My entertainment circle

Chapter 115: Breaking News?

Kim Taeyeon from Seoul suddenly received Zhang Ping’an’s kakao at night, and she became very depressed after she clicked on it.Especially looking at the two pictures he sent over, in the photos, she and Bian Boxian took the pictures in exactly the same shape.

Because she was reminded by Zhang Pingan during this period that she really did not dare to meet Bian Boxian, so she could only express her love in this way.

Who knew that such photos were being supervised?This made Taeyeon very depressed and cried out: "This Zhang Ping An is really boring, why are you looking through these photos?"

If Sika is in the dormitory at this time, she might be surprised when she hears the name, right?Isn't this Zhang Ping an lingering soul?

When Taeyeon was very depressed and grumbling, Pani, who was sitting next to her in the'diving', quickly turned her head: "What news has Zhang Ping'an sent? It's not about you, right?"

In the past two days, Pani and Taeyeon's conversations will always have the devilish name'Zhang Pingan'.If Sika was there, Sika would definitely tell them that Zhang Ping'an was a lunatic and crazy.

However, Sika was not there at this time, but Shunkyu was there.While drinking and eating snacks, Shun Kyu smiled and said, "Who is this'Zhang Pingan'? I have heard his name from the two of you many times in the past two days."

Pani reluctantly said: "It's the person who passed the news to us. The first time I met by chance, I passed the news to Taeyeon to make her be careful. The second time was to pass the news to me, and my love was made public. It’s really unfair~~ Why is the message to Taeyeon just to be careful, the message to me is that'D Agency' is going to disclose my relationship?"

Shun Kyu drank a sip of wine, smiled and nodded and said, "Oh~~That’s the person who said that his friend is'D Company'? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to send you the news in advance? Penny, inquire, recently Is there any new inside information?"

I don't know if it is because of curiosity about the inside story of'D company', or because she can't leave the dormitory, so staying like this is a bit boring?So she picked up the phone and chatted with Zhang Pingan about kakao.When Shun Kyu saw this, she quickly came to Pani's side with the beer and sat down.

Pani: "Heian oppa, what did you send to Taeyeon? After reading the news, she sat next to her and sulked."

Zhang Pingan once again passed the INS photos of Taeyeon and Bian Boxian to Pani: "Persuade her, so that the naive and stupid photos will be sent out? Do you really think the reporter is as stupid as her? Want to fall in love? , Talk quietly. Sending photos like this is not equivalent to telling the world that I am in love with Kim Taeyeon. Learning from her idol to secretly fall in love does not give reporters a chance to seize the opportunity."

Pani and Sun Kyu looked at the photos sent by Zhang Ping An, and then turned to stare at Taeyeon, because they also thought it was silly for Taeyeon to post such an announcement on INS.

Pani: "Well, we will persuade Taeyeon. By the way, has your friend got any news for you recently? From the entertainment industry, tell me to be happy?"

Zhang Ping An: "I didn't ask. But do you want to know the music industry or the film and television industry? Or, you want to know which company scandal, I can help you inquire."

Shun Kyu became excited when she saw the news of Zhang Pingan. She kept slapping Pani's arm and said, "Of course the bigger the news, the better."

Penny smiled and said, "Whatever you want, it's okay. Want some amazing news!"

"I'll give you a great news in ten minutes!" Putting down the phone, Zhang Ping shook his head and muttered to himself: "It's still great? Do you really think my news is worthless? If you want news, you can. Exchange something? For example... Pei Zhuxuan's private number?"

When she said'Pei Zhuxuan', a sweet smile hung from the corner of Zhang Ping'an's mouth.At the same time, I took out my mobile phone and looked through the group photos taken that day when I ran into "Eileen". In the photos, she was more quiet with a sweet smile. Every time I saw this photo, I felt that my love deepened. .For the first time, Zhang Pingan understood what kind of woman is the "ideal type" in his heart.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Ping’an really sent a very popular message to Pani’s mobile phone, "Did someone on the Internet upload Cui Xueli and Cui Zi of Dynamic.Duo for dinner together? It was made by your company? Explain, the two are friends. In fact, the two are in love, how about it? Enough?"

When Pani received the news, she and Shun Kyu beside her were stunned, and then Pani yelled: "OMG~~Taeyeon, Zhang Pingan sent a message saying that Shirley and Cui Zi are in love? People are fourteen years old, and this news is totally out~~!!!"

When Taeyeon heard the breaking news, she stared at Pani with wide eyes: "Shirley and Cui Zi? Impossible? The difference between the two is such a big age. Shirley is only 21 this year, and Cui Zi is 35 this year. Right?"

"That's what Zhang Pingan said, wait, I'll ask him." Pani immediately chatted with Zhang Pingan: "Ping'an oppa, is this true of what you said? This is too...the two are bad after all So much age."

It's not that Pani doesn't believe it, but can't believe it, mainly because the age difference is too big.If the age difference is five or six years old, Pani still thinks it is possible, but there is still a lot of difference in one round. This is really unbelievable, and Shirley has just grown up!Suddenly looking for a 35-year-old man?

Of course, in society, there are some younger sisters who like to look for the uncle, because the uncle is rich.But this kind of thing happened to Shirley.

The most popular in F(x) is Cui Xueli. You said she has no money?how is this possible?If you don’t say too much in a year, how can she earn one billion won?

She has the most personal advertisements in the group, and she is also engaged in acting career. You said she was looking for an uncle for'money'. This is just a lie?So Penny couldn't think of what Shirley would like about that Cui Zi?

Zhang Ping’an’s reply is simple: “In love, age is not a problem, right? I guess Shirley needs a “baba” to take care of her. Or, do you really understand Shirley? Love this issue, everyone The selected'points' are different, some like to be taken care of, some like to take care of others.. In short, the love model is inherently bizarre, you can't use your love viewpoint to measure her love view, right? ?"

Pani: "You are right, right, how are you and your girlfriend?"

Zhang Pingan sent a'sweating' emoticon and then sent two words: "It's divided." Then he continued to send a paragraph of text in the past: "Suddenly, why do you start to care about my love? Could it be you? Are you responsible for this? So do you want to introduce me to a girlfriend?"

Anyway, it’s all chatting. Pani took the phone and chatted with him: "Hahaha.. OK, I will introduce you, you tell me your ideal type, and I will help you inquire."

Zhang Pingan also jokingly replied to Pani: "You want Kim Tae Hee's appearance and Song Hye Kyo's fortune. Uh, no one in idol is richer than your Girls' Generation, right? Or, you want to introduce one from your Girls' Generation to I?"

"You don't have a fever? How about Kim Tae Hee and Song Hye Kyo? We have Jung Sika, how beautiful are you?"

Thinking of Sika’s cold face, Zhang Ping’an shook his head and replied: “She? Forget it, my relationship with her is too deep. I met her during dinner before. She resented me very much. what!"

Pani sent a'question mark' emoji and then said, "You know Sika? Isn't she in Tokyo?"

"Yeah, I'm also in Tokyo, I came to travel. I don't know her, right? We had a fight in the garage some time ago. Oh, I live upstairs in her house."

"You live upstairs to her? Did you hit her new car?"

"That's what she said? Yeah, this Jessica... is speechless. Her new car blocked my car in the parking space for two days. She didn't say anything about it? Blocked me in the parking space on the first day. I can bear it. Come the next day? You said I can not be angry? She is stuck in front of my private parking lot."

Seeing the news from Zhang Pingan, Pani burst into laughter instantly: "Hahaha... Taeyeon, wasn't Sika saying that her new car was hit by someone some time ago? Do you know who hit her car? ?"

Taeyeon said casually: "Could it be Zhang Pingan, right?" Because Taeyeon knew that Pani was holding a cell phone and chatting with Zhang Pingan.

"Yes, it's him, he's the guy who lives upstairs in Sika's house. Hahaha... I'll go to tease Sika."

At this time, Pani seemed to have discovered a'new toy'. She found it very interesting. No wonder Zhang Ping An wanted to say that he and Sika had a deep bond.She happily sent a message to Sika: "Sika, what are you doing?"

Sika, who finished the filming of the show in Tokyo, did not return to Seoul with the show crew because she still had some things to stay here to deal with.She knew that if she returned to Seoul, she might follow some'little tails' every time she went out.

If there would be no tails to follow in Tokyo, she would be able to meet friends with confidence and boldness when staying in a hotel.

Sika received a message from Pani shortly after returning to the hotel room after the filming, and suddenly sent a message asking, "What are you doing?'This confuses Sika, because after their Fukuoka concert, she stayed in RB alone to shoot variety shows. This is something everyone knows.

Although very confused, Sika answered Pani honestly: "I just finished shooting and returned to the hotel. What's wrong?"

"Hehe, Sika, I know a friend who has pretty good conditions in all aspects, so I want to introduce it to you."

"Oh, what does he do?"

"He owns an internet company. By the way, he is from China and currently lives in Seoul."


"Well, Chinese. By the way, he was traveling in Tokyo recently. Would you like to see me?"

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