My entertainment circle

Chapter 263 Putting a long line?

French luxury shops are probably the first new places in the world, and after Zhang Ping’an took them to the flagship store on the “Donkey Brand” Champs Elysées, Shiraishi Mai and Sa Youli were dumbfounded. why?Because there are too many people in the whole store, they are a little bit beyond their imagination, how does the donkey brand at this time feel like the Japanese chain brand UNIQLO, with people everywhere?

Sa Yuri and Shiraishi Mai are a little confused, isn't this a luxury?How come there are so many people?Standing next to him, Zhang Pingan scratched the corner of his eyebrows awkwardly, because Zhang Pingan heard the very familiar and kind Chinese language when he entered the store.Is this Huaxia’s shopping group here?Zhang Pingan found out that he didn't choose the right time for shopping?Why did you crash with a shopping group?

Looking at the tour groups from Huaxia, holding a few large bags in hand, it was like "scanning to receive" for no money?Sha Youli looked at Zhang Ping'an and looked a little confused: "What's the situation?"

Because they all heard it out, all these people were speaking Chinese, so they looked at Zhang Ping An.

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Of course I'm shopping, what else can happen? Forget it, let's go to other stores. There are too many people here."

After exiting the store, Sha Youli smiled and said, "Is this China's explosive buying group?"

China Travel Group's consumption in Japan is basically a state of scavenging goods. Japanese people also call this kind of shopping behavior as "explosive buying".In fact, the so-called "explosive buying" is the same as the idea of ​​all outings. It is to buy some local specialties and give them back to their relatives and friends. However, there are many relatives of the older generation, and one person is almost the same. I bought four or five copies, but a tour group came with dozens of people.. That's why it presented a kind of purchase like "sweeping goods".

Zhang Ping’an did not explain to them the “explosive buying group” but said: “China’s luxury goods tax is relatively high. Buying in Europe is cheaper than buying in China. The price is close to 30%-50%. Buy two or three here. A bag is calculated to save all the money for this trip. This is why everyone buys a lot at a time overseas."

Sha Youli nodded and said: "No wonder, if the tax is so high, I would rather buy more overseas. By the way, since I came to Europe and found that it's so much cheaper, no one thought about buying it back and selling it myself?"

How could the smart Huaxia people fail to see the business opportunities that Sha Youli saw?

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Yes, there are many overseas students from China in France. They do this business exclusively on “Line”. If they want, they will send it back to you after they say a good style. But they have to make some hard work. But it will definitely be cheaper than Huaxia."

The three of them chatted and soon came to the shop of Chanel. There are some people in the shop here, but they are relatively few compared to the donkey brand.And here are some young people from China, and those girls all showed surprise when they saw Zhang Ping An.Young people, I must know that Zhang Pingan, a rich second generation who is very much discussed on the Internet, did not expect that he was also in France?And there are two beauties with him!

Zhang Pingan bought a new bag for Sika at the suggestion of the two and said generously: "Look at it too. If you like it, I will give it to you."

Mai Shiraishi waved her hands and said, "Forget it, this gift is too expensive."

Although they definitely want something in their hearts, they must speak beautifully.And they didn't know if Zhang Ping'an said this at this time as a polite remark or a temptation?If he really wanted to give them to them, he wouldn't say so, but bought them directly, so both of them refused.

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “It’s okay, choose one. You have been with me for so long in the past two days, and I have not left me alone on the streets of Europe. This is my thank you gift. Choose One."

Just when Sha Youli was about to agree, Shiraishi Mai quickly said, "I really don't need it. This time we are also very grateful to you for taking us to visit France for two days. Let's go, buy it and leave. Right."

I don't know if Shiraishi Mai is out of the long line to catch big fish or something, she resolutely rejected Zhang Ping'an's kindness.

And Zhang Ping'an didn't reluctantly said: "That... okay."

After leaving the store, the three of them found a place to eat, and then took a cruise together to enjoy Paris at night.

Until late at night, the two came back to the hotel. After returning to the room, Shiraishi Mai said, "Today I rejected Zhang Ping’an’s kindness. You won’t blame me? I really can’t guess what his thoughts were at the time, Wan One, I said that in case he was testing whether we were the kind of greedy people? So at the time I thought it was better to not want it. This would be regarded as a good impression on him, and it would be easier to contact him again. If this time Asking for a gift, will he be'pushed away' all at once?"

Mai Shiraishi's choice is very correct. Zhang Pingan does have a sense of temptation in it. If they accept this gift, then they will never become'friends'.Even if he had a chance to sleep a night later, he wouldn't think how precious they would be?Instead, it would give Zhang Ping an a kind of "transaction" mode, just like Cui Zhina, just put it next to him.I'm lonely, go to her again when I'm bored.

After listening to Mai's words, she thought about it and found it reasonable: "Well, it's really not better, so that we won't be on the side of the guilty party anymore. And this time, she left a good impression and said Maybe I will get more from him in the future."

Shiraishi Mai shook her head and said, "Who knows what they rich people think? Anyway, their thoughts are something we can never guess. It's like we are in love, would you leave your boyfriend to travel alone? ?"

Sha Youli smiled and said, "I don’t know what they think. I have a girlfriend, why would I leave my girlfriend to Europe? (for an appointment) By the way, Zhang Ping’an said investing in your photo, you think there is a possibility How old?"

Before things are implemented, everything is full of variables, so Mai Shiraishi can only shake her head and say, "I don't know. Anyway, these rich people like them will come out every time. Maybe they suddenly want to eat'Taco' tomorrow. You can fly from Europe to South America right away."

"That's true, but it doesn't feel like a fake from what Zhang Ping'an said at the time. Wait and see, he will be able to see the result when he returns to Japan a week later."


In Europe, Zhang Pingan has played a lot in Europe alone, but he hasn't enjoyed any amorous encounters in Europe.He was really only for travel this time, just like most tourists, he came here really to browse the scenery, instead of looking for some affair while traveling.In addition, his English is not good, and every time the tour guide is invited, he deliberately does not ask for a girl.

This time he spent nearly ten days in Europe, and then returned to Asia with pictures of Europe.He did not go to Tokyo or Shanghai. Instead, he came directly to Seoul. Because Sika had filmed the show, he had already returned to South Korea from Tokyo. This time he left Sika and went to Europe alone. Must coax her?

In the underground garage of Incheon Airport, Zhang Pingan found her Land Rover according to the parking space sent by Sika.When Zhang Pingan was about to take the seat of the co-pilot when he opened the car door, he saw Little Crystal sitting in the co-pilot and smiling at him: "Pingan oppa, hello."

Zhang Ping'an was a little surprised and waved at Little Crystal: "Oh, oh, Crystal, hello. Why are you here with your sister? How embarrassing I am."

Crystal smiled and said, "We are going back soon. We will take a day off today to make adjustments. It's boring for me to be at home alone, so just follow along. You won't blame me for disturbing you and your sister?"

The co-pilot Zhang Pingan couldn’t sit anymore. He smiled at the crystal and pointed to the back seat position: “No interruption, I’ll sit in the back. It happened that I bought some gifts in Europe this time and I wanted Sika to bring you. Go back first, and talk about it later."

Sika, who was sitting in the driving seat, saw Zhang Ping'an come back. She wrote all her dissatisfaction on her face, and she didn't even say a word to him after seeing him.

After Zhang Pingan got into the car, he looked at Sika’s expression in the rearview mirror. She frowned. Zhang Pingan took the initiative to open the subject and said, “This is my first time to Europe. It’s beautiful, but I still feel a bit regretful. There are few people around such a beautiful city scenery to share, so I’ll send you messages every day."

Sika said coldly: "Aren't there two beauties next to you? There is internet news that you are dating beautiful women in Europe."

Zhang Pingan, Shiraishi Mai, and Sha Youli were photographed by Huaxia fans and placed on their necks when they were visiting the store.It naturally spread to South Korea through the Internet, and Sika chose to be silent about the Internet news.Did not come out to give any explanation, because she clearly explained it was useless, waiting for Zhang Pingan to return to China and all the online rumors that the two were walking on the street together would disappear without a trace.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "What kind of date is it? I was thinking about buying you a gift, but I was a little unsure, so I asked them. After all, they are also women. Only you women understand women. "

Sika continued to stabbed two sentences: "Have a lot of fun this time, right?"

"How can I be happy?" Zhang Ping'an responded with a wry smile. After all, Sika has dissatisfaction in her heart, she must let her vent a little, right?

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