Seeing the dissatisfaction of Quan, listen to what he said about Zhang Ping An from behind.Sika really wanted to say to him,'You really suck.'She and him are not lovers, just a cooperative relationship at work, and everything he reveals at this time is like he and him are in love?It didn’t matter when I had a good impression of him before and was a little ambiguity with each other, but now this ambiguity has disappeared..

So the look he showed at this time was obviously because he was thinking too much, but since Sika still needs to rely on him to take care of the company's work, she naturally wouldn't say it so badly.

Faced with his attempt to kick Zhang Ping'an out, Sika just responded to her with a smile.But the'smile' that Sika appeared at this time was a'pure commercial smile' that had gone through countless practice and practiced naturally.Having been an entertainer for a long time, they have long practiced a'smirk' way that no one can see.There was not a trace of sincerity in this coping smile, and Sika felt that she didn't even bother to speak to him at this time.

To put it bluntly, Sika's circle of contacts is too small.Since she became a girl's generation, she has been busy every day, so most of the people she can reach are in the circle.In addition, they are all women, but those who are close to them will be especially careful.It is hard to see that in the past two years she has gained some free time, and she has also had the opportunity to contact people outside the circle.

When they went to HK at the awards ceremony, they met the introduction of HK artist "Miss Zhong", and she had the opportunity to get in touch with the "rich second generation" Quan.After being in contact for a long time, Kwon’s easy-going feeling, as well as some professional advice, have helped her get a lot of help.Gradually, she became a bit ambiguous with him while chatting, but there were still too few people around her who could compare with Quan, the second generation of rich.

So she couldn't make accurate judgments about his specific level.All she knows is the basic things of Quan Xingren's business philosophy, and she must know a lot better than her.Maybe Sika looked at him better than herself, so she mistakenly thought he was a very good person?

It may also be that she just needs someone to lead her own way when she is doing her career. As time goes by, she slowly feels good about him.

Although the saying goes,'People and people, don't compare them.'But in today's society, how can one know the pros and cons without comparison?

Moreover, in the relationship between men and women, before the relationship is officially confirmed, or before the formal marriage, both men and women wear one or more masks.So sometimes when choosing a'boy and girl friend', you should do shopping like one, compare three shops!

When Sika didn't have anyone to compare, she thought Quan was pretty good, but the appearance of Zhang Ping'an finally made her find someone to compare.Regardless of whether Zhang Ping'an was involved in it or not, after all, there was someone who could compare each other.

Except that her first meeting with Zhang Pingan was not so pleasant, but after frequent contact recently, Sika found that Zhang Pingan was a very good person.No wonder Pani, Taeyeon, and even Yoona are willing to contact him recently.

Looking at it this way today, Sika finally understands the gap between the real rich second generation and the fake rich second generation.The feeling that came out after the two met... is really obvious!

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of inner temperament that they exude. As the saying goes, "the family has surplus food and don’t panic," but Zhang Ping’s pocket has real money and silver, so he often shows a kind of calm and calmness. , Easy-going, he really embodies what is called the "rich second-generation temperament".

Although Zhang Ping'an also showed the'evil' appearance when he got angry today, it was he who got angry after reading the plan. Sika felt that getting angry at that time was a very normal behavior, right?Because he had to put out 10 billion won in cash to confirm the financing, but Quan was fooling him with a plan that did not write a “rate of return”?It's strange that Zhang Ping'an is not angry!

At this time, Sika listened to Quan Xie talking about Zhang Ping's various things behind her back, which made her look at him very surprised.Because she never knew that someone Kwon had such a villain behavior before?If such a thing happened to a woman, Sika could still understand a little bit.However, as a man, he said some things behind his back, which is really offensive.

At the beginning, Zhang Ping'an also said some questions about him, but what Zhang Ping'an said was about his true background and his innocence in approaching her.Those things Zhang Ping'an said were mainly to remind Sika herself to raise her eyes, so Sika was able to accept these things Zhang Ping's said behind the scenes.It’s a bit nasty instead of saying that someone else’s is not like Quan.

If the relationship between the two is still as ambiguous as it was at the beginning, maybe Sika wouldn't care so much about what he said secretly this time.But the problem was that Zhang Ping'an appeared. He informed Sika of his true situation. After Sika started to gradually alienate him.So what he said behind his back at this time would only make Sika's feelings for him less and less.


Hearing that someone from Quan even wanted to kick out Zhang Pingan’s financing at this time, Sika frowned dissatisfiedly: "I will talk about financing later. Recently, I have to negotiate with the brokerage company to renew the contract first. Everything will be discussed after the contract is renewed."

Kwon nodded to show that he knew, because there is nothing more important than Sika's contract renewal.Although her brand is indeed in need of financing and development opportunities, no matter what, Sika cannot come out of'Girls' Generation' for the time being.Maybe someday their group really needs to make way for the younger generations. At that time, maybe Sika's brand has been successfully developed, right?

"Let's go." Sika got up and picked up her bag, and left the private room.

Quan also followed Sika out of the private room. While walking towards the front desk, he touched the wallet and pulled out a Sika brand "corporate card" from it, which made the person walking behind him Sika shook her head slightly after seeing this.

Of course, today’s meal should be settled with a corporate card.However, seeing him use this bank card associated with the company's accounts so freely, Sika gave him a bad review again in his heart!Sika didn’t care about the 1.5 million won for the meal, but thought that even if he pretended to do it, he would definitely not want him to wear a private pocket. Right?

"Hey~~ What rich second generation?'Sika looked at the back of him holding the bank card to the front desk to check out, she muttered depressed in her heart.I just heard that the conditions in his family are pretty good, and he is a rich second generation.However, after learning his true background, Sika carefully observed that this rich second generation is a bit heavy!It’s just that I didn’t know why I was fooled by him?

If you want to truly like someone, it may take some time to understand, but if you are bored with someone, it only takes a moment!At this time, Sika had a disgust towards him unconsciously.

The two came out of the hotel together, and when they arrived at the parking lot, Sika said to someone in Quan: "By the way, give me the car key. I have to go to the company for something to do in a while. You take a taxi and go back by yourself, is it okay?"

Someone Kwon has an indescribable feeling in his heart recently.The relationship between the two used to be very close, but recently Sika seems to have alienated him intentionally or unintentionally.This made him frowned and said, "Oh? Didn't you say that you are not going to the company today?"

Sika said: "Recently, I have been negotiating with the company because of the issue of contract renewal. I must go to the brokerage company. You asked me if I would go to the company. I thought you said I would go to my company."

Kwon gathered his brows tightly and said: "Well, then you pay attention to safety, I will go back to our company first."

Sika took the car key and sat in the cab. After the ignition, she hesitated for two seconds and opened the window and asked him: "Would you like me to take you to the highway? Is it convenient for you to call a car?"

Quan stopped and said, "No, I can just go out by myself, just a few minutes."

Now that everyone in Quan said no, Sika drove away.Someone Quan looked at the taillights of the vehicle leaving, his brows did not loosen, instead they gathered very tightly: "What happened to her recently? It seems that you should pay more attention to her!"

Someone Quan would never think that Sika was alienated because of Zhang Ping's reminder, because he remembered that when Sika said the name'Zhang Ping'an, she naturally showed that she was not so friendly.Although the two were talking and laughing at the dinner today, Quan felt that Sika was an investment for Zhang Ping An.

Sika drove the car back to the underground garage, where the Rolls-Royce in the garage was already parked in the parking space.Sika got out of the car and went to his car and made a kick: "Hey~~!"

Of course Sika wouldn't really kick it, she just remembered that Zhang Ping'an, who knew her, had hit her car, she felt a little annoyed in her heart, but the anger had almost disappeared!

After making a fake move, Sika looked around, and when she saw that there was no one around, she smiled inexplicably.

Standing in the elevator, Sika pressed down on the floor where Zhang Ping was located very smoothly. This was the third time she went upstairs.

When she came to the door of Zhang Ping’an’s house, she rang the doorbell. When the doorbell rang, I wonder why she was a little nervous.She had never felt this way before.

But the doorbell rang for a long while without seeing Zhang Pingan to open the door, and then she rang the doorbell three times in succession.Clicking, the sound of unlocking the door appeared, and Zhang Pingan Chiguo was standing in front of her with wet hair...

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