My entertainment circle

Chapter 106 Good Luck HAHA!

The number of people sitting and drinking in the private room of Ha Dongxun’s barbecue has gradually increased since the beginning of Zhang Ping’an.His friends in the circle also gradually appeared, including Lu Hongzhe from "Infinite Challenge" and some singers who play music.After Zhang Ping An was brought here by Jin Zhongguo for the first time, he also began to slowly enter this circle..

Most of the insiders who come to Ha Dongxun’s store come to drink. If you want to see some female artists in his store, you can almost say that you don’t expect it.It's not that it's absolutely impossible, maybe you are lucky and you just met Song Zhixiao who was having a dinner here.If you think his restaurant will be a social meeting place in the circle, then you can completely dispel this idea.

Because Ha Dongxun belongs to Liu Jae-shik's camp, and Liu Jae-shik's requirements for the private lives of his younger brothers are also very strict.Even if it is a person like Ha Dongxun who has very good connections, his store can never become a social meeting place in the circle, absolutely!

Of course, Liu Jae-shik does not prevent Ha Dongxun from giving red lines to his friends, but he never allows messy scenes in his store!So Ha Dongxun’s shop is basically a place where a group of men sit drinking and bragging.

The sky outside was all dark, and Zhang Ping'an drank a lot.From 5 pm onwards, his phone kept ringing, and kakao kept coming in, but he ignored it at all, and he turned the phone into silent mode to make the phone completely quiet!

He was also full and ready to sit for a while and then left.

Ha Dongxun kept greeting the guests who came to his store.Accompany for a drink, take photos with fans who come to eat, etc.He returned to the private room again and was already in a slightly drunken state. He put his arms around Zhang Ping'an and said to his friends: "My dear brother, Zhang Ping'an, how about? Handsome, right? As handsome as an actor. Right?"

Lu Hongzhe was also a little drunk, he kept nodding his head and said: "Handsome, handsome, I thought he was an actor just now."

Ha Dongxun also laughed at Lu Hongzhe’s words. He nodded and said, “When I first saw him, I thought he was an idol. Hahaha... Oh, peace, your watch is very beautiful. It feels a bit "Hiphop", skulls~~"

Ha Dongxun noticed the watch in Zhang Pingan's hand earlier. It was a very handsome watch.The entire watch is made of black material, and the middle of the dial is a hollowed-out golden skull.Those who know will find that this watch is more expensive than his Rolls Royce!

Watches are what the rich can afford to play.Someone has explained: the real luxury is something useless!Take a watch, for example. When everyone starts to habitually check the time with a mobile phone, the watch has become dispensable.Its practical value...

Watches, like yachts, are super luxury items.Sometimes the price of a watch is beyond your imagination. This is the same as a yacht. The length of the yacht only shows the cost of building the hull, and the interior decoration and decoration of the yacht is really scary.

Because the decoration project is a bottomless pit, you can install it for 100 million Chinese dollars, and you can also install it for 100 million US dollars.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and took the watch from his hand and handed it to Ha Dongxun: "Try it on. It looks good, you can buy one too."

Perhaps Ha Dongxun’s “famous brand” for the watch gadget stays at the well-known Patek Philippe and other top brands.There are many people who don't know the brand name of Zhang Pingan's watch.Because it is an upstart in the watch industry, not a traditional brand.

Ha Dongxun took Zhang Ping'an's watch and looked left and right, showing what he liked, Zhang Ping'an did not ask him to take it off immediately.Ha Dongxun was called out to greet the guests without sitting in the private room for two minutes, and Zhang Pingan planned to leave after sitting for ten minutes.When he got up and went to checkout, Genji said that there was no need to settle, because the people who came after were all friends of Ha Dongxun.

Zhang Pingan, who did not check out, looked for Ha Dongxun's figure. He saw Ha Dongxun busy taking photos with the guests and drinking. He whispered to Genzhi: "The watch he is wearing, I will get it another day. . Let him protect it well and don't break it."

Because Ha Dongxun was serving guests, Zhang Pingan felt that at this time, he asked him to take off his watch, which might make him a little embarrassed.In order to take into account Ha Dongxun's face, Zhang Pingan simply let him wear it, as long as he protects it.He didn't worry that Ha Dongxun ran away with his watch.


Zhang Ping'an waited for the driver, he got on his Rolls Royce and went home.After he got home, Yin Suwan was no longer in his house, and there was a note left by her on the dinner table.Sometimes an apology or explanation is the best way to say it in person.But if the other party is not willing to meet, then the way of using notes is the most sincere expression, because handwritten text will be more ritual than text messages.

There is a piece of 4A paper with her own handwritten text, although her font is not so good-looking, even a row of text is written in the past, and the font at the back is still a little slanted.If nothing like that happened, Zhang Ping'an would think that the slanted text is quite cute.

But the cute fonts are not worth the mistakes she made.Perhaps there was a component of'not in love', or a component that could not forgive her lies.So even if Zhang Ping'an finished reading these things she wrote, he didn't think about reuniting with her.

The note she left behind was neatly folded in his hand and then thrown into the trash can.Then Zhang Ping'an turned around and went to the hallway to change the room password.It used to be Kim Taeyeon's birthday number as the password, now he changed the password to '2014.03.13' because this number was the first day he came to this world, and it was a special day he could not forget.

Because many people like to use birthday numbers as passwords, but for Zhang Pingan, his'birthday' is this day!And this strange combination of numbers has no context to be found, unless you want to crack it unless you use high technology!But once high-tech is used for the code lock, it is a crime!

After taking a shower, Zhang Ping'an lay on the bed alone, wondering if he would take a trip for himself tomorrow?On the one hand, it rewards the busyness without rest for a month, and on the other hand, I want to leave Seoul temporarily and escape Yin Suwan temporarily.

Because after May Day, he needs to go back to Shanghai to guard the live broadcast platform there for closed beta.

"By the way, May Day!" Thinking of this horrible holiday, Zhang Ping'an trembled a little at Travel.

There are two fake festivals in China, and the number of people traveling is beyond your imagination. The first is the National Day Golden Week.Don't think about the domestic attractions during the National Day holiday, because if you go to the domestic attractions on a holiday, you will not enjoy any travel experience except for watching people.

There is also a holiday called "May Day". Although the holiday is not as long as the National Day, the number of people at the scenic spots is about the same. There is no travel experience where you go during the holiday.

This is not only for the domestic, but also for neighboring countries in Asia.Seoul, South Korea, Jeju Island.RB's Tokyo, Kyoto Prefecture, Osaka.Southeast Asia, Thailand and so on. It is estimated that travel agencies have booked all hotels at this time, right?In the lukewarm weather in April, Zhang Ping'an originally planned to wander around the country, but the May Day holiday is coming soon, which makes him dispel the idea of ​​visiting domestic attractions.

After thinking about it, Zhang Pingan finally turned his attention to Tokyo. This is the city where Zhang Pingan spent his lush time.

Moreover, he hasn't returned to his home in Tokyo for a long time. This time he also went back to see if everything was OK there. He hurriedly booked a ticket to Tokyo tomorrow morning with his mobile phone.Zhang Pingan’s nationality is Chinese, but he has permanent residency in both RB and South Korea, so he does not need a separate visa to go to these two countries. He only needs to take out his residence permit to enter the country.

After booking the air ticket, Zhang Ping An lay on the bed comfortably and fell asleep.

After he woke up the next day, two hot searches related to him suddenly appeared.

The first is that Pani's romance in Girls' Generation broke out at 8 o'clock in the morning when the public began to work.Because at this point in time, everyone is on the bus or subway to work, and the habit of modern people is to get out of their phones and start reading the news.So this time is the most read time!

After the exposure of Pani and Ni Kun's love, the top three search positions, and the fourth is Ha Dong Hoon!Photos of Ha Dong-hoon are circulating on the Internet, driving a luxury Rolls-Royce car worth 500 million won and a top luxury watch worth '839.9 million...'.

And that watch was directly marked by the media as "Richard Miller, Skull and Crossbones". The price was also clearly written with a series of numbers, which is equivalent to the car and watch that Ha Dong Hoon revealed yesterday was worth more than 1.3 billion won.

In fact, Ha Dongxun was a hot search that was posted last night. For his image of a good father who loves his family, he was suddenly exposed on the Internet for his series of extravagant lives. The extravagance has surprised countless netizens.He got on and off the Rolls-Royce, as well as the scissor hands he gestured with fans in the restaurant, and the super expensive watch on his wrist, which made his good image instantly fall into the bottom.

Yesterday, in the early hours of the morning, Ha Dongxun made an explanation on his SNS: The vehicle is his friend, and he only drove two laps.And last night, many fans who ate in the store saw that their friend invited a driver to leave the rotisserie in his'RR' luxury car.And the expensive watch he was wearing was also the friend's.I didn't know that the watch of this brand was so expensive, but I thought the style was very novel, so my friend took it off and gave it to him for two minutes.

It can only be said that Ha Dongxun is lucky. He originally thought that his news would break out this morning, but the news of Pani and Ni Kun's love announced by'D Agency' this morning suppressed his news...

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