards saw Bai Yu leaving sadly, they asked carefully: "My lord, are we... just here to defend yourself? Lord Bai is right. There should be a field army outside to support you, at least not to let it be. Cthulhu attacked us with no distraction, even if it is to contain Cthulhu, it is right."

Kostu nodded slowly: "Yes, Tika and Colin, you will lead a battalion of crossbowmen, master the use of the evil crossbow, maybe our way of life is on this."

"My lord! My lord!"

As he was talking, suddenly a soldier ran towards Kostu and others.

Colin recognized that it was a soldier from Liannu Zuoying, and he said with a calm face: "What's the matter? Soldiers must be organized when they move, sit and lie down, so what a decent way they are in such a panic."

The soldier said anxiously: "My lord, what are you saying about being improper! The commander sent the gendarmerie and said that all our Zhu Xie crossbows are to be returned to the public treasury!"

"What!?" Kostu's eyes were cracked.

Colin said angrily: "My lord, they don't want to fight, so they didn't allow us to fight, and they took our weapons away! This... can this city still be defended!?"

Kostu is cold all over, what is this going to do? Not only did he seal the house to the dead, not to fight with the bandits, but he also chopped up and stewed the old dog at the house into dog broth!

Costu forced himself to calm down, and exhaled a few long breaths: "No, I have to go and talk to Master Commander! It's impossible to do that!"

Henk stood behind the window and looked at the jumping clowns coldly: "There are some newly designed weapons, so I want to go out and fight Cthulhu? I just want to rely on military merits? Huh..." My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 721), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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