My entertainment circle

Chapter 214 Returning Home (Part 2)

When I landed in Shanghai from Seoul, the night scene of Shanghai has been fully unfolded. Looking at the brightly lit Shanghai from the sky has a unique charm.In the afternoon, Zhang Pingan accompanied the Zheng sisters to contact the fabric merchant, and he simply returned to Shanghai, because he had to go to HK with Sika two days later.And I don’t know why I always feel guilty about Girls’ Generation when I stay in Seoul.

Especially when Zhang Ping An and the members of Girls' Generation gradually became friends, he felt that his investment in Sika's brand always seemed to destroy their emotions.Although he understands that he does not invest but also has foreign investment.But for them, shouldn't they make this money?

Zhang Pingan took the suspension train directly from the airport to the city. He returned home quietly this time without notifying anyone.Because he faced Pani’s question when shopping in the afternoon, Zhang Ping’an was a bit unhappy about the knot until now. In the future, he really doesn’t know how to face it.That's why he chose to return at such a time, because he was afraid that he would stay in Seoul, and Pani couldn't figure out what he said, and asked him to eat together at night.

Sitting in the floating car, Zhang Ping'an sighed deeply: "Hey... I don't know if the decision to invest is right or wrong."

From the perspective of ordinary investors, his investment this time is definitely profitable. After all, the name "Girls' Generation" is quite profitable, and Sika itself is very popular in Asia.The brand she designed, coupled with the existence of an invisible'Girls' Generation', makes money beyond doubt.Besides, the cost of fashion-related things is very low.So earning is definitely earning, just more and less.

This is from the investor's point of view, this time investing in Sika's brand is correct.But from a friend's point of view?This remains to be considered.Friends, it depends on who's friend's side you are on, right?If you are standing in Girls’ Generation as a whole, then Zhang Ping’an’s investment seems to offend them a bit?If you are on Sika's side, then his investment is fine, because her brand also needs funds to develop.

It’s another thing that can’t be said about “right” and “wrong”. Sometimes Zhang Ping’an feels that he is a little bit contradictory. Many things want to complete when they are not done, but after they are done, they will judge whether they are worth it.I don't know if people of his age have such impulsiveness. I don't think about it beforehand, and then come to struggle afterwards.

When he returned home, Zhang Ping'an watched that the house had not been cleaned up, and the gray layer of the house had risen, so he picked up his Mercedes-Benz car key and went out to the hotel.Because he returned home suddenly and didn't say hello or anything in advance, so at this time it was not the case to let the aunts come to do the cleaning, so Zhang Ping'an simply chose to stay in the hotel.

Zhang Ping'an still chose the Oriental Mandarin Hotel where he usually stayed. After returning to the hotel room, he took a shower and sat sluggishly indoors watching the night on the Bund across the river.In Zhang Ping’an’s memory, the time when Sika was retired from the group was in September, which means that the time is getting closer every day: "Hey.. What you should face is always to face. Why do you think so much? There is a way!"

Zhang Ping'an didn't bother to think about it, anyway, things had become a foregone conclusion, and it made no sense for him to think too much.


After spending a while, Zhang Pingan touched his stomach and felt a little hungry. When he returned to China at the prime time of dinner at 7:30, Zhang Pingan wanted to eat a special meal with a Chinese flavor, and his head The natural response here is Sichuan-style hot pot, which is a Chinese-style cuisine.

Zhang Pingan took out the phone and looked at the contact, because the hot pot is definitely not going to be eaten alone. He took the phone and slid down.. Suddenly a Japanese name "Matsumura Shayouri" appeared in the contact. As Girls’ Generation is going to Osaka tomorrow, Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Isn’t she from Osaka? I haven’t been in touch recently? Send a message?”

While walking outside, Zhang Pingan sent a message to'Sha Youli': "Sha Youli sauce, I haven't contacted for a long time. Have you been working well recently? Didn't you go to France in July? Have you booked a time? "

After sending the message, Zhang Ping An muttered: "France? Are they'Natuan' going to the world? I remember.. There is nothing, right?'Japanese Yantuan' seems to mix well in Asia."

Compared with the Korean women's groups, the status of the Japanese women's groups in the world is indeed inferior, but in Asia, the "Nituan" is still very strong.It’s just that they rarely perform overseas. Zhang Ping’an thought in his head: “Overseas performances... should be the reason for the higher cost?”

If Nai Tuan has a concert, their members are not nine like Girls' Generation. At least they will have 20 or 30 members when they go out with Nai Tuan 46, plus the staff and so on, 50 or 60 members.Should the travel expenses be tickets or charter flights?It may also involve accommodation, right?This cost is expensive. No wonder there are few overseas planning companies inviting them to hold concerts. It should be too expensive, right?Once the cost is high, you don’t know how many tickets are suitable.

After giving Shayou a haircut, Zhang Pingan hesitated to contact Xiaoxiao, but thinking that they were the prime time for live broadcasting at night, he finally did not contact them.After all, eating can't delay other people's making money.

Zhang Ping'an got out of the hotel, sitting in the car and looking at the contacts in the mobile phone in a daze. It turned out that except for those who need to make money at night, he really has no one to contact.There are still some people who have no schedule in Korea. They can make an appointment to have a meal together. In order not to disturb others to make money, he really doesn't seem to have any friends anymore.

The management of the company, all went home from get off work at this time, because he did not make an appointment with them in advance, so Zhang Ping'an was too embarrassed to temporarily notify them to come out for dinner.Scratching his head, Zhang Pingan sent a message to Fat Di who was far away in'Hangcheng': "Is today's filming over?"

Whether it was for Sha Youli or Fatty, after the news passed, it was all overwhelming. They were definitely busy with their work and couldn't reply.Finally, Zhang Pingan thought of Zhang Chenchen, who was participating in "Good Voice" in Hangzhou at this time.So he sent a message: "Xiao Chenchen, what are you doing? Congratulations on successfully getting the turn of the four mentors."

Regarding the news of'Zhang Chenchen', the agent had already sent a message to Zhang Ping'an.At this time, the program team didn't even know that Zhang Chenchen signed a contract with a brokerage company, nor did it know if the program crew knew that she had a brokerage company.Anyway, Hua Xia's shows are of such virtue, saying that there is no script, and finally follow the script.It's not easy for those celebrity mentors, and they have to be at the mercy of the show team.

Soon Zhang Chenchen replied: "Boss Zhang, your congratulations are too late, right? It's been a few days. After the primary election, I just waited for the show to start filming. Now I am shopping with my parents in the city. It’s rare to come to Jiangnan and take a break these days, so I stopped by to come to Shanghai to have fun."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and replied: "It just so happens, let's have some supper together? I just arrived in Shanghai."

Regarding Zhang Chenchen, this is the company's first singer signed in China, but she planted the first seed of China's entertainment industry. Careful cultivation and cultivation will bring a lot of gains.

"Hey, didn't I see you posting on the bib in the afternoon, are you and sister Zheng still in Seoul? Are you back so soon?"

Zhang Pingan replied: "Well, I'm back, let's eat something together?"

"Okay, but I have to send my parents back to the hotel first, how about calling you?"

"Don't be so troublesome, where are you, I happen to be driving the car, shall I send them back?"

After Zhang Chenchen sent Zhang Ping'an the address, she put away the phone and said to her parents: "Old ba, old ma, Zhang Ping'an asked me to have a supper together."

Zhang Chenchen's mother said: "Zhang Ping'an? Ah... it's your boss, why did he suddenly think of seeing you?"

Zhang Chenchen smiled and said: "He just came back from South Korea. He said congratulations to me for passing the audition. Maybe he wanted to simply celebrate and say some more words of advice?"

Zhang Chenchen's'Lao Ba' smiled and said: "Zhang Ping An is a nice kid, righteous, upright, and very kind. Although it is said on the Internet that he is a rich second-generation or something, I really think that others are good. ."

Because the term'rich second generation' doesn't know when it has a derogatory sense in China, as if those who caused trouble are the rich second generation.

Zhang Chenchen's family just stood by the Bund and started talking about Zhang Pingan, and Zhang Pingan drove his Mercedes-Benz to the Bund quickly and greeted them to get in the car.

After getting in the car, Zhang Ping'an greeted Zhang Chenchen's family: "Uncle, aunt, hello. I am Zhang Ping'an whom Zhang Chenchen knew in Korea!"

Zhang Chenchen’s father sat in the back seat and smiled and said to Zhang Ping’an: “Peace, it’s been a long time since I have seen you, have you been doing well recently?

"China’s business here is pretty good, and South Korea is still waiting. The company recently invested in variety shows and is waiting to see the effect. If the effect is good, it may increase investment."

Zhang Chenchen’s mother said, “Why don’t you do a show in China, and do it in Korea?”

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: “Because Huaxia’s TV stations are state-owned assets, and their broadcast time is not for sale. And even if the TV stations sell it, I can’t afford to produce programs in China. The cost is too high. Korean celebrity appearance fees are very cheap, and China’s celebrity appearance fees are too expensive, and I simply can’t afford it.”

Zhang Chenchen has been an artist in South Korea for a few days. She knows that the value of Korean stars is really not high in their South Korea, and the value of stars is simply incomparable to China.

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