It turned out to be this "Ze". My aunt re entered it, and the input posture was correct.

She opened Qin Ze's profile.


It's hard to find a song!

God of stocks!

The Shoot!

Powerful acquisition of 80% shares of Tianfang film and television!

Everything has been recorded, which is the legend that Qin Ze left in the Jianghu. In the eyes of ordinary people like little aunt, she is simply a big man among big men.

It turns out that yu'er found such a man. This is not a gold turtle son-in-law. It's 24K pure gold. No, it's a titanium turtle son-in-law.

Moreover, he also has the sister of a big star. In the eyes of ordinary people, making money is faster than printing money. Pay tens of millions of films and buy luxury houses at any time.

The little aunt's face cracked.

"Look at this, look." She handed her mobile phone to her husband.

My brother-in-law was shocked when he took the phone. The heart said, this nephew is terrible.

"What are you two muttering about, eating and whispering?" Grandma glanced at her little son and daughter-in-law.

The little aunt smiled on her face, "I just searched Qin Ze. It's really powerful."

Grandma suddenly became interested: "how to say?"

The little aunt looked at Su Yu. "Yu'er found such a good boyfriend. She didn't know to say it earlier. She had to bring it back in the new year."

"Mom, Qin Ze writes songs very well. He is the first person in the domestic music world. His sister is called Qin Baobao... That big star Qin Baobao, said on the Internet, is famous for his songs. He is also good at stock speculation. He says that he is a god of stocks. Many stars ask him to help make money. He also writes piano music and has made movies. He shot the" bloody battle on Shanghai stock market ". The hero, I say he is familiar with his face, and..."

The little aunt repeated Qin Ze's resume according to her mobile phone, so that everyone's understanding of Qin Ze was refreshed again.

Previously, they thought that Qin Ze was excellent, but their Su Yu was not bad, rich and tall, with high education. Ordinary rich people really didn't deserve her.

Now, but I think Su Yu has climbed a little higher. This is not an ordinary genius. This is a legend.

Ding Yun also looked at him in surprise.

Qin Ze and Su Yu's elders talked and laughed happily. They could chat with their stepfather. The foreigner spoke fluent Chinese and talked about his development experience in China in those years.

After talking freely, Qin Ze found that he preferred a technical boss. Yes, foreign developed countries have long passed the reckless era. Without technology and knowledge, it is difficult to get rich.

Unlike China, no matter the level of education, finding relationships, finding business opportunities, and becoming a boss instantly, this phenomenon is gradually decreasing with the changes of the times.

In another ten or twenty years, those guys who shout that reading is useless will really be useless.

Su Yu sat next to him, pouring wine and vegetables for him, smiling. It is probably the happiest thing for a woman to see her man talking and laughing with her family.

From beginning to end, her conversation with her mother did not exceed three sentences.

The relationship between mother and daughter is cold, but they have a good relationship with their half brother.

As time goes by, women and children finish eating, while men are still drinking and laughing loudly.

The little foreigner took Su Yu, walked to the guest room, skillfully opened the notebook and logged in the game.

Communicate in English: "sister, I've practiced a new hero. See how I play. I'll teach you later."

"I asked my cousin to download the Chinese version. Use your sister's account and buy the new hero."

Su Yu began to play Lulu abroad. It was this younger brother who brought her into the world. Because she was bored, she tried to play. From then on, she began her game career of being uninhibited and fond of spraying people. She felt really sour.

In the game, she can spray people to her heart's content. Others will not ignore her, but will fight with her mouth for 300 rounds, making Su Yu feel full of a sense of existence.

The little foreigner's brother is also very happy. He has a beautiful sister to play games with him.

"Your brother-in-law also plays this game. We met in the game." Su Yu laughed.

"You Chinese are so good that you can make girlfriends even if you play a game." The little foreigner said admiringly.

"Your brother-in-law is great. He often gives me points."

"Sister, what position are you now?"


"Oh my God, beep you, but only bring you gold?" The little foreigner's shocked and contemptuous expression.

"The game is just a communication medium. It's not that I'll be my girlfriend if anyone takes me on." Su Yu's mouth twitched.

At one o'clock in the afternoon after a meal, the eldest and second uncles were drunk, while the foreign stepfather was drunk and unconscious, and was helped into the room by Ding Yun to have a rest.

Qin Ze came to find Su Yu and saw her playing games with her notebook, operating spicy chicken as usual. The little foreigner's brother was beside her, chirping in English to guide her.

The little foreigner has a full sense of achievement.

"Qin Ze, help me play." Su Yu bit her lip and looked at her man wrongly.

Well, the record is terrible.

The little foreigner didn't object and looked at Qin Ze.

Su Yu's role is a new hero recently. Qin Ze hasn't played games for a long time. It's not just her. Her sister has become a major shareholder of Tianfang. She is increasingly busy, and the time to play games is gradually decreasing. Su Yu is dedicated to managing baoze, and she also rarely plays games.

Like those game friends they once knew online, they gradually reduced their game time, and then disappeared completely. They could not be contacted, and their fate was over.

Fortunately, Qin Ze doesn't need to worry about this kind of thing. Although he doesn't play games at night, he can play Su Yu, which is a more intimate and simple communication.

After resurrection, Qin Ze stood in the spring, carefully reviewed his skills, and then emptied his equipment and bought it again.

The little foreigner stared wide eyed. Qin Ze's action was undoubtedly self defeating. The economy had been much worse, and now it was even more backward.

But ten minutes later, it changed completely, with a strong overall view, abnormal consciousness and sharp operation.

From the ATM of the enemy to the hunter in the battlefield.

I used to spray Su Yu, but now I call frantically.


"Hang and fry the sky."

"Boss, did your cousin in primary school play again?"

After watching for a few minutes, Su Yu whispered, "finished?"

"Well, I'm not drunk. Your stepfather is drunk and lies dead in the next room." Qin Ze grinned.

"Shall I make you a cup of tea?"


Su Yu and the little foreigner go out.

Soon, Qin Ze finished a game and won the first victory. But I didn't see Su Yu coming back from making tea for a long time. When I went out, Su Yu stood in the corridor and stared at the next room.

Her eyes were full of gloom and loss, and her thin shoulders looked weak at the moment.

Qin Ze stood side by side with her and looked into the room. The foreigner was drunk and fell on the bed, his wife was taking care of him, his half blood son sat by the bed playing with his mobile phone, and sometimes looked up to talk with his mother. His mother had a spoiled and gentle smile on her face... What a harmonious family of three.

The warmer the atmosphere in the room, the lonelier the girl outside.

Qin Ze suddenly understood her feelings, such as "my home is no longer my home", "I can't integrate into the three of them, no matter which side".

He gave himself a brain tonic. My mother is my mother, and my father is my father, but my mother is not my mother, and my father is not my father. That feeling is too heartbreaking.

Watching mom laugh and spoil her son in another family, watching dad laugh and spoil his son in another family. Obviously, she is also my father and mother, but where is her daughter?

Su Yu felt her waist tighten and was rubbed into her arms.

She looked up in astonishment and looked at Qin Ze.

"You have me." Qin Ze stared at her, his voice was very light and solemn: "I will always be there."

Su Yu's eyes were moist and her tears slipped down, but her smile was sweet and happy.

She hugged Qin Ze's neck and stood on tiptoe slightly, stabilizing Qin Ze's lips.

In the room, Ding Yun felt something in her heart. Looking sideways, she was stunned at first, and then she smiled easily.

Some people don't love, they can't give too much love.

There are some things that I don't pay attention to, but just want to be well with each other.

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