After the aunt finished the basic hygiene and left, Zhang Ping An planned to pack his old clothes. When he saw that the cloakroom was full of clothes, Zhang Ping was a little confused. For a while, he didn't know what to do, because You can't throw your clothes in the trash in RB.In Korea, there are special clothing recycling bins, and RB’s clothing recycling is done at a fixed time and at a fixed location.

And a room full of clothes, shoes and the like, Zhang Ping'an was a bit at a loss.He has lived in Tokyo for seven years. He has clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter for seven years. How can he finish packing all at once?Although there are clothes donation boxes at the entrances of some large-scale clothing stores, he does not know how many times he has to run to pack up the clothes in front of him.

People, it is inevitable that some lazy people think, and Zhang Ping'an is no exception.Since I can't finish it, I just won't clean it up.I set off to Tokyo in the morning, and it was past noon waiting for the aunts to do good room hygiene. He hasn't eaten breakfast yet, let alone lunch.

It is impossible to clean up this cloakroom in one day, and he didn't know how many days he would stay when he came to Tokyo this time, so he just treated it as a temporary'hotel' and just came back to sleep.Things at home.. Come and clean up another day.As for the date of the change, it depends on the mood.

Zhang Ping'an came to Tokyo this time mainly to reward himself with a wave of leisure travel. Since he is traveling, he must go shopping and eat.Speaking of "eat" people who travel to RB, there is definitely one food that will not miss, that is ramen.Ramen is a good thing for lunch, and besides, Chinese people prefer noodles.

But there are so many delicious ramen shops in Tokyo, which is exaggerated.As for what kind of ramen shop is delicious?In Zhang Ping'an's words, the one that meets his own taste is the best.The gourmet restaurants that are reviewed on the Internet may not be in line with your taste.

In general, visitors to Tokyo will choose chain ramen shops because they are the most popular and basic ramen shops.If it is particularly delicious, it is definitely not up to the point. Of course, it is not as unpalatable as it is just so-so.Because chain ramen shops have fewer characteristics than individual stores, what kind of characteristics are most in line with your taste?This is what you need to take time to find.

And Zhang Pingan doesn't need to look anymore, because he has a ramen shop he loves very much in his memory.


Zhang Pingan took public transportation to the ramen shop in my memory. This restaurant has not been on any website that recommends food, but it captures Zhang Pingan’s taste.After eating a delicious meal of ramen, Zhang Pingan put down his chopsticks, said contentedly, "Thank you for your hospitality" and got up.

Tokyo is also a gastronomic capital in Asia, but the beautiful moments here are at night, not lunch.When the night falls, the city changes colors. The streets and alleys will be full of food.

Eating is the only moment of enjoyment that allows modern people, regardless of class, to obtain great satisfaction.High-end restaurants have the delicacy and atmosphere of high-end restaurants, and roadside food also has their own delicacy and affection.Compared with the exquisite cuisine in high-end restaurants, Zhang Ping'an prefers the free and easy way of Tokyo Izakaya, especially the most popular Yakitori.He really likes chicken skins~~ Order a few skewers of chicken skins and pair them with beer. That's the real treat!

For Zhang Pingan, who just came out of ramen, it is still early for dinner.For Zhang Pingan, who is familiar with Tokyo, it’s very easy to pass the time. If Zhang Pingan had a meal before, he would choose to go to Akihabara, where he can easily spend an afternoon. .Now Zhang Ping An has chosen Tokyo's fashionable place, Omotesando.

Omotesando is similar to Cheongdam-dong in Seoul, where the flagship stores of famous brands gather.The block next to Omotesando is Daikansan, which is similar to the boulevards in Seoul, where trendy designer brands gather.The difference between these two shopping districts is: expensive and very expensive.

Walking on the spacious sidewalks of Omotesando, watching the architecture of those famous shops is interesting, even if you don’t go shopping, it’s a joy.Shopping is mainly to enjoy the leisure, not to buy anything, just appreciate the beauty.

After admiring the peculiar architecture of the luxury boutiques, Zhang Pingan wandered leisurely along the small roads of Daiguanshan.Daikanyama is more leisurely than Omotesando, especially the small streets and alleys here are less trafficked on the street, and the mood will also relax a lot.

Enjoy a rare sunny holiday. Walking in a quiet and laid-back street, wandering aimlessly is also a kind of travel.

In the street, many foreign tourists stopped, took out their cameras, and their mobile phones were waiting to record their travel time.Zhang Pingan has seen several beautiful girls with good looks posing on the street.

They not only took selfies all the way, but also recorded some interesting shops and quiet alleys here.Or plan to write a travel diary, or plan to show off in Moments, or...

Regardless of it, Zhang Ping'an hasn't been so free to take care of others. Didn't he just want to relax on his own trip this time?

Zhang Ping'an had been to the alleys of Daiguanshan before, but he didn't think such alleys were full of sensuality before, maybe he was too young to understand the preciousness of this tranquility.At this time, seeing such quiet alleys again, the soul will be calmed by the sense of quietness of the city.

Stop and go alone, record the beauty here with your eyes, and feel the silence here with your heart. This is the real cure after busyness!

At this moment, Zhang Ping An finally understood why Luo Yingshi PD's show after "Two Days" would make the audience feel healed.

Because when everyone was exhausted and busy living, he portrayed "Jing" very beautifully.Whether it's the countryside in "Three Hours, Three Meals," or the island, he has captured the most simple details, allowing people to get spiritual healing. This is the meaning of his filming.

His program does not require characters to be particularly funny, he just wants to give all busy people a time to rest their minds through the broadcast time of that hour of the program. After all, the pressure of survival in this world is too great.

Other shows are using smiles to bring a touch of comfort to busy people when they are tired, and he uses plain tranquility to give everyone a cure!

Standing in this quiet alley in Daiguanshan, Zhang Pingan finally felt the original intention of Luo Yingshi's PD production.But even if he understands the purpose of Luo Yingshi's filming program, it is still of little use to him now.

Zhang Ping'an shook his head with a helpless smile, and then went to Starbucks in Daikanshan. After ordering a cup of coffee, he sat alone in the cafe thinking.What kind of show is more suitable for their platform?More suitable for him to make?

Or is it to build a live broadcast platform or a comprehensive platform?Zhang Pingan remembers that the principal did produce some programs by himself after setting up the "National Treasure Live Broadcast". As for the highlights and effects, they are worse than traditional programs.Even if it uses the emerging media of'live broadcast' to spread, it ultimately limits the group.

At present, the traditional media of'TV' is the boss, and it has always been played by young people in the form of webcast.The form is fashionable enough and novel enough, but a large group is missing as a basis.But how can it be so easy to broadcast on joint TV?

Zhang Ping'an tilted his head and said, "Could you do a trial broadcast on your own platform?"

Trial broadcast, this is the favorite trick played by Korean TV stations.Before any program is formally established and organized, they will conduct one or two trial broadcasts. After the trial broadcast, they will watch the response on the Internet before deciding whether to invest funds as a formal program.

What Zhang Pingan needs is the popularity of online topics after the trial broadcast, so that he can talk about cooperation with the TV station.But thinking of this, he was a little worried.If the topic gets heated up, so-and-so TV station doesn’t talk about cooperation with them, and directly “borrows the program model of “Zhang Pingan” production” to start producing their stuff, what should I do?After all, the program group of China TV Station does too many such things.

Zhang Ping'an still has a lot of worry in his heart. After all, the platform has not been officially launched, and it seems that it doesn't make much sense to think so much now.

After taking two sips of coffee, he began to mutter to himself: "I'd better go back and ask, anyway, don't worry."

At present, China's program group is relatively civilized, and they all talk about copyright.If it is two years later, Zhang Ping'an cannot guarantee it.Because the program group of China TV Station in two years will be rampant to an outrageous level, it is obvious that you "borrow" your program mode, how can you drop me?

Even if a certain program of China’s XX TV station was directly named at the Cannes TV Festival a few years later, the similarity to a certain Korean program was as high as 90%!

But what can you do to me?As long as it doesn't affect my money, what will it do to me even if the similarity reaches 100%?Not convinced, you sue me!

Zhang Ping'an only needs to find someone to cooperate with before such a rogue appears!After all, the cooperation between TV stations and the Internet is a very common model in a few years.

Drinking coffee, Zhang Ping'an suddenly patted his head twice, which shocked the customers next to him.Talking to himself again and abusing himself. Is this man a lunatic?

Zhang Ping'an slapped his head because he suddenly remembered that he had come to take a rest and vacation. How come his mind was all about work? So after he woke up, he knocked himself on the head twice with chagrin.

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