Zhang Ping An knows that Sika will always be regarded as a business person or a fashion designer by the media after she retires, but she will always be a member of the "Girls' Generation" in everyone's hearts.This is deep-rooted and cannot be changed.When she participated in her own brand event after she retired from the team, although the store could not add'Girls' Generation' in front of her name as a promotion, everyone still felt that she was!

This is the foundation of the development of Sika's brand, and it is also the confidence for Quan and Sika to find their own financing.The most valuable thing is the legendary name on his body: Girls' Generation!

Zhang Pingan put down the "Brand Future Plan" in his hand and looked at someone Quan with a very obvious disappointment. Then he shook his head and said to Sika in Korean very disappointed: "I am The 10 billion won, which is close to 10 million U.S. dollars. Why didn’t I see the “return rate” in your plan for such a large project investment? If it’s one billion won, I’m also I’m too lazy to ask you about the plan and the rate of return. But it’s 10 million dollars. If I deposit in the bank, the bank has to tell me a high interest rate. Why can’t you let me see how long this investment will take? Time can be profitable. What is the rate of return on profit? You just ask me to invest money in, and then I don’t want to know anything? You really think I’m stupid and have a lot of money?”

After Zhang Ping'an criticized Quan's plan, he continued to say some words that made Sika depress his favorability: "This is the CEO you are looking for? Are you blind? Or are you two planning to join forces? Come to pit me? A plan that only has the'development expectations' for your brand in the future, would you dare to ask me to invest 10 billion won? Not me, Sika, you don't believe me, you can find a third-rate university in Korea Graduates, look at the plan he made, is there any worse than your CEO who graduated from a famous American university? Just this..."

When Zhang Pingan said this, he picked up the printed plan and knocked on the table with anger: "That's it? You dare to let me pay 10 billion won? This is just a lie, take this plan yourself. Find some other "stupid people and a lot of money" Xiaobai, really when the money in my pocket is so good to cheat? It's really inexplicable!"

Zhang Ping'an vented on the spot, he deliberately embarrassed someone Quan.After speaking, he dropped the plan in his hand and shook his head and said, "I'm going to the bathroom. This plan is really inexplicable." When he went to the bathroom, he never forgot to criticize someone's plan again.

Sika didn't expect Zhang Ping'an to turn his face on the spot, and did not give them the slightest expression on his face.But he is very reasonable, an investment can not see a return, who would like to invest in this change, crazy people will not invest, right?

Quan was a little confused. He watched Zhang Ping's fire at Sika and left the private room. He looked at Sika without knowing why he said, "What's the matter with him?"

"Hey~~" Sika didn't know how to explain it to him. When a'plan' was made like this, he was so embarrassed to ask'what's going on?'

What else is going on?Zhang Ping'an's fire directly in Sika's heart once again reduced the favorability of Quan, not to mention, even his ability began to question.Because in the past, he always talked about the direction of the'brand's future' in front of her. The promotion of specific products, publicity, etc., were all completed after the ideas put forward by the company employees. He is more like the CEO. Is a big boss, and more like a boss than yourself!

Sika sighed and said, "He asked me, why didn't you write the return on investment in the plan?"

Quan explained: "This is not good. At present, our brand is moving towards the fashion industry. In the future, because there are too many uncertainties, I did not write the rate of return. I believe he can understand. Right?"

"What do you think..." When Sika just started to say something, the private room door was pushed open, and the waiter pushed the dining trolley in to serve the meal, and many cold dishes were put on the table one by one.Also because of the waiter's appearance, Sika's words were swallowed back.

Just after the serving, when the waiter pushed the dining car out, Zhang Ping'an, who went to the bathroom, also returned.He deliberately expressed his face with a very stinky appearance and said to Sika: "I don't know if I want to stay for dinner? If I knew this was the case, I won't order food first. This plan ...I'm just wasting your time."

Sika smiled at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Didn't you not eat lunch? Let's just eat. Let's put the plan aside for now, and we will meet again today."

Faced with Sika’s smile, Zhang Ping’an put away his stinky face. He politely responded to Sika’s smile and then sat back: "Okay, although our first acquaintance was not that pleasant, but I believe In the future, we will get along more and more smoothly. If there is a chance, I really want to cooperate with you, but this plan is too bad, so bad that I doubt his ability? And he can read this plan. I was frightened. I was afraid that after the money was invested, would he run away with my money? He ran away with the money. You still have to bear this responsibility, because you are the boss!"

Sika smiled and said: "No, character is not like that? How can you roll up investors' money?"

Zhang Ping’an took two sips of his own water and said, “You, I’m sure to rest assured. But he... who knows? Don’t you know the truth about wealth? And you don’t even know his family background. I haven’t investigated clearly. Do you know what kind of person he is? It’s like you’re a girl’s generation when you’re on the stage, and when you step off the stage, you’re the boss of the brand. He is now acting like a person, but 10 million dollars have been paid After that, he can hold the money for a lifetime. Forget it, we'll talk about these things later, anyway, it's all upstairs and downstairs. Let's eat first and eat!"

Zhang Ping'an greeted Sika with his chopsticks a little anti-visitor, and the three of them sat in the private room and started eating.Zhang Pingan doesn’t talk about the plan anymore, but someone Quan wants to talk about Zhang Pingan as an investor. He said in very suffocated Mandarin: "Mr. Zhang regarding Sika’s brand, do you intend to invest? ?"

After Zhang Ping’an heard his questioning, he looked at Sika and said, “He’s asking me, do you want to invest? Is there such a rush for your brand to invest in investment? Looking at him so eagerly, I am afraid of my worry. Come into reality. Tell him, I will think about it when I go back. Sika, shall we meet later? Just the two of us."

Sika nodded and said, "I see, I will come to your house later?" Sika has become a frequent visitor to Zhang Ping's house, and the two of them are upstairs and downstairs, so there will be no private meetings like this. Any media can be photographed, so Zhang Ping’an’s house is the safest place for Sika.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Okay, I will wait for you at home later. We will discuss the details of the investment. His'plan' really made me lose confidence in him!"

And Quan, who was sitting next to him, watched Zhang Ping'an and Sika using Korean that he didn't know, talking and laughing, which made him feel a little dissatisfied.Envy and dissatisfaction, he made all his expressions as if engraved on his face, and he secretly passed a wink to Sika.But everyone was eating at the same table, even if he did it in secret, Zhang Ping'an could see clearly.

Perhaps, he wanted to express his sovereignty over Sika in this way?

But Zhang Pingan doesn't eat this set.And Sika didn't cooperate with him in the'show', which made him feel more dissatisfied.However, this time he buried his dissatisfaction with Zhang Ping An in his heart.

For a meal, Zhang Pingan and Sika basically said something in Korean, but he sat next to him like an idiot, completely confused.

It took about forty minutes before Zhang Pingan took up a paper towel and wiped his lipstick after the meal. During a simple meal, Sika and Zhang Pingan talked about some food sharing, and gradually both of them let go of their original prejudices.Now the two people get along really more friendly than before. This friendship is not because Zhang Pingan is willing to invest, but after a brief chat, Sika thinks Zhang Pingan is not bad, and did not hit himself in the parking lot. The arrogance of the car.

So, people, you still have to get along a lot to understand.

Zhang Pingan wiped his mouth and said gently to Sika, "I'll pay for this meal. Later, when we meet at home, I'll leave first? Tell him..."

Sika nodded and said, "Well, you go first, we'll see you later."

When Zhang Ping'an left, he smiled at Quan, which was a friendly farewell in Sika's eyes.Zhang Ping'an's smile and that look were felt between the men. There was a trace of contempt and provocation in Zhang Ping'an's smile and eyes.

After seeing this smile, Quan, he didn't smile back politely, but gathered his brows tightly.

Until Zhang Ping'an disappeared in the private room, and after the private room door was closed again, he pulled his position closer to Sika.He frowned and looked at Sika, he was very directly showing his displeased expression: "What does Zhang Pingan mean, isn't it an investment? How do you feel like he's here to pick a girl? Or, we Also look for investors? I believe that there are many people with vision, they will definitely invest in your brand. This Zhang Pingan.."

Speaking of the name'Zhang Pingan', he shook his head straight.But someone Quan didn't know. After he said something dissatisfied with Zhang Ping'an behind his back, Sika's affection for him dropped a lot.And Sika felt that she and him hadn't determined any relationship other than cooperation.

Inexplicably, when the'ambiguous' feelings disappeared, her impression of this man began to greatly decrease.

Zhang Ping'an may be just an inducement, or maybe she didn't have anyone to compare with before, so she felt good about him?However, now the goodwill is gradually disappearing!!

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