Fortunately, this thing is really unclear.This is like the original planned protagonist of a movie. After reading the script, he felt that the script was a little bit bloody and the plot was very old-fashioned. Therefore, the originally planned protagonist declined the play, but another actor was found to star in it. It suddenly became popular after the TV series.

As an example, the TV series "Please answer" series, when the script came out, was completely an old memoir.Writer Li also sent out invitations to some celebrities after finishing his work, but the release of such a script did not receive the response from the actors he expected.In a anger, Li writer simply used all the newcomers. Who knew that "Please Answer" suddenly became popular in Korea, and all the newcomer actors who appeared in this TV series were exploding!

There are also many well-known singers, such as "Jay Lun" and "Qing Feng". They were all born songwriters before.After the song was rejected by the singer, I sang it myself.Who knows that when he sings songs that the singer doesn't want, one becomes a superstar, and one becomes a well-known singer.

These are luck, or fate.And Ha Dong-hoon is really a very lucky person. Whether he met Yoo Jae-seok in the most difficult time, or like today, he thought he would be grilled on fire by netizens, but the result was about the top girl group Girls’ Generation. The relationship between Pani and the popular boy group 2PM Ni Kun.

Now everyone’s eyes, as well as the media, have been focusing on the love of such a well-known couple. On the contrary, not many people care about his news, so the explanation he gave is at this special time. Isn't it a'pass' when you click on it?

Seeing today’s hot search, Zhang Ping’an smiled. He took the phone and sent a message to Pani: “Wow, the news is so lively in the morning, are you making love news so soon?”

After Zhang Pingan's news passed, he quickly got Pani's reply: "Didn't you say two days? How come the news came out in the past night?"

Seeing Pani’s news, Zhang Ping’an smiled and replied: “When I said “two days later”, I meant that “the specific time” I don’t know. And my friend is not the editor-in-chief, so he doesn’t know when the company will be. Let’s make headlines. Besides, I didn’t remind you yesterday. You should have done some countermeasures, right?"

"Hey.. I have discussed with JYP yesterday. We will announce our relationship this afternoon. It's really depressing. We will go to the airport later. The reporters at the door have a headache thinking about it."

Today, Girls’ Generation is going to RB Fukuoka to prepare for their concert, so she has to go to Incheon with the team.But thinking of the reporter standing by the reporter's door, she instantly became two big heads.

"Easy, fly from Gimpo to Tokyo, and then from Tokyo to Fukuoka. That means the journey takes a little longer, but avoid facing more reporters. Of course, you can also choose not to go to the airport gate to take pictures of airport fashions and just take a taxi. Go to the underground parking lot and go up from the parking garage. Fans like to squat at the gate of the airport, don’t they?"

I have to say that Zhang Ping’an’s suggestion is very wonderful, especially the way he said that he would take a taxi to the airport garage and go upstairs, which would really avoid most of the media and fans.At this time, avoiding reporters is the best choice compared to airport fashion.Pani replied to Zhang Ping'an with a "thumbs expression" and then she said, "Thank you."

Pani basically adopted his own suggestion, which made Zhang Ping's contented put down his mobile phone, got up to wash, and prepared to leave for Tokyo.


This time I went to Tokyo Zhang Pingan but brought a lot of clothes, because he had to stay at least a week in the past.There are some clothes at home over there, but they are in the style of four years ago. In the past, he was going to deal with all the clothes over there.Zhang Pingan left the house with a big suitcase.

While dragging the box downstairs, today the elevator once again stopped on Sika’s floor.When the elevator door opened, Sika appeared in front of him with sunglasses. Today, she wears close-fitting jeans and a cotton shirt on her upper body, which is very casual.And when she saw Zhang Pingan again, she frowned very speechlessly.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Will you go? It seems you won't go."

Speaking of Zhang Pingan, she began to reach out to close the elevator doors. At this moment, Sika quickly reached out and shook the elevator's induction. Then she walked into the elevator and muttered: "Who said I won't leave?"

After Sika entered the elevator, Zhang Pingan pulled his suitcase to his side, then scanned Sika from top to bottom and said, "You just took a mobile phone and wallet and went to Fukuoka for a concert? Aren’t you a plane in the afternoon? Where did you go so early to buy food?"

Sika said without angrily: "I can't buy groceries, what do you care about?"

Taking advantage of her height, Zhang Mingan looked in from the top of the sunglasses and saw that Sika did not wear eye makeup. No wonder she would go out with sunglasses.At the same time, he said: "You probably go to a beauty salon without makeup. You are going to Incheon to take your idol's runway this afternoon."

Sika was really speechless by Zhang Ping'an, she slightly raised her head to look at him and said, "Are you annoying, Zhang Ping'an."

Zhang Ping'an immediately began his own love story, "Why should I bother? I should be happy. After all, I saw a beautiful angel appearing in front of me when I went out early in the morning. Isn't this worthy of happiness?"

Sika was very speechless by Zhang Ping's remarks, she could only stare at him and said, "You... are really boring."

"Just because I'm bored, I want to talk to you. How about we make an appointment to talk about life and ideals?"

"Shen~jing~~" After saying this, the elevator door has been opened, and Sika hurriedly left the elevator and walked out of the community. Zhang Ping'an followed her out of the elevator.

Today, the couple did not go to the garage, because Sika did go to the beauty salon, and the agent came to pick her up, while Zhang Pingan was going to take a taxi to the airport!

After coming out of the community, Zhang Pingan saw Sika’s nanny car parked at the entrance of the community.And not far from the garage entrance next to the gate of the community, his former Porsche stopped there.Because after coming back yesterday, he eliminated Yin Suwan's license plate registration and replaced it with his new car, Rolls Royce.So she couldn't enter Zhang Pingan's community at all.Yin Suwan couldn't get in and was unwilling to go back, so she waited at his door all night.

When Zhang Pingan dragged the box out, Yin Suwan sitting in the car spotted him, and she drove the car quickly to his side and stopped.Then she got out of the car, and Yin Suwan burst into tears the moment she saw Zhang Ping An, and at the same time rushed towards Zhang Ping An.

Zhang Pingan and Yin Suwan staged such a TV drama plot on the street, which made Sika in the car all see: "Oh, this Zhang Pingan is a bit capable, unexpectedly I found a beautiful and rich woman. Still crying in the street?"

"Do you know this woman?"

Sika said coldly: "If you know men and don't know women, she is in good shape."

Sika's agent smiled and started the vehicle and took her to the beauty salon.As for the plot of the TV series shown here, they didn't want to watch it more.


When Yin Suwan hugged Zhang Ping An, he did not stretch out his hand to wrap her around, but calmly patted her on the back and said: "I am going to the airport now. If you have time, please send me there."

And Yin Suwan did not promise to send him to the airport, but cried in his arms while saying: "Why do you... why do you do this to me?"

"Walk and talk. You are so emotional, let me drive. Okay, get in the car." Zhang Pingan pulled Yin Suwan off his body and put her into the position of the co-pilot. , And then he put his luggage on the back seat of this Porsche 911 and drove towards Incheon.

When the vehicle was driving on the streets of Seoul, he said, "I saw everything you wrote yesterday."

"Since you saw it, why didn't you reply to my message? Why couldn't you listen to my explanation? Why did you cancel my car from entering your house?"

"I thought about it for a day yesterday. I think we should come here. I don't blame your friend for dragging you to join some associations, but when you reply to my message, you said that you and your friend are shopping, let me wait for you. Hours. Did you tell me to wait for your friendship to end? So I think whether it’s a white lie or not, it’s a lie. A lie is a lie. There is nothing kind or bad."

When Zhang Ping'an uttered these words of breaking up, Yin Suwan became a little quiet, and the howling and crying pattern in front of her slowly stopped at this moment.

Yin Suwan sobbed a little and said, "You don't love it anymore, so you deliberately used this expression to break up?"

Zhang Ping'an faintly shook his head and said, "Let's ask you another way. If I go to join in a friendship with others, but I tell you that I am in the company and you find out on the spot, what would you think?"

Yin Suwan said: "I may blame you very much, or I will hate you very much at that time, but I won't say breaking up so easily."

"Perhaps, you may not easily say breaking up after crying, but that incident will become a seed buried in your heart, and it will burst out one day. Lies, once discovered, love will not So pure. I touched my conscience and said that in the more than a month I was with you, I did not do anything to sorry you. I dare say that I did when facing our love I have a clear conscience."

Yin Suwan was finally silent after Zhang Pingan said these words. Maybe she is the same as Zhang Pingan?During this period of time, the two people got together for less time, and her emotions faded. It was just the sudden breakup that made her feel unwilling?

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