My entertainment circle

Chapter 229 Convergence

For Zhang Ping'an and Sika, the lovers who don't care about the eyes of others, Pani is still quite envious.Because her love is the kind that cares about the eyes of others, she and Ni Kun also choose to date with as few people as possible, or only meet in the middle of the night.

It may also be because Zhang Pingan is not an artist, he doesn't need to care about the attitude of his fans, and after Sika's love was exposed, the fans who should be off fans have been off fans, and now some fans who have accepted the relationship may be left.This makes the love of the two of them look so beyond the unexpected world, right?Only their love like this can truly enjoy'love'.

And Pani heard Zhang Ping'an's fallacy: Not many people paid attention to it after two hot searches.This made her very speechless: "Yes, yes, you are in love, which is terrible. You want everyone to know that you two are very good and very affectionate. But you should also care about the feelings of Sika fans? After all, it’s the people who rely on the fans to eat, how can you offend all of them all at once? Even if you want the fans to accept, you have to take your time, understand?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled bitterly at Pani on the phone and said, “Pani, did you call me just to teach me how to fall in love? Anyway, I’ve never looked at the unexpected world. Maybe I’m not an idol. Not a celebrity. So to me, it’s my business to fall in love. I care about others!"

Pani was tickled by Zhang Ping's anger. He really can't think of his love in the unexpected world, but Sika, she is a girlhood.No matter how much Sika said she didn't care, she would still care in her heart.

So Pani said to Zhang Ping'an depressedly: "Are you really not thinking about Sika, nor about our girlhood?"

Zhang Pingan thought about it. Sika is still a girl’s generation. Her love will affect everyone more or less, so he replied: "I know, I will fall in love with Sika a little bit. It’s all right. ? I want to drive."

"Well, it's okay, when will I have time to have a meal?" Pani is still a little curious about Zhang Ping's and Sika's love affair, and Zhang Ping's recently said something that stands on the opposite of their girlhood. Bothered Pani, so she wanted to make an appointment to have a good chat.

Zhang Pingan glanced at Sika next to him and said, "It's definitely not possible today. Today I have to be with us Sika. Tomorrow, will you have time tomorrow? It's so hot in the afternoon, this weather. .Why don’t you come to my house tomorrow?"

When Zhang Pingan offered to ask Pani to come to his house, Sika, who was next to him, did not speak, but her face was full of dissatisfaction.Even as a teammate, some things still make her feel sour and unhappy!

And Pani was surprised and said: "Oh, you actually invited me to your house as a guest? Is this you and Sika planning to host a'new family dinner'? The'home' I said is the home of both of you." Of course Ni knows that the home is not a new home. What she expressed is that there is a newcomer in this'home', Jessica!

"What's a new family banquet? Can you call a takeaway family banquet? If you have time tomorrow.. Forget it, I will call Taeyeon myself tomorrow."

Zhang Pingan and Pani have agreed to go to his house tomorrow afternoon.After he hung up the phone, Sika next to him said dissatisfied: "You want them to play, why don't you discuss it with me first? Why make a sudden decision?"

Seeing Sika’s dissatisfaction, Zhang Ping’an smiled and stretched out her hand and opened the door to escort her into the car. At the same time, he responded to Sika: “Didn’t I think it would be very hot to meet outside? And I still have it now. I’ve disclosed my girlfriend’s person, so I just thought about coming home. It’s cool and convenient, plus it’s not far from your dormitory."

The key to Zhang Ping’s calling Pani to come home is that Sika is there, instead of having a coffee appointment with Pani alone.

"Hmph, remember to discuss with me next time, I'm not preventing you from seeing friends."

"I see, next time I will communicate with you in advance. This time I did something wrong, forgive me." After Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, seeing Sika pouting his lips in depression, he knew it was a kind of forgiveness. The expression changed, and he turned into the car.


When the two returned home, Sika began to carefully organize his shoe cabinet, mainly because she wanted to locate her own pair of slippers: "Hey, what about the pink slippers I wore yesterday?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Those pair, I threw it away. Didn't I think you are going to buy new slippers?" After sending Sika, Zhang Ping'an returned home to change sportswear, so he took the opportunity to take the'ex' stuff I searched everything clean.

Listening to'throw it', Sika just glanced at Zhang Ping'an, and then entered the room wearing the newly bought indoor slippers.What her exclusive bath towels, toothbrushes, couples' mouthwash cups, etc... Sika slowly began to organize in Zhang Ping’an’s house, although this is only the upper floor of her house, but this is the second of them in the future. The small world of people, this is where Sika is interested.

After finishing quickly, Sika returned to the living room with a happy expression on her face.She smiled and poured a glass of fruit juice Zhang Pingan had just squeezed: "Is the ice cream melted?"

Sika bought some ice cream when I was shopping in the supermarket earlier, so why should I prepare some ice cream in the refrigerator this weather?

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "I don't know, I put it all in the refrigerator. If you want to eat, you can freeze it for a while and eat it."

"Stop eating, I will go downstairs after drinking this, I should go home yesterday..."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Oh, will you come up that night? I will rest for a while, go out for a meal and come back."

Sika thought for a while and said, "I won't come up today, right? I don't know. I will be watching then."

"Well, anyway, I'll be back after going out for dinner in a while."

"Okay, I'm going down first." Sika drank the juice in the glass in one breath, and then went downstairs with her suitcase.Sika didn't let Zhang Ping go off, anyway, so close, before going out, Sika put her feet on her feet and kissed Zhang Ping.

Sika returned home with the suitcase. Her mother was sitting in the living room watching a TV series. After seeing her back, she said: "I won't say much about your love, but you have to take a good sense."

"I know, I went in first." Sika quickly entered her room with the suitcase, because she knew what her mother said. She must know that she came back last night. As for why she didn't. Home.. The answer is obvious.

After Sika left, Zhang Pingan lay alone on the sofa in the living room, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Taeyeon: "Is there time tomorrow? Come to my house with Pani?"

After Zhang Ping’an’s message was sent, Taeyeon’s reply was soon received, because she hasn’t been out and has nothing to do recently. Originally, their Tadyseo album has been stopped and has not resumed yet.So the message sent by Zhang Pingan was quickly answered.

Faced with Zhang Ping’an’s invitation, Taeyeon did not refuse. She replied: “Okay, I heard what Pani said earlier. By the way, I forgot to congratulate you and walked out of the failure of the previous relationship. I hope you can treat us The card is better and I can take responsibility."

Because love is definitely more stressful for their idol lovers, and Zhang Ping’an has no pressure anymore.As for the abuse from some fans on the Internet, he can completely ignore it.

Looking at Taeyeon’s news, Zhang Ping’an really wanted to say “I’m not someone else” but thinking that sending it like this would stimulate her, so Zhang Ping’s reply in a soft language: “Thank you, too I hope you can adjust yourself as soon as possible. By the way, did your Teddy Xu album say you want to continue?"

"I don't know, I haven't received any news yet. However, everything is done with the recording, and it won't be too complicated to continue. If you want to recover, I think...maybe after the return of F(x) is over?"

"Well, when you need me to arrange a vehicle for you, I will tell you in advance, I will find you a studio in China."

Taeyeon replied: "Okay, thank you. I heard Sika say that you are coming to our'Tokyo Show' next week?"

"Well, is it Tokyo Dome?"

Taeyeon replied: "Yoyogi Stadium! What kind of dome, we don't have plans for the dome yet, do you know how many seats the dome can take?"

"More than thirty thousand! How could I not know, I have lived in Tokyo for nearly ten years."

".. I'm stupid, how can I forget about your study in Tokyo? I have seen your home in Tokyo, on the show."

Zhang Pingan smiled and replied: "Hehe, do you want to go to Tokyo? Two days in advance, I can invite you to my house as a guest, and at the same time I can be your guide."

"This proposal is good, let me ask Pani."

Because Girls’ Generation this week has a show to be filmed, and no one else can do anything. Taeyeon plays games in the dormitory every day, and then puts corpses on the bed. Her life is like a walking dead.So Zhang Ping'an suddenly said that she would go to Tokyo to play, which made her a little bit interested. After all, their concert will be held in Tokyo next week, which is passed in advance!

Taeyeon came out of her dark room with her mobile phone. She said to Pani who was playing with her mobile phone in the living room: "Should you go to Tokyo?"

Pani was a little confused, she looked at Taeyeon blankly.Isn’t the concert Tokyo?do you want to go?What do you mean, doesn't she want to attend the last concert anymore?

Seeing Pani's sluggish expression, Taeyeon smiled and said, "Zhang Pingan said, "Go to Tokyo for two days and he will guide us."

"Oh? What magic power does Zhang Pingan have that can actually call you from the dormitory to Tokyo? Isn't this amazing? Hahaha..."

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