My entertainment circle

Chapter 169 Discussing Guests (Continued)

Choi Soo-young left a sentence,'I will talk in detail when I return to Seoul.'Then hung up the phone and returned it to Pani.

After receiving the call, Pani looked at Xiuying: "What kind of reality show did he call to talk about? And do you really want to make'home' public?"

Cui Xiuying shook her head and said, "I live with my family now, how can my home be made public? If I live alone, I don't think it matters if it is made public. And the show he designed this time is a bit interesting, I just listen to it. I gave a general introduction, and I plan to have a good talk with him after I go back."

Hearing Xiuying actually agreed to talk in detail after returning to China, Pani was quite surprised. In particular, Xiuying might disclose her private home on the show?Pani thought Xiuying would simply reject it, but didn't expect that she would actually consider it?How can this not be surprised?If she changes, can she accept to make her home public?the answer is negative!

"Oh? Is the reality show really interesting?" Pani raised her brows in confusion, except for the "show is interesting", she couldn't think of any temptation to make Xiuying reveal her home!

But when she turned her head, she realized that Zhang Ping'an had a lot of spooky ideas. From a simple chat, she could fully appreciate it. Did he come up with something interesting about reality shows?If so, it should be interesting?

Xiuying shook her head and said, "What can be interesting about reality shows? However, his words touched me a little. He wants to let everyone know about Choi Sooyoung in daily life through the show, not the Girls' Generation on the stage: Xiu English!"

Pani laughed, and then pouted in Sika's direction: "That's almost the same as Sika and Xiujing's reality show? Their show is also the daily routine of shooting some sisters!"

Xiuying tilted her head and said, "Should be different? After all, Sika's show is broadcast on the Fashion Channel, with more or less fashionable flavors added to it. After listening to Zhang Ping'an simply say a few words, he said The show needs to be'reality'. I am not very clear about the specifics. I will talk about it after I go back to discuss it. It is useless to say so much now. I haven't seen the outline of the show yet."

After Sooyoung finished speaking, the mischievous Yoona came over, and she stood beside Pani and whispered, "Did Zhang Pingan make the show?"

It is not unusual to produce shows in South Korea, because most brokerage companies have the habit of investing in works. Didn’t even SM company invest in series or something?So before I heard that Zhang Ping An'produced' the show, what Yoona thought was the investment in the show.

Pani nodded and said, "Well, he made it by himself. He is a show planner. Are you interested? Are you interested in sending a message to Zhang Ping An, saying that Lin Yuner will also participate in the filming in front of you. Make sure he smiles. You can't close your mouth."

Yoona felt a little unbelievable and said, "He does a planned show? He?...Yes, Zhang Ping An is indeed a very interesting person. I didn't expect to be a show planner? However, I just heard you say yes to a reality show. , I thought it was a funny show? After all, he is really funny and funny. I think he should give full play to his humorous expertise!"

Pani smiled and said: "You can send him advice and suggestions, maybe he just listened?"


Zhang Pingan hung up the phone and went back to the conference room, because he had the impression that Cui Xiuying and Taeyeon had filmed his own reality show.

So when he made such a reality show, he thought of Xiuying the first time.And if she wants her to make her home public, maybe she doesn't feel much pressure?After all, she has her own room.

When Zhang Ping'an came back, Li Guozhu had already signed a contract for filming, and she will be involved in filming from next week.Because she is the first performer that Zhang Pingan has set, of course, she may not necessarily be the first performer when it is broadcast!

After signing the contract, Li Guozhu pushed the contract to Zhang Ping’an and said with a smile: “Zhang Ping’an, I will be happy to cooperate in the future.” Because Zhang Ping’an is the producer of the show, she is right to call Zhang Ping’an “PD”, anyway, this is just a It's just a casual name.

Zhang Pingan stretched out his hand and shook hands with Li Guozhu again and said: "Happy cooperation. If the ratings of this season are good, you may be invited to fix it. By the way, let me introduce some gourmet restaurants when you are free?"

Li Guozhu smiled and nodded: "No problem, I will tell you two when I have time. I personally think it is a good gourmet restaurant."

As the first person to sign the contract, Li Guozhu promised to play, and she left after signing the contract.It is already a very good thing for her to have a show to invite her, and she will naturally not pick and choose.Within two minutes of Li Guozhu's departure, several groups of celebrities came in succession, and the one sitting in the conference room at this time was the'Cui Zhina' whom Zhang Ping had met from the news.

Zhang Ping'an supported his chin and looked at Cui Zhina, who was sitting with her agent. Today, she did not wear a surname. She wore a shirt, because the looseness of the shirt did not reveal any of her proud capital.

Zhang Pingan stared at her like that, and suddenly found that his mentality had become very weird. Perhaps this is the usual evil taste of Chinese men?

'To seduce the red apricot out of the wall' and'to persuade the little sister to be good'.

And Choi Jina... just falls into the scope of'Congliang'!So Zhang Ping'an felt a sense of absurdity in his heart at this time.

He curled his lips and said to her and her agent: "Our show wants to disclose where you live, is it okay?"

Listening to what Zhang Pingan said, her agent said: "Do you want to make your home public? Didn't you mean shooting a reality show? Don't the production team provide a home?"

Recently, because Sika’s "reality show" program group specially produced a "home" for their sisters to use for filming, Choi Ji Na's agent thought that all the program groups now would provide such a "home".

This agent’s whimsical nature made Zhang Ping’an frown and he was too lazy to talk with her so much, so he pushed the contract over: “The contract, here, you take it back and have a look. If we’re willing, we will make an appointment to communicate, no Just forget it if you like. Call the next one."

Zhang Ping'an's indifferent attitude made them leave the meeting room before they woke up. At this time, the investment department got up and called SM's agent to come in.

After the agent came in, he said, "Hello, Zhang Pinganxi, I am TVXQ's agent!"

"Hello, the employees of our company told you during the morning communication, the filming of the show may reveal the homes of Yunho and Changmin. Are they willing to make it public?"

TVXQ’s agent nodded and said: “When you made this request, I immediately asked them both. Both of them felt that they could be made public, mainly because they were also willing to show their true side to fans in private. Yes. Now, is this show really broadcasted in Korea and China at the same time?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Yes, it is broadcast at the same time. However, Huaxia is not broadcasting on TV, but on the Internet!"

The agent nodded and said, "I know, you made it clear when you called in the morning. South Korea is broadcasting on MBC, and China is broadcasting on the Internet?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and handed the contract to TVXQ’s agent: "Well. The contract is here, you can take it back and have a look, and give us an answer within tomorrow."

TVXQ will agree to appear on this show Zhang Ping An is not surprising, because they have not had much activity in Korea in recent years.

In the past few years, they went to Japan for a series of tours in the summer and ended their entire year of work.Although TVXQ was once the trend in the general trend, there are now a lot of rising stars competing with them in the music industry, and gradually they get fewer invitations.

In addition, their own company has SUJU and the current general trend of EXO, and the company's resources are trying their best to lean towards EXO.Therefore, this time Zhang Pingan’s program invitation brought TVXQ back to the audience. They will not refuse, and the program will be broadcast simultaneously toward SM’s favorite Huaxia market.

It doesn't matter if you want to make your home public. They are no longer as big as they used to be. The illegitimate meals of the past are all about marriage.

Zhang Ping’an remembers that when Yunhao was on the show soon after, the host asked today’s high school students on the street: “Do you know him, Yunhao?'And the high school student shook his head blankly!

The general era created by TVXQ is now a long time ago!

TVXQ’s agent left the meeting room with the contract, and then Cui Zhina’s agent returned to the meeting room seat again with a smile: "Well, we have discussed it, we can take this show."

When Cui Zhina was notified this morning, Zhang Ping'an just used her as a kind of'substitute'.

Because there may be people who are not willing to take this program, if there is a shortage of staff, she can be used as a temporary supplementary staff.

But Zhang Pingan didn't expect Cui Zhina's agent to regard her as a'big name'?

Looking at the face of her manager, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I was looking at Choi Ji Na's bad luck. After the album was released this time, I didn't play the song properly, so the entertainment stopped. In the end, you actually asked our program team to provide a "shooting house"? I think it’s ridiculous. To be honest, there are so many idols on the market now, and there are so many idols with the same name as her. There are so many people that we can choose from for our show, and I haven't seen anyone who asks us to shoot."

The agent said with a smile on his face: "Zhang PD, we just don't understand the expensive show. Because the reality show of Girls' Generation Sika is currently being filmed, we will have a misunderstanding."

In fact, the agent heard that TVXQ might want to participate, and the program was broadcast simultaneously in China and Korea.This made her feel that it was a godsend. You should know that just the weight of the four words'China Market' can already attract countless people willing to participate.She naturally didn't want to give up at this time.

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