Cui Ji Na has been in Korea longer than Zhang Ping An, but her Korean is not as good as Zhang Ping An.So when Zhang Ping An and her agent said that there were many people who could replace her, Cui Zhina still looked at Zhang Ping An with a smile on her face.Because she had no idea what was going on, maybe she was still immersed in the agent of TVXQ in front of her for some discussion.

It seems that TVXQ will participate in this filming, so she wondered if she could cooperate with the predecessors of TVXQ?Seeing her dumbfounded, Zhang Ping'an turned around and said in suffocated Level 6 English: "The filming of the show requires you to disclose your current home in Seoul, you, OK?"

Before getting the contract, her agent hadn't looked at it carefully, so he told her that it was necessary to disclose where she lives now to shoot a reality show.So when Zhang Pingan asked again in suffocated English, she nodded and said, "Well, OK, I'm fine."

Because she thinks that she can cooperate with the predecessors of TVXQ this time.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "OK, so be it. Let me talk about it today. Take the contract back and take a closer look until we notify you."

Except for the first Li Guozhu, who signed the contract on the spot, TVXQ was taken back because they were not there and the company needed to go back and communicate with them again.

And Choi Ji Na... Obviously there will be many people who can replace her.

Cui Zhina and her agent left. Zhang Ping'an sighed deeply while looking at her back. He sighed, thinking that it was hers, why would he take that path in the future?

Listening to the sigh, people in the investment department thought that Zhang Ping’an was dissatisfied with her agent, so he smiled and said, “Cui Zhina’s agent is a bit stupid. Maybe it’s protecting Cui Zhina too well? Now the market is so competitive. Great, don’t know how to seize the opportunity, still thinking about bargaining? She wouldn’t mistakenly think that Choi Ji Na is a top artist, right?"

"Who knows?" Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I called Zhong Guoge today. I originally wanted to ask him if he wanted to participate in this show? As a result, he said that he lives with his family and it is not convenient to make it public."

The people in the "RM" production team laughed when they heard it because they knew Kim Jong-kook very well: "He has always lived in Anyang since his debut. Isn't it tiring to run back and forth between Anyang and Seoul every day? The gym? It’s not that Anyang doesn’t have it, I really don’t know what he thinks?"

Just like that, Zhang Pingan was participating in the casting of the show with the people from the production team today. Because the popular active idols basically live in a dormitory life, they cannot participate in the filming of this show.

Today, most of the "old idols" I met, and some "old models".

The preliminary filming of the show has been booked.TVXQ is the first phase of the opening staff. Of course, it is impossible to broadcast all TVXQ's for more than one hour of the show, so there is Li Guozhu who landed in the first phase with TVXQ!

After deciding on the personnel, Zhang Ping'an said, "Will the'Bang' side be willing to shoot?"

Although Zhang Pingan knows where the'big stick' combination will eventually go, it does not affect him to look for them to shoot at this time, thus attracting traffic!

The person in the production team said, "YG has not responded to us yet!"

Inform YG that Zhang Ping'an asked the program team to come forward. Because it involved the issue of publicizing the private house, Zhang Ping'an gave them this difficult task.After all, the "RM" production team and the "Bangbang" group have cooperated many times.

Zhang Ping'an actually knows that there is a person who is easily deceived in the'Big Stick' group, that is the'victory' who only wants to make money!

Zhang Pingan knows him, he wants to make no matter what kind of money, but he has forgotten that he is a public figure!Once some dark things are exposed, he, a public figure, can't escape 100%.So he is really a very good person, so Zhang Pingan hesitated a bit, do you want to contact him?

If it's just contact on shooting, Zhang Ping'an is willing, but too much contact in private... Zhang Ping'an is still a bit resistant!

Although Victory does not do such things, there are still many people in the world who do such things.But Zhang Ping'an thinks that he still needs a basic moral line.

After listening to the people in the program group saying'No reply', Zhang Ping'an nodded: "Well, let's not think about'YG' for the time being. They are willing to say it again. Maybe they are also waiting for the broadcast information? Hmm... After TVXQ has confirmed the signing, you will publish the news. We should always promote it in advance."

The people in the production team responded with a smile to Zhang Ping’an: “I know. Let us rest assured of the next thing. We will shoot good works with our heart.”

Today's meeting and meeting ended here. Zhang Ping'an raised his hand to see that the time was 4:30 in the afternoon. I wanted to ask them to have a meal at this time, not too early. It was a little earlier.

Zhang Ping’an said, “Let’s come here first. Before the shooting is confirmed, we will meet the staff and have a dinner together!”


From this well-known production company, Zhang Pingan said to his investment department: "Recently, you can find out if there are any TV series, movies, or a variety show planned by yourself. The investment department cannot sit here every day. Play in the office?"

Any company does not support idlers. Although there are currently only three people in the investment department, they also need to find things to do on their own to be worthy of their salary.

With Zhang Ping’an’s remarks, the head of the investment department said: “I know, the chairman, tomorrow we will run some freelance writers to ask questions.”

"Recently I..." When Zhang Ping'an was about to speak, his phone rang, and he heard that the ringtone was that of a Huaxia mobile phone.

Zhang Pingan took out the phone and looked at the call from Manager Luo of China Brokerage. He said to the person in the investment department next to him: "You can take a taxi and go back to the company. I will go home directly from here. ."

After seeing the people in the investment department leave, Zhang Ping'an walked towards the place where he parked and answered the phone at the same time: "Lao Luo, has the brokerage company been selected?"

"Yes, the location of the company has been determined, and it has moved to a new office. That... Mr. Zhang, Ciwen Media agreed to the cooperation plan. They want to cooperate with us to film the novel "Flower Thousand Bones", we published The script comes with 45% of the total investment in the shooting cost, so it accounts for half of the shares. However, the premise is not to interfere with the shooting."

"A Thousand Bones" Zhang Pingan knows that this drama will create a record of'traffic miracles', so this can be regarded as the company's first drama with a good start.This is the first film that made their production company famous!

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "OK, we didn't plan to interfere with the shooting."

Zhang Ping An was in a good mood while continuing the call, while walking towards his vehicle.Because the address of the "RM" production company is not on the main street, Zhang Pingan's Rolls-Royce stopped at a shop on the side of the road. Of course, the boss had permission before parking.

When he followed the call and walked to his car, he saw two girls taking selfies in front of his car.

Zhang Ping'an didn't stop them from taking pictures. After all, he stopped by the road.And he is answering the phone at this time...

"Well, then I will reply to them like that. By the way, when will we transfer the funds to them?"

Zhang Ping'an said: "After starting up, don't they have to contribute half of the capital? Set up public accounts and pay attention to supervising funds! Yo... WeChat profile picture?

While Zhang Pingan was answering the phone, he suddenly found a short-haired girl with a high school student appearance standing in front of his car and taking a selfie with a bright smile.And what she looks like.. A few years later, in Huaxia WeChat, people often use her as the avatar of "Jiang Tali", South Korea's super net red!!

Zhang Pingan has heard a lot of jokes about "Jiang Taili".Because at the beginning, many people didn’t know that she was a South Korean internet celebrity, but they just thought this beauty was really charming when she smiled. Some people even used her photo as an avatar on WeChat, and then posted her in their circle of friends every day. ins' picture.As a result, some lonely men had an online dating with this'head', and then they were cheated of a lot of money by'Jiang Taili'.

So when Zhang Pingan saw Jiang Taili on the road, he couldn't help but yelled "WeChat profile picture".

This left the manager on the other end of the phone at a loss: "Mr. Zhang, what WeChat profile picture?"

"Nothing, I said that after setting up a public account, send someone to monitor the flow of funds in the account. Remember to find someone who knows how to monitor it."

"Yeah. I know, don't worry."

"Okay, that's it. If you have any questions, please contact me in time." After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ping'an took the car key and raised the goddess Fei Tian on the front of the car.

The two girls who were taking selfies were taken aback by Zhang Pingan.Because Zhang Pingan had been calling in Chinese in front of him, they didn't think that such a luxury car would be his, so no one of them cared about Zhang Pingan.

Until he took out the car key and raised the "Flying Goddess", the two apologized to Zhang Ping'an and bowed to run away.

Before he had time to run two steps, Zhang Ping'an immediately said, "What are you running?"

The two stopped in confusion and turned back to look at Zhang Ping An. Kang Tae-li pointed to Zhang Ping and said, "Oh, are you Kim Taeyeon's boyfriend?"

Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and said: "When did I become Taeyeon's boyfriend? Why don't I know, what is your name?"

"Jiang Taili!" When she said her name, she showed the kind of sunny smile in the'WeChat profile picture'.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "It's beautiful. Don't you want to take a selfie? Get in the car and take it."

"Forget it, thank you, Taeyeon's boyfriend! Goodbye!" After speaking, the two hurried away..

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