My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 751: Teach apprentice

Early in the morning of the second day, Lin Cangyu came to Danxiangzhai, but did not see the shop open for business, startled and entered through the side door.

Lin Cangyu went directly into the backyard from the side door, but saw that Uncle Zhu and the new handyman were cleaning the furnace. He asked, "Uncle Zhu, why don't you stop doing business today?"

Uncle Zhu smiled bitterly: "Now the whole city is watching my Danxiangzhai jokes, what kind of business is it still in? If you stop the business, you can convert the fairy jade, and you can still get some more, so that the young master will not suffer from the hunger and cold in the future."

Lin Cangyu's face changed: "Then what should I do?"

Uncle Zhu sighed, "There are still more than ten days left this month. You are also an old man from Danxiangzhai, so I can't let you go if you want to..."

Lin Cangyu felt at ease in his heart, and said in his heart, you closed the door, where can I practice?

Uncle Zhu continued: "In this case, I will send you the full amount of this month's money..."

Lin Cangyu's blood immediately went up: "How can you do this..."

Uncle Zhu raised his head in surprise and said, "Does Master Lin Dan have any comments?"

Lin Cangyu said angrily: "Dan Xiangzhai has such a big event, I left my thoughts to support, you actually drove me away?

Uncle Zhu Tan said: "Why come to drive Lin Danshi? This is not going to be unavailable. Lin Danshi's success rate now cannot reach the contract volume we want to fulfill, 50,000 small Biqing Dan! Does Lin Danshi want to be with us? Should you bear the responsibility for breach of contract?"

Lin Cangyu was speechless and stammered: "I'm just an alchemist, so why should I bear it together?"

Uncle Zhu sighed: "Master Lin Dan, can he complete the refining of 50,000 small Biqing Pills within the time specified in the deed, presumably Lin Dan himself knows that he must keep the Danxiangzhai store...there is only another thing. If we find another way, we really can't afford to hire Master Lin Dan..."

Lin Cangyu said, "I... when did the lion ask for money again?"

Uncle Zhu said: "Master Lin Dan is kind, I know it, but the rate of discarding pills is too high. Over the past month or so, nearly 100,000 spiritual jade has been cast on Master Lin Dan, and the total amount of pills produced is less than one thousand... Zhaishi can't afford to lose any more."

Lin Cangyu blushed and said, "If you train an alchemist to come out, don't you have to burn money!"

Uncle Zhu sighed: "Master Lin Dan thinks we still have time now?"

Lin Cangyu said, " just can't drive me away like this!"

Uncle Zhu said: "Naturally, I didn't drive Lin Danshi to leave. Isn't this to discuss with Lin Danshi? Lin Danshi originally took the handyman's wages. We increased Lin Danshi's wages from fifty spiritual jade to five hundred. It’s already ten times as many as this month’s wages have been settled, and it’s five hundred again. Does Master Lin Dan have anything to ask for?"

Lin Cangyu blushed and black, black and red: "Think you are ruthless! If you don't stay here, you have a place to stay!"

In terms of employing people, Lin Cangyu clearly wrote that he was a helper under the name of Alchemy Zhong, with fifty spiritual jade a month, and after Alchemy Zhong "disappeared", Lin Cangyu topped Alchemy Zhong’s The position, but did not re-write the deed volume, just verbal agreement, this is also the back hand that Uncle Zhu left, who said that Uncle Zhu is an old man? If Lin Cangyu honestly polishes his skills, Dan Xiangzhai will spend more time and effort to cultivate it. It's only a month before he starts to behave like monsters, brushes all kinds of presence, and even washes a herbal medicine forcibly to use it. Lingquan water, not to mention his clamping skills, 100,000 spiritual jade medicinal materials, only produced hundreds of them, and all of them are low-grade. If he is really cultivated, wouldn't it be a big tail?

Uncle Zhu had originally planned to dismiss him and spend more energy on purchasing medicines from other places. Meeting Bai Yu was indeed fate. At this time, wouldn't he be driven away for the New Year?

Uncle Zhu looked sad and settled with Lin Cangyu. After he left, he covered the side door of the yard. When he turned his head back, how could there be a frown on his face?

"Uncle Zhu, if I use the pill furnace, I can make a large number of thirty-six, even seventy-two. It's just that we need a lot of pills this time, and I have to trouble Uncle Zhu to help. I will find seven or eight pill furnaces to make up the total number of ten furnaces." Bai Yu said.

Uncle Zhu suddenly said: "Ten uses for distraction?"

But at this time, Uncle Zhu regarded Bai Yu's words as a standard, and immediately supported the family, and quietly went to the market to find eight pill furnaces.

"Uncle Zhu, did the cultivators who collect herbal medicine get in touch?" Bai Yu asked while checking the pill furnace.

"I got in touch. They have already set off. They can deliver the medicines within three days." Uncle Zhu said.

"We have weak financial resources and only make one medicine, but it is estimated that there will be a large amount of support in the future. Therefore, Xiaobi Qingdan cannot be refined for a while. I am going to refine a furnace of other medicines. Uncle Zhu will take these medicines. The medicine is sold at a good price." Bai Yu said.

Uncle Zhu nodded and said: "Mr. Bai, don't worry, I have already taken out all the pills in the store, and wait for the lady to explain to Mr. Bai."

After Uncle Zhu finished speaking, he went to work on other things.

At this time, Yin Qiuling was still wearing men's clothing, but when the master knew that she was a girl, she was still quite a little shy, and even her voice was much softer.

"Master, there are currently materials available in the store, and the elixir is also used together. There are only two elixir, namely, the Huaqingyu Maidan for resolving erysipelas and the Taibai Shunjindan for increasing metallic qualifications. There are good prices on the market, and the supply has always been in short supply. If there are top-quality or immortal products, the price will rise sharply.

Bai Yu asked, "Which is more expensive?"

Yin Qiuling said: "Of course the Taibai Shun Jin Dan is of higher value. A top-grade Tai Bai Shun Jin Dan can sell more than 8,000 spiritual jade... As for the top quality, it is even more powerful. It is no problem to increase it ten times... "

Bai Yu asked: "How many Taibai Shun Jin Dan can be accepted in this market?"

Yin Qiuling thought for a while: "There are not many monks who practice the metal fairy spirit, about ten are no problem. If you add some to the major pharmacies, it is estimated that... thirty to forty will not be a big problem. "

Bai Yu nodded and said: "So, if we can make forty superb Taibai Shun Jin Dan, remove the cost of each two thousand spirit jade......"

Yin Qiuling said with joy: "Master, forty pieces are 80,000 spiritual jade...we can earn more than three million spiritual stones!"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "I can't count it like that. I have two furnaces. I don't know how many top grades are available. It is fine for the top grade. But the number will definitely be more than other alchemists. The cost will be shared, and it will not reach two thousand spiritual jade. , The specifics, we still have to practice it again."

Yin Qiuling blinked: "Master, shall we start now?"

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Let’s start now. Apart from teaching you how to refine the medicine, I also need to teach you in daily practice. It is just some basic things that you need to learn by yourself. I will only give you answers to some that you can’t understand. Things, you can do it by watching, listening, and thinking more often?"

Yin Qiuling nodded again and again, her face flushed with excitement: "It can! It can be! Master, don't worry!"

Bai Yu asked: "Of these ten alchemy furnaces, which one is the best?"

Yin Qiuling said at once: "Master, I have to test against me before I teach anything?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "You choose first. Tell me why you choose."

Yin Qiuling nodded and said, "Well, Master, if you don't choose the right one, you are not allowed to scold others."

After watching the ten pill furnaces for a long time, Yin Qiuling was worried. These pill furnaces were all produced by the same company. They said they were good or bad, and they were not bad. Yin Qiuling had no experience in refining equipment. Although he remembers the medicinal materials and properties, he is familiar with them. Although the knowledge of medicine is not bad, even the alchemy has only been seen a few times. At this time, it is easy for him to choose the best alchemy furnace right away?

Yin Qiuling suddenly had an idea, remembering that Bai Yu was beating on the incense burner last night, and finally determined that the pill furnace could not be used. It was achieved by listening to the sound, so he took a small stick and beat one by one.

Bai Yu nodded secretly, this student was quite talented.

In the end, I finally picked two out, but I was a little uncertain.

Bai Yu said: "Okay, tell me, how do you judge it?"

Yin Qiuling grinned and said: "Master, yesterday I heard you say that the pill furnace sound is not good and the little biqing pill is made with the palm of the furnace, so I also listen to the voice to distinguish it! Only these two pill furnaces have long and melodious voices. But there is absolutely no sense of dumbness or ears, so the disciple concluded that these two pill furnaces should be the best..."

Her face was a little frustrated: "There seems to be some impurities on this, it looks too old and far less beautiful than the new one, but the disciple doesn't know what's going on, but he can't put this pill furnace.

Bai Yu nodded and said: "If I choose, it is also between these two. In fact, it is the pill furnace you can't put down. It looks dirty and old. In fact, this is a used pill furnace. It seems to be worn out. In fact, you can’t put down the pill furnace. This is the anthropomorphic device, and the device is also choosing people. The pill furnace is only slightly dirty on the surface, but I don’t know that it has been refined in it. The number of pill is equivalent to using countless elixir to warm it up. This pill furnace is quite good... As for the new pill furnace, the sound is melodious but somewhat sharp, which means that the pill furnace is still hot. In contrast, two pill furnaces are refining the same kind of pill, and its efficacy is slightly weaker than that of the old pill furnace..."

"So this pill furnace is the best?" Yin Qiuling asked.

Bai Yu nodded: "Yes, of course, I don't just listen to the pill furnace by sound, but there are other reasons. Let's talk about it next time you encounter it, and read the pill to me."

At the moment, Yin Qiuling read the pill of Taibai Shunjin Pill to Bai Yu, and then took the medicinal materials, ore, and various medicinal liquids one by one. When she read a medicinal material and the name of the ore, Bai Yu distinguished one.

With more than 30 kinds of materials, Bai Yu had identified it for more than an hour. At this time, it was already three poles in the sun.

For a long time, Bai Yu opened his eyes and said: "Let's deal with the medicinal materials first!"

Yin Qiuling asked, "Master, what should I do?"

Bai Yu said: "The Tianque sand mentioned in the Danfang did not say how to deal with it, but I think that our Tianque sand is a bit more flammable, so we have to fade it."

Yin Qiuling asked, "Master, how do you fade?"

Bai Yu said: "This is related to a technique in the refining device. It is annealed again, slowly increased to a certain temperature, and then slowly cooled down, causing some changes in its internal structure."My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 751 Teaching Apprentice) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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