Xujia Town, Zhejiang Province.

Xujia town was developed from the clan gathering place. It was pushed forward for oneortwo hundred years. The surname Xu may be the same ancestor. After several changes, the size of the town has expanded, but those surnamed Xu still account for the majority.

Xujia town is not a big town, let alone rich. It is located in hills, backed by green mountains, and there are continuous fields outside the town. Because it's a little away from the national highway, it didn't catch up with the developed car. The towns next door were poorer than Xujia town in the past. During the past ten years, there were many factories and countless immigrants, supermarkets, shops, Internet cafes, KTV, everything.

Even if local people rent a house, they can live a rich life. A distance of more than ten kilometers is a different life.


Half of the people in Xujia town are still farming. But many people have been out here. Some have made money in other places, but they don't come back. Some have returned home in prosperity and built large villas in the town.

Xu LAN and his family had a good time in that year. They moved to Shanghai stock market, and their registered permanent residence followed in the past and took root in Shanghai stock market. Except for the older generation, young people now don't remember Qin Ma's family.

Every Spring Festival, Qin Ma will come back to pay New Year greetings to some uncles. In recent years, it has become less and less, and the old man can't stay.

When I return to Xujia town this year, the atmosphere is completely different. The older generation's geniality doesn't matter. Some younger generations who haven't met a few times also gather together, either from the town or from the nearby village.

This year, a legend spread in Xujia town.

Anyone who is a little related to Xu LAN will say to everyone, "do you know Qin Baobao?"

"I know!"

"Know Qin Ze?"

"I know!"

"That's my aunt's, it's my relative."


"It's the daughter and son of my second uncle's daughter."


"It's my eldest aunt's daughter's daughter and son."


BEI'ER has face. Whether it's Qin Baobao, a front-line celebrity and the queen of traffic, or Qin Ze, the fastest shooter and stock god in the singing world, young people basically don't know them.

The gifts bought by Qin Ma and the old man from the supermarket in the town were sent to them one by one. They were not in a hurry. After not having one, they stayed to chat with the old man, and then sent red envelopes to the younger generation. The gifts were not heavy, but the red envelopes were full of weight.

It's said that it's Qin Ze and Qin Baobao's intention. In fact, it's Qin's mother and the old man's own money. Qin Baobao and Qin Ze often came back to pay New Year's greetings when they were young, and they almost never came when they grew up.

In previous years, it didn't matter. This year, there were old people sighing and complaining, saying that they would come back to have a look anyway. Although they settled in other places, this is the root after all.

In fact, Xujia town is Qin Magen, which has nothing to do with Qin Baobao and Qin Ze, but Qin Ma said with a smile that she was busy this year and couldn't find time.

Dinner was left at Qin Ma's second uncle's house for dinner. An old man of more than 90 lives alone. His son moved to the city and will only come back to see him during the Spring Festival. This year, the old man's son went to his wife's house for the new year, leaving him alone.

Knocking on the door of the Loess house, the old man stood trembling in the threshold, with an old face full of ravines, his eyes still clear, and a trembling voice: "Xiao Lan?"

It's not because of crying for joy or excitement. It's simply because of old age and trembling voice.

"Uncle, I came back to see you." Qin Ma helped him into the room.

"Calculate the time, and it's time for you to come." The old man walked slowly to the table and sat down, "you will come to see me."

"Because my uncle often picked fruit for me when I was a child." Qin Ma said with a smile.

At noon, Qin's mother cooked, and the old man and the old man sat by the threshold chatting. The so-called chat is the old man's unilateral chatter. The old man can understand Mandarin, but he can't speak it. The old man doesn't understand dialect.

The meal was light, arranged on a dark table, with two vegetables, one meat and one soup.

After eating, the old man asked vaguely, "why don't you two kids come?"

"I'm busy." Qin Ma said.

"Is the son's name Azer?" The old man laughed and his face was full of wrinkles. "Xu Guang was very skinny and handsome since childhood. Your son is more like the grandson of the old cattle family."

The old man ate silently, unable to understand.

Qin Ma frowned slightly and gave a vague and perfunctory "um".

In the afternoon, they left Xujia town along the spacious road, walked out 100 meters, and turned into a rugged mountain road, with black fields on both sides, and a white Chenghuang Temple in the distance, which was not big.

Walk through the Chenghuang Temple and then walk inside for ten minutes, and you will find the cemetery in Xujia town.

The cemetery is surrounded by a tea forest. Waist high tea trees stretch to the end of the line of sight. In the distance, there are undulating mountains. The real ten mile tea forest is a rare green in winter.

The sun is warm and the air is cold.

Qin Ma stood in front of a tombstone, silent for a long time.

The old man lit candles, burned incense, burned paper money.

In the tomb lay a woman of the same age as Qin Ma, who was her childhood sister and best playmate.

There are memories of Qin Ma's childhood in Xujia Town, and she also buried her sister's best friend.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, two girls who ran barefoot in the black ridge of the field, one lying in the cemetery and the other in middle age.

In my memory, the brilliant sunshine, the blue sky, the mottled halo under the shadow of trees, and the clear cry of birds are as clear as yesterday.

Qin Ma was holding incense and talking to herself in front of the tomb. She saw her mouth move, but she couldn't hear the sound.

She said for a long time, as if the opposite is not a grave, but her living best friend: Xu Ru.

The old man is watching beside him. When he goes back to Xujia town every year, going to the grave is essential, and he is used to it.

After Qin's mother finished, the old man set off a string of firecrackers and a bucket of fireworks, and the two left.

On the way back, Qin Ma met a man in a suit, holding a bunch of yellow and white flowers that were inconsistent with Xujia town.

He stood by the roadside with a complicated look.

Qin Ma paused slightly, then calmly walked away, and passed by with an expressionless face.

Like a stranger.

She and the old man gradually walked away, and the man turned and stared at their distant backs.

Blue sky, tea forest, picturesque scenery.

Xu Yao stood in this painting, lost in thought for a long time.


Leaving Su Yu's grandmother's house in the afternoon, she didn't have the idea of inviting her mother to come and sit down, nor did she have the idea of going out to have a family dinner alone in the evening.

She took Qin Ze's arm, drove and left.

Today, the lonely boat in my heart finally has a harbor to berth.

Su Yu can calmly give up some essential feelings of others and give up the tangled and sad past.

Qin Ze drank and leaned on the front passenger seat to close his eyes.

Su Yu concentrated on driving, and the car sped on the elevated road. She smiled and dripped, "husband, I'm hungry."

"I just finished eating." Qin Ze wondered.

"But I'm still hungry." Su Yu blinked her eyes.

She is already a young woman's age, and now she is really a young woman. With a frown and a smile, she has a charm that she didn't have in the past.

"I see. The upper mouth is full, but there is still one hungry." Qin Ze nodded, "it's because I'm not thoughtful and didn't bother to love my concubine."

"Eels are evil, and there will always be abalones." Su Yu said.

All of a sudden, the two played in Su Yu's nest, playing in the dark. Su Yu's distinctive uniforms are displayed alternately in 108 poses, one by one.

Exchange knowledge in simple terms.

Lin Hua thanked Chunhong, too hurried, but the cold rain came in the morning and the wind came in the evening.

Rouge tears, leaving people drunk, when heavy, since life is long hate water Changdong.

Qin Ze gave Su Yu an injection and fed her some lollipops.

Finally, a few paper towels wiped away the rolling water flowing east of the Yangtze River.

When it was dark, Qin Ze held the wall and left.

"System, you said I would become Teddy, you big liar." Qin Ze was in tears.

Lie to me, all lie to me~

My eyes are red with tears and my heart is broken~

"I didn't lie to you. Your fighting ability has exceeded 80% of men. You can challenge Teddy, the big man of the sun and the sky after a year and a half of practice." The system explained systematically: "after all, you practice the second set of broadcast gymnastics for primary school students - the times are calling, and it's only two months."

Qin Ze: "...."

He found a phenomenon that when the body is hollowed out, people will become sluggish, and the brain is very tired. When looking at the mobile phone, the screen is spent.

Tonight, the old man and Qin Ma didn't come back. They usually went to Zhejiang Province and would stay for twoorthree days. The relatives here in Shanghai stock market had finished what they should go. Qin Ze didn't have any mentors and close friends to pay New Year's greetings, so he drove directly back to his sister's luxurious mansion.

Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin are already at home. Her sister is wearing home clothes, opening champagne, eating snacks and watching health programs.

Sister Zijin is mopping the floor bitterly.

Seeing Qin Ze coming back, Prince Jin immediately burst into tears, and his sadness flowed back into a river.

The nanny is on holiday these days, and then the house has not been cleaned for several years.

No, my sister must bully sister Zijin hard while Qin Ze is away.

Wang Zijin is too proud to admit defeat. If Qin Baobao replaced him, he would act like a spoiled child, drag his baby brother back, and then hand over the work to his capable brother.

When washing the mop, Prince Jin stretched out his waist and frowned, "ouch, mom, my waist is broken."

"Empathy." Qin zeshen has experience.


"I... I mean, I do housework every day, and so do I."

"Then work harder, and my sister will rub your waist in the evening." Wang Zijin said with a smile.

In fact, I want Qin Ze to massage myself, but I'm thin skinned. To put it another way.

After finishing the housework, Qin Ze had to help his sisters cook. Qin Ze was always unbalanced, and he had to pay nothing in return, which was bad for his heart.

After having a hard meal, when his sister fell asleep, he slipped into sister Zijin's room.

Prince Jin lay on the bed and patted the position beside him: "sister's waist is broken. Hurry, rub it."

"Didn't you rub it for me?"

"Massage is mutual. Help me first."

"I feel... I've been set by you."

Kneading for half an hour, Prince Jin squinted comfortably.

"It's your turn."

"But I'm so comfortable that I just want to sleep."


"Or, reward you for sleeping with me tonight."

"Is it really OK?"

"Well." Prince Jin Xiafei's cheeks, weak mosquito singing voice: "you can rub it."

Qin Ze didn't know whether he heard it or not. He got into the quilt, put his arms around the prince Jin's small waist, and buried his face in her hair.

Prince Jin's heart was beating fast, and he was frozen in Qin Ze's arms. He didn't dare to move. He was afraid that his hands were touching the eighteen forbidden places, which was a feeling of expectation and entanglement.

Thinking about your bottom line, well, you can't take off your clothes, pick grapes, and explore the depth. Yes, this is the bottom line.

Then she heard a snore.


Wang Zijin looked sideways, and the little red guy had entered his dream sweetly.

Wang Zijin: "..."

ASI, this salted fish.

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