Zhang Ping'an's phrase "It will get better" seemed to have magical power, and Cui Zhina really felt a reassuring power at that moment.His comforting words gave her real comfort in her heart, maybe she would really get better, right?

The reason why Zhang Pingan said that was because he knew that MBC would do a "Female Soldier Special" in the near future, and Cui Ji Na happened to be the guest!

Their company now has a certain degree of cooperation with MBC. When the show is produced, he can ask Fang Shihe to help and say a few words. After all, the show is so hard.The program team wanted to invite, but couldn't invite the big names. After all, women are reluctant to go to the army to suffer.And Cui Zhina is still quite famous, and she can push her with a little effort.

This simple dinner, accompanied by sake, made the two of them eat very comfortably.The topic also gradually became heavier due to the effect of alcohol. From the light topic at the beginning to the heavy career future, the two chatted relatively speculatively.

After the meal, the two returned home, looking at the messy luggage and purchases in the house, and whether there was any time to pack the cloth, the originally tidy home became messy.

Zhang Pingan smiled and shook his head: "Clean up first."

Cui Zhina took all the shopping trophies into the bedroom, and Zhang Ping'an also helped her carry the suitcase in.In less than ten minutes, the room was cleaned up.Choi Jina clapped her hands and said, "It's finally done. I will remove my makeup and take a bath first."

Zhang Ping An nodded and said: "Go." Seeing Cui Zhina's back to the bedroom, Zhang Ping an smiled contentedly, because her graceful posture will make tonight very happy!

After a while, Choi Ji-na wore the newly bought pajamas and came to the living room. The coffee table in the living room was filled with some late-night snacks such as beer bought when I came back. It is not so much a late-night snack as it is a catalyst. '.

Zhang Ping An was not in the living room at this time. He was taking a bath in his bedroom. Cui Zhina was holding beer and eating some snacks and waiting for Zhang Ping's appearance.

Not long after, Zhang Ping An appeared in front of her wearing a pair of shorts, looking at Zhang Ping's strong body, she smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, oppa, your figure is so good?"

Zhang Ping An smiled and nodded, walked over and sat beside her.He picked up a can of beer and drank with her.

Choi Jina said softly in his ear: "What are we now? Are we lovers?"

Zhang Ping'an was silent for a while and replied: "...I don't know, can't we just get along like this? Must say a name? And what I can't give is the name!"

"I didn't want any status, I will stay with you quietly." Cui Zhina also became smarter, she didn't force Zhang Ping an to want any status, just stayed quietly.You, Zhang Ping'an can't watch me starve to death, right?

To smart people, Zhang Ping’an is not stingy: "Just be together quietly. After you go back, you can take a look at the house in Jiangnan District. I will rent you a better set. You live there too unsafe. The security system is not good in the old community!"

Cui Zhina got something from Zhang Pingan. She nodded contentedly and said, "Well. Because the workload is relatively small recently, my income can only cover the house over there."

When renting a house on some good roads in Seoul, the security deposit is very high. Basically, the security deposit is about to reach the standard of full rent.In addition, those places with good locations are generally not rented out in the form of full rent, and monthly rent is collected on a monthly basis.In this way, the landlord boss will receive a fixed rent fee every month.

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “It’s okay. I can take care of your life in the future. Go to sleep and go shopping tomorrow. Oh, boxes... tomorrow we have to buy boxes, otherwise we have to go to Hokkaido. Walking with big bags and small bags."

"Hahaha, I got the box in the end."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “If I go to a place like Hawaii. I can come back how I go. In such a place I buy some cheap T-shirts every day and don’t bring them back. But you I must be reluctant to lose my clothes here, right?"

"Of course, such an expensive thing. Are we going to Sensoji Temple tomorrow?"


"Do you want to go to Mount Fuji?"

"If you want to go, you can go, but it depends on how long you stay in Tokyo."


Unconsciously, Zhang Pingan and Cui Zhina had been in Japan for nearly a week, and the two rented a small hot spring villa here, and the room environment was very leisurely.

In the quiet Hokkaido, the temperature is only a dozen degrees at night. After returning to the hot spring every afternoon, wearing a bathrobe and eating the exquisite Japanese food prepared by the hotel, life has become extremely peaceful and peaceful.

Choi Ji-na counted the trip to Japan: "I saw the bustling Tokyo, the beauty of Mount Fuji, and the tranquility of Lake Kawaguchi. We also played in Hokkaido for two days, but the ski resort here is going to be winter. Only open, otherwise we can go skiing."

She grew up in Canada, how could she not know how to ski?Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said, "There are many ski resorts in Canada, right?"

Cui Ji Na smiled and said, "A lot, the geographical environment is similar to Hokkaido, and the winter time there is relatively long. I remembered that in the winter when I was in junior high school, I would go out skiing with my classmates."

Zhang Pingan said: "If we have time in winter, let's go skiing in Hokkaido again. I also learned skiing in Hokkaido in winter when I was studying in Japan."

"it is good!"

Although the two have been in Japan for a week, neither of them proposed to return to South Korea.Perhaps such a comfortable and easy life doesn't want to stop here, and for Choi Ji Na, both Korea and Japan are all foreign countries in her mind.After all, her mother is still in Canada, so South Korea is just her workplace, not her home!

Ten minutes later, the two returned to the room and put on the bathrobe prepared by the hotel. Zhang Ping’an lay on her lap and enjoyed her cleaning her ears. At this time, his mobile phone made a sound of “kakao”. Information sound.Cui Zhina handed Zhang Ping'an the cell phone placed nearby.

Zhang Pingan took the phone and looked at it. The message was sent by Pani: "Where? Have a meal together?"

Zhang Ping’an replied: “What are you eating, I’m in Japan. What are you doing these days? Why didn’t you send me a message, I’m afraid I will send it to you and disturb your work again.”

Pani: "Why don't you send it to me? I must send it to you first? Really~~ Still not a friend?"

"Yes, of course it is. I heard that you recently discussed the renewal of the contract with the company, and you are also working on the appearance of the album "Tai Di Xu". I am really afraid to disturb you."

Pani: "Yeah, you know my schedule so clearly? What do you want to do? However, these days are really busy. I just finished the styling meeting with the two of them today, and I wanted to ask you to come out for dinner. Well. As a result, you ran to Japan? When will you come back?"

Zhang Pingan: "Just these few days? Why, haven't you been out on a date recently?"

Pani: "I don't have time. They are overseas, so we just keep chatting every day. I don't know how long this relationship will last if this continues. I don't want to talk about this. I want to ask you for something."

Hearing the word'please', Zhang Ping'an raised his eyebrows: "Please? What should I say first? If it is within the scope of ability, I can promise you. I will not blindly promise something that I cannot do. "

Pani: "Car! Borrow your car and shoot the MV."

Zhang Pingan replied: "This must be no problem, when do you want it?"

Pani said, "I'm talking about your three supercars!"

Zhang Ping'an vaguely remembered that there were sports car shots in the album of'Tai Di Xu' this time: "Sports car? That car is not in Korea, it is in China. You won't shoot a few shots and go to China, right? "

Pani replied: "It's not just a few lenses, but many lenses that require sports cars. If possible, we will go to China with the camera crew."

Zhang Pingan: "No problem, of course no problem. For the studio, do you need me to help you contact?"

"You can help contact, that would be the best, we may be shooting in July."

"It's only May!"

Pani immediately replied: "Ah, tomorrow is June! Do you still count according to May?"

"Well, it's June. That's also next month, you told me so early?"

After Zhang Ping’an agreed, Pani’s voice sent her with a sense of joy: “Sure, if you can’t do this, we have to contact you separately. Hey~~ Actually, I’m early I thought you would agree to it, so...thank you and wait for you to come home to have dinner together."

"Okay, come back and contact you."

After Pani and Zhang Pingan got in touch, he looked at Taeyeon and Xu Xian proudly and said, "How about? I said it’s okay to find Zhang Pingan to borrow the car. This time our MV is on the'oil pipe' with Zhang Ping An’s three supercars are unveiled, and they will definitely get high hits!"

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