Hearing that Cui Ji Na is free recently, so Zhang Pingan thought about taking a walk-and-go trip. After all, in Korea, she still has a lot of inconveniences because of her career, such as getting in and out of hotels.And Zhang Pingan’s remarks about asking her to travel overseas are a bit straightforward, because the two of them must live together when they go overseas. By then... ahem!!

And men, how can they easily face her initiative and stay unmoved?Those who say that they can be unmoved are only because the woman in front of them is not the type they like.And Zhang Ping'an has recently panicked with loneliness, he wants to play irresponsibly!

If she rejects Zhang Ping'an's'proposal' at this time, then the two of them will have to drink coffee, and there will be no follow-up forever.

As long as she refuses, after drinking this cup of coffee today, both parties will be able to delete their'friends' from each other's list after returning home!

Cui Zhina heard Zhang Ping’s sudden proposal to travel overseas, which made her a little confused: "Hey? Why did you go to Japan suddenly?" Although she said doubtful words, she kept analyzing in her heart. , What can I get after going to Japan with him?Obviously, life will be easier in the future, right?

Cui Zhina didn't immediately refuse it immediately. This made Zhang Ping'an feel good. He showed a sweet smile and looked at Cui Zhina: "Yeah, haven't you had time lately? Just right, there is nothing wrong with me. Let’s go to Japan together. It’s okay to see Mount Fuji. It’s also good to go to Hokkaido. I don’t want to go to the beach in this weather. It’s too sunny. It’s still cool in Hokkaido. It’s about 25 degrees every day and the weather is very good. It’s comfortable, and the early summer in Hokkaido is very beautiful. At night, the temperature there is only ten degrees Celsius. When you return to the hotel, you can take a hot spring or something. It’s very comfortable. Life is not working everyday. , You have to make time for a vacation, right?"

Cui Zhina listened to Zhang Ping'an's persuasion, her brows have not been stretched, she has been hesitating Zhang Ping's invitation or not to agree?If the promise is too casual, will it seem particularly frivolous?If you don't agree, then there is definitely no future, because she also knows that she is like Zhang Ping'an, and there is definitely no shortage of women around him!But, how can she become his special one?

Looking at the silent Cui Zhina, Zhang Ping’an raised his hand to check the time: “It’s just now, two o’clock, and it’s almost dinner time when I arrive in Tokyo. For a meal, I will take you to stroll around Tokyo at night. Familiar. You used to go to Japan on a trip, didn’t you? This time we made a special trip to Japan. What do you think?"

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s non-stop persuasion, Cui Zhina’s brows finally relaxed. She turned to look at Zhang Ping’an and said, “This time, how many days have we played in the past? Just in case, I said in case, I have a job here. How to do?"

"It takes only two hours to come back from Japan. If you have the itinerary, your agent must have told you one day in advance? At that time, we will book a ticket and come back. As for playing for a few days, we can see how we feel about playing after we go. Have fun, I’m in a good mood and play for two days. Don’t worry, we won’t delay your work anyway, don’t you?”

Zhang Ping'an's remarks finally moved Cui Zhina. She nodded and said reluctantly: "Well then. Let's go to play, and live separately at night?"

"Of course." It must be said before going. Anyway, the human mouth is a deceitful ghost, whether it is a man or a woman!

When you are good, you are what you say.When it’s bad, then what are you?

Zhang Ping’an continued to add: “Of course I live separately, I just want to find someone to hang out with. There are some friends around, but they are all busy.”

"Okay, you look at the ticket. I'll get my passport and pack my luggage."

Zhang Ping'an stopped and said, "Don't pack up, just bring some toiletries and cosmetics. When the time comes, we can just go over and buy them. How can it be so troublesome to go out to play?"

Cui Zhina widened her eyes and looked at Zhang Pingan: "Eh? Don't you take anything?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, don't take anything. Tokyo is a shopping city, and everything is sold there. We don't want to set out with big bags, it's simple and easy."

Cui Zhina confirmed again: "Then I really won't take anything?"

"Well, you can simply pack up and get down. Try to be as fast as possible, otherwise I can't book you a ticket." Because she is Canadian, she needs her passport information to book a ticket, not a permanent resident in Korea. card.

"Okay." Cui Zhina got out of the car and went upstairs just like that, sitting in the elevator, frowning tightly.She doesn't know if her decision is correct?But as an adult, she must understand the truth that there is no free lunch in the world.

The world now depends on itself, or on family and friends.First of all, her family must not be able to help, because her family conditions are not so good, her parents divorced since she was a child, and she grew up with her mother in Canada.And my friend, who grew up in Canada, is there any friend in Korea who can help?Her friends are all entertainers and not producers. They all need the care of the show team. How can there be extra opportunities to recommend him?

In addition, she is getting older and older, and the rising idols are becoming more and more beautiful.Her pressure as an artist is very great. If she does not get widespread attention from the market before the age of thirty, then she really has no future, and naturally no financial source!

The reality is so cruel, and she understands that she and Zhang Pingan are not fairy tales either!

When she got home, she was packing her things while thinking about what the agent told her that day.Since they are all in love, why not find someone who is helpful to your career?Moreover, with Zhang Ping An’s family conditions, she knew in her heart that she could not be a member of such a family, so what she needed was a career development opportunity and some financial stability from Zhang Ping An.

After the decision was made, Choi Ji Na quickly packed up her cosmetics, toiletries, etc.An overseas trip with a backpack, a trip with no other clothes, she also became looking forward to it.When she reached the door, she stopped, turned her head and returned to the room again, choosing a more sexy set from her underwear.


When she went downstairs again, Choi Ji Na put on a ponytail and sunglasses, her long legs and full chest were still so alluring.Zhang Ping'an's heart is also restless at this moment, because tonight will not be lonely anymore!

Cui Zhina got in the car, and she handed her passport to Zhang Ping An: "Let me put it here first, and book the ticket later."

And Zhang Pingan unlocked his mobile phone and handed it to her: "I drive, you use this software to book a ticket, go to Tokyo, there is my identity information on the account, you can enter it again. By the way, book, first class !"

Cui Zhina smiled and said to Zhang Ping An, "Book first class? But only two hours of flight time. Booking first class is too wasteful, or business class?"

Because she didn't want to give Zhang Ping an a sign of greed for money, she suggested business class for the ticket selection.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "It's okay, just book first class, you can have a drink on the plane."

Since Zhang Pingan insisted on taking first class, she didn't say much, she took Zhang Pingan's mobile phone and began to book tickets.

After half an hour Zhang Ping'an returned home, took his passport and some toiletries, and took a taxi to the airport with Cui Zhina.This time the two went to Incheon and did not enter through the gate, but from the underground garage to go directly upstairs, so as to avoid the reporters standing at the door.Cui Zhina wanted to go in with Zhang Ping'an from the main entrance, because she appeared in the same scene with Zhang Ping'an, the rich second generation of China, and might be hotly searched.

And what she really needs now is exposure. Only by increasing her exposure can she enter the eyes of the program crew and advertisers, otherwise there will be no exposure like the current one, let alone any resources that will take the initiative to invite.


Upon landing in Tokyo, the sky was already covered with a golden sunset. Zhang Pingan and Cui Zhina sat in the tram heading to the city and looked at the beautiful burning clouds outside the window.

Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but sighed: "Such a sky hasn't been seen for a long time. It's really beautiful."

Choi Ji Na also nodded towards the sunset glow outside the window and said, "I haven't seen such a sky for a long time. The air quality in Seoul is not good, and there was haze last fall. The air in Tokyo is much cleaner."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Because most of the cars used by families here are small-displacement cars. More people will choose bicycles or use public transportation like us. With less emissions, the air environment will naturally be better. Much more. The Koreans obviously don’t care much about exhaust emissions, and they say that Yenching’s smog has been blown to Seoul. It’s really nonsense, separated by such a large sea."

Cui Zhina also laughed at Zhang Ping’an’s words: “Hahaha, after the news came out, it was said that it was the smog blown by Yanjing? I, a layman, laughed when I saw it. How is it possible, it’s obviously on my side. Don’t pay attention to environmental protection, but pollute."

"Have you ever been to Japan to have a good time?"

Cui Zhina shook her head and said, "No, I haven't even been to Japan."

Zhang Pingan looked at Cui Zhina in surprise and said, "Eh? Didn't your company let you enter Japan?"

Korean idols like to come to Japan to make a fortune after a little bit of fame, but Choi Ji Na says she has never been there?How can this make Zhang Ping'an not surprised?

"No, I'm a SOLO singer, and usually come from idol groups."

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