Girls' Generation ushered in their rest period after finishing all the itineraries of the busy summer concert tour. During this rest period, not knowing an accurate time is the most troublesome.If the rest time is long, they can arrange a trip, but because they are not sure, what if they go to a place like Europe and the United States to play and make a phone call, it means that there is work coming in every day?

The work of celebrities is so sudden. If the manufacturer is willing to wait for two days, but is not willing to wait, or considers a replacement at the beginning, then they can only give this opportunity to make money to others. .You have to know that the most profitable job of a celebrity is advertising. If you lose an advertisement, it is painful to remember.Compared with South Korean star idols, their income is not very high.

So even if they are on vacation, they can't go far. At most, they are neighboring countries. It is best to be able to rush back to Seoul in one day to avoid losing their job opportunities.And because they can’t go too far, they’re not going to go on vacation, and it’s not going to stay at home.'A typical dilemma!

Zhang Ping’an said: “Your vacation is long or short, and you may come in to work suddenly. It’s really troublesome. I said just take advantage of the rest and find someone interested. I remember Xiaoyuan was here. During the show, she talked about skiing and surfing when she was resting. Of course, I know that you guys are all non-sports cells. You can learn cooking and painting!"

Pani frowned and said, "Don't you know that there are too many drawings in the star idols, and many of them are graduates of majors."

"I don't want you to paint a famous painter, nor do I mean that you must become a top painter. After all, that is unrealistic. I just said that you can find a hobby if you are bored. For example, Yoona likes to eat, why not learn cooking by yourself What? Taeyeon can learn to bake or something, make cakes or something, and kill the daily time. Humans, can't be too idle, once too idle, you will start thinking about it."

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s words, Taeyeon stared at him with widened eyes: “Hey, how did you guess that I’m planning to learn baking recently?”

Taeyeon was really surprised, as if Zhang Ping'an was like an'roundworm' in her stomach, and he knew everything about her.Even when she recently thought about taking a break, she should learn how to bake or something?She didn't even have time to say this idea, but Zhang Ping'an suddenly said it today. Isn't she surprised?

Of course Zhang Ping'an can't say,'I know you want to learn baking, so I said it on purpose.'He can only say: "Your personality is so quiet, it’s good to either sit quietly and paint, or learn to bake or something. It’s just to kill time anyway, you can’t shut yourself in every day. In the little black room? Whether you are painting or baking, you have to see the sun, right?"

When Zhang Ping’an’s voice fell, Lin Yuner said, “Why should I learn cooking? Not making desserts?”

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Because you like to eat. And the more you know about food, the more delicious you will taste it. I remember this sentence from Bai Zhongyuan."

Bai Jong-won hasn't appeared in front of the TV at this time, but almost everyone in Korea knows his degree.Because Koreans like to say this jokingly, in Seoul, you just open the windows and you can see the chain stores opened by Bai Jong-won.This also shows that he is the well-deserved dining king in Korea!It is conceivable to know that his chain store is in a small area of ​​South Korea, where the income in a country with a small population can reach 100 million U.S. dollars (100 billion won)!

Lin Yuner looked at Zhang Ping'an in surprise and said, "Bai Zhongyuan? Do you know him? He is married to Senior Su Youzhen."

Zhang Ping An smiled and said, "Of course I know that he and Su Youzhen are married, and the news has reported it. Do you know why the more you know, the better the food?"

Yoona shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"Every food has a famous place of production, and the quality or taste of the things from those places of production is better than that of other places. These are the knowledge of food, so this is the so-called that the more you know, the better. For example. The simplest spicy chicken stew, even if the seasoning is the same, but the chicken is produced in different places and breeding methods, and the potatoes inside are different from your place of origin, so the taste of the cooked chicken will be different. As for the outside ones. Gourmet shops basically use popular ingredients. For cost considerations, they will not use too expensive raw materials. Therefore, the taste of those top ingredients can only be made after you know how to cook and you spend money to buy the ingredients. Row."

As a eater, Yoona knows very well that if some good-origin products are used in the raw materials, although the price is higher, the taste will definitely be much better.

Zhang Ping'an gave them some suggestions during the vacation time, and Pani asked Zhang Ping'an in turn: "What about you? What are you going to do next?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Me? I am definitely going to make a show. I also tried it with Li Zhien the day before yesterday. The effect of the show should be good. The next step is to discuss cooperation and broadcast time with the TV station. I have prepared for the early stage. And I have to find some hidden'masked singers'. Who do you know who have great singing skills?"


Supper is always looking for some topics to talk about. After Zhang Ping'an talked with them about some daily and program arrangements and other topics, the supper ended up in the small chat.

The next morning, Zhang Ping'an did not knock on their door after waking up, but waited for them to wake up naturally.After all, they also need a good rest during the three-day concert.

Taeyeon was the first one to wake up, perhaps thinking about the place of travel in his heart?After waking up, she didn't wake up Pani who was in the same room with her, but quietly came out of the room by herself.

Zhang Pingan has already made breakfast coffee and simply made some sandwiches for himself.At this time, Taeyeon came out as if it was a good time. Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded at her and smiled softly: "Wake up? You can eat mine first, and I will fry you two eggs."

Taeyeon smiled and nodded, and sat down at the table: "Okay. You really know how to cook by yourself? I thought you were joking last night."

When talking about cooking with Yoona last night, Yoona asked if Jang Ping An would be possible?Zhang Ping’an responded: “Sure, most international students can cook. After all, to take care of your own taste, you must learn to cook!”

Yuna didn't believe it, so she asked Zhang Pingan to show off. Zhang Pingan thought that they were going to have breakfast this morning, so he went to the convenience store before going home and bought some ingredients for breakfast.

Zhang Ping’an gave Taeyeon his meal first: “Such a simple thing as a sandwich, isn’t it a high-level meal? I just thought you were going to have breakfast. What about Pani, haven’t you gotten up yet?”

Taeyeon unceremoniously took a bite of Zhang Pingan’s sandwich, and then while blowing coffee while drinking, she responded, “She hasn’t yet, she’s still asleep. The sandwich tastes good! Change me, I might put it Fried bacon and luncheon meat."

"It's fine to open the fire to a lower level, and no skill is needed." Zhang Ping'an said and fried two sun eggs for Taeyeon.

In fact, after Taeyeon got up, Pani was awakened by her noise, but when Taeyeon went to the bathroom to wash, she lay on the bed for a while. When Taeyeon went out, she did not find Pani awake.

After a while, Pani also got up and came out. After she came out, she saw the scene of this morning, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but smile.

Sunlight came in from the kitchen window, which happened to illuminate the front of the stove where Zhang Pingan was standing. He was waiting at the stove in a loose white T-shirt, watching the food in the frying pan, while Taeyeon sat comfortably After eating the breakfast he cooked by himself at the table, this scene is like the most romantic and warmest scene in a TV series.

Pani walked to the living room with his exclusive smile: "This scene of you two is warm enough."

Zhang Ping'an glanced at Pani, pointed to the table position, motioned her to come over for breakfast, and said reluctantly, "So your appearance destroyed our most intimate scene?"

Pani smiled and said, "How about I go back to the room?"

Taeyeon looked back at Pani and said, "Don't talk nonsense, Sika will feel uncomfortable for a while."

Zhang Ping'an held the coffee pot and poured a cup of coffee for Pani: "Drink coffee and wait, I'll make it. You can just call them both, and it's time to set off after dinner."

"Okay, I'll call them."

The breakfast is very simple sandwich, coffee combination, at least let them have a little stomach.

The sun was pretty good today when we set off, and it didn't rain last night. Walking on the highway all the way fine, their mood became very beautiful.There are really few opportunities to travel in other countries in a vehicle like today.

Therefore, the mood of each of them has become more and more elevated as they drive on the highway. The stereo in the car keeps playing songs from their mobile phones, and laughter and singing along the way fill the entire vehicle.

Lin Yuner exclaimed excitedly: "No matter whether the weather is good, the mood is good, the scenery is better!"

Zhang Ping'an continued: "No matter how beautiful the scenery here is, it can't match your Girls' Generation. Because you are sitting next to me, I feel the best."

"Wow.. You're too good at teasing, right? Sikaoni, are you so teased by him?"

Sika hasn’t responded yet, and Zhang Ping’an said first: “How can this be slapped? Obviously it’s my truth. It’s my honor to be able to travel with you guys~~ But if the destination is an island That's it! So I can watch you guys wear bikinis~~"

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