My entertainment circle

Chapter 231: There Is No Easy Circle

In the afternoon, Zhang Pingan drove Sika back from the factory with her friend'Irene' in a vehicle. Sika took out her iPad while on the road, and the two said something about Something about apparel design.And Zhang Ping An remained silent all the way, because the two of them communicated in English along the way, so Zhang Ping An was out of place.

The main reason was that Zhang Ping'an couldn't understand some words.'Eileen' sitting in the back seat felt Zhang Ping's silence. She said to Sika next to her: "Why doesn't your family Zhang Ping's speak? I listened to us chatting along the way? Is he so taciturn? I watched the videos he made and thought he should be a very outgoing person. Why didn't he speak today?"

"Hahaha~~" Sika burst into laughter instantly: "He is a very cheerful person, but his English is very poor. He basically doesn't understand what we say, do you understand?"

"Can't speak English? But isn't he an international student?" Irene looked at the back of Zhang Ping's head in amazement, because Zhang Ping's resume was deeply picked up by netizens. If you just look at his personal information, he You still graduated from a prestigious school, but you don't know English?This is a bit of a problem. Although the whole world is now learning Chinese on a large scale, for the time being, English is still the universal language of the world?

"He is studying in Japan. He is very proficient in Japanese. He has studied Korean for four years and he is also very good. But English...he really can't. In his words, he is a mixed Asian person. Asian languages ​​will do, and English will only be the most basic stuff."

Zhang Pingan, who was sitting in front of the car, finally stopped being silent. He opened his mouth and said in English: "Although I am poor in English, I don't understand everything, right? I can do basic conversations. Don't speak ill of me behind your back. , I can understand. You know, generally speaking, learning any language is to learn some bad words first."

Sika smiled and communicated with Zhang Ping An in English: "We didn't say anything bad about you, just that your English is poor."

Zhang Ping’an responded with a smile in English mixed with some Korean: "Yes~~ I admit that my English is not very good, but haven’t I found a girlfriend who is good at English? From now on, we will talk in English at home every day. , I don’t believe it, can I improve my English?"

Zhang Pingan’s words caused the two women sitting behind to laugh. Irene finally saw Zhang Pingan’s true face after the outbreak: "Hahaha~~ Sure enough, Zhang Pingan xi is the same as in the video. , So humorous and funny."

At this time, Zhang Ping'an finally opened up the conversation with the model. Really, he was really curious about the model's income.So I asked: "Um... I'm just out of personal curiosity, what is the model's income?"

When Zhang Ping'an's voice fell, Sika immediately said, "Ah, why are you asking about other people's income? It's very impolite."

Zhang Pingan said: "I didn't mean to inquire about her income. I just wanted to ask about the model circle, how much income the top models have, and I am curious? After all, I don't know much about that industry."

Irene smiled and said: "What do the models say? Because there are a lot of'wild models' recently, those who don't have a brokerage company, which has a certain impact on the model circle. Because they ask for cheaper prices, and the brokerage company models A show has a fixed price. In fact, many designers prefer wild models in their conferences because they are cheap! If it is a top brand in the world, the lowest price for a show will not be less than ten thousand dollars! But the top Brands are very strict in the selection of models. They usually contact the top model companies in the world. If you want to say, the model circle is more difficult to mix than the entertainment circle."

A wild model without a brokerage company wants to become a top-notch model. That can be said to be one in a billion chance.Because when the big brand press conference selects catwalk models, they must contact those large model agencies. After all, the cooperation between companies is guaranteed.So the big brands basically don't look at wild models.

But the wild model does not mean that there is no market at all. For example, designer brands will not spend a lot of money to invite top supermodels. It is not that they can't afford it, but that it is not cost-effective.Therefore, the designer will choose some wild models, matching some brokerage company models to show, which can save some conference costs.

So what kind of income is the specific model circle, it is not good to say, because the top model and the popular star are not much different.They also have a lot of show activities and some brand endorsement activities, etc.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "It seems that they are all the same. No circle is easy and messy. Even if you work in the workplace, it is difficult to get any opportunities for development if you meet a bad boss."

Sika also nodded and said: "That's for sure, no circle in the world is easy. Even liars have to call every day, and they will be fooled when they meet some stupid people."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "Liars look at people to deceive. There are many people who sell personal information. After buying information, the scammers specifically select some elderly people to deceive. Because I know that young people today cannot be fooled!"

Regarding Zhang Ping’an’s remarks, Irene has a different view: “That’s not necessarily, modern young people are also easy to deceive. Especially for those with dreams, it’s really easy to be fooled.”

"That's true, but I heard that many recruit trainees under the guise of a brokerage company, and then use their dreams to swindle money. It's okay to just swindle money..." Zhang Ping An also knows that there are indeed many fraudster brokerage companies in South Korea, specifically targeting those The kids who get rid of the big company draft will be cheated.After signing the contract, there are various training fees, such fees, such fees, if you don’t do it well, you will lose your body in the end!!

As an entertainer, Sika is very disgusted with brokerage companies that use dreams to deceive.So she opened her mouth and said, "Well, what is it? You haven't seen it before, you were deceived by a fake company and ruined your fortune."

Zhang Pingan said with some suspicion: "No, how did the brokerage company deceive others into bankruptcy?"

Sika immediately said a very scary word: "Loan!"

This word made Zhang Ping’an momentarily speechless, because there are really some fresh-adult trainees who are used by brokerage companies to borrow money. What kind of company’s turnover needs funds, let them temporarily lend some money, what will happen after the company has overcome difficulties The double also.As a result, the boss ran away after the loan!The most important thing is that those trainees who are really stupid will help to lend to the company.

Just when Zhang Pingan was chatting with them on the way back, his mobile phone rang, and the mobile phone was connected to the car. Zhang Pingan directly answered the call: "Oh, Pani, I’m a little bit delayed. I’m talking about Seoul for you. Calling."

Listening to Zhang Ping's something, Pani had no choice but to say: "Oh? If you are busy, forget it today, another day is also possible."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm on my way home, and it may be half an hour away. So, you wait for me in the dormitory. I'll call you downstairs when I get downstairs, so will you come down?"


Hung up Pani's phone, Irene smiled and said to Sika: "Did you make an appointment with a teammate today? I also said to go shopping with you this afternoon."

Because Zhang Ping’an made an appointment with her teammates yesterday, Sika could only say to her friends: “Tomorrow, I made an appointment with them today, and tomorrow I will treat you to something delicious. Please follow us today, please. Come on."

"It's okay, it's okay." Irene smiled and said, because as a model, she might have cooperation with Sika's brand in the future, such as the shopping guide pictorial during the shooting season.

Zhang Pingan put Irene down near the boulevard, because she planned to gather here with friends in the afternoon, and Zhang Pingan and Sika set off towards the Girls’ Generation dormitory together, looking at Zhang Pingan. Without navigating to the downstairs of their girlhood dormitory, Sika said with a smile: "Ah, how many times have you been to our dormitory? Are you so familiar?"

"I've been here once. Last time I met Pani for dinner, she sent me the address of your dormitory."

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s words, Sika said with a bit of dissatisfaction: "You and Penny meet so often, will her boyfriend not be angry if she finds out?"

"How do I know? Besides, we don’t see each other frequently. We only see one or two times like that in half a month a month. Isn’t that frequent? Besides, it’s not very common to see friends once or twice a month. Is it normal? Wouldn't you meet Pani because of me, are you jealous?"

Everyone hears the word "jealous", even if it is a little bit, they will never admit it.Sika immediately made a funny look at the sky: "Jealous? How could I be so jealous? Didn't you say that, it's a friend! I'm jealous of your friend, and I'm still my teammate.. Isn’t it too strange?"

Seeing Sika's expression of not confessing to death, Zhang Ping'an was still quite satisfied. After all, someone would be grateful for being jealous for themselves.

Zhang Pingan smiled and patted Sika on the shoulder: "It's really just a friend." After speaking, he took out the phone and called Pani.

After a while, Taeyeon and Pani came out of the dormitory building. Sika and Zhang Pingan got out of the car at the same time. They both got out of the car at the same time, to welcome them, and because they had to sit in the back row. Only the car can open the back position.

It was after someone’s time before Zhang Ping-An saw Taeyeon again. At this time, Taeyeon's face was really pale...

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