My entertainment circle

Chapter 267: The Familiar Threesome

Pani, a girl's generation dormitory, kept laughing with her phone in her arms. She thought Zhang Ping'an was too funny. After going to Europe, she came back and started talking with her in English?Moreover, his suffocated English pronunciation is not so standard. Penny and him are really hilarious. Penny smiled and spoke English at Zhang Ping’s request: "As soon as you arrive in Korea, you start to stir on the Internet. The wind stirs the rain, don’t you know to be quieter?"

Listening to Pani’s popping out of English, Zhang Ping’an said in a daze: “What are you talking about? Yeah, do you know English? If you don’t know English, just speak Korean!”

Obviously I don't understand, but I blamed Pani, a native English speaker, for not being able to speak English?

Listening to Zhang Ping’s remarks like a shame, Pani on the other end of the phone dropped the phone in his hand and rolled on the sofa in the living room: "Hahaha, hahaha, Taeyeon, I can’t stand Zhang Ping’an anymore. , He...hahaha, I really want to laugh...I have a stomachache, you tell him, I want to laugh for a while...hahaha..."

Taeyeon picked up Pani's phone and said to Zhang Pingan, "What did you say to her? She collapsed on the sofa with a smile."

"It's just a little joke. Is there anything wrong with the phone call?" Zhang Ping'an thought about it here and wanted to ask them to have dinner together, so he immediately continued: "Just have dinner together at night, and talk about it when you have something to eat. , I am coming to your dormitory now, and I will call you downstairs."

Even Taeyeon herself doesn't know why. Every time Zhang Ping Ping asks her to go out, she will never refuse him.You should know that Lipani would ask her to go shopping and eat together from time to time on weekdays, but she never goes there. She would rather just order takeout alone in the dormitory.However, Zhang Ping'an could not even call her any time to ask her to go out for coffee or ask her to have dinner together at night.

So Taeyeon nodded and said, "Okay, come here."

After hanging up Zhang Pingan's phone, Taeyeon looked at Pani who was smiling calmly on the sofa: "Zhang Pingan said he would have dinner together tonight, and he will come right away."

Listening to Taeyeon's words, Pani smiled and said, "Hey... I really think that in Seoul... probably only he can call you out of the dormitory, right?"

Taeyeon shook her head and said gloomily, "Said again... You have said this many times."

"Taeyeon, really, if Zhang Pingan didn’t date Sika, would you two have a chance? I think you two.. Okay, okay, I know, don’t say it, don’t say it When Pani was talking about this issue, Taeyeon's brows were tightly locked together and staring at her, which made Pani swallow all the words behind.

After getting up from the sofa, Pani went to change clothes in his room, because she was wearing pajamas in the dormitory, and since she was going out soon, she must prepare something.

Taeyeon wore a pair of denim shorts and a T-shirt. She felt that she didn't need to prepare anything.She sat on the sofa and twisted her hair into a ball head, because the weather outside was very hot, and long hair was like a quilt behind her head, so she had to wrap her hair when going out in summer.

While heading, Taeyeon thought about what Pani said. If Zhang Ping'an was not with Sika, then the two of them... thinking of this, Taeyeon shook his head and threw all the chaotic thoughts into his mind. Among them, there are some things that I can't think about. If I think too much, I'm afraid I can't be calm when facing him.In fact, Taeyeon is also quite satisfied with the current mode of getting along with him. Others can't tell, but they are very clear.

Because you miss it, you can only miss it?


Zhang Ping’an’s Rolls-Royce stopped downstairs in the Girls’ Generation Dormitory, and Taeyeon and Pani went downstairs soon. Taeyeon maintained the freshness of summer, with short sleeves, shorts, and ball head. A cute baby face, under such a dress, people really want to forget her age.Pani is also not to be outdone. Although it is summer, her T-shirt, paired with close-fitting jeans, shows her good figure. They deserve to be called the "beauty leg era".

The two approached Zhang Pingan's vehicle and opened the door. Pani consciously opened the position of the co-pilot and sat in the back, while Taeyeon sat in the comfortable co-pilot.After getting in the car, Pani muttered: "This weather, I really don't know why we are called out?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and joked at the two of them: “Isn’t this missing you? It just seemed that when you walked towards each other, I almost couldn’t help getting out of the car to hug you two. There is not a TV show called it. 'Embrace the peace of Pani'?"

Pani immediately followed Zhang Pingan’s joke and continued: “Don’t, don’t hug me, I’m afraid of heat. You should hold Taeyeon, her skin is ice, I like to hold her in the dorm. It’s like holding a piece of ice. This weather holds ease~"

After listening to Pani's words, Zhang Ping'an was unwilling to show weakness and immediately started.Taeyeon’s hand was buckling the seat belt, and Zhang Ping’an reached out and grabbed her hand and squeezed it twice, then looked back at Pani and said, “Liar, it’s a hot'little sun', you say it’s ice cubes. ?"

This Zhang Pingan.. "Hahaha~~" Pani really couldn't help but laughed.Taeyeon, who was sitting next to her, was also amused by Zhang Ping's behavior to show her aunt's smile. She laughed at a very low point in front of him, and she was easily pricked by him.

There is still a certain amount of time before dinner. Zhang Ping'an is driving the car and is about to set off. His phone rang, and it was Sika.Zhang Pingan answered the phone first: "Oh, Sika, did you do it over there?"

"Well, where are you?"

"The smoothie shop you used to go to when you were a girl, I was with Teddy Xu, oh, Xu, not there. Only'Teddy' is there? Isn't Teddy a dog?"

On the other side of the phone, Sika heard Pani’s loud voice yelling: "Ah~~ Zhang Ping’an~~ Do you want to die?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Sika, "Come here directly. Let's see what to eat tonight?"

After Sika and Zhang Pingan hung up the phone, she frowned and muttered to herself: "Why be with them again? Is there no other person she can meet?"

But Sika thinks about it, it seems that Zhang Pingan really doesn't have many friends around Korea, except that they are basically members of "RM".Kim Jong-kook is usually in the gym, and Ha Dong-hoon will have nothing to do except drinking if he finds him.Besides, Ha Dongxun has two fixed programs to be filmed on weekdays. Even if Zhang Ping-ping goes to find him, he must count the time he has no work.

Soon, Zhang Pingan drove the car to the shaved ice shop. The three people sat in the shop and attracted the attention of many young people eating ice.The combination of Taeyeon, Pani, and Zhang Pingan will no longer make people around them feel strange or strange, because the three have been photographed many times meeting in private.

Zhang Pingan ate a bowl of fruit shaved ice alone, and Taeyeon and Pani shared a bowl.While eating, Zhang Ping'an asked, "Why are you calling me? Isn't it because you miss me?"

Pani showed her signature smile at Zhang Ping An and said, "I just miss you, can't it?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “Okay, of course, I miss you too. Come on, Pani, let’s hug you? Let the diners next to you take pictures so that you can break up with Ni Kun at night. Suitable as a shield to break up?"

"Bah, who wants you to be a shield?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "By the way, what about Yoona, how is she recently? Didn't you break up with Lee Seung Gi?"

Listening to Zhang Ping An talking about Yoona and Lee Seung Ki breaking up, Pani was surprised and said, "Eh? He broke up? Why did she tell you about the break up first?"

Now Zhang Ping'an was surprised: "No? You don't know?"

Pani and Taeyeon both shook their heads and said they didn't know: "When did you know?"

Zhang Ping’an stared and said, “Just during your Tokyo concert, didn’t I come to your hotel for lunch that day? I asked Yoona, how is it with Seung Gi? She said that she was divided. Didn't you tell me?"

Taeyeon dug a scoop of shaved ice and stopped in the air: "No, we usually rarely care about emotional matters. So..."

In fact, they rarely care about the development of their teammates' relationship in private, as long as they are notified in advance of their relationship.After all, it’s not a good thing to care too much about other people’s love, plus they don’t have any private connections as long as they rest.So they didn't know that Yoona's breakup was reasonable, right?Maybe Yoona will tell them after she sorts them out.

Zhang Ping An thought for a while and said, "Why don't you ask Yoona to come out and gather together? What do you think?"

Penny nodded and said, "Yes, you can call."

Zhang Pingan took out the phone and called Lin Yuner, and then Zhang Pingan studied Yoona's weird voice and said to her on the other side of the phone: "Little Yunyun, what are you doing?"

And Yoona is also very cooperative with Zhang Ping An, she also said in that strange tone: "Hey~~ Ping An actually called me, I'm at home."

"I'm out for shaved ice, hurry up, hurry up, I'll send you the address."

After talking, Zhang Pingan hung up the phone without waiting for Yoona to answer. Yoona on the other end of the phone stared at the hung up phone with a wry smile and said, "What the hell, I hung up after saying what I wanted to say. ?"

'Ding Dong' Then Yoona's phone call came in with news, a location map, and then another picture came in. It was Zhang Ping'an taking a selfie with his mobile phone, and there were Taeyeon and Pani on the opposite side of his seat. People, in fact, this is also to tell her that she is not asking her alone, her teammates exist beside her.

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