My entertainment circle

Chapter 1021 - Bae Joo Hyun is Really Pretty

As night fell, Seoul became lively and the neon signs on the streets competed with each other to light up. Zhang Pingan's Ferrari is not so conspicuous in Cheongdam-dong, the most prosperous place at night, because the main road of Cheongdam-dong is full of demons and monsters at night. All kinds of rich people, all kinds of beauty resources are piling up near Cheongdam-dong....

This side of the main road of Cheongdam-dong is a bit like the new world of Shanghai, you can stop for half an hour you can see a variety of different luxury cars, especially the slutty supercar in the night street roar. Only Zhang Pingan didn't let his Ferrari go into manic mode at night, he still used the Comfort, which is extremely domestic and not at all 'Ferrari' feeling.

But no matter what mode you drive a Ferrari in, its co-pilot sits with an exquisite girl. This is perhaps the greatest charm of a Ferrari? You can run, you can get laid, and you can fuck!

Driving a Ferrari... Well, only if he bought it himself, whether it was from his family or he earned it. As long as the name on the Ferrari license is his, there is never a shortage of girls for his co-driver.

Today Zhang Ping An's co-driver also made a beautiful Bae Joo Hyun as he drove slowly along with the traffic toward the destination of today's dinner, and he looked at the busy Cheongdam Cave and said, "It's been a long time since I've come to visit Cheongdam Cave at night when it's light."

Bae Joo Hyun looked out the window at the famous stores and she muttered, "What's there to shop for here? Besides eating, it's shopping."

But Zhang Pingan laughed and said, "But isn't the greatest pleasure in life to buy the things you want and eat delicious cuisine? Otherwise, what is the purpose of the money we make?"

After being told by Zhang Pingan, Pei Zhuzhong could not find a way to refute his words. The two of them just quietly followed the traffic towards tonight's restaurant. For dinner, Zhang Pingan still chose a Michelin one-star restaurant called 'Mingles'. It's a restaurant that does fusion cuisine, and the chef specializes in using some basic Korean seasonings to make the food taste basic. Miso, chili sauce, and bean paste are all quite innovative in his use.

The reason why Zhang Pingan chose the fancy restaurant in Cheongdam-dong is because only such a place will attract attention after being photographed, and if you are taking Bae Joo Hyun to a crowded place to eat, it feels like you are doing it on purpose for others to see.

The other members of the group were picked up by their agent. Because by taking them to the restaurant together, there was a good reason to explain to their fans afterwards. At this time, Red Babe can not dare to expose any news of love, after all, their career is on the rise, at this time to expose the members of the love, it is a big impact on the team.

The 'staff' has already communicated that they are ready to wait inside the restaurant for the prior arrival of Jang Pyeong and Bae Joo Hyun.


In less than half an hour, a Korean website published a photo of Bae Joo Hyun and Jang Pyeong Hyun sitting face to face in a restaurant, "Jang Pyeong and Bae Joo Hyun are dating."

After the news emerged, the Navy quickly started to come off the field to attract attention: "No way, right? Is Pingan Zhang hitting on our Irene again?"

"If I were a lady love bean, I wouldn't be able to refuse to dine with Pingan Zhang, would I? Whether it's the help he can give in his career or in his relationship... After all, Pingan Zhang is also very handsome and rich!"

"Erin? Why do I feel like I'm the same type as Taeyeon and Lee Ji-eun? It seems like I found out that Zhang Pingan is quite fond of the petite type of women?" "Petite? Do you think there is any connection between Arakaki and the word 'petite'? She's got a '170cm'."

"It's not easy to treasure a prettier lady love bean, but why is she involved with Pingan Zhang again?" "That's right, Taeyeon, Pani, Sun Na Eun, Kim Seol Hyun, and now there's another Bae Joo Hyun." "Isn't that normal? Zhang Pingan is a very famous producer in the entertainment industry, isn't he dealing with artists?" "Very funny, you guys. When you're in the workplace, don't you like to talk more with beautiful women, and aren't the beautiful ones in that Zhang Ping's workplace all love beans?"

The internet became hot after the navy went down, and a lot of people saw some news about Jang Hyeon and Bae Joo Hyun.

In a cafe, Bae Joo Hyun with a baseball cap was sitting with Jang Pyeong Hyeon drinking coffee. And at night on a quiet road, they were walking side by side... Of course, these so-called 'evidence photos' were provided by Zhang Ping An, and they are still hot.

Many people on the internet are talking about the date between Zhang Pingan and Bae Joo Hyun, but Zhang Pingan is sitting in a Michelin star restaurant with all of them, including their manager, having dinner today. The price of 150,000 won per person (about 900), which is not very high among the many Michelin stars, especially when compared to the Japanese Michelin, is really much cheaper.

After looking around at the diners behind her, she whispered, "This is the first time I've come to eat at a Michelin restaurant."

Sun Seung Hwan nodded and echoed, "Me too."

However, while they were saying 'Michelin restaurant', only Kang Shiki was munching on her own plate of food, and she was the one who had finished eating all the little things decorated with sauce.

If you want to say who is the most delicious food in Red Bayberry, who is it? It was none other than Shibuki Kang.

After she finished eating the plate of food in front of her, she raised her head and said sincerely before everyone finished eating, "It's really delicious, it's the first time I've eaten such delicious food."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "In the future, you can look for more food stores, and you can even plan a resting food route. There are so many food programs nowadays, you can go to explore all the stores during your break."

Shibuki looked at Zhang Pingan happily and said, "Oppa, what restaurants do you recommend?"

Zhang Ping An responded, "Michelin puts out food guides every year, and you can follow those guides to find them. The two Michelin stars in Korea aren't as good as home-cooked meals for you guys. If you have to choose, I would personally recommend eating at a restaurant other than Korean food. The price of a Michelin star is about 150,000 won per night. The daytime package costs only between 50-80,000 won, so lunch is still very cost-effective."

Sun Cheng Huan turned to ask Pingan Zhang, "The city with the most 'Michelin restaurants' in the world is Tokyo, PD Zhang, how many have you eaten there after studying there for so many years?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and responded, "Michelin? I've had '100 stars' for a long time. I've eaten basically every Japanese food Michelin rated before 2010. However, in Japan, I prefer their food website recommendations to Michelin. And there are a lot of good restaurants in Japan that you can't get on Michelin because they only accept memberships, so if you don't have a member to introduce you to them, you won't be able to eat there at all. Restaurants with a membership system don't accept reservations by phone, and because of that they can't be rated in Michelin."

When it comes to the topic of food, Zhang Pingan has a lot to talk about. While Zhang Pingan and Hong Bei Bei were eating dinner, an 'ins' user who has more than three million followers on the internet posted a photo of Zhang Pingan and Hong Bei Bei's group eating dinner.

The photo clearly captured Zhang Pingan with all of them from a distance: "I just watched the news that Zhang Pingan is dating Bae Joo Hyun? Is this what you call dating? If eating with a group is considered a date ... Then Pingan Zhang should simply eat alone forever."

Someone immediately reprinted the photo: "So that's how sinister the media's face is? Bae Joo Hyun and Jang Pyeong Hyeon were photographed waiting for their teammates to arrive, and they made up the news that they are dating. I've seen clearly what the news is saying."

Not long ago it was said that Jang Pyeong and Bae Joo Hyun were dating, and immediately people from the same restaurant photographed that the so-called 'Jang Pyeong and Bae Joo Hyun dating' was actually Jang Pyeong inviting everyone from Hong Bei Bei to dinner, including their manager who was sitting next to them.

On the first day of the show, the fans who heard the news that Bae Joo Hyun and Jang Pyeong Hyeon are dating just left a message on their official website, hoping that the company will come out with an explanation, and immediately other passersby came out with an explanation.

The new album was released on the official website of the company. "The media nowadays is really good at making up news. It's obvious that Zhang Ping An invited the team for dinner, but they took pictures of only Zhang Ping An and Bae Joo Hyun together. This is just making up stories, make it up, make it up hard."

The news about Bae Joo Hyun's hotness is finally led by the navy.

After having a meal with Hong Bei Bei, Zhang Ping An waited outside the restaurant for the chauffeur to arrive, and Hong Bei Bei and the others got in the car and went back to the dormitory.

Before waiting for the driver to arrive, Zhang Ping An posted a picture of Bae Joo Hyun on his 'ins'.

Then he wrote, "I just had a meal with Hong Bei Bei, but how come I'm with Bae Joo Hyun? After I saw these news appear, I even went to look for a lot of photos of Bae Joo Hyun, which is really pretty."

After a start on Zhang Pingan's personal 'ins', the navy all went down and started saying 'Bae Joo Hyun is pretty' Zhang Pingan gave photos of Bae Joo Hyun today, and it started to go viral on the internet, and all the major men's websites piled up with this quote. "Isn't Bae Joo Hyun really too pretty?"

The human repeater function started repeating after this sentence... Bae Joo Hyun is really beautiful.

It's starting to brainwash countless Korean netizens...

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