My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 750: Bai Yu is here!

Bai Yu said: "The firepower is not evenly controlled, and these stresses are not fully released, which is a shame."

In the end, I got twenty-eight pill. The little green pill was glowing red in the pill fire. At this time, it showed a green color. The pill pill was like a good jasper, but it was transparent. For those who don’t know, I’m afraid I think this is just a green glass bead!

Bai Yu picked up one from it, threw it into his mouth and chewed for a while...

Then he took out a piece of fairy jade and absorbed it for a while, and after a while, he said, "It's about three and a half pieces of spiritual power... This pill is not reasonable, it's better to correct it..."

But after talking for a long time, no one answered. The courtyard was just quiet, and Bai Yu was taken aback. Was this...failed?

Looking up at Uncle Zhu, Uncle Zhu looked dull, and met Bai Yu's eyes, and then trembled for a long time: "Mr. Bai...Mr. Bai, is this done?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "I haven't seen the finished product of Xiaobi Qingdan, but the effect of the medicine should be pretty good."

Uncle Zhu murmured: "I haven't seen... what the top grade Xiaobi Qingdan looks like, but... so beautiful, it's just the best, right?"

Uncle Zhu fiercely raised his head and said, "Mr. Bai, I... can I try the effect of the medicine?"

Bai Yu said strangely: "What's wrong? Uncle Zhu just try."

Uncle Zhu picked up one and put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, but it was so easy to smell a trace of medicine. He raised his head and said with a trembled, "Retroverted medicine?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "The medicinal properties cannot be restrained. Once you take it out, it will smell ten miles away. No matter how good the elixir is, you won’t be able to leave it for a few days. , The medicinal properties will not lose too much!"

Uncle Zhu stopped talking and put the Xiaobi Qingdan in his mouth, but he didn't chew it like Bai Yu, but used the body fluid to dissolve it, and carefully experience the power of the medicine.

For a long time, he opened his eyes and his face looked strange.

Bai Yu said: "Uncle Zhu...can this medicine make it?"

Uncle Zhu stood up, his long arms stretched out, his hands almost stretched against the ground: "Master Bai, hope to help me and save me Danxiangzhai!"

Bai Yu hurriedly helped Uncle Zhu. This uncle Zhu's previous ideological struggles and confused expressions, Bai Yu didn't know why? But Uncle Zhu is loyal to the young shopkeeper. He is an unknown person, but the young shopkeeper believes it. As an old family member of the Yin family, it is normal for him to be a little wary.

"Why is Uncle Zhu like this?" Bai Yu asked in surprise.

Uncle Zhu stood up and slapped himself fiercely: "I just think it's the young master who is playing around and can't spend a few immortal jade...Who knows that he ran into the master and disrespect the master, so how can he not apologize? "

Bai Yu was a little dazed: "Master?"

As for?

Uncle Zhu smiled bitterly: "There are two types of spirit jade in the market. One is polished by the firm itself, and the other is issued by the Tianting official. The quality of the spirit jade mine varies. The spirit of the spirit contained in it is also more or less, far inferior to the authentic spirit jade of the official government. The previously mentioned measure of the effect of the Xiaobi Qingdan to replenish the spirit... refers to this kind of privately issued spirit jade, the content is only as high as that of the official government. 70% of it."

Bai Yu was startled when he heard the words, and took out the five pieces of spiritual jade. Uncle Zhu took it in his hand and examined it carefully. He pointed to a flower and said: "Master, please see, this is the mark left by the official grinding jade official, because it is used by various ministries of the heaven , Among them, there is no shortage of spiritual energy, so there will be a jade grinding officer to leave a mark, because after the jade is unlocked, whether it is cutting or polishing, the spirit of the fairy will leak out. The heavenly jade sealing technique is much stronger Therefore, the government-issued spirit jade is more popular in the market. In addition, as long as you don’t use it, you can ask a spiritualist to inject the spirit of the spirit into it. Although it can only be regarded as 70% of the unused state, it is not bad. Up."

Well, isn't this a power bank?

Bai Yu asked: "So, it means that the spiritual jade issued by the government has a high aura content, so the top-quality pill that the young shopkeeper said before is 95%, which means... the privately issued spiritual jade?"

Uncle Zhu nodded and said: "Yes, so, the so-called 75% of the master's so-called seventy-five percent of the celestial jade issued by the government, and the private distribution of celestial jade, only as 70% of the official government, so the master uses a piece of spirit The cost of jade is four yuan, which is nearly 10% more than the celestial spirit. This is not just the best medicine? This is a celestial product!"

Bai Yu said, "How much does such a pill cost?"

Uncle Zhu said: "Although it can only be regarded as more than four immortal jade, the absorption speed is much higher, and the erysipelas is almost nothing. If there are rich people, there will be more than one such immortality, and I will still be an immortal. The product is just a joke, I can’t think of it, it’s really something, it’s... it’s a superb skill, a skill close to the Tao! Such a pill, if my family is rich, six to eight pieces can be sold...but..."

Bai Yu said: "But how?"

Uncle Zhu smiled bitterly: "The deed didn't say that I want a fairy product Xiaobiqing Dan, they only want a middle grade..."

Bai Yu said distressedly: "Zhong Ren, this is really...troublesome."

Uncle Zhu said: "Can't you practice worse?"

Bai Yu thought for a while: "It's not impossible. I used ordinary furnace fire to make it. I guess it will be worse. I think about it... If you are distracted and make five or six furnaces at the same time, it is estimated that it will reduce the quality... if not , If the middle-grade is mixed with the top-grade, he will always stop talking about it, right?"

Uncle Zhu thought for a while: "Should it not be so shameless?"

Bai Yu thought for a while: "If it doesn't work anymore, I will adjust the formula again, and use the fire energy to counteract the wood energy..."

Uncle Zhu said with joy: "So the best! So the best!"

Bai Yu said: "Then Lin Cangyu, it's better not to let him come again. I'm going to start alchemy in the backyard and don't let him leak the wind."

Uncle Zhu said: "That's natural, I will tell him tomorrow, close the shop."

Bai Yu said: "Not only that, it's better for Uncle Zhu to greet the drugs purchased from other places and draw their attention."

Uncle Zhu said: "Master, the old servant has a ruthless please!"

Bai Yu said: "I don't dare to be called a master anymore. Uncle Zhu and Shaodong took me in. I remember this kindness. I will just say what Uncle Zhu has to order."

Uncle Zhu said: "The master is a dragon and a phoenix among people. Our little shop can't keep the master for a long time, but the young master is talented and innocent, but unfortunately he didn't have the opportunity to worship a good master... Entering the master's door wall, the old servant can be considered at ease in this life."

Bai Yu glanced at Yin Qiuling and saw his full face of Xiyi. For some reason, he thought of his sister Bai Ling. His heart softened and he couldn't bear to refuse. When Uncle Zhu saw this, he pulled Yin Qiuling and knelt down together: "Please master! "

"Master Qiu, accept the disciple!"

Bai Yu sighed and lifted up the two of them: "It's nothing, maybe we really have some fate of mentoring and apprenticeship."

"Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!"

Uncle Zhu Wensheng said to Yin Qiuling: "Master, it's late, you and Minglian go to rest first, Master and I will say a few more words."

Yin Qiuling nodded and left Ming Lian.

Seeing them walking away, Uncle Zhu said, "One more thing, I hope Master will forgive me..."

Bai Yu said strangely: "What's the matter?"

Uncle Zhu embarrassed: "Young master... he is really a daughter, and that mountain is actually the spirit of a fairy. Because the old lady walked early and the master wandered, there has been no news for ten years. She, I raised her as a boy to prevent outsiders from coveting the property of the Yin family..."

Bai Yu suddenly realized that it was Yin Qiuling's clear eyes, that he was quite charming in his speech and behavior. In addition, it was not uncommon for a 14-year-old girl to have no sexual characteristics. There were some female voices in her voice. Bai Yu was only a young person with a sharp voice, not yet. Entering the period of changing voices and coming to the immortal realm, I can always throw a divine mind in the past. There is no such thing as a priori... This is too exaggerated, and the result is that I did not realize that this young master is really a young man. girl!

Bai Yu chuckled and said, "It's okay, as long as you have a good character, boys and girls are small things..."

Ma Dan, how can I feel like talking about a new child in my family! ?

Uncle Zhu let out a long sigh, with such an expert clinging to it, at least the sign of Dan Xiangzhai was saved!

Bai Yu pondered for a while and said, "Uncle Zhu will close the shop tomorrow and finish dealing with Lin Cangyu's affairs, so he will pretend to be helpless and ask for help."

Uncle Zhu said: "Let the master arrange it."

Then Bai Yu sneered again: "They set up sets, and we are not unable to set up sets."

Uncle Zhu asked, "How to deal with this?"

Bai Yu said: "Then the store closed...Uncle Zhu left the fake accident to find the source of goods, and I..."

Uncle Zhu said with joy: "Really?"

Bai Yu said, "It should be okay. Let's catch the upstream and downstream all at once. Huh, I can't afford Dan Xiangzhai. I'm really embarrassed. I supplied those monks to Uncle Zhu before. Uncle Zhu might as well contact us. Rear……"

Uncle Zhu wiped away his cold sweat: "This can be called beheaded!"

Bai Yu said, "Doesn't everyone want to push the wall? They come to push the Danxiangzhai wall, so if you don't be afraid of smashing it, just come! Then after Uncle Zhu comes back, you will try again..."

Uncle Zhu was a little embarrassed: "Master, if you want to do this, I'm afraid some of the store can't hold it..."

Bai Yu said: "Why, check our existing medicinal materials, what are the precious pill prescriptions, get a few pots of good pill, and sell it, naturally there will be spiritual jade."

Uncle Zhu wiped his sweat again and said, "The master has done nothing, this is really..."

Bai Yu shook his hand and said, "Uncle Zhu has passed the award. Without the platform of Danxiangzhai, we wouldn't be able to dance the dragon fish. It's just that people's hearts are too greedy. They can't eat so much food, and they are struck to death. Then we can't be blamed."

Unexpectedly, Bai Yu first arrived in the immortal world and had no fixed place. Before he had settled down, he encountered Danxiangzhai and was in danger. Bai Yu had forged a relationship with Danxiangzhai, and even accepted the young master of Danxiangzhai as an apprentice and a teacher. The feeling of being a disciple also has the meaning of taking in. Bai Yu decided to make a big wave in this Yunxuanfang. In this wave, I don't know how many innocent shrimps and piranhas will be rolled up.

Bai Yu said in heart: "Master Zhuang Zhou, I don’t try to contact you once I get to the immortal world. I have to wait until I have nothing to do before I can sacrifice your big card? Besides, in a small town, the cloud and rain are only in the midst of overturning. Just let you see what is hype, what is market economy! What is called Bai Yu here!"My Dreamland The latest chapter address can come true: dream can become a reality Real full text reading address: dream can come true txt Download link: dreams can come true Mobile reading : Https:// the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorites" record the reading record of this time (Chapter 750 Bai Yu is here!), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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