My entertainment circle

Chapter 237: The True Meaning of Love

Zhang Ping'an simplistically told them about his love story. There is nothing special about the love affair that arises from meeting more times, which is the same as the beginning of most relationships.Zhang Ping’an spoke very plainly, and they listened very boringly: “What, don’t you have any special process for the wrongdoers?”

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said: "Love is the same, how could anyone have a special relationship? If you really want to say'special', then I think.. I met you who are special to me~ ~!" Zhang Ping'an made a sultry, earthy and affectionate sentence when everyone was caught off guard, which made everyone around them unbearable.

Jeonyul rubbed her shoulders and screamed, "Ah~~ I really didn't expect Zhang Ping Anxi to be so tired? When I watched that video before, I thought it was his lines back. I didn't expect this at all. If it's numb, he really opened his mouth? Isn't it necessary for people to eat? I can't bear it~!"

Pani and Taeyeon knew that the mouths of Ping Ping were very greasy. Penny smiled and said to Jeonyul: "Hahaha~~Recite the lines, you underestimate Zhang Ping’s sultry talent. These are all through countless The experience summed up in the second'actual combat'."

"What? What is the actual summary? Pani, don't talk nonsense. If our family Sika really misunderstands, then I must destroy the relationship between you and Ni Kun. I am a very innocent person. Generally speaking, men who are lip-synching are just lip-synching, they are actually very honest people. Just like me, I am often dumped by others. When I broke up last time, you and Taeyeon, you two witnessed it with your own eyes what."

These words of Zhang Ping'an made all women gossip.For dinner, isn’t it just for some talks to have wine and dinner?

Now that Zhang Ping’an started, Pani told everyone about Zhang Ping’s breakup that day. When Yoonah heard it, she immediately said, “It’s a good deal. I hate lying between lovers. Can’t you just say it? Just say to accompany your friends to go on a blind date. If you don’t worry, you can come and sit by and watch."

And Zhang Pingan and Yoona started the theory: "Even if you say it straight, do you think the other person will feel better? You are stingy if you don't agree, and you can't afford it if you agree. Friendship, this kind of activity, why do you have a partner? Going to participate? This is obviously avoidable, why do you have to go? Very strange thinking. Even if it is an invitation from a friend, you can still refuse it? If you refuse, even your friend can’t do it, then this is the case Don’t be friends!"

Zhang Pingan's rebuttal is also very reasonable, which makes Yuner a bit choppy for a while, because everyone's thinking is different, right?Maybe she thinks that she can do it without concealment and she has a clear conscience, but how can things be that simple?

That's why everyone says that love is different from person to person.

At this time Jeonyul said something fair: "Okay, you two don't fight here anymore. Yooner is talking about the standard in Yuner's heart, and Zhang Ping'an said the standard in his heart. Everyone has it in his heart. Your own handling methods and your own choices. Besides, the two of you are not couples who are in love. Is it meaningful to fight for this? During the love period, you are looking for a compromise in the habits of both parties, rather than one being strong and one You have to be patient. Love requires both parties to make certain sacrifices."

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “The true meaning of the true love that Jeonyul is talking about. Love requires both parties to retreat each other, not a single person to retreat to cater. Forget it, let’s not talk about it, this weekend in Tokyo. After the concert..."

Zhang Pingan talked about the weekend travel arrangements in advance, and Yoona raised her hand most actively and said: "I, I am going, I am going, I have never seen Mount Fuji."

"I haven't been to Mt. Fuji? It's just that we have such a large group of people.. Will this have any effect?" Jeonyul is also very worried. If they say that the nine girls in Girls’ Generation will gather together to play, they will It will not cause trouble to the people around, after all, Girls’ Generation is also quite famous in Japan.

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Don’t worry about this, just play separately when the time comes. Let’s go play in groups of three or three. If you gather together with nine of you, it’s easier to be spotted, but a group of three is much better ?"

Zhang Ping'an's idea is very simple to separate. Maybe the nine girls in the Girls' Generation are conspicuous together, and it would be much better if they were scattered.

In the end, Pani stopped and said: "Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, wait until the day comes."


After the meal, Zhang Pingan also met each of their members as Sika's boyfriend.In the entire Girls' Generation, only Hyoyeon and Zhang Ping An have not seen her yet, but Zhang Ping will also see her at their concerts on weekends.

After the meal, they all choose to take a taxi home by themselves. Only Zhang Ping An and Sika are waiting for the arrival of the driver.

While sitting in the car waiting for the driver, Sika asked Zhang Pingan a little bit incomprehensibly: "How did you remember to travel with us to Lake Kawaguchi? You know so many things about me recently."

"I... I suddenly remembered, I think, traveling is not a practical matter to plan too much. I suddenly remembered, and I have time, then just set off, why hesitate? Travel is to relax yourself What is the reason for your body and mind? In life, you have to let yourself be busy. How can you put all your life in work? And I am not the kind of person who has to go to work and make money to live. , So I chatted with Taeyeon and suddenly said I was going to play."

Zhang Ping'an almost blurted out something because he wanted to heal Taeyeon's inner pain, but if he said that, isn't that a death court?So he simply responded in other ways.

Taeyeon, Taeyeon, Taeyeon, she is the most common name in Zhang Ping’an’s mouth, which makes Sika frown and prepare to say something, but in the end: "oppa, you and Taeyeon... forget it, it’s okay ."

It's not that Sika really feels okay, but she doesn't know what to say.If you let him stay away from Taeyeon, this seems to be too stingy, right?Anyhow, when Zhang Ping An and Taeyeon met, she and Zhang Ping were still friends.When they got close, and she still didn't have much to do with Zhang Ping'an.It is only recently that she and Zhang Pingan have become lovers.

But after they become lovers, they must keep him away from all the good female friends?This seems a bit unreasonable, like Zhang Ping'an telling her not to meet a man who is a friend, it is all very unreasonable.Sika also has a network of many male friends in the circle. How can you say that you are in love, and even have to cut off the line of friends?

How could she ask Zhang Ping An to do something she couldn't do herself?

Seeing Sika finally stopped her words, and Zhang Ping'an cleverly refused to answer her words, the two waited quietly for the arrival of the driver.Soon after the driver arrived, he drove his car home.Sika went upstairs with Zhang Pingan. After the two washed up, they lay in the room watching TV, and slowly fell asleep behind.

The morning sun passed through the curtains and faintly spilled into the bedroom. Before Sika opened his eyes, she reached out and touched Zhang Pingan's place next to him. His place was empty.

The empty position caused Sika to open her eyes. Zhang Ping An had disappeared early, and saw her newly bought pajamas folded on his pillow.After Sika put on her pajamas, she didn't rush to the bathroom, so she went to the living room first, and saw Zhang Ping'an sitting at the dining table in the dining room at this time, and was constantly typing something into the computer.

Sika walked toward him without waking up, her slippers made a dragging sound, and Zhang Ping's heard the sound and quickly turned her head to look at her: "Wake up? It's almost noon, are you okay today? "

Zhang Pingan buttoned the computer screen while talking to her, which made Sika look at the computer weirdly: "What, are you doing something shameful?"

Zhang Ping'an glanced at his Apple computer and said, "Ah~~ This, some of the project plans, I have written them in the computer, you want to see?"

Sika shook her head and said, "Forget it, I'm not interested in your plans. Your show will premiere tonight, right?"

"Well, it premiered today. I'm going to swim in the pool in a while, you... forget it, go to the gym, lest you say that I went to the pool with bad intentions."

Sika said with a wry smile, "Ah, wherever you go, there are many women in the gym, right?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and got up and walked towards the kitchen to pour coffee for Sika, while talking about the gym: “The gyms where I go are basically male members. The gyms you said girls go to are those high-end gyms, right? Who knows if they do fitness or have other purposes?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you and Senior Kim Jong Kook are in the same gym, right. Ah~~ By the way, Senior Kim Jong Kook has a daughter in Los Angeles? Did you know?"

Sika suddenly said this sentence, which made Zhang Ping’an puff out with a laugh: "Hahaha~~ Did you hear that? That’s nothing. At first, Ha Dongxun made fun of the show. A fabricated thing, because he often goes to Los Angeles, so he joked that he has a daughter in Los Angeles. It was originally a joke, who knows it seems to be true now, every time he drinks with them, Zhong Guo has to hammer HAHA for a while, now many people really think that he is secretly married and has a daughter."

"Is it fake news? Wow, these rumors are really terrible."

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said: “One pass, ten to ten, the lie gradually becomes the truth. This is indeed a terrible thing. Isn’t the child prodigy the same? He is clearly not married, and now everyone thinks him. It’s the same as married."

What happened to the child prodigy at this time also made Sika burst into laughter, "Hahaha~~"

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