My entertainment circle

Chapter 196 Unlucky when fate came?

In June, Zhang Ping An and Cui Ji Na returned to Seoul after spending more than a week in Japan.During the few days of travel, Zhang Ping An felt that he had a special "fortune" every day. He and Cui Zhina tried a lot of local "movies" on their nights in Japan.Every night is full of tricks!

On the day they returned to Seoul, Zhang Ping An and Cui Ji Na separated at the airport.Cui Zhina was picked up by her agent. She didn't tell her agent honestly, but said that there was something wrong with her return to Canada.Anyway, she doesn't have a job to do in Korea, so it's normal for her to go back, and the agent will naturally not doubt anything.And she didn't want to tell her agent about herself and Zhang Ping An, it was not a glorious thing after all.

After Cui Ji Na returned to Seoul, she found out her mobile phone and started to check the rental situation on the Internet.And Zhang Pingan stood in the underground garage and waited for the'driver' who came to pick him up. After waiting for almost ten minutes, the'driver' never showed up.Zhang Ping'an finally got out the phone impatiently and called the'driver': "Ah, did you walk here? I called you more than two hours ago?"

Who knows that instead of apologizing, the driver on the other end of the call responded more fiercely than Zhang Ping’an: "Ah! Don’t you know that I can’t estimate the time in a traffic jam? Wait, I’ll be there in ten minutes at most, really~~ What's the call?"

Zhang Pingan said to the driver on the phone without angrily: "Huang Meiying, you are louder than your voice, aren't you?" The one who came to pick up the plane today was Huang Meiying and Pani who asked him to borrow the car.Since she asked herself to borrow the car, Zhang Pingan finally has to charge some'interest', right?So he called Pani before he came back to Seoul and asked her to pick him up.Of course, Zhang Ping'an is very happy in his heart because she can be a driver for Girls' Generation.

Pani said to Zhang Ping'an, dumbfounded: "What's louder than the sound, you... Forget it, don't rush, you will be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone with Pani, Zhang Pingan put the phone in his trouser pocket with a smile on his face, and he said to himself: "This'Secretary Huang' has a big shelf!"

After a quarter of an hour, a white domestic car stopped in front of him, and then the window of the co-pilot was pressed down. Zhang Ping An saw Taeyeon sitting in the driving and said with a smile, "Get in the car. Ah, what are you doing in a daze?"

Zhang Pingan stared at Taeyeon in surprise and said, "Hey, Taeyeon, why are you here too?"

Zhang Pingan was only surprised by Taeyeon's arrival, which made the'secretary' very impatiently and said: "Hurry up, get in the car and ditch it. Did you know that we didn't eat lunch just to meet you at the airport? "

"What is it?" Zhang Ping'an carried the box and placed it in the back position. Just when he was about to sit in the back, Pani said again: "Wait, you come and drive. I didn't rest well last night. ."

Just like that, Zhang Ping'an, standing in the position where he opened the back door of the car, bent down and looked at Pani. At the same time, he pointed his index finger back to his nose and said, "I'm driving?"

"Otherwise?" Penny said, unfastening his seat belt and getting out of the car.Pani got out of the car. For the sudden appearance of Girls' Generation, those at the airport waiting for the pick-up vehicle were stunned for several seconds before they pulled out their mobile phones and took pictures of her, and Zhang Ping’an did it again the first time she landed in Korea. Framed with Pani.

Zhang Ping'an had no choice but to sit in the driving seat, and when he sat in, he smelled a perfume from Taeyeon, which was a little sweet and passionate.Zhang Ping'an sniffed his nose and said, "Very good perfume."

Who knows that Pani, who just took the back seat, burst out laughing and couldn't help: "Puff~~ Hahaha! What perfume smell, she is eating fruit jelly."

"Hahaha~~" Even Taeyeon was amused by Zhang Ping's first sentence today.

Every time he sees Zhang Ping an, he always brings her joy, and every time he sees Zhang Ping an, Taeyeon always feels good.Just like this, it is obviously embarrassing, but he can successfully make himself very happy.

During this period of time, she felt that her love was getting heavier and heavier, and it was so heavy that she was almost depressed. Because she could not see or see it, the love became heavy.Perhaps only by keeping it firmly in your heart will you feel its existence?But after Zhang Ping'an came back today, she felt that the heavy feeling brought by love could be put down in front of him.

As Taeyeon laughed, Zhang Pingan turned into a poker face, fastened his seat belt and set off.Seeing Zhang Pingan’s embarrassment, Taeyeon was inexplicably happy again, her laugh was a little inexplicable and could not stop: "Hahaha~~ It’s so funny, Zhang Pinganxi, can you not be so funny? "

Zhang Pingan quickly glanced at Taeyeon, who was sitting next to him, the co-pilot. He looked at Taeyeon with a serious expression and said, "Me? Funny?"

"Puff~~hahaha~~ no more, no more~~"

Zhang Ping’an watched Taeyeon’s exaggerated laugh, he added: “Did you touch the laughing nerve?” Now Zhang Ping’an only needs to open his mouth, and Taeyeon’s laughing nerve seems to have been acupunctured and laughed. Don't stop.She didn't know why, anyway, she wanted to laugh and happy when she saw Zhang Ping'an, so she completely released the laughter that had been suppressed for a long time.

Laughing continuously, Taeyeon laughed out of breath for almost three to five minutes.She finally stopped, so she waved her hand to Zhang Ping'an begging for mercy and said, "Don't talk, and don't look at me anymore. I laughed so much that my abdominal muscles hurt."

Before Taeyeon recovered, everyone was silent for five minutes, and Taeyeon finally put away her laughter.She rubbed her aching abdominal muscles with laughter: "It's been a long time since I laughed like this, peace, why do I feel so happy every time I see you?"

Zhang Pingan immediately took a Sao sentence: "Because I am the pistachio in your life, so, you can think about it and give me the rest of your life." Zhang Pingan sang in Chinese: " For the rest of my life, you will be the wind and snow, you will be the plain, and you will be the poor. You are the glory, the tenderness in the heart is you, and you are the result of your eyes~~~"

In the previous Sao words, Taeyeon rolled her eyes when she heard it, but after Zhang Ping’s song sang in Chinese, she couldn’t figure it out. After he finished singing, Taeyeon asked curiously: "What's the lyrics? ?"

Zhang Pingan translated the lyrics of "The rest of the future" to Taeyeon and Pani.And Pani sitting at the back screamed, "Ahhhh~~~" and rubbed his shoulders continuously.Because Zhang Ping'an used words instead of singing when translating the lyrics.So it felt like he was interceding with Taeyeon, which made Pani feel extremely numb for an instant.

Taeyeon sat next to Zhang Ping An, she felt the most direct, but she felt it was okay, because after Zhang Ping's'practice' last time, she can bear it much better today.Listening to the lyrics explained by Zhang Ping’an, she just smiled and said, “Wow, this word is too numb, right? However, after taking a closer look, I feel that the lyrics are really good, and everything is yours for the rest of my life! "

Isn’t the lyrics like that?Some lyrics don't seem very good at first glance, but you can only feel the touch of words when you calm down and savor them.And the words that Zhang Ping'an uttered in the way of reading sounded very nauseous, but it was telling the most beautiful hope for love. Everything in the rest of life will be you!

"Isn't it, everything for the rest of my life is you. So, Taeyeon, how about it? Do you want to join hands with me for the rest of my life?" After Zhang Ping'an finished the sultry words, he picked Taeyeon. brow.Taeyeon gradually had some resistance to Zhang Ping'an's words to tease Sao, she just smiled at Zhang Ping'an, and did not go back to him.Because of this, even if it's a joke, it sounds incredibly comfortable!

Taeyeon didn’t answer, but Pani who was sitting at the back couldn’t help but yelled: "Ah! Zhang Ping’an, are you crazy? What do you want? Taeyeon has a boyfriend, do you want her to cheat ?"

After Zhang Pingan glanced at Taeyeon next to him, he seriously looked at the road ahead while driving. At the same time, he responded to Pani who was sitting behind him: "What's wrong with her boyfriend? Isn't she still married? Yeon is married, can’t I still wait for her to divorce? Am I, Taeyeon?”

Such sweet talk might be tiring, but Taeyeon didn't know why it was so happy.Of course you can understand, people like to listen to such sweet words, and Taeyeon is no exception.Even if you know that Zhang Ping'an is talking about a joke, just listening to it will make you happy, so she smiled and said, "At this moment, what should I say? Hahaha~~"

Really, Taeyeon feels that being with Zhang Ping An feels a little inexplicable peace of mind, comfort, peace of mind, and happiness.This was something she had never felt in anyone else. He seemed to know himself very well, and his words could easily amused himself, and he would not think about it by himself.

And Taeyeon really feels that a look in his eyes, a smile, he can clearly understand the meaning.Taeyeon ignored Zhang Ping's and Pani's nonsense. Her eyes went through the car window and looked at the sunny sky in Seoul. Maybe she and him are a tacit soul mate.

It's just that the time when the two met for the first time was a bit embarrassing. If she could get to know him earlier, would she not think about him?

Taeyeon felt that she was tangled, because she even forgot her love when she was with him.

Some fate, the encounter is so unfortunate!

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