All kinds of lights in Daikanyama at night dot this quiet path. All the roads are filled with the interior lights printed in the shop windows or the lights in front of the entrance hall, which makes people feel very beautiful.

The quiet night, and the warm orange street lamp, drags the shadow of you and me long.Walking in the quiet night unknowingly felt a touch of comfort that suddenly struck, maybe it was the reason why I had a lot of rest for the afternoon.

In April, the temperature difference between day and night in Tokyo is still a bit big.You can wear a dress during the day, but at night it's only about ten degrees in Tokyo. You have to add a coat when you go out.

After night fell, Zhang Pingan was about to go to a lively izakaya to eat skewers and drink beer.He wandered alone in this quiet road, his head was full of his favorite roast chicken skin with smooth beer, maybe he was a little hungry?Zhang Ping'an salivated a little when he thought of those tastes.

So Zhang Pingan speeded up his steps to find food.

Shibuya is the most popular place for young people to gather at night, and there are also natural izakayas where there are many young people.Zhang Pingan found an alley with red lanterns and walked in, and every small shop in the alley became the most shining place at night.There are a few colleagues who meet for two drinks after get off work, and some who come out alone to find food. In short, the counter seats in the izakaya are very lively.

Zhang Ping'an found the skewers restaurant he wanted to eat, walked in, and found a seat at the bar.

Eating alone in Korea may be weird, but eating alone in RB is the most normal thing.After Zhang Pingan sat down, the boss greeted him warmly. Zhang Pingan looked up at the menu and smiled and said, "Three skewers of chicken skin, three skewers of chicken neck meat, and three skewers of chicken. Beer 500cc."

Enjoying the skewers on a beautiful night, listening to the crowd in the shop, even one person will not feel alone.Tokyo is no longer silent at night. At this moment, everyone put down their masks and laughed loudly. Whether they knew each other or not, as long as they were sitting next to each other, they would chat.

Maybe you have a good chat, and you can go to a love hotel not far away for a love battle after dinner.

After all, Tokyo is an extremely open city, and every day there will be such a "love war".Especially the streets of Tokyo that missed the last train late at night, the probability of appearing like that is higher!

Of course Zhang Ping'an had done something like that in Tokyo before, but he won't do it like that anymore because it's really boring.

The skewers are a bit salty because they are constantly brushed with sauce. At this time, it is perfect with beer to clear the mouth!

The advantage of the izakaya is that it is easy to chat with the people next to him. Zhang Pingan sat at the bar and drank and chatted with a little brother next to him about animation.Is there a better night for chat, beer and skewers?Maybe there is, just replace the men who chat with women, and they are beautiful women.

In China, men like animation, women may think men are naive.But it is very common to like animation in RB, because many women here also have their own anime, and in RB "One Piece", there are many girls who also like it!

After eating the skewers, Zhang Ping An moved from this izakaya to the next izakaya.The tempura changed from grilled skewers. After a few cups of tempura, he went to the next fresh food store.Zhang Pingan thought this night was really wonderful, chatting, drinking, and eating delicious food.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people in the lively izakaya, because tomorrow is not a weekend, and the time for the last train is also coming.So many people have to catch the last bus to go home, otherwise the taxi will be too expensive.

The fresh food store is not like skewers, oden and other stores with a slightly cheaper unit price.Therefore, there are not many uncles who drink in the fresh food store. After all, many uncles only drink for the sake of drinking, not enjoying the food while drinking.

So at night, most of the izakaya-style fresh food stores are young people, but at this time most young people have to go home before the last train, and gradually the fresh food stores become deserted.

Of course, this desertedness is relative to the prime time of'eight to eleven o'clock.' It does not mean that the store is deserted to the point that only Zhang Ping'an is left.Although it was almost the time for the last train, there were still three or five people in the store. It was possible that they were happily drinking, forgetting the time of the last train, or they lived not far away.


RB's izakaya is really a good place, because only in the night can you feel the human touch of Tokyo.Especially after the wine opens everyone's chatbox, you can hear many different life stories, some sad, touching, and complaining... Izakaya is the real "Late Night Canteen".

It has been early morning when Zhang Ping An came out of the izakaya in Tokyo, but the streets of Shibuya are still bright, and there are still many people walking on the streets. For many people, the night has not passed.

Maybe it was because they missed the last train. Some people just thought about finding a place to drink until dawn.

Pedestrians in the night have slowed down compared to the day, and may have missed the last train, and it is useless to catch them no matter what.The streets at this time are wonderful, with loud singing, walking with head down, and walking aimlessly with three or five friends hanging over their shoulders, talking and laughing.It's possible that these "friends" don't know each other, maybe they just met in an izakaya, anyway, tonight is a friend.

Just like that, Zhang Ping'an walked slowly to Shibuya Subway Station, watching some drunks lying here and there.Seeing these scenes that he had seen countless times before, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but laugh, because the nights in each city are so similar, but different.

Just when Zhang Pingan turned to take a taxi home, suddenly two people came over. They had cameras in their hands, but the camera was not facing Zhang Pingan. They said, "Hello, sir, from our TV Tokyo. Can I briefly interview you?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Yes."

After getting Zhang Ping'an's consent, the guys on the TV station focused the camera on him. After the show was broadcast, Zhang Ping's handsome appearance caused many people to exclaim.

"Sir, what is your age this year?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a sweet smile: "27 years old." The reason why he has a sweet smile is because he drank alcohol, so how do you say "smile".. A little bored?

The guy from the TV station said, "Did you drink a lot from your appearance?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, I drank a lot. I started drinking around 8 o'clock and I have been drinking until now."

"That's really a bit too much. Sir, our program team helps you pay for your taxi fare. Can we follow you to take pictures of your house?"

Hearing a very familiar slogan from the TV station, Zhang Ping’an laughed: “’s this show, I know.” Zhang Ping’an did know this show because he happened to be watching a certain video website before. I've seen the edited version of this show, which is quite interesting.

In the program group, they pay the fare and talk to different people about their life and their lifestyle. This is the most realistic life!

I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol. Anyway, Zhang Ping'an smiled and agreed to the filming of the program group: "Yes." If it was during the day that he met the program group and said to go to his house, he would definitely not want to.

"Mr. Where do you live?"

"Near Nagatacho subway station."

Hearing Zhang Ping’an said that he lives in Nagata-cho, the program crew doubted whether Zhang Ping’an was joking. They asked this in surprise, “Isn’t it?”

"What's wrong? I live there."

"Your home is..." Because there are many political families living there, the program team must make inquiries beforehand, so as not to go to Zhang Ping'an's house and get in.

"It's an ordinary family."

As long as it was not born in some political family, the program crew got into a taxi with Zhang Pingan.

In the taxi, the program team began to chat with Zhang Pingan: "Sir, what is your name?"

"Zhang Pingan, I am from China and my home is in Shanghai."

Listening to Zhang Pingan saying that he is from Huaxia, the program group was stunned: "Huaxia, your Japanese is so good? How many years have you been in RB?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "I have been in RB for many years. I came here to study in high school, and I was also studying at the university here."

"May I ask your school?"

"When I came to high school, I first studied in'Horikoshi'. However, the school management was too strict, so I transferred to'Hinode High School' after three months of studying. After graduating from high school, I studied at Waseda University, specializing in business. "

"..." The name of the school exposed by Zhang Ping'an made the program group very speechless. Horikoshi High School is Tokyo's most famous aristocratic school, and it also cultivates artists and so on.And he went to'Sunrise' after three months of studying. This is also an academy that cultivates stars. Of course, the only advantage of these two colleges is that you can study if you have money.'

Zhang Ping’an continued: “I went to Seoul, South Korea at the end of 10 years after graduation. I stayed there for four years and only arrived in Tokyo today.”

"Did you work in Seoul for four years? Did you come to Tokyo this time to develop here, or...?"

"Well, I work over there. This time I came to Tokyo for a vacation. After all, my home here hasn't been back for a long time, so I want to come back to have a look, clean up and other things, and return to Seoul after a week of rest. "

"Eh... did you buy the house here?"

"Bought it. After graduating from university, I thought I would stay in Tokyo for a long time, so I bought a house. But I went to Seoul not long after I bought it. The house was always empty."

A house has been vacant for four years, which made the program group very speechless and said, "Have you never thought of renting it out?"

"No, because there are a lot of small things in my own collection, it is not convenient to rent, so it has been empty."

In fact, Zhang Pingan wanted to say that his house had never been rented out, because he was not short of the rent.

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