My entertainment circle

Chapter 105 Who is the necessities of this life?

This is their seventh year of debut, and this year's Girls' Generation is also an eventful year.However, Zhang Ping An, as a "coming man", knows that even if he has encountered a series of problems this year, Girls' Generation is always Girls' Generation!They will not affect their performance because of'love news' or'withdrawing from the group or being withdrawn from the group.'

After all, their age in the "idol group" is getting older and older, and their careers in the future will also focus on individuals.Therefore, Zhang Pingan felt that there was no need to buy the photos that were about to be exposed for the short-term love news.

After all, love photos will not affect their career development, just let it be.Besides, "Girls' Generation" is also human, so they can't escape the fate of human beings. Whether they are in love or married, it is impossible for them to live just for fans all their lives?

Of course, many brokerage companies will buy exclusive news photos for their idols, but the price is a bit scary!If it is not the level of the top pillar, basically the company will not choose to buy it.And today SM is willing to buy photos, probably because three months have passed since the love news of Girls’ Generation. Here comes...

The shock of love once and twice has caused the number of people in the official club to drop a lot, and the news of the romance between Yoona and Sooyoung hasn't completely dissipated yet, come again?Kim Young-min is worried that it will have a huge impact, because too many celebrities are in love and affect the company's stock price.This is the most troublesome thing for listed companies, every move involves stock price!

Personnel changes will affect the stock price, and the words and deeds of the company's artists will also affect the stock price. This is why Kim Young-min wants to buy photos, so as to avoid losses caused by stock price fluctuations!

Zhang Pingan and Pani had a brief chat and then put down the phone. As for the news from Yin Suwan, he didn't bother to read it again.Because he knew that she couldn't let go of her live broadcast work, so she stayed in her home for as long as the live broadcast time, and she would go back to complete her live broadcast.

So he only needs to have a longer dinner here.

Downstairs of Ha Dongxun’s house in Mapo District, he kept circling around the rooted'Rolls Royce': "Ah, where did you get the Rolls Royce? This year's new Phantom series, this But the most sporty car in Rolls-Royce!"

Ha Dongxun knew that Genji couldn't buy this car, mainly because he couldn't afford it. After all, he put all his savings into their store.Now the net profit of their shop may be 100 million won a year, and the 100 million won is divided between two people, so he has no money to buy such an expensive car.If you really have money to buy this car, you might as well buy a good house.

Genzhi smiled and took the car key into Ha Dongxun's hand: "This is the Zhang Pingan car that Zhong Guoguo introduced to us last time. It's the handsome man from China. Did Zhong Guoge say he does it? What?"

"Zhang Pingan's car? He simply said that he was working as an Internet company in China. I didn't expect him to be so rich and actually drive a Rolls Royce? I will also try this car called a land yacht. "Ha Dongxun took the car key and drove this Zhang Ping car toward his shop.

After he drove to his store in a luxury car, within ten minutes, the photos of him getting off the'RR' vehicle were disseminated on the Internet.It is not strange that celebrities drive luxury cars. For example, Quan Zhilong, Kim Jae-jung, etc., many top artists love luxury cars very much.

It's just that Ha Dongxun suddenly drove an'RR' which made fans find it strange.Even his wife "Xing" called to ask where the car came from, of course it was borrowed to drive twice!


After entering the private room, Ha Dongxun returned the car key to Zhang Pingan: "The first time I drove a Rolls Royce, I really don’t know how to describe it. The driving experience is great! It is a top luxury car. I thought Ping Anxi, you would like the type of super sports car. I didn’t expect you to like a calm car."

"I used to like sports cars for two years, and then I found it boring. I can't run fast in the city. Why do you buy a sports car? Just enjoy the comfort in the city. Unless you buy a car specifically for playing off the track, it's almost the same, yes, Brother HAHA, didn’t you get off the track in "Infinite Challenge"? What do you think, exciting?"

"Infinite Challenge" has challenged countless projects, and they started their program in February this year and arranged the car for this city race. Although it is a semi-amateur and semi-professional race, it also really let them Feeling the excitement brought by the car, the official race has not yet started.They are still practicing for this city battle, but they are also people who have experienced professional racing off the track.

Ha Dongxun smiled and said, "That's not exciting, it's scary. Especially when professional drivers lead us to run, the speed is like pulling people while running. No kidding, it's really scary."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Las Vegas, there is a supercar track, you can feel the feeling of running a track with a supercar when you travel."

When everyone hears the city of'Las Vegas', the first reaction is to gamble.Ha Dongxun is no exception. He immediately smiled and said, "If I go to'Las Vegas', it will probably take less than two days to be on the hot search in Korea."

But Zhang Pingan shook his head and fell asleep: "Why do everyone think of'Las Vegas' as gambling? In fact, it is really a wonderful travel city. Just like China's Macau, they belong to A city that is very suitable for traveling. Its night view and commercial atmosphere are not inferior to HK. However, tourists prefer HK, I don't know why."

Ha Dongxun smiled and said to Zhang Ping An, "You are not an artist, so it doesn't matter where you travel. Brother Shi often tells us that we as an artist must learn to avoid trouble for ourselves, because a photo has arrived. Reporters have different ways of interpreting them. We need to eliminate the root causes of these troublesome photos, so HK is more suitable for us to be artists than Macau."

"Yes, even if you are traveling to Macau, but you are photographed by tourists and put it on the Internet, it is difficult to explain, and it is difficult to explain. It is still the best brother Zhong Guo, and the trip only goes to Los Angeles!"

Ha Dongxun smiled and asked the same question as Lee Kwang-soo today: "Aren't you following this time?"

"No, I met Kwangsoo today, and he asked me too. There are some things in my company that can't go away. Where do I plan to go to have fun tomorrow?"

"Oh? Met Kwangsoo?" Ha Dongxun just said casually, because everyone has their own life and other work arrangements, and it is impossible for them to get together every day in "RM".

HAHA continued: "By the way, why do you think of someone coming over for a drink today?"

"I broke up with my girlfriend, so I just wanted to have a drink alone."

"Eh? Break up? Why?"

Zhang Ping'an didn't elaborate, but just casually said: "There is no why, maybe I don't love it anymore? I don't think it is necessary to drag it like this, so I can get together and relax."

Ha Dongxun held a glass of wine with Zhang Pingan and then said, “I played for two years before, but later I felt that it didn’t make much sense to play like this, so I married Gao En. It doesn’t really matter if you play at this age for two more years, but after playing, there are some things that don’t need to cause harm to the other party. In particular, “playing” must not be played in the name of love!"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “I think so too, so this time is also my problem. My girlfriend has always been a good friend relationship. At the beginning, there was a slight movement in my heart, but this heartbeat did not Reaching the point of'love'. Later, she took the initiative and we started to fall in love. Now that we have talked for more than a month, I think... how do you say?"

Ha Dongxun filled Zhang Ping’an with a glass of wine again and said, “I understand. Feelings are sometimes led away by an impulse, but after the impulse disappears, I suddenly discover that I didn’t. Imagine loving her. At this time, our sense of responsibility as a man comes. Perhaps this responsibility can make you carry on with your feelings, but one day the sense of responsibility will also be diluted, which is a precursor to a breakup."

Zhang Pingan was holding the wine that Ha Dongxun poured. He looked up and was bored. After putting down the glass, he poured the wine to Ha Dongxun while saying: "Yes, I only found out after the impulsive feelings calmed down. I like it so much. But the'start' is our choice as a man, so we can only carry on with a sense of responsibility."

"That's why I said, we can't use the name of love to hurt others. Nowadays, when women are simple, they are so simple. They don't even need to hear you answer that clear relationship. Just like Zhaoyou's "Some" The same, it's an ambiguous relationship! In fact, this kind of relationship is the best, you don't need to be sure, and you don't need to take care of it too much."

Ambiguous relationship can also be said to be a kind of "play".No one will put the inseparable half of whom, this is not about feeling free and easy, but each other does not want to bear the heavy sense of responsibility!

To put it bluntly, you are not necessary for the rest of my life!

Ambiguous relationship is nothing more than a game of riding a donkey and looking for a horse between men and women.Whoever finds a good one can leave first.

But there will always be such a person in the world, in such a moment, let you think that she and he are my necessities in this life!

Ha Dongxun didn't drink too much with Zhang Ping An, because the shop was already open, so he had to go out to greet the customers.Zhang Ping An is still here thinking about who my necessities are?

At the moment, it seems that only Pei Zhuxuan is the only one who makes him particularly excited!And that Taeyeon who was brainwashed, she probably can count... half of it?

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