Zhang Pingan used to think that all idols could go to Japan to make a fortune as long as they had a little popularity in Korea.But after hearing Choi Jina's explanation, he realized that he was thinking too much.The reason why Korean idols can succeed in Japan is because they have super neat knife dances to attract the public, which Japanese idols lack.

But after Choi Ji Na debuted, he started to follow the "surname Ganfeng", which is very rare in the Korean folk music industry.But in Japan... then it can only be'hehe'.For example, her proud breast is just a small dish in front of the Japanese "big murder" photo idol.The "surname Ganfeng" Japan itself is not weaker than hers, so she wants to go to Japan to visit the "surname Ganfeng", that is absolutely impossible!

However, Li Zhien, who is also a solo singer, also went to Japan, but because of her superb singing ability.In addition, she is a cute type, which is definitely much more attractive in Japan than the "surname Ganfeng" on the street.Strength and cuteness can be regarded as a market in Japan.However, Li Zhien's popularity in Japan is not as invincible as in South Korea. Japanese fans are even more popular with the Korean idol's "Knife Dance".

Zhang Pingan smiled at Cui Zhina and said, "I thought you had come to work before. I didn't expect you to come to Tokyo for the first time, so today I have to take you to a better life. In a moment, let's go home and take luggage. Come out after you let it go, or do you carry this and we just go shopping?"

Although both of them traveled in the form of backpacks, she wanted to wear a skirt and go shopping with a bag, so that the photos taken would be much more beautiful. Cui Zhina said to Zhang Ping’an: “Let’s go and put it first. Baggage. Anyway, I will stay in Tokyo these two days, right?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Yes, I will take you around Tokyo in these two days, and then we will go to Hokkaido."

The two chatted and talked, and the tram arrived in the city soon. After coming out of the tram station, they saw the buildings in the city, and then Cui Ji Na felt like traveling.The unfamiliar words, unfamiliar street scenes, and unfamiliar everything made her full of curiosity about this long-known city.

She just stood on the side of the road and looked at the pedestrians at this time and felt it was a joy. Only when Zhang Pingan called a taxi to ask her to get in the car, she slowly recovered.Traveling, this was the first time since work, she made up her mind to enjoy this trip.

Soon, the taxi came to Zhang Pingan's home. He took her into the luxurious home, but after entering the room, he saw the sofa in the room, and so on, it was all covered with'sheets'.Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Because the house here is always empty, so I use a bed sheet to cover the gray layer. Come, help me."

Cui Zhina smiled and put down the bag she was carrying, and went to pull the sheets that covered the dust with Zhang Ping An.While taking care of the living room with Zhang Pingan, she looked at the decoration of the room.

She has never watched the Japanese show where Zhang Pingan starred. She only heard from her agent that Zhang Pingan is very rich. Seoul, Tokyo, and Shanghai each have a set of luxurious residences, and each set is worth tens of billions of won!

But today she came to Zhang Pingan’s home in Tokyo, standing in the living room and looking out the night of the city, it was fully unfolded, and the towering Tokyo Tower in the night sky was shining with neon light in the far sky across the palace.The warm lights at home illuminate the heart-warming decoration style, and there is an indescribable sense of comfort when standing at home.In addition, the exquisite hand-run models in the display cabinet filled the room with some fun.

The sofa, floor, and walls are all in warm colors. Cui Ji Na really likes the style of this home, but she can't afford it!

After tearing off all the sheets in the room, Cui Ji Na looked at Zhang Ping An with a smile on the corners of her mouth: "Where are these?"

"Just put it on the side of the sofa. We will stay for two days. We have to put it back when we leave. I don't know when I leave this time or when I will come to Japan next time. Put the bag in the living room first. , We come back in the evening and then pack up, first go out to buy some change of clothes or something, then have a meal and then go to Tokyo at night to stroll around. By the way, do you have an international driver's license?"

Choi Ji Na said puzzledly: "No. I am a Korean driver's license, can I use it in Japan?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No, I asked if you have a driver's license to ask if you want to rent a Mario Kart that can drive on the city's highways. It's very exciting. If you have a chance, come here next time. To play, you can apply for an international driver’s license in advance, and you can walk around the main streets of Tokyo."

Listening to what Zhang Pingan said, Cui Zhina understood what he was saying. She was very upset and said: "Ah~~I saw a lot of people driving karting in Japan on SNS. Ah~~~ It's a pity, I knew it. I applied for an international driver's license."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and patted her shoulder to comfort: "It's okay, next time we come over and play together, let's go!"

When the two came out of the house, Zhang Ping'an took the initiative to hold her hand and clasped her fingers downstairs.She did not refuse Zhang Ping's hand-in-hand gesture, and because she did not refuse, Zhang Ping'an will definitely be very happy tonight!


The cold in Tokyo in May is very fast. When the sun disappears into the sky, the temperature of the city is cooled by the surrounding sea breeze.The two were still wearing shorts and short sleeves when they set off from Seoul, but when they came out of the house again, the temperature outside made people feel the slightest chill.

When the cold wind hit her face, Cui Ji Na smiled and shook her head and said, "Hey, the temperature was right when I got off the plane, it's actually a bit cold now?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded: "Tokyo cools off quickly. If it's Seoul, I guess I can't stay at home without the air conditioner at this time."


The two stood on the side of the road and got into the taxi. Zhang Ping'an spoke to the driver again in fluent Japanese. Cui Zhina curiously said, "Your Japanese is so good? I don't think you use translation software."

"I used to study in Tokyo, and I spent much longer in Japan than in Seoul."

Cui Zhina suddenly realized: "Ah~~ So that's the case, I thought you used to study in China."

Zhang Ping’an said: “No, I chose to study in Japan when I was a kid. My family felt that the'habits' in European and American countries were too open. They were afraid that I would learn some bad things by myself, so they put me in Japan. Because here is the same education of Confucianism as Huaxia, so learning about etiquette here will not be too free like Europe and the United States."

As someone who grew up in Canada, Cui Ji Na also agrees with this view: "It is true that many habits in Asia are different from those in Europe and the United States. When I first came to Korea, I was very unaccustomed to bowing and greetings, and the title of'senior' . You can speak Japanese, Korean, and your mother tongue Huaxia. Why not learn English?"

Zhang Pingan's eyes widened and looked at Cui Zhina and said, "What kind of English are you studying in Japan? The people in this place are so terrible.. Unspeakable English! Don't believe me? Look, let me tell you a few words in Japanese! % %#%#~~~"

In Zhang Ping'an's memory, there is a Japanese-English song of'Station B', which is super brainwashed. The Japanese-English in the song is really amazing.And Zhang Ping An has lived in Japan for so many years. He is better in Japanese and English.

He said a bunch of words and heard Cui Zhina look at Zhang Ping'an blankly: "Are you sure you speak English?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded: “This is Japanese English. It’s similar to Korean English anyway. It’s a weird accent. So, I don’t dare to learn any English here. I’m afraid I’ll learn something nondescript. ."

Cui Ji Na burst into laughter: "Hahaha~~Understand, understand."

The two of them talked and laughed in the car and quickly arrived at the "Isetan Shinjuku Main Store" because they chose the department store because they have a complete set of things, and they have everything to buy.

Shopping, shopping, women play their nature, after entering the department store, Cui Zhina and Zhang Ping Ping started shopping in it, buying several sets of bags, clothes, and shoes, all of them are luxury brands.The clothing of luxury brands entering the summer is much cheaper than the autumn and winter models.

After going around like this, I forgot the time until the department store closed. Cui Zhina and Zhang Ping'an were all with shopping bags.After coming out of the store, Choi Ji Na said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I haven't been shopping like this for a long time, and I forgot that you didn't buy anything. What should I do now?"

After she bought the clothes because it was cold, she put them on immediately, and Zhang Pingan was still short-sleeved shorts, but the department stores were closed.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "It's okay, I just go to another specialty store to buy it. The specialty store closes late. The department stores in Tokyo close at eight o'clock, and the specialty store is nine o'clock!"

"Ah~~ Let's hurry up, otherwise, you are so cold like this."

After the two came out of the department store, they were in a nearby sportswear store. Zhang Ping'an changed into sportswear.Although it is not a luxury, it is warm enough.In the hands of the two of them, the'trophies' had been taken over, and there was no room at all.So the two returned home again to put things, put things out and ate.

Almost an hour later, Zhang Ping An and Cui Zhina went out again. This time she was wearing a luxury dress with a coat outside, which was also a luxury item. The bag in her hand was also replaced with the newly bought bag. Brand-name bag!

Her figure has reached more than 50,000 yuan. This is a real luxury life for her. This is also the first time she buys luxury goods regardless of price with Zhang Ping An!

Zhang Pingan's life is completely different from her!

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