My entertainment circle

Chapter 255 Memoirs of Friendly Travel

Lake Kawaguchi, one of the Five Lakes of Fuji, when Mt. Fuji entered their eyes, the music in the car stopped. They all exclaimed at the Mount Fuji with snow caps. They have been active in Japan for so many years. When I saw the true face of Mount Fuji for the first time, Yoona sighed and said, "Wow... the first time I saw Mount Fuji, it was really magnificent."

"You can park on the side of the road ahead. I will park in front. You can get off and enjoy it." Zhang Pingan said and pulled the car over. After parking the car, the emotional women were a little excited when they saw Mount Fuji. Get out of the car.

However, Zhang Pingan sat quietly in the car and did not choose to get off, because he knew that only Mount Fuji could be overlooked here. After he really got to the lakeside of Lake Kawaguchi, he could still see a more beautiful reflection of Mount Fuji. That would be more beautiful. local.It may be because Zhang Pingan has been to Mount Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi many times. He has not found the scenery here novel or particularly magnificent.

Besides, China has great rivers and mountains that are more magnificent than Mount Fuji, and those sceneries have never been seen by Zhang Pingan.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Pingan watched the four of them start taking pictures of Mount Fuji. He smiled and shook his head: "The scenery I haven't seen is the most beautiful scenery, right?"

The smiles of each of them in the sun bloomed extremely brightly. Whatever they were taken alone or grouped together, they had various shapes.Just admiring Mount Fuji in the distance has made them as innocent as children.

Sika beckoned to Zhang Pingan under the sun: "oppa, come down, why sit in the car?"

They followed Sika to match up: "That's right, come down, come down, give us two photos~~"

Zhang Ping'an understood that for a long time he asked himself to get off the car to act as a photographer for them?Traveling with a woman is romantic, traveling with a group of women, hehe... that is suffering.Who told Zhang Pingan to be the only man in the car?The tour guide is him, the driver is him, the photographer is him, and the coolie is still him!

Not only must he take good care of his girlfriend, but also all his female friends!!

Traveling in Zhang Ping's memory was a very beautiful thing, but when he took four beauties with him... it was a bit like a nightmare!

They started taking pictures after seeing Mount Fuji, and they still took pictures after they arrived at Lake Kawaguchi.

The reflection of Mount Fuji in the quiet Lake Kawaguchi made all of them sigh incessantly.Especially Lake Kawaguchi is originally a few quiet places, and the summer is not the peak season for travel, which makes Lake Kawaguchi more peaceful.Looking around, there were very few people strolling around. It was the first time for them to appreciate the beauty in such a peaceful place.

My heart was also infected by the scenery in front of me.Taeyeon raised her phone and took two photos and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really beautiful here, and everything here makes people feel so comfortable."

Standing next to Taeyeon, Zhang Ping-An said with a smile along her words: "I think the most beautiful thing about Lake Kawaguchi is not the simple view of Mt. Fuji, but this perfect mountain is embedded in the lives of local people. Marvel and admiration are What we tourists do. The local people are just like people in any small town, living their ordinary lives. Mount Fuji is just a part of their lives, like a cloud or a tree, a painting or A pot of tea."

Taeyeon smiled and looked up at Zhang Ping An and said, "Hey, how come you suddenly become so emotional? This is different from your usual image."

Zhang Pingan rarely said such emotional words in front of them on weekdays. He did not say some sultry words, or he came to a funny and irritating words from time to time, or simply talked with them about daily life.

Taeyeon rarely hears Zhang Ping’an say such emotional words like lyrics.

"What kind of image am I in your eyes?" Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said: "Isn't this seeing the beautiful scenery in front of you? Sensuous words come naturally from the bottom of my heart, just like seeing you on weekdays The beauty of..."

In the end, Zhang Pingan did not forget to slap Taeyeon, which made Taeyeon laugh happily: "Sure enough...this is the Zhang Pingan I know, hahaha~~"

Pani, who squatted by the lake and stretched out his hand to stir the water, saw Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan standing in the sun, she showed an unknown smile.Because Taeyeon never broke her smile when she was with Zhang Ping An, he knew how to make her happy, and she felt comfortable with him.Obviously they are such a beautiful couple, just because... hey!


After a brief sightseeing of the scenery of Lake Kawaguchi, Zhang Pingan took them to the hotel, Hushan Pavilion, which is the hotel with the best geographical environment in Lake Kawaguchi. Of course, the price is relatively high, even if it is the low season of travel, he did not mention the room. What to discount.When checking in, Pani stared at Zhang Pingan with a smile and did not speak, because it was obvious that Zhang Pingan wanted to share a room with Sika, but...

After Zhang Ping'an got the keys to the three large suites, he gave them two: "Look and stay, I'm the one."

Pani laughed and joked with Sika: "Hahaha, Sika, do you hate us for coming with us now? Every time we hang your Zhang Ping an alone next to him, forget it, forget it, today I can do it alone. Anyway, I also have a private room in the dormitory. We can't disturb the fun between you lovers if we follow along? In such a beautiful place, it’s romantic to think about "whispering" next to the pillow at night It."

When Pani's joking words fell, Yoona burst into laughter: "Hahaha~~"

Sika was really cheeks flushed by her unscrupulous teammates. She said shyly: "What are you talking about? Let him live alone. It's rare for us to get together for a trip. Besides, I get along with him. There is more time..."

I don't know if Pani was saying that on purpose, for the purpose... Maybe it was because she didn't want to let Zhang Ping An and Sika live together, she always felt that Zhang Ping and Taeyeon should be a pair.

So Zhang Ping An ended up alone in a room. After returning to the room, Zhang Ping stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at Mount Fuji in front of him. The scenery did not change at all. It was still as magnificent as before, but there were more of them beside him this time.

Yoona who was in the same room with Sika, she smiled and said, "Euny, are you really not living with Zhang Ping An? Don’t feel embarrassed just because we are here. Although this trip is the first time between us , But it’s the first time for you and Zhang Ping’an. I don’t know when I will have the chance to come here next time? Let me tell you, don’t care about our jokes."

Don't look at Yoona who is always so mischievous in front of the sisters, but her heart is very delicate and gentle.While Penny was teasing Sika, although she would also make some conciliations, but afterwards she would say something similar to sorry.

Yoona’s words are much warmer than Pani’s jokes. Sika smiled sweetly at Yoona and said, “Thank you, Yoona, it’s okay. Let’s do it for today. Anyway, we’re not just here. Stay for one day and talk about it tomorrow."

Yoona nodded and said, "It's okay. Anyway, don't hurt your feelings because of our jokes. It's the matter of the two of you. You have to take care of it yourself. Zhang Ping'an is because you are caught in Among our group of women, he was embarrassed to say so many things."

Sika nodded and smiled: "I know."

Sika also really understands that Zhang Ping's sandwiched between so many women is not easy to express, and they are still friends with him in private, which makes him inevitably a little worried.Because Sika herself has a feeling of being caught in the middle.

There is friendship on one side, and love on the other. If she gets too tired of Zhang Ping’an along the way, will they forget the friendship when they say they have love?On the contrary, if he cares too much about the feelings of his teammates, will Zhang Ping'an have a thought of being ignored?So, Sika didn’t know what to say on the way..

After Sika simply sorted her luggage, she changed into comfortable clothes and said to Yoona, "You can rest, I'll take a look."

Yoona smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

Zhang Ping'an had a feeling of doing nothing while lying on the bed alone. It was obviously a group of people, and he seemed lonely in the room alone.At this time the room doorbell rang, and he could roughly guess that Sika had pressed it.

Opening the door, Sika smiled sweetly at him: "It's comfortable to live alone in a room?"

Zhang Ping'an turned sideways and let Sika enter his room, and at the same time said: "It's so quiet here that you can hear your heartbeat. Do you think it's comfortable to live alone or is it empty?"

Sika turned around and put her arms around Zhang Ping’an’s neck, and kissed him on the cheek with her feet on her feet and said, “Well, don’t be depressed, I will live with you tomorrow, and let them succeed temporarily today. However, It’s really beautiful here. It reminds me of the Erhai Lake that you showed us last time. When will the two of us go to Erhai Lake to play?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "How about Mid-Autumn Festival?"

The Mid-Autumn Festival has always been in September and October. At that time, Sika... So Zhang Pingan wanted to take Sika to the Erhai Beach for a quiet vacation.

Sika smiled and nodded: "Okay, there will be only two of us at that time, just like the last time we were in HK. So for this trip, you don't want to be sulking all alone."

"How can I be angry, this is what I proposed to come out and play."

Perhaps this is the first time Sika has traveled with her teammates, and it is also the last trip with her own friends. After ten years of getting along with each other, there must be some memories of their friendship?At least Zhang Ping'an thought so.

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