After Zhang Pingan briefly explained, he continued: "This time is the initial cooperation with the TV station, mainly to lay the foundation for cooperation. In the future, I would like to promote some Chinese things in Korea. For example, food, travel, general Can’t let Chinese people travel to Korea every day, go to Korea to buy, buy and buy? I also want Koreans to travel to China. After all, the beautiful rivers and mountains of our motherland are so beautiful that it’s a shame not to show them to overseas audiences."

"Oh~~ Ping An, you still have such a big ideal and ambition." When Father Zhang heard that Zhang Ping An wanted to promote China overseas, he felt that he admired this child very much.As a young man, he thinks farther than them, perhaps because they are just ordinary families. What they think is how to make their lives richer, and how to promote the great motherland?This is something they would never think about!

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “This is not an ideal, mutual benefit. I use domestic travel resources to make a food show or travel show to promote the beautiful mountains and rivers of China and also let my show. Earning income. This is a win-win, not to say how great I am. I still don’t want to do things at a loss. And Zhang Chenchen has been in Korea. She knows that Koreans know too little about our Chinese food. Speaking of Chinese cuisine, we only know about fried noodles and sweet and sour pork. Why can we not let everyone know about our so many delicacies? Lest we can’t even eat tea eggs on the islands beyond the sea.”

The island said that we can’t even eat tea eggs. I don’t know that it has been circulating on the Internet for many years. Even ordinary people know this story.Of course, for such things, everyone can only smile at the ignorance of the people on the opposite island.

Father Zhang said with a smile: "Anyway, to be able to publicize our country to the outside world is something that we should admire and respect. We also look forward to you making the show better and better!"

"Well, by the way, where do you live?" Zhang Ping'an was slowly driving the car on the Bund, because he didn't know the address.Zhang Chenchen handed the phone to Zhang Pingan to check the address: "Here, you can enter the navigation."

"Living so far? It's not convenient to live here and go out and play anything? How about changing to a hotel?"

Zhang Chenchen stopped and said, "Don’t have to be so troublesome. Let’s just stop by for two days. And this kind of city feels similar to our “Tianjin”. We will only play a few major attractions, and we will go to Hangzhou in two days. It’s a city filming program. And the public transportation of Magic City is very convenient, I don’t know, and there are mobile phones that can be used to'speed' without getting lost."

Since she feels it doesn't matter, she doesn't force it: "Okay."

Zhang Pingan was driving while chatting with her parents. After arriving at the hotel, the two of them got out of the car and went back.After entering the hotel, Father Zhang said to his wife: "How about it, does it feel like seeing Zhang Ping'an with my own eyes that he is a good child?"

Mother Zhang smiled and said: "He is a very good child, completely different from those rich second generations who only know how to spend money at home. A young man with his own ideas, it would be nice to be our son-in-law."

"How is it possible, what kind of family are they? What kind of family are we? The door is not right, the household is wrong."

"When is it, it's the right time to return? Feelings, just look right. I'm too lazy to tell you..."


Zhang Pingan and Zhang Chenchen were sitting in the car alone at this time, but the two did not have the slightest ambiguity. Zhang Pingan smiled and said frankly: "I just wanted to eat hot pot in front of me, but one person feels going to eat that thing again. It seems a bit weird. I just sent you a message. You are in Shanghai again, so I called you together. And we haven't seen each other for a long time. I also want to ask you about your current situation in person."

To be so blunt, directly cut off all the pink aura that may appear between the two of them.Zhang Chenchen laughed: "Hehe, I asked me to dine with you? Actually, I should have invited you to this meal. I don't know how to thank you anymore. Whether in Korea or now in China, I think I I can only say to you: Thank you!"

In South Korea, Zhang Pingan helped her deal with her unreasonable contract, and after returning, he let her enter her own brokerage company, which also provided her with the most professional training.Therefore, Zhang Chenchen is very grateful to Zhang Ping An, whether it is from a personal perspective or a work perspective.

"I have received your gratitude. For dinner, let me invite you. How can I ask girls to pay? Huaxia’s entertainment business has just started, and the company has many directions to expand, so it doesn’t give you that much attention for the time being. Please also forgive me."

Zhang Chenchen said: "The company has done a very good job. For my program this time, I also specially hired a top vocal tutor for me. I will definitely repay you by mixing up a famous one in the future!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you." The two soon came to a hot pot restaurant, and the whole hot pot restaurant was full of the atmosphere of hot pot, which made Zhang Ping'an, who was already hungry, a little moved.

Sitting down, ordering food, Zhang Pingan's cell phone finally rang when the two were waiting for the food, and it seemed that they had gotten a reply from Fat Di or Sha Youli.Zhang Pingan looked at the message prompt, and Sha Youli replied: "Ping An Sang, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I have been doing a good job recently, and I have some new opportunities. How about you, everything is going well at work, right?"

Zhang Ping’an changed the input mode to Japanese and replied: “The work is relatively smooth at the moment, but some things are too complicated and a bit irritable. By the way, has the matter of going to France changed? "

Sha Youli replied: "No, didn't we have an appointment to see you in France? I will arrive in Paris on July 4th."

"I should be fine at that time. We will meet in Paris." At the end of the month, Zhang Ping An waited for the end of the show. He thought he might leave Korea temporarily because he really didn't know how to face Taeyeon and Pa. Ni, so it’s not bad to escape to Paris.

And he hasn't been to Europe yet, so take this opportunity to visit Notre Dame de Paris, so as not to be like himself in his previous life, before going there, it will catch fire.

"Okay, see you in Paris."

Zhang Pingan once again confirmed that after meeting with Sha Youli in Paris, he searched for information about'Nogizaka' on his mobile phone and checked what they were doing recently.Seeing Zhang Ping'an playing with his mobile phone, Zhang Chenchen also started to play with his mobile phone. The two of them had a meal just like Zhang Ping's said. He couldn't find anyone to eat hot pot with him.

After a while, the dishes came, and both Zhang Pingan and Zhang Chenchen put down their phones and started eating.Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "It seems that there is only one Haidilao in Myeongdong in Seoul, right?"

"Dalin, there are two hot pots." Dalin in Seoul can basically be said to be Huaxia Village, because all the people living here are Chinese, and the signs on the street are all in Chinese.Where there are Chinese people, hot pot, a popular Chinese food, is naturally indispensable.

Zhang Ping'an was boiling his hairy belly while looking at Zhang Chenchen and said, "Oh? I didn't expect you to know so well?

"I usually go to Dalin to buy seasonings, so I naturally saw it."


The two ate a sumptuous hot pot meal, basically Zhang Ping'an ate it alone, because she had dinner.She came almost to dine with Zhang Ping’an. After the meal, Zhang Ping’an was very embarrassed and said, “You didn’t move your chopsticks much, it was as if you were eating with me. I’m really sorry. It also delayed you and your family. Time for shopping."

Zhang Chenchen smiled and said, "No, it just so happens that we have also finished visiting the Bund and are going back to the hotel."

"Let's go, take you back to the hotel." Zhang Ping'an drove her back again. On the road, he said: "You should film the show first. If you say that you have a good ranking, then run some activities first. The ranking is not good. We will arrange the company to collect songs for you and make albums as soon as possible."

Zhang Chenchen said: "Well, I will work hard to get a good result, so that I can be worthy of the company's cultivation of me."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just play normally. Huaxia's shows are said to be quite shady. Especially if you are a singer with a contract agency like this, you may be ranked in the ranking... You know what I mean. ?"

Zhang Chenchen nodded and said with a helpless smile: "Yes, after all, I want to cultivate my own singer."

"Well, so it’s good to play normally. But I’m not sure if there will be a shady situation. I will see if my family can help to talk at that time? Try not to show this situation to the singers we signed." Zhang In Ping An's memory, she was the champion, but'she was at that time' without a brokerage company, but now she has a brokerage company.

So Zhang Ping'an wanted to see if his family could contact his acquaintances, and don't put the shady on his singer, rely on his strength!

Zhang Ping’an didn’t know that the drafts on the TV station were indeed shady, but after Zhang Ping’s let his family help, the shady really appeared. Originally, Zhang Chenchen, a singer who signed with the agency, missed the finals, but it was because of the shady. She won the championship again!Of course these are all things to follow.

Zhang Pingan didn't know at this time that he would become the biggest'shadow'.

After sending him back to Zhang Chenchen, Zhang Pingan also returned to the hotel. This time he went home and took the computer back to the hotel.

Because the live broadcast has received a lot of attention, many beautiful beauties have joined the live broadcast industry, just because the live broadcast has been really good for two years.

After Zhang Ping'an returned to the hotel, he changed his hotpot-like clothes, washed it, and sat in front of the computer to watch the live broadcast on his platform. This time, he logged into his account'Zhang Ping'an!

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