My entertainment circle

Chapter 230 Irene?

Pani was really surprised, because Zhang Pingan could actually call Taeyeon, a person who didn't go out, to go to Tokyo for two days?This is too great, right?So, these two people are really suitable, but... hey, it's a pity, at least Pani thinks so.

Taeyeon smiled and responded to Pani’s words: "Zhang Ping An just said that next time our concert is in Tokyo, and he plans to go to Tokyo to watch our concert. So just let us go by two days in advance, just to be there. Playing for two days. He used to study in Tokyo, and he was very familiar with everything there, so he said he would be a guide for us. And I haven’t agreed yet, I’m asking for your opinion."

"Don't explain, I think it's very powerful to call you this super house girl out of the dormitory. On weekdays, if I tell you to go out like that, you don't even pay attention to me. Only Zhang Ping'an can call you out. Ah. Ouch~~ My Taeyeon was almost snatched by Zhang Ping’an.” Pani’s last sentence was tentative.

I don't know why, Pani always feels that Zhang Ping'an and Sika are a little different.Although the two look very good in appearance and so on, but in terms of character...Pani thinks Taeyeon is the most suitable for her among the people he knows?

Maybe Xu Xian's quiet temper is also very suitable for Zhang Pingan, but Pani also knows that Xu Xian is not Zhang Pingan's dish!But turning his head to think about Xu Xian's personality, although quiet, but very rational, that is to say, this rationality can sometimes be tricky, which is also very maddening.Zhang Ping An is more humorous and hearty, which is similar to Yoona.Although Yoona likes to sneer, she is also very cheerful and outgoing.

Penny thought about it and felt that Jang Ping An’s character and Yoona are also very good match?Anyway, she felt that Sika and Zhang Ping'an could not go together.Because Zhang Ping An is hearty, but he has an unspeakable stubbornness.And Sika also has her own bullish temperament, if one day the bullish temperament of the two of them rises, it will be terrible.

Seeing Pani a little lost, Taeyeon stretched out her hand and shook her in front of her: "What do you think, what was robbed of by Zhang Pingan? Aren’t we going to Zhang Pingan’s house tomorrow, let’s go buy something at that time . By the way, let’s discuss more specifically about going to Tokyo, do you think it’s okay?”

"Okay, why not. Let's talk to Zhang Ping'an tomorrow."


After Sika went downstairs that day, she didn't come to Shang Zhang Ping'an's house.After all, I just got home, how can I run up again at night?It is said that the two are the most violent period of love at the beginning of the relationship, but it does not mean that they are tired of being together every day, right?If Sika goes upstairs after dinner, her mother must say something to her.

So after dinner, Zhang Pingan spent a long night alone at home. The next day, when the sun was scorching the earth again, Zhang Pingan was awakened by the sound of the mobile phone.He took out the phone under the pillow and looked at the message from Sika: "Are you up?"

Last night, the two of them were chatting with their mobile phones to send messages, and they were going to sleep until late at night. It was a rare sleep for Zhang Ping An to sleep.Seeing Sika's news, he rubbed his eyes and started to reply: "Well, ready, how about you?"

"I got up a long time ago, and I bought breakfast for you."

Zhang Pingan knew that there were many brunch cafes nearby, and Sika must have sent him a message after shopping.He replied: "Thank you, come in by yourself, the room password is..." Zhang Ping'an simply told her the password of his home, so as not to ring the doorbell every time she came up, in case he was there like last time. Is there no way to help her open the door when taking a shower or going to the bathroom?

After sending the room code, Zhang Ping’an turned over and got out of bed to wash. Just as he was dealing with the “big event” that got up in the morning, the bathroom door was pushed open. He hadn’t seen Sika before he heard her first. Sound, and the bathroom door was closed: "Smelly~"

Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Can I do something big, can it not smell? Really~~ Go out and wait, I'll be fine right away." After the bathroom door was closed by Sika again, Zhang Pingan muttered: " If you eat Korean kimchi, do big things and put poisonous gas, it really smells bad!"

After handling his personal affairs, Zhang Ping’an came to the living room with ease, and saw sandwiches and coffee on the table in the dining room. He came to Sika with a smile and hugged her waist on her face. I kissed: "Thank you for your heart-warming breakfast, I will enjoy it."

After Sika enjoyed a Ping An and sweet face, she looked up at Zhang Ping’s hair that was flying up from sleeping. She stretched out her hand to help Zhang Ping’s hair tidy up: "Why don’t you tidy your hair? Just came out? Here is collapsed, here is flying again. Also, can you close the bathroom when you go to it?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and sat at the dining table. He took a sip of his throat while holding coffee: "Didn't I close the door? You came in and opened it yourself?"

Sika cocked her mouth and said dissatisfied: "You don't lock the door for'big events'?"

Zhang Pingan took a bite of the sandwich, chewed it, and said, "I'm the only one in this house, why should I lock the door? And why don't you knock on the door when you enter the bathroom?"

"Didn't I think you were washing? I don't know.. Almost smoked me down!"

Zhang Ping'an cast an angry look at Sika: "I'm eating!"

Sika smiled and sat down with Zhang Ping’an, watching her eating the breakfast she bought, and she was in a very good mood: "Hehe... let’s not say, let’s not say. What does President Zhang have today? Itinerary? Didn’t you say that you are busy? If you have nothing to do, then go to the factory with me? The first dress I made is ready."

Zhang Pingan ate half a sandwich in a couple of mouthfuls: "Where is the clothing factory you are looking for?"

When Sika came back from HK last week, she had already found a clothing factory, and the dress she drew was also selected and sent to the factory, waiting for the factory to give her a'clothing model'.Today, Sika received a notice and asked her to look at the ready-to-wear model.So she wanted to take Zhang Ping'an with him. After all, half of the women's clothes were for men.

"On the Gyeonggi-do side, not too far away, it's in Yongin City. By the way, I also called my friend'Irene' to go together..." Sika has not yet revealed the profession of this'Irene' However, Zhang Ping'an immediately stared at her and said, "Irene?" His eyes widened when he heard the name.

Seeing Zhang Ping'an so surprised, Sika stared at him very strangely: "You know?" When she told Irene about Zhang Ping'an yesterday, she said she didn't know him.But the appearance of Zhang Ping'an at this time...makes Sika become nervous, doesn't the two have anything before?

"Um, are you acquaintance? Wait, who is Irene you are talking about?" Zhang Pingan remembered that they hadn't made their debut at this time. Maybe Pei Zhuxuan's stage name hadn't been taken yet?But Sika screamed so smoothly, it was not like the Pei Zhuxuan she knew.

Sika responded: "My friend, model. Who is Irene you are talking about?"

When he heard that it was the model'Irene', Zhang Ping'an stopped and said, "Ah~~It's a model, I don't know, I don't know, what I said... Forget it, it's okay."

Sika stared at Ping An's eyes and said, "Say, who is this Irene in your mouth? Isn't it the girlfriend you used to date?" Maybe staring at it is to see if he has honestly explained?

"No, it's just someone I know." Zhang Ping'an said here suddenly remembered something: "By the way, how long did we have to delay in the past, but I asked Pani to meet at my house today, oh, I put Tai Yan was also called."

"Taeyeon? Why did you suddenly call Taeyeon? Forget it, just come." Sika knew about Zhang Ping's appointment with Pani yesterday.It’s just that Zhang Ping’an would actually have an appointment with Sika’s most “wary” Kim Taeyeon, but thinking that Pani is here, it is understandable that Taeyeon will follow, after all, she will still be there.

Sika has always felt that Zhang Ping An cares a little about Taeyeon, but she can't seem too stingy to tell Zhang Ping an not to be too close to Taeyeon.You know, Zhang Ping An and Taeyeon have been familiar with each other longer.

Although Sika felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she still said generously: "Then let's hurry up. You eat and wash your hair to see what this hair looks like. If you're quick, you will be back in the afternoon."

"Okay, I will send them a message."

Seeing Zhang Ping’an while holding a cell phone to send a message, while heading towards the bathroom, Sika's heart was really uncomfortable, especially seeing her man and other women sending messages, and she could not be too much. Sika was really depressed at this time.

After a while, the two set off.Zhang Ping’an drove her Rolls-Royce and Sika to pick up their friends first. When they were about to arrive, Sika said to Zhang Ping’an: “I’ll sit back with my friend in a moment. I have to take care of her feelings. Well."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "No problem, I am your full-time driver today."

Soon after arriving at the place, Sika saw her friend'Irene' who came back from the United States like her, but she was a model by profession.When Zhang Pingan saw this person, he'once' saw her on the show.

The appearance of this'Irene' is worse than that of Pei Zhuxuan, but she is perfect in her height and figure, etc. After all, she is a model on the catwalk, and the length of the legs is so exaggerated when she is wearing skinny jeans. what.

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