My entertainment circle

Chapter 1022 - Your Masterpiece Again?

Don't doubt the human repetition machine and the law of true aroma, the 'Bae Joo Hyun beauty' was soon pushed to the top of the hot search with the navy. As soon as he returned home, Lee Soo Man received a phone call from the company, and his lips couldn't help but raise a smile. After he hung up the phone, he immediately looked at the hot search list on his phone, and then he started to talk to himself, "This Zhang Ping An's grasp of 'hype' is really great."

Although they are only putting Pei Joo Hyun on the hot search right now, but Lee Su Man, who is a veteran in the industry, has already noticed the upcoming explosion of Pei Joo Hyun's personal career. After the last meeting with Zhang Ping An, it only took him a few days to plan such a meticulous hype plan, which made Lee Xiu Man praise him.

In fact, the 'network water army' in China has been used by countless public relations companies to perfection, and it should be noted that nowadays the media and newspapers are no longer the only ones dominating, and the promotion of network power is the most cowhide. Of course, these promotion methods need a lot of money behind the support. The other thing is that the artists themselves are able to stand the test of the public.

Although the Human Repetition Machine and the Law of True Fragrance are great programs, the artists themselves are not that good and these promotions are meaningless. It's like 'Park Na Rae' you're in how real fragrance is useless. The new album was released by the Korean government in the summer of 2012.

In the past few years, there have been a lot of people who have been in the market for a long time. When Taeyeon came home, she looked at Zhang Pingan's shoes that were placed in the entrance hall, and she received them in the closet in passing.

After Taeyeon entered the living room, she heard Pingan Zhang's Chinese scream erupt from the study. Wow... That's funny, you didn't even lose the big move? Take the initiative and drive!

At the sound of Zhang Pingan's call Taeyeon walked towards the direction of the study, and as expected Zhang Pingan sat in front of the computer as a 'Zuan Man', Taeyeon appeared and made Zhang Pingan take off his gaming headset, she said with a smile, "The news about Pei Juchen outside was your handiwork, right? "

When Zhang Pingan pointed to the headset, Taeyeon smiled, and he quickly ejected the game, turning off the volume of the microphone. After turning off the sound, Zhang Pingan smiled and got up from his chair and came to Taeyeon's side and grabbed the 'little man'. The weight of his body pressed slightly on the back of Taeyeon's shoulders, and the two of them walked towards the checkroom as if they were Siamese twins.

At the same time, Zhang Pingan smiled and said to Taeyeon, "Didn't I tell you? Today is just going out to take pictures of Bae Joo Hyun."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "Hmm. I didn't expect this effect to be... It's an immediate effect."

Although Taeyeon was already at a point where she didn't need such an exaggerated internet hotspot, but seeing the terrifying rise in the hotspot that Zhang Pingan created for Bae Joo Hyun... She also felt horrible. What if people in the future imitate the way Zhang Pingan went down as a navy to create more love beans, will her popularity fade away? Taeyeon is still a little worried.

The new album was released by the Korean government in October, and it is the first of its kind in the world. This shows that the internet has a great impact on the entertainment industry. First of all, most of the people who are interested in celebrities are young people who are online, and since Korea itself is a country that pays a lot of attention to entertainment, people pay more attention to celebrities and artists than other countries. Maybe by tomorrow morning, Bae Joo Hyun's work will increase a lot."

Pushed to the checkroom by Zhang Pingan, Zhang Pingan let go of Taeyeon to help her get her pajamas out. Taeyeon smiled gently at Zhang Pingan's action, and the topic continued on the 'network navy': "Then after that... Wouldn't every family be able to promote their own artists in this way?"

Zhang Pingan found the lambswool pajamas and put them on the jewelry cabinet while responding to Taeyeon, "How is that possible? It would have been impossible to have so many Kim Seol Hyun and Bae Joo Hyun because the sex bean artists were just crossing a wooden bridge? For example, there are a lot of people who are now starting to talk about their body like Seolhyun. It's... Park Hyun-ri, who has a nude body, and Kwon Na-ra. They all have great bodies, but do fans compare them to Seolhyun? It's not, because in the eyes of the public, Seolhyun has already stood at the top of the 'body' category, which is actually a preconceived truth."

The new album was released on the first of its kind in the US, and is now available in the US. "

"Isn't that normal? Because everyone sees pretty in different ways, some like pretty like Bae Joo Hyun, some like pretty like you, and I like pretty like you."

The first few sentences Taeyeon sounded quite normal, but the last one or two became earthy love words, which made Taeyeon laugh as she grabbed her clothes and said, "Hahahaha~~."

"You change your clothes, I'm going to turn off the computer."

After turning off the computer Zhang Pingan came to the living room and took out a bottle of water for Taeyeon and put it on the dining table, then boiled water in a pot, and soon Taeyeon, who was wearing lambswool pajamas, came out and smiled at Zhang Pingan who was standing in the kitchen, "How do you know what I want to eat when I come back?"

"It's because we understand each other that we can become husband and wife. Sit and wait, just boil water, I'll cook you a bowl of noodles."

Taeyeon didn't go to sit and wait, but stood across the console and looked at Zhang Pingan with a gentle smile, "I'm so happy that I can eat noodles when I get home at night. If I were to make it myself, it would be ramen noodles at most."

Zhang Pingan smiled and took out a mushroom from the refrigerator, and some thin slices of beef breast, the mushroom and beef were fried, and the water was boiled. Almost twenty minutes later, Taeyeon's noodles with mushrooms and beef breast were cooked.

The noodles were sprinkled with a little pepper and green onions, and Taeyeon was very satisfied with her snack.

Zhang Ping An looked at Taeyeon's fragrant noodles, and he also felt very satisfied: "Your regular series will be released soon, won't it?"

"Well, this year might be a busy year." Taeyeon nodded her head and said.

This year's Taeyeon is definitely busy, because the second half of this year to do the tenth anniversary of the Girls' Generation, and very heavy to do some of their own tenth anniversary activities, after all, they are very clear in their hearts, this is the last time completely body group activities. It's the last time that they will do a complete group activity.

In addition, Taeyeon also has to take care of her own personal concert schedule, so the second half of her year will be very busy.

The company's main business is to provide the best service to the customers. What I'm most tired of is... . doing a job that even I hate."

"But life, sometimes is so unreasonable. Today's society is the job that picks you..."

Before Taeyeon could finish her sentence, Zhang Pingan immediately waved his hand to interrupt what she was about to say, and he said before her, "If you're good enough, it's your job to choose."

Taeyeon chewed on a fat cow in her mouth while rolling her eyes at Zhang Pingan and said, "How can there be so many good people?"

Zhang Ping An smiled and said, "If you are not good enough, then try to make yourself good enough, and it is definitely right to study more. Many people from ordinary families, after years of experience in the workplace, will truly understand why their parents have always told them to study more and study hard. It's because 'studying' is the only thing in the world that is fair to everyone. How much or how little effort you put into reading will be directly reflected in your future value. So the only way to transform the life of a child from an ordinary family is to study."

Yes, when there is no 'father' to put up with, studying is the only way out. Although this path has been broken by many people, it is a path to heaven that has been proven by countless people!

This time Taeyeon didn't argue any more, because Zhang Pingan was right, if a child from an ordinary family wants to turn his life around, or doesn't want to be mediocre, then the only way is to study!

Knowledge may not change everyone's fate, but it can change the fate of those who stand at the top.

Taeyeon took a few gulps of the tasty noodle soup from her noodle bowl, and Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "I should have cooked more for you."

Taeyeon put down the bowl of noodles and responded, "That's good, don't eat too much extra food. How about you, have you been working a lot lately?"

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services. Not only the variety show on Lee Hyo Ri's side, but also the variety show owed to 'Red Bebe' has to be on the agenda, and the outline has to be made recently, knowing that there are a lot of data to be examined for the show. Also, I have to go to Tokyo recently, and the drama I invested in has won a lot of awards there, so I'm planning to go there to treat the staff there."

Taeyeon said, "So when are you planning to go to Tokyo?"

With a gentle smile, Ping An Zhang responded, "March is like passing by, just in time to enjoy Tokyo, which is covered with cherry blossoms. The spring time in Tokyo is the most beautiful time."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "I can also enjoy the cherry blossoms this year, Yeouido."

Because of the song playing schedule after the album release, Taeyeon had to go to Yeouido. The March Cherry Blossom Festival in Yeouido is notorious for its traffic jams. However, because of the regulations of the music program, the rehearsal time of the love beans are at seven o'clock in the morning, so the time of their arrival in Yeouido is not a traffic jam, and even can be quiet through the cherry blossom avenue in Yeouido.

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