My entertainment circle

Chapter 266 BTS Children

For Korean idols, there is nothing that can rival'meat' for dinner, so the children of BTS did not hesitate to choose meat when they were brought out by Zhang Pingan for dinner.And Zhang Pingan did not hesitate to take the children to a very well-known Korean beef barbecue restaurant. In fact, Zhang Pingan did not want to eat barbecue because she only ate it last night.

Originally, he personally wanted to eat something refreshing at noon today, such as noodles. After all, the weather in Seoul is so big.But because the children want to eat meat, there is no way... Zhang Ping'an can only take them to eat meat.

Sitting in the private room, while waiting for the food to be served, the children took out the gifts they gave Zhang Pingan in Los Angeles. The captain was a little embarrassed and took the gifts out of the bag: "Brother Pingan, this is for you in Los Angeles. The gift I brought back is a simple souvenir."

Zhang Ping’an looked at the “Oscar Little Golden Guy” they bought and said with a smile: “What souvenirs are you buying? You haven’t made much money yet. I accepted this gift. I will borrow your little golden guy’s auspiciousness. Can you win production awards for your programs? How did you get away with this trip to the United States?"

The captain nodded and said: "This time we have really learned a lot about'hiphop' after we passed, and also understood the true meaning of'hiphop'. It is not what I understood before to be handsome. Everyone said that'hiphop' is one This kind of free expression without rules, in fact, through this study, we understand that music itself has no framework, not just hiphop."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said: "Indeed, music is just a'carrier' for something you want to express. For example, the most common theme of'love' in songs, it has various ways to describe it. , The ups and downs, songs can only express one of the forms. Not every love is expressed with sadness afterwards, some even want to "swear good" love, and there are also loves that wish the other person to die. The lyrical system that we are used to in daily life only expresses sadness, and'hiphop' does not need to be written so euphemistically, it can be more straightforward at this time. But no matter which form is music, it cannot be Thinking is limited. Only when thinking is free can songs be free!"

It was the first time that the children heard Zhang Ping’an talk to them about music, and he said so thoroughly, which surprised them all, and at the same time felt that Zhang Ping’s philosophy was really useful. of.

The children applauded Zhang Pingan’s words, and the captain said with a smile: “Representative Fang also said, brother, you are very good at creating. Today I heard your understanding of music, which is beyond our imagination. We have all been exposed to the'hiphop' type of music. We haven't seen it comprehensively yet? After hearing what you said, I realized that we still have a lot to learn."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "I may have listened to too many different styles of music? So the field of music has become a bit wider? However, you have the existence of combination positioning, so you should be as close as possible in creation. Combination style is good. Otherwise, like me, I have written two good songs, but there is no one suitable for you in one capital."

Speaking of the song problem, Zhang Pingan thought that he had given the song "If. You" that was originally a "big stick" to Li Zhien. It was mainly the version that Zhang Pingan had heard her sing. He felt that The style of the song really suits Li Zhien.Maybe it's because you like the relationship with Zhien, so you think her cover version is better?

Soon the Korean beef was brought in by the waiter, and the children were also attracted by the beautiful texture of the meat. They stared at the beef on the grill one by one, and Zhang Ping An ordered a cold noodle first. stand up.After taking a bite, Zhang Pingan put down the noodles because he has not been used to the taste of'cold noodles' so far?To be precise, he tastes no taste at all!

No matter what he adds vinegar or salt, it will not turn into a strong-flavored noodle like noodles.In fact, there has always been a saying about cold noodles. People who understand the taste of cold noodles will be fascinated by it, and those who don't understand cold noodles will never know what it tastes like.It is equivalent to saying that cold noodles are food, either accept or give up.And Zhang Pingan belongs to the abandonment type.


When the children eat meat, the words on their mouths become less, they are engrossed in eating, and they can even stop talking.Finally satisfied with his appetite, the team leader Jin Namjun said: "Brother, I see you eat very little, did you come here after eating?"

Because Zhang Ping'an came here for brunch last time for dinner with them, so he ate very little during the meal. The team leader thought that Zhang Ping'an also ate something this time.

Zhang Ping'an just didn't want to eat it, but he didn't tell them.He nodded and said, "Well, it's almost time for brunch to wake up every day. After eating, you won't be able to eat much at noon. Have you eaten? After you have eaten, you will go back?"

"Well, thank you brother for your hospitality. We will make money in the future, and we must treat you to delicious food."

Zhang Ping'an and the children still chose to walk back after eating. At this time, Zhang Ping'an took the children on the street with a certain rate of return.However, this "turning back" is not because of the children, but because of Zhang Ping An!He is now more well-known in Korea than his children.

The youngest smiled and said, "How do you feel, Brother Ping, is more like an idol. I heard a lot of people call Brother's name along the way."

Zhang Pingan smiled and put his arms around the shoulders of the youngest and said: "So you have to work harder. After the release of your album this time, the company will arrange overseas tours for you. Whether you can impress overseas audiences, it depends on your practice. The results have been achieved. Remember, neatness is the key to attracting overseas fans. So you have to practice a lot. It is best to practice until your muscles are naturally conditioned when you hear music."

Fang Sihyuk hadn't told the children about this, so when they heard it, they were surprised and said, "Are you touring overseas?...we?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, it's you. Our purpose for this overseas tour is not how much money you make for the company. We just want to build your reputation overseas. So we must take the highest. Stand on the stage at the same level, do you know?"

When listening to the overseas tour, the children clenched their fists, and they responded seriously: "I see, brother, we will definitely practice desperately."

A group of people walked slowly towards the company. Zhang Ping'an's phone rang at this time. He saw that the call was'Sika' and quickly picked it up: "Your business is over so early?"

"No, I am calling to tell you that I am going to Europe next week. How can I go together?"

Zhang Ping'an had just returned from Europe, but it turned out that Sika was going to Europe too?He smiled bitterly and said, "So suddenly?"

Sika said: "A relatively well-known fashion magazine has asked me to be a model for the 20th anniversary of its publication. I agreed. If you want to go, we will stay in Europe for two more days. If you don't go, I will join the working group. Get up and go back."

"Go, go. Let's talk during dinner at night?"

Can you not go?Sika called to ask Zhang Pingan.This time, she also took the opportunity of work to stay there with Zhang Ping An for two more days, creating a romantic trip for them only.

"it is good."

After hanging up Sika’s call, Zhang Ping’an muttered, “Do you want to adjust the jet lag?”

Back at the company, the children went to practice, and Zhang Pingan went to the studio alone to play the arrangement, and at the same time waited for Fang Shihe to return from the TV station.As if he waited for almost an hour, Fang Shihe opened the door of the studio and walked in.

With some alcohol, he handed the coffee to Zhang Pingan after he came in: "The TV station has almost negotiated, and we will wait for you to finalize it. They decided to make concessions on copyright, but we want to invest in filming. Investing 60%, the income in South Korea is five to five? What do you think?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Yes, please agree. After all, the copyright is in our hands. We should have 10% more funds. And they are sincere. After all, it is prime time for the weekend."

"On the stage of the show... Do you have any suggestions? Do you follow the format of the music show? Or..."

Zhang Ping'an thought for a while and said: "Created according to the concert model, more money can be invested, and our program also needs a real-time big screen."

"I know, it's so decided. When do you think you go to the MBC meeting?"

Zhang Ping'an thought that he was going to Europe again, so he decided to: "Just two days. I'll let you know one day in advance. Then you will contact the TV station."

"Okay." Fang Shihe nodded and said, "Practicing the arrangement?"

"Well, I'm almost done practicing, I'm going to the gym. There's still an appointment tonight..." Zhang Ping'an came in before the phone fell off. Zhang Ping'an smiled at Fang Shihe and took out the phone.As for Lao Fang, he pointed Zhang Ping'an to the position of the door and signaled him to leave first.

After Zhang Ping'an nodded, he picked up the phone and said in English: "Hello, this is Zhang Ping'an."

"Hahaha..." Pani's laughter appeared on the other end of the phone: "Oh, I have been playing in Europe for a few days and now I have started playing English with me? This is my mother tongue, mother tongue."

"Can't I speak English? Really, I have been practicing English recently. Come on, let's talk in English..."

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