My entertainment circle

Chapter 264'Package' Cures All Diseases

On the way home, Sika didn't give Zhang Ping a good face.Although he agreed that he went to Europe alone, he was still a bit dissatisfied.Especially this time he went to Europe and was photographed with other women, but fortunately, two women appeared in the lens.If there is only one, it is estimated that strange news has appeared, but even the two still have various strange rumors spreading on the Internet.

What Zhang Ping’an fell in love with the world’s gentlest cherry blossom girl, what Zhang Ping’s and Sika broke up in Europe to heal, and what Zhang Ping’s back was Sika’s romantic trip to Europe with Japanese idols.. Anyway, these Internet rumors are quite outrageous. But the problem is that things that seem outrageous are some people believe?This makes people very puzzled.

After returning home, Zhang Ping’an was a bit confused when he saw that the house hadn’t been cleaned for half a month. The dinner table was faintly grayed out. Zhang Ping’an scratched his head depressedly: "Why didn’t you ask someone to come, Sika? Clean it up?"

Sika looked at Zhang Ping'an and frowned and said, "My mother cleans my house. Do you still want my mother to clean it for you?"

Hearing what Sika said, he instantly stared at Sika with a sullen expression: "No... I'm talking about a housekeeping company. It's a housekeeping company that specializes in cleaning. I always use housekeeping. I remember you. One time when I came up, didn't I happen to see my aunt who cleaned me? I never thought about asking your mother to come up and clean for me, and I didn't dare to think about it."

Sika showed an awkward expression, and then she quickly turned around and walked towards the kitchen. She had misunderstood her, and indeed once saw the aunt who came to Zhang Ping's house to clean.However, Zhang Ping'an was not at home, and Sika never came up even if she knew the password. After all, her own home was downstairs.Come up, do you face the empty house alone?

"Forget it, let me call. Next time I remember that I am not at home. When you were in South Korea, you would help call the cleaning aunt." Zhang Ping'an said and took out the phone and called the cleaning aunt.

While waiting for the aunt to come, Zhang Ping'an and Sika came to the living room. He opened his box, and three luxury packaging bags of different sizes appeared inside.Zhang Pingan took out the biggest one and gave it to Sika: "This is for you..." Then he picked up the clothes, a white shirt and handed the crystal: "This is for you, knowing you like black and white. , So I chose white."

The last one is also a bag, but a small bag, Zhang Ping'an handed Sika: "This is for your mother."

Sika is admiring the new bag that Zhang Pingan bought for her, so her face finally shows a smile at this moment, including Xiao Jing's face full of surprise?Didn't expect Zhang Pingan to bring her a gift?And know her preferences, shirts, and colors she likes.

At this time, Zhang Ping’an handed over the small package box with the brand's'Logo' printed on it. Sika seldom said in surprise: "Buy such an expensive thing for my mother?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "It is cheaper to buy in Europe than in Korea." When Zhang Pingan spoke, Sika's attention was already focused on the one-shoulder bag.This is clearly a new style released by'Gucci' in spring and summer this year. In order to cater to the summer, it is convenient for women to pack some small bags for use.But Zhang Pingan said it was given to his mother?

After Sika and Little Crystal looked at each other, Sika said, "Isn't this this year's new model?" Sika meant that this bag would be too trendy for her mother's back?On weekdays, except for grocery shopping, she doesn't go out very much. Will she carry this new style? To put it bluntly, she wants to own it.

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, the new model, you can take it back and give it to your mother. I will take a bath first."

Seeing that it was all their gifts, Sika asked, "Did you not buy them for yourself?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "I don't need anything, and I don't know what to sell, so I can enjoy the scenery in Europe. When I was in France, I was fortunate to visit the'Bugatti' company. They will launch new models next year. , I'm thinking about buying one?"

Sika is not a car fan, she said puzzledly: "Bugatti? What?"

"Cars, super sports cars, and limited edition sports cars. I calculate the freight and taxes. If you get back China, it will cost at least five million dollars!"

Sika widened his eyes and said, "Five million dollars? Buy a car? Are you crazy? You can buy a very luxurious villa in Los Angeles at this price."

"Los Angeles? I remember that my family seems to have a house in Beverly Hills? Anyway, I haven't been there. I should say I haven't even been to the United States." X is installed, and it is Chi Guoguo's costume, which makes Sika The two sisters were very speechless, and Zhang Ping'an saw it and set off to the bathroom with a smile.


After Zhang Ping'an left, Little Crystal asked Sika in a low voice: "Ouni, how much money does Zhang Ping'an have?"

Sika held her bag across her hand and gestured with satisfaction, and at the same time responded to Little Crystal: "How do I know these things? Anyway, I only know that he is very rich, very rich. How much is it, there is no media As reported, I was too embarrassed to ask, he said that his family is an investment company. And his live broadcast website, as well as South Korean shows are very profitable. On Wednesday, the stable ratings are the first, how much do you think he made? ?"

Little Crystal shook his head and said, "I can't imagine it. You said, what the hell do the rich make so much money?"

Sika said with a wry smile: "I'm not rich, how do I know what they think? Maybe.. The process of making money is a fun game for them?"

After a while, Zhang Ping An took a shower and changed clothes. The two sisters turned around and thought about Zhang Ping. Sika said, "What to eat tonight?"

"It doesn't matter, I can do it, what do you want to eat?"

Sika thought for a while and said, "It's past three o'clock, or you can rest for a while. Crystal and I will go downstairs first, and wait for dinner to come up again. Shall we go out together to see something to eat?"

After Zhang Ping’an had been on the plane for so long, Sika also planned to let him lie down at home for a while. Who knew Zhang Ping’an shook his head and said, “I’ve just adapted to Europe’s jet lag. It’s the morning time in Europe. If you let me rest, I guess it will be at night when I fall asleep. I am afraid I will not be able to sleep for long."

Sika stared at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Then you plan to spend an afternoon?"

"Well, I plan to hold on for a while and wait to sleep at night. Now I am afraid that the more energetic the night goes."

"You can't make it at home, or else... you can see and go shopping? You can also go to the supermarket. It just happens that the refrigerator at home is going to be cleaned and coffee beans are going to be bought."

"Okay, let's go out after the hygienic auntie cleans it." After talking, Zhang Ping'an picked up the camera he bought and began to prepare photos.Because the mobile phone at this time can only be regarded as being able to take pictures, the landscape photos are still much worse than the cameras, so Zhang Pingan bought a SLR in Europe to record travel photos.

Sika and Little Crystal also followed Zhang Ping’an and began to admire his journey of scenery. Sika said with a smile, “Why didn’t I see you in the camera? It’s all scenery?”

"I don't like selfies again. The camera is definitely full of landscape photos."

Not long afterwards, the aunts who were doing sanitation also came. When they were doing sanitation, Zhang Ping’an also took pictures of Zhang Ping’an. While waiting, he took out his mobile phone and sent it to Fang Shihe: “The cooperation of the new program can be discussed. How's it going?"

After a while, Fang Shihe replied: "The program team is willing to give us time for the prime time of the weekend, but there are still some differences in investment and sharing. Take your time, anyway, we are not in a hurry. If this drags on, we will change to another cooperation. TV station."

Because the show involves co-investment, the director of the Variety Arts Bureau cannot easily make a decision.Moreover, the copyright of the program still belongs to Zhang Pingan and his company, which makes them a bit unwilling. After all, it is a co-investment and co-production, so they also want to eat some copyright.

Especially after Zhang Ping'an accepted an interview with Huaxia Media, he aroused heated discussions on the Internet.If the results of their program this time on the weekend are also good, maybe it will be copyrighted by Huaxia.To put it bluntly, TV stations want to take another share of copyright.

"Well, did you watch the video I sent you?"

It was a video of Zhang Ping An and Li Zhien on the streets of Japan. Fang Shihe responded: "I saw it, I think it’s very interesting. Let the singers sing with their faces covered, and only use their voices to get the audience’s preferences and reveal them. Times are also very topical."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "But the show also has flaws. Singers with too unique voice cannot participate."

"That's right, you're still in Europe?"

"I just returned to my home in Korea. Come to the company tomorrow, right, how about the kids?"

"Preparing a new album. This time, I and the planners are thinking, can we organize a tour around Asia after the album is released?"

"Alright. Contact, just book the time and venue. We don't care how much revenue the concert can generate for us, we have to launch the children first. Well, do you know that China has a mobile phone manufacturer? Their starting point It was in Europe, and it was cheap and cheap, so it quickly won the European market. Now their brand has returned to China with the honor of overseas success, and mobile phones have attracted attention from all aspects."

Fang Sihyuk said with a smile: "I know that the company you are talking about has been broadcasting their advertisements in Korea recently. An advertisement was shot like a blockbuster, which is quite interesting."

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