My entertainment circle

Chapter 116: Too Many Things To Do

Sika felt a little baffling when she received a message from Pani asking her'what are you doing', but when she heard that Pani said he wanted to introduce a man to her, Sika thought about the possibility Because of this, she also responded with a perfunctory feeling,'What does he do?'

But when Sika saw the message from Pani, "Hua Xia, lives in Seoul and traveled in Tokyo recently.'She suddenly saw the appearance of Zhang Ping'an that she saw just now. She stared at the message on the phone and muttered to herself: "It wouldn't be so coincidental, right?"

Sika sent a message to Pani with a temptation: "The person you are talking about, isn't his name called'Zhang Pingan', right?"

Panny was laughing with her mobile phone on the other end of the phone, and she started teasing Sika: "Yes, it's him, eh... do you know him? How is it? The person I introduced to you is not bad? At least the appearance can be said. It's 8.5 points, and his personal financial conditions are also very good. He said he bought a house in Cheongdam-dong."

Because Pani was chatting with Zhang Pingan and learned that he lives upstairs from Sika’s house, he naturally knew the location of the community.

Sika looked at Pani's news and replied very speechlessly: "How do you know Zhang Ping An?"

"Introduced by a friend." After sending the message, Pani tilted his head and looked at Taeyeon who was sitting on the side playing mobile games.If you really want to say it, it's a friend's introduction, right?Then Pani sent another message to Sika: "You haven't said how do you know him?"

"He was the bastard who crashed my car!" Sika gritted her teeth and sent this message to Pani.And after seeing Sika’s news, Pani smiled and rolled around on the sofa with his belly in his arms. What could be more pleasant than introducing an enemy to a blind date?

Penny fanned the flames and said: "Didn't he have a Rolls-Royce, hit it! If you hit it, it's even."

"...You are like Zhang Pingan, are you crazy? It's okay, that's it, I'm going to take a bath." Sika had already seen that Pani had deliberately sent a message to tease her, but what made Sika puzzled How did Pani know Zhang Pingan?Was it really introduced by a friend?

After making a lot of fun with Sika, Pani put down the phone contentedly. As for Zhang Ping's and Sika's ill fate, let them resolve it by themselves.


After Zhang Pingan and Pani sent the message, he sat alone in the study holding his mobile phone, but his thoughts were not on the mobile phone at all. Suddenly he began to wonder if his live broadcast platform might enter the RB market?

RB at this time, as far as Zhang Ping'an knows, there is no webcast, because most of the people here are playing'Tubing'.

It's also possible that Zhang Pingan doesn't know that RB will have a webcast, right?Anyway, it is certain that no one currently watches the webcast in RB.

In Zhang Ping’an’s memory, RB’s webcast only began to appear in 2015, and the very well-known “ShowRoom” live broadcast platform almost collapsed at the beginning of its creation. Later, it was combined with stars to make this platform. To grow.His model is similar to that of South Korea's "" software, where many idols do live broadcasts.

The reason why has developed so fast is that the boss behind it is the portal website of South Korea's largest search engine'N Station'.

"N Station" here is equivalent to controlling the hot search. If you are willing to be a star, you are willing to open a live broadcast on, then your album can be easily listed on the hot search. This is really very popular for the star. Convenience!

Zhang Ping'an frowned and said, "Can I find the idol operator to sign a contract? The national girl group'AKB' is a powerful tool to attract otaku..." Thinking of thinking further and further, over there It hasn’t even started yet. I’m thinking of the United idol operator here. He smiled and shook his head and said, “Let’s start with the domestic market first. Thinking of coming to eat "cherry blossoms"? Haha.."

Finally, Zhang Ping'an laughed embarrassedly.Because he thinks he has many ideas, but the road needs to be walked step by step.He wants to catch it here and there too, wishing to finish everything at once, but how could there be such a simple thing?Doing things is not something that can be done by sleeping today and tomorrow, he took it for granted!

The rain outside the window is still falling.Zhang Pingan changed into a sports outfit and went to the gym upstairs. The gym was very quiet at night, and he was the only one using a row of treadmills.

The next time is to wait, wait for RB's program to be broadcast, wait for China's "porter" to move his name back to China first, and start to promote his live broadcast platform.

His personal name is not as loud as the'Principal', so he needs to borrow the power of the media to promote his platform!

The program will be broadcast next week, that is, after May Day, he is considering whether to return to China first to fix the internal test.Or stay in Tokyo, wait for his name to be on the topic list and reappear in the country, and then cooperate with a wave of publicity?

No matter whether he returns to China first or stays in Tokyo, he has to wait until after May Day. He finally got such a close to a week holiday. He plans to have a good time first.

When you have good economic conditions, you can't just focus on work, you should always relax yourself at the right time!This is the so-called combination of work and rest, right?

Although he was on vacation recently, his thoughts are all on "work". Whether it is thinking about investing in shows by himself, or thinking about getting the platform to RB, he has a lot of ideas.

The best way to get rid of these working ideas is to go out for a few drinks at night, or sweat on a treadmill like now.


The May Day holiday passed so quietly, and the crowds in the RB department store returned to normal.However, Zhang Ping'an's vacation did not end. Two days ago, when his thoughts were a little confused, he ran to Lake Kawaguchi alone to enjoy the spring hot springs.After staying in a hot spring hotel alone for two days, he returned to Tokyo unbearably, because going to a hot spring vacation alone would be as boring as it is.

Especially in places like Lake Kawaguchi, the night is very quiet, you can't find a lively place to drink.Because the people who go there are all in pairs. At night, those people who are in pairs are playing in their own rooms. Would they run out to drink like him?

So after holding back there for two days, he finally couldn't help but ran back to Tokyo.It's a good place to go when a person wants to find quiet, but it's torture for someone like Zhang Ping'an who is originally unquiet to go there.

He posted a few photos of Mount Fuji reflecting on Lake Kawaguchi in the "Circle of Friends" of China Mobile.Then when he returned to Tokyo, he shouted "loneliness" in the circle of friends.

"Notice: Do not go to Lake Kawaguchi if you are a single person in the circle, because there is absolutely no affair there. Come here alone, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, but the only thing that accompanies you is the loneliness of the night! I suggest going to the island!"

After sending to Moments, his friends left messages on WeChat one after another,'Boss, are you running to see the cherry blossoms on Mount Fuji alone?``Angel, I should be called together, I haven't been to RB yet.'

After the big-name anchors of WeChat friends added by Zhang Pingan finished their message, Xiaodi also left a message below, "Ping An Oppa, aren’t you in Seoul?How did you go to Tokyo to go to May Day?'

Zhang Ping'an replied to Xiao Di in the comments, "It's a rare vacation, and I don't want to go back to Shanghai, so I chose the nearest Tokyo.How about you, how about the show?'

After a while, Xiaodi sent him a message from WeChat: "I'm going to perform, and then I will officially graduate.'

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Oh?I will be back to China next week, and I will invite you to dinner.'

'Then I will say thank you first, and I will contact you when you come back.'

Putting away the phone, Zhang Ping'an sat on the sofa and hesitated whether to buy a graduation gift for her?It's okay to sit at home anyway, Zhang Pingan wanted to go out and stroll around to see if there was anything suitable for graduation anniversary.

Sitting in the taxi, Zhang Pingan hesitated to send a message to Pani, who was far away in South Korea. She has been diving in the dormitory since her love was exposed.Therefore, she and Zhang Pingan have been chatting frequently in the past two days. Zhang Pingan would like to ask Pani if ​​he has anything to introduce.

"Pani, what gift for graduation?"

Soon Pani replied to Zhang Pingan: "High school? Or college? Boys or girls?"

"Girl, graduated from college."

Pani gave Zhang Ping’an a good suggestion from the perspective of a girl: “Girls graduate from college when they enter the workplace. My personal recommendation is to send perfume or lipstick. These are all workplace necessities. I personally recommend lipstick more. , Because you don’t necessarily know what perfume she likes. If it’s a girlfriend, give it a bag, necklaces and other accessories are also good."

Zhang Ping’an felt that the things she recommended were very practical: “OK, I’m going to choose lipstick, I will invite you to dinner in Seoul!”

Pani: "For you to invite me to dinner, ask me if you don't understand the color of lipstick later."

Zhang Pingan: "I recommend the brand of lipstick first."

"MAC, the most commonly used colors are available. Of course TF and YSL are both good. It depends on how you have a relationship with this'friend.' If you have a better relationship, you will give away a big brand. The relationship is generally normal. In fact. The quality of the lipsticks is about the same, and the rest is the premium of the brand."

"Okay. I'll take a look first, I'm asking you if I don't understand." Zhang Pingan took a taxi directly to the department store. Such big-name cosmetics are sold in department stores.

Zhang Pingan is really unclear about the price of lipsticks. He first went to see the price difference between MAC and those big brands...

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