The prime time of the night live broadcast is from 7 to 10, because during this time most of the singles have already got off work and went home for dinner. The singles have nothing else to do after dinner. It is when I am bored at home.Therefore, most singles will gather in front of the computer when they are bored, perhaps reading novels, or watching TV shows or movies.Anyway, the young generation nowadays rarely use TV sets.

Moreover, with the popularity of "League of Legends" and the overwhelming publicity of Zhang Pingan, the current young generation basically knows the live broadcast platform of'PandaTV'.So game fans, or those who like to watch coquettish dances, or those who want to chat with the anchors, began to get together on the live broadcast platform.

Competing with Zhang Ping’an’s platform, the rival “Dunyu” YY, although they started early, they did not have the rich content of Zhang’s platform. The most important point is that Zhang Ping’an was the first platform to provide anchors with a fixed salary Platform.So in terms of the number of anchors, one month later, Zhang Pingan's platform has become China's largest platform, especially since he has signed a lot of big anchors!

The operation of the platform is getting better day by day, and Zhang Ping An has completely delegated authority to the CEO here, and he will be the boss behind the platform quietly.After operating the platform for a month, Zhang Pingan really rarely logs on to his platform to check the anchor or anything, but today he has nothing to do, he logged in to his platform account, "Zhang Pingan" simply three words, it means His boss status.

After entering the platform, Zhang Pingan recharged one hundred thousand yuan in his account. As the boss, how can he not give a reward for watching the live broadcast?He first entered Xiaoxiao’s live broadcast room. The two little teasers of "Deyun Color" were operating "League of Legends" laughing and playing. The fat man was watching, and the two were playing and talking about the two. Opening his mouth and closing his mouth, Sao began to talk about it, what kind of hearse drifting, crotch output, Zhang Ping'an watched a game, and laughed hard.

Before leaving, he left his footprints and rewarded ten thousand yuan gifts.Zhang Pingan said: "It's time to activate'Noble'." At this time, there is no noble system, only the level after recharge, so the anchors who enter the room will be ignored if they don't pay attention.And Zhang Pingan's account hasn't been consumed yet, so naturally there is no level.

When Xiaoxiao saw the gift, he was surprised and said: "Huh~~ Zhang Pingan? Isn't this our boss? Isn't it someone's fake account? An brother, is it you?"

Zhang Pingan replied: "I registered this user name when the platform was established, and others want to register. So you two can rest assured that it won't be a routine! Broadcast it well, I will go out and change."

"Thank you, Brother An." With a smile, he picked up the phone and sent a message to Zhang Ping An, because he was still a little skeptical.Zhang Pingan saw his message and replied: Don't worry, I logged in and broadcast it well.

After watching Zhang Pingan’s live broadcast, Zhang Pingan went to the live broadcast room of Miss Miss. She was also operating the game. Zhang Pingan gave a gift of 20,000 yuan, flashed it, and then went to... The main anchor Zhang Pingan has finished shopping.Even some small anchors, Zhang Ping'an did not stingy and gave out thousands of gifts.

One hundred thousand yuan, after a tour of the League of Legends, it was gone, and then he recharged another one hundred thousand yuan and went to the'face value' section.The first one he went to Yin Suwan’s live broadcast room. Yin Suwan’s live broadcast room already had a big boss. After Zhang Ping entered the live broadcast room, he first gave a gift of 10,000 yuan, and then changed the input method to Korean: "In Huaxia Are you still used to life?"

This is the first time the two of them talked in the live broadcast room after the breakup: "Well, it's still a habit. Translation helps a lot in life."

"It's good to get used to it. If there is any inconvenience in life, I will communicate with the company. I will go to other people."

Zhang Ping’an appeared on the live broadcast platform, and the news of constantly rewarding the anchors quickly spread among users. He basically stayed with the big anchors for a while and would start at 10,000 yuan. After the anchor came down, everyone saw that Zhang Ping An might have spent 250,000 tonight.Although the platform belongs to him, he actually has to pay half of the fee tonight.

Some people are laughing that Zhang Pingan’s rewards are not as good as those of the big buddies on the platform, because some rich big buddies see beautiful anchors who reward hundreds of thousands a night.And more people think that Zhang Ping An is super rational consumption, because the anchors he rewards are all anchors he signed.


The next day, after Zhang Ping'an woke up, while washing herself, she watched the message on the phone. She only replied to the message sent to Fat Di last night.The message said that she was filming the night scene yesterday. They were filming when he sent the message, and the phone was kept in the car until after the filming was over.She also said that the TV series may be finished ahead of schedule, and it is expected to be within two days of today and tomorrow.

After washing, Zhang Pingan put on casual clothes and went out to eat early. Huaxia’s breakfast was much more exciting than Korean rice. Since he returned to Shanghai, of course the first breakfast choice was Xiaolongbao.But to ask about the well-known Xiaolongbao in Shanghai, it was too much. After Zhang Pingan got out of the hotel, he sat in the car and opened'Du Niang' and started searching...

After he entered the navigation, he then sent a message to Fat Di: "Send me your shooting address. I'm here to visit the class?"

After sending the message, Zhang Pingan headed for the Xiaolongbao shop. It didn’t take long before Zhang Pingan arrived at this very well-known store. A cage of Xiaolongbao, a bowl of seaweed soup, plus two boiled eggs, Chinese-style simple breakfast. It is extremely comfortable and safe.

Chinese breakfast is more suitable for Chinese people. A bite of steamed buns, a bite of soup, and then peeling an egg, this life is simply extremely leisurely.

After eating and returning to the car, Zhang Ping’an entered the information of Hangzhou on the navigation. It takes up to two hours to drive there. Zhang Ping’an thought that he could go to see West Lake even if he didn’t visit the class. Hua Xia also has nothing to do, so it's not bad to go there and see the legend of'White Lady'.

Zhang Pingan drove the vehicle directly towards Hangzhou. Fortunately, Zhang Pingan drove his Mercedes-Benz when he came out yesterday, or he would have to go back and change the car.

This Mercedes-Benz with the performance of a sports car will have to overspeed if you don't pay attention to it at high speeds. This kind of powerful vehicle is useless at all, even at high speeds, they dare not step on the accelerator too much.

Just when Zhang Ping'an was about to arrive in Hangzhou, his phone rang, and it was a prestigious video from Fat Di.But Zhang Pingan didn’t choose to connect when he drove. He didn’t call back the video until he drove into the nearest rest area. Fatty in the phone video looked at Zhang Pingan with big eyes: "Ping An Oppa, are you in China? Why did you suddenly figure out that you are coming to visit the class?"

"I will be in Hangzhou soon. I decided to come back temporarily last night. I hurried back when you said you were going to finish. How about it, how about you?" Zhang Ping'an smiled and said that the video is beautiful even without makeup Said Fatty.

Hearing that Zhang Pingan was about to arrive in Hangzhou soon, this made Fat Di very surprised: "Hey? We are in Hangzhou soon? I will send you the address of the hotel. Call me when you arrive, but there was no filming in the morning. Today is the last evening and night scene. I don’t know when it will end. The final supplementary shots are very troublesome."

"Send it to me. I will call you back at the rest stop. I will leave as soon as I receive the address. See you soon!"

Soon after Zhang Ping'an received the hotel address from Fat Di, he changed the navigation information and went on the road again.After an hour, he came to the hotel pointed to by the navigation, they were not staying in a top five-star hotel.After all, small investment short films, for newcomers, the crew does not need to prepare such a high-end hotel for them, which is similar to the feeling of a hotel.

Sitting in the lobby of the hotel, he called Fat Di, and Fat Di said with a smile: "Come up directly, my room is..."

Zhang Ping’an went to the place where she lived according to Fat Di’s room information. This floor was used by their crew. Many room doors were open. There were many staff members who were preparing for the afternoon. The equipment used for shooting and so on.

The appearance of Zhang Pingan did not arouse much attention. After all, he is not a celebrity, so many people don't know him.

After finding the room number, he went directly to Fatty's room because the door to her room was open.The room is either a suite or a standard room. After Zhang Pingan entered the room, he watched Fatty sitting in front of his dressing table while applying liquid foundation.She nodded towards Zhang Ping An: "Ping An Ouba, wait a moment."

Zhang Pingan looked at the two beds in the standard room.One of the quilts was clearly where she slept, and the other was like a mountain where she piled up her private clothes.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Xiao Di, are you opening a laundry shop?"

Xiaodi smiled and said to Zhang Ping’an in the makeup mirror: “I don’t have time to wash, I’m busy shooting every day. So I just wanted to wait until the shooting was over and take it back to Shanghai to wash. Sit... sit on the bed, I slept in that bed."

Xiao Di clearly remembers that Zhang Ping'an's home is clean and tidy, which is completely different from her hotel room at this time, regardless of luxury, only clean.Originally, she wanted to let Zhang Ping'an sit casually, but she didn't see where to sit around. The only chair was occupied by her with makeup.So Xiao Di simply let Zhang Pingan sit on her bed.

Zhang Ping'an observed the room and said, "The crew conditions are terrible? Why do we have to arrange luxury hotels for you for such an urban drama?"

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