My entertainment circle

Chapter 236 Formal Introduction (Part 2)

Chef Li Lianfu left the private room to prepare cold dishes for them. Zhang Ping’an said that the investment in the filming of the Chinese food show, among the three of them, only Taeyeon felt that Zhang Ping’s remark was not a joke, nor was it. Deliberately exchanged greetings with the boss, but he might really have the idea of ​​investing in such a show.

The most curious Pani did not ask, and Sika also felt that Zhang Ping'an could not invest in any food show.Only Taeyeon asked Zhang Ping An: "Ping An, is it true that the show you just mentioned is to work with a great Chinese chef in Korea for filming?"

Before Zhang Ping’an had time to answer, Pani said first, “Hey~~You can think about it, how can it be true? It’s very difficult for the current chef to ask for one. He has to join so much. For the chefs to shoot, let’s not talk about the investment, but do the chefs have so much time? Even if it’s a season of production, it takes at least four to five months to prepare for the shooting. It takes such a long time , Will the chefs give up their current work for a show?"

What Pani said are also extremely realistic issues. These big chefs are either the owner of the restaurant or the head chef of the restaurant. They need to work every day.Even if it's just shooting a season, it's a food show. It's not a matter of just preparing a camera and setting up a studio.Gourmet involves food selection to initial processing, etc., which require the chefs to prepare in advance.Did they let them put down their work for a season of shooting?

When Pani's voice fell, Zhang Ping'an continued her words and said: "Why can't it be true? But I am talking about this matter very seriously, but I have always had a preliminary idea of ​​this matter. It’s just as you said, it takes some time for the chef to negotiate. That’s why I asked Chef Li Lianfu to help contact the chefs of Huaxia Cuisine. It’s important to have a leader It’s very tiring to just rely on us to touch things."

Pani looked at Zhang Pingan in surprise and said, "No, you really plan to shoot a food show? And it's a show that introduces Chinese food? You won't see the widespread attention of "Eat Broadcast" now, so you want Do you want to make a food show? You said it is the kind of show that introduces food stores, and there may be many people watching it, but you introduce Chinese food.. I don’t know what the effect will be after the broadcast?"

Zhang Ping'an laughed: "You don't think that my so-called introduction of Chinese food is to tell the audience, where is the Chinese restaurant, and what kind of dishes are there? Then telling a bunch of stories about the dishes? "

Isn’t that the so-called food show?So Pani said very puzzled: "Isn't it?"

Zhang Pingan said: "No, I want to do a show of Chinese cuisine. I invite four groups of Chinese cuisine guests to make dishes according to the prescribed ingredients in each period. For example, the ingredients of'pig' are divided into spare ribs and trotters. Pork belly, lean meat... Let the chefs choose the ingredients to make the dishes, and then let the Korean audience and friends who came to the scene vote what kind of dishes suit their tastes. Well, the name of the show is "Chinese Cuisine, Jianghu" Showdown."

When Zhang Pingan said the format of the show, Pani immediately said: "Pork, pork belly is definitely the best." Taeyeon immediately retorted: "I think the ribs are the best, ah~~ pig The hoof, the pig's hoof is also delicious."

Just when they were talking about the most delicious part of the pork, the real food arrived. After the door of the private room was knocked, Lin Yuner appeared in front of everyone with a smile. Today she is wearing a dress with long hair and full of fairy spirit.

After she came in, she greeted Zhang Pingan first: "Ping An oppa, long time no see."

After nodding slightly with Zhang Pingan, Yoona immediately ran to Sika and hugged her and said, "Euny~~How does it feel to be in love? Hahaha~~ When my love was exposed some time ago, you asked me, now Did I ask you?"

Faced with Yoona's ridicule, Sika immediately retorted: "Aren't you the first person in our team to know the taste of love? Why are you still asking me now? You came just right, we are talking about food, pork, What do you think is the best..."

Sika quickly turned the topic off with food, and Yoona sat down with tea and listened to Sika talking about the same parts of the pig body. She said entangledly: "How to choose this? I think it's all very good. Eat it, braised ribs, grilled ribs, pork chops, pork knuckles... it's too difficult, this one is impossible to choose."

As Lin Yoona, the god of cook who has the most say in Girls' Generation, she can't make a choice at all, because each part has a particularly delicious way of cooking.Yoona struggled: "Who is so boring? What to choose like this? All, all are delicious."

Pani raised his head in Zhang Pingan's direction: "Just him, he said he wanted to make a show of food showdown."

Lin Yuner smiled and said to Zhang Pingan: "The food show is not bad. Please ask me to be a guest then, I will be responsible for eating, hahaha~~"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, I invite you to be a regular guest."

With the arrival of Yoona, the two remaining members of Girls’ Generation also followed. Jeonyul, the youngest Seo Hyun, who met for the first time, looked at him seriously after seeing Zhang Ping An. .Because they only saw Zhang Ping'an in videos or photos. After seeing the real person today, his overall image, figure, and height are fully displayed in front of them.They naturally have to look carefully, because recently they only heard his name and no real person.


The dishes are filled with a large table, delicately arranged cold dishes, and some hot dishes that make people appetite.

Sika poured some champagne for everyone, and then she smiled and introduced to everyone: "I know there are many people in our team who know Zhang Pingan, but today I still want to introduce it in particular , He is my boyfriend, Zhang Pingan!"

When Sika uttered the three words'boyfriend', everyone present made a strange cry: "wow~~"

It was very noisy when girls’ generation got together, and when Sika personally uttered the term “boyfriend” that had always been taboo, it made them all laugh and howl. .

And the single Jeonyul said enviously: "Wow, half of our team are in love. How do you guys ask me to live as a single. Especially Yoona, obviously..."

Jeonyul’s words haven’t been finished yet, and Yoona immediately said after being named: “Yorion, if you’re envious, you can find one. Why are you alone? We’re in the age of love now~~ You Don’t you think you are a girl?"

Yoona's words offended everyone who was not in a relationship.On the contrary, Pani was the first to jump out and fight back, even if she is someone who is in love: "Lin Laise, do you want to die today? What do you think is a girl? We are eternal girlhood!"

Zhang Pingan immediately followed the appearance of Girls’ Generation and called them their slogan: "Now is ~~ Girls’ Generation, and later is ~~ Girls’ Generation!! Forever~~~"

The last slogan made them all shout: "Girls' Generation! Hahaha~~!!!"

After laughing, Zhang Pingan greeted everyone: "Forever Girls' Generation, cheers, start!"

Zhang Pingan and Sika touched their glasses when they were about to drink, and Yoona, who was sitting next to him, immediately clapped applause and beat the beat and said, "Hand over a glass of wine, hand over a glass of wine~~~" and everyone followed Lin Laise. Sika and Zhang Pingan yelled: "Hand in a glass of wine, hand in a glass of wine~~"

Zhang Ping'an and Sika crossed their hands and made a gesture of handing over a cup, and when Sika was about to drink, Zhang Ping'an opened his mouth and said: "Drink this glass of wine, you will always be mine!"

Zhang Ping's sudden numbness caused all of them present to burst into wolf howling: "Oh~~"

Sika blushed when Zhang Ping'an said such a sentence. Before she was drinking, she blushed first.After the two of them drank the cup of wine, Yoona immediately repeated Zhang Ping'an's words before: "Sikaoni, you will always be his own now. Hahaha~~"

Zhang Ping'an stopped immediately and said, "Eat, eat, the food will be cold in this way."

Everyone moved their chopsticks, they all tasted the food in front of them first, every kind of delicacy burst into their mouths and burst out enjoying the delicious whisper: "Um~~ delicious!"

Pani took a piece of Dongpo meat and put it in her mouth. The meat melted in her mouth, making her raise her eyebrows and said, "You taste this, put it in your mouth and it's completely melted."

When everyone started to taste the food, Zhang Pingan felt the charm of Hongzituan up close and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He took out his mobile phone and took a group photo at the dinner table.Then he lowered his head and posted a picture of himself and Girls’ Generation dinner on his neck, which made countless Chinese fans envy, especially after Zhang Ping’an and Sika confirmed the relationship..

Pani gestured towards Zhang Pingan with a wine glass, and Zhang Pingan also picked up the wine glass in return. After the two had a taste, Pani sandwiched a piece of ribs and asked, "Seriously, I am very curious, you guys. How did you get together with your friends? Is it true that you two are performing a TV show that starts with your friends?"

"Yes, we are all very curious, just tell us about the process of your relationship?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "The number of meetings upstairs and downstairs has gradually increased, and they have gradually become familiar with each other, nothing special."

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